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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • talltom
    Free Member

    can’t say enough – To all involved parties………….

    Bloody good job and it made great reading after a crappy day!!

    Free Member

    helicoils definitely!

    Last summer we built a carpark on a river bank where max retained height was 2700mm

    As long as backfill is properly compacted and baskets are filled to spec you won’t have any issues with 3′

    As with WS – bury the bottom 4 – 6″ of the leading edge of the baskets in virgin ground

    Free Member

    £2 for first tooth , £1 each after

    Just make sure ‘tooth fairy’ doesn’t ‘forget’ to exchange tooth for cash 😯

    Not like what happened here last week

    Free Member

    Try googling weldmesh baskets – I got my last batch from an outfit in Sheffield who were quite a bit cheaper then enviromesh – 2mm galv wire should be ok. Base can be compacted type 1 approx 6 – 8″ thick – if its retaining any depth you need to incline the baskets at approx 8 degrees off the vertical.

    Ive used all sorts for fill – gabion stone, 6″ stone IMO they’re nicer faced up with a walling stone to mimick a dry stone wall or similar. the rest of the basket can be filled with anything ‘clean’ ie no fines in it that will wash out.

    ideally you need to incorperate a land drain at the rear of the baskets – although free draining material would suffice.

    As above – don’t be shy with the cross ties – nowt more ‘wrong’ then a bulging basket 😉 strong thumbs do help

    I’m a civil engineer me

    Nice work Stoner

    Free Member

    Sorry – been away trying to get that really annoying paraglider out of the field at the back, can’t do with all that nylon crap destroying my view 😉

    There is no ‘positive arguement’ any more so then the one you put forward for mtb. the only arguement is the one backed by law – I don’t trail ride any more but I seriously think that curtailing the rights of the few who still do it legally and sensibly is so narrow minded. Chris, you climb? How would you like it if someone came round and told you you couldn’t climb at Arncliffe, Malham, Gordale? all because someone had issues with the language, litter, climbers spoilt the views of the crags?? stupid isn’t it – but what is really the difference?

    Free Member

    +2 for the Lion Inn at Blakey Ridge

    Stayed there a fewtimes – goodhonest food with (what I remember as) huuuuge portions, but then the memories could be clouded by the huge quantities of ale. Do not try and drink the bar 😉

    Views are something else, dalby’s close and there are some trials out of the pub door – you could race the missus down to Hutton le hole.

    Free Member

    We get a lot of ‘sanitizing’ in the dales.

    I think your council/pllocks (delete as appropriate) needs to change contractors

    All those ruts are caused by water run off – Ive built roads across desert and bog and there is a definite skil to it.

    Not only have they wasted a load of subsidised money – ruined what looked like a cracking challenge – they’ve made a right hash of it and all the run off will create more dangerous hazards.

    Stone pitching – proper roman that 😉 loads better surface

    Free Member

    England need to rethink overseas player thing – not having Sheridan in the front row is appalling.
    I read it last month that he “puts fearinto front rows” I can bloody believe that!

    Free Member

    never been splashed by a mtb or horse etc then??


    Kinder trespassers were exactly that – trespassers. Red socked trespassers. Trial bikes ride on byways and roads

    Free Member

    stat for the weekend………..No of caps for scottish centres -89. No. of caps for english centres – 0. It can only get better 🙂 Ireland needed to play against 14 to get in front – Wales had to play some dirty play ( should have been a red that!)

    Gottasay though…George North – how bloody strong is he!!! and only 19 😯 scary

    Free Member

    This just jumped to the top of my wish list – in front of my new 29er

    That is a trail bike…………..not mx, not enduro – just so you know

    less of a footprint then me on my 2.1’s!!

    Free Member

    The same old arguement – same names

    Chris and his ilk are all nimbys – your photos and description are just a case in point

    I’ve said it before – you need to be careful what you wish for, there are people out there who are even more short sighted then you………….
    Trials riders have lost the right to use a local farms land for use “due to complaints from neighbours” – local councillors have gone on record as having had no such complaint on record WTF!!
    It only taakes 2 or 3 people to make sure your rights are removed – wether mtb, horse or trail riders. There are plenty of idiots out there who think their right is greater.

    Free Member

    IMO Today, Scotland just showed their shortfalls – definitely a game they lost. How can you have that much territorial advantage, well over a hundred completed passes and churned through more then three times the phase count and still not score a try.

    Crap game – but made up with the result and a great start for Lancaster at Murrayfield.

    Free Member

    My brother in law once worked as rep for a certain northern mtb concern.
    On his trips to London, he’d park up in the’burbs and get the tube in for his calls.
    On one occasion he thought it’d be fun to see how many Londeners he could get to say hello…………………not one!!
    He still laughs at that

    EDIT – It could have been they were scared by the 6’4″ jolly yorkshireman

    Free Member

    Aye +1 Petrieboy – what was the formation used for the resin bound?. must have overlaid an existing for £2k??

    IMO cheapest would be definitly 20mm clean crushed agrregate. Don’t know what area you’re in – but defintely stick with limestone for a driveway – lot harder and doesn’t break down.

    Free Member

    nick3216 – I only rode Foxup once, thought it was a great trail – drop down into Littondale then do Halton gill. fantastic days.

    We were advised it was a bit ‘grey’ so left it alone.

    Free Member

    Chris – narrow minded NIMBY

    You’ll never learn till NPA stop you riding anything with two wheels.

    The point is, it is legal – The powers that be – i.e. people that make the rules – are of the mind that it is ok. and that includes NPA.
    Why should a bunch of people with only a selfish objective be able to undermine this.

    As good a job as LARA does – they are never going to compete with the lobbying power of the RA etc and their celebrity members. I forget the name of the LARA chap (Malcolm??) one man…..

    We never stood a chance really – depressing.

    Free Member

    Robinson needs to get the backs over the try line – Doesn’t really matter how gruesome your pack is.

    Feeling really confident, we’ve now got a Yorkshire man in charge of the red rose(?!?) – New captain, some promising flair in the 3/4’s.

    just a bit unsure of the loose forwards.

    Free Member

    ‘soft’close lids in our house

    stops the kids from banging the bloody thing at 4 in the morning

    Their mum taught them to “lid down”

    Free Member

    I bent my last Thompson 🙄

    Moved onto thudbuster now – (sorry not much help that)

    Free Member

    +1 nick3216

    all I wanted to say but get too narked to put it across without being too personally offensive. (minor flawed characteristic :wink:)

    I stopped trail riding 5 years ago because it was getting harder to put a sensible route together in my time allowed by the wife!

    edit – thought Foxup was off limits anyway??

    Stop trying to force the will of the majority who think they have a devine right to tell the minority what to do – We’re not hurting anyone.

    Whilst still legal it will continue.

    And rightfully so.

    On a different note – Have you ever talked to Bill (Mick?) about his collection of bikes. Some cracking tales.

    Free Member

    Chris – your attitude just gets me down.

    Why is walking in the hills, mtbing, cycling in general any more beneficial to the population then walking to the shops. That is not an arguement. The only arguement against off road driving is erosion. The fact that they have illegal plates is moot – if the vehicle isn’t roadworthy it shouldn’t be on the road – end of.

    Erosion is caused by all users – have you not seen the ground after any off road race – cycling / running / horse. I remember a conversation with a ROW officer a few years ago who hated mtbers. His point was that we leave ruts – ruts channel water – water erodes. Hard to argue against.

    Well maintained and drained roads used sensibly do not erode.

    Cyclists have no right to cycle on footpaths away from the road but only commit an offence where local by-laws or traffic regulation orders create such an offence. Cyclists can ride on bridleways, but not on countryside footpaths.

    you’re wrong – (although the work of art that is NERC seems to ignore this.)

    IMO the NERC act was work of lobbying factions against the minority. A absis of the reclassification was proving historical use – yet left the interested parties no time to research.

    No one mentioned proof of banning mtbers (isn’t there a thread elsewhere on here ??) The point is that the act now makes it possible!!! – All it takes is one nervous NPA to get lobbied by the red sock brigade and NIMBYS and – bishbashboosh – you get a TRO.

    Free Member

    Taka – aye forgot about that

    +1 cr500dom


    Free Member

    Chris – that is precisely the sort of behaviour that gets ALL parties backs up.

    There is no place for it on any highway.

    Idiots like that quad biker give all motorised users a bad name. He was in the wrong – apologise and move off. Mistakes are made, Man up and admit them!!

    Closing lanes merely funnels use onto a decreasing number of alternative RoW.

    With regards to widening – it happens, all users are guilty. Pockstones Moor was terrible for it due to one section. It was closed for a few months, the short section repaired and then reopened. All users happy.

    Free Member

    +1 on the height of the mech – should be 3mm above the large ring. You can use a 3mm allen key as a guide.

    Front mechs are a proper pain to set up – rear ones not so bad.

    I make it a personal challenge to get as little chain rub as possible at either end of the cassette 😈

    Free Member

    Did anyone else notice the deore thumbies, still packed for £130.00!! 😯

    My mate still rides a 20yr old KHS Montana pro c/w hit rite, rock ring, crud claw and daves chain device. Only recently has he modernised with my 16 yr old RC35’s (35mm travel!!) replacing a flexstem.

    Forgot …. he even has orange ramrods on it

    EDIT – he still uses toe straps on xt pedals

    Free Member

    I do believe that Stihl have been playing around with 4-strokes for a while.

    can’t get them to work……………

    treated myself to a new set of rotrings last month – nothing beats them

    using a ‘safety’ razor blade to correct errors on drawings.

    The smell of amonia in the morning. Having to copy A0 drawings on site. Happy days

    Free Member

    I’d say 31 bust rear mechs / hagers!!!

    Ian (winner) got through three bikes – finished on his girlfriends mtb and still won


    drinkmoreport – unlucky with the forks, saw that

    Free Member

    round black ones – doesn’t really matter ‘cos they won’t be there when you get back 😉

    Last time there I had speed kings on – no drama (knowing me probably had em at 45psi as well!!)

    Free Member

    My mate bought some Yellow mavic shoes…………worked for him!!

    It worked the other way for me – did a few local but long rides on my own, sessioned a few techy bits and generally got back into the swing.

    Then I went out with the fast lads 😯

    Made ’em wait at every gate!

    Free Member

    The point here is ‘off road’

    The fact that there’s nearly half a million K’s of tarmac is a moot point!

    The Chap at the petrol station is just an example – you ever tried buying fuel off him?? Kettlewell has no legal lanes near there so get very little trail traffic.

    In 15 years of trail riding I’ve only had 1 instance of a walker having issues with the trail we were on (Mastiles before it was closed). Yet on mtbs I’ve had quite a few run ins with Horse riders and ramblers – Gargrave, Malhamdale, Scar House, Harden Moor….

    Of course the YDNP are going to promote cycling – its easier to get a grant for a new cycle lane then it is a footpath!

    IMO its the parish councils who have way too much power when it comes to access. No user group is immune from being removed – Next thing you know Colonel Purple will move to the end of your fav run and then develop a dislike to the noise of your freehub.

    4 of the ETRO’s in the dales were instigated by the Parish council, The emphasis being on the ‘E’ These were meant to be 12 months – nearly 5 years ago!!


    sorry – ranting

    Free Member

    glad you said that b r

    it’s a point that all too few grasp!!!!

    Free Member

    I just use twitter to follow comedians – bit of light relief

    although….text speak really #F*$?smeoff !!

    Free Member

    +1 Where can I get that t shirt??

    Free Member

    +1 Tiger

    I remember dealing with the nimbys during the definitive map debacle

    Only time I can think of when horsey types, mtb’rs and trailriders fought against a common ‘foe’

    They were enlightened enough to see the powers that the new act enabled and the possible problems that could be caused for all users other then your wooly hat brigade!!

    Free Member

    chris e – get off your bloody high horse.

    spent an awful lot of time fighting the prejudiced views of your parish councillors etc re; the definitive map. the country side is there to be used and enjoyed by all as long as it is done in a legal and responible manner.

    Farmers are as guilty as any other user especially the hilltop occupiers in their unimogs and fasttracks! horseriders in he wrong conditions and the thousands of walkers!!

    same with any discipline – you get idiots and tossers, as trailriders in the dales the biggest problem was MXrs coming in vans on unregistered bikes treating all the lanes like a race track – twice I put my own bike in the way of some lads from the northeast and told them to bugger off.

    IMHO Chris your not the voice of all dales residents – Mr Wilkinson from the garage in Kettlewell will help you with some other view points.

    Last time I was riding in the dales on my MTB I was riding from Arncliffe to Street gate – came across 3 lads on 250’s coming down (naughty I know!) I had a chat with them at a gate pointed out their error and they thanked me and said they’d cross it off the list. TBH I was making a bigger rut with my 2.1 then they were – no visible damage at all.

    sorry – ROW issues get my bloody goat – ALL types!!

    Free Member


    Aye sounds about right, Helen – the wife – used to do saturdays in the clothing bit upstairs. Her dad used to pick her up on his bike. Helen riding pillion in a miniskirt!!

    Free Member

    Told the wife I’ll be going for my 40th (couple of years yet!) – she’s not let me go yet. She used to work with DJ in jeffries’s dealership, TBH she won’t even watch it on tv!
    Hoping Hutchy will keep his bike upright till I get there – Bingley Legend!

    Free Member

    Then get rid of the plastic door 😉

    Free Member

    I’m with TJ

    No guarentees that the porch conc is reinforced into the area above the door – if not then no good as a lintel.
    alternatively, support with acros underneath and cut off small sections using disc cutter – a 12″ saw will go through in one pass, cut off 6″ sections at a time until you are close enough to the wall to determine wether the reinforcement is in situ along the wall. If it is just face off the conc as described above and make good. otherwise using the Acros and strongboys to support the brickwork above the concrete – remove the remainder of the concrete and rplace with a suitable lintel.
    Then make good
    bishbashbosh 🙂

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