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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • talltom
    Free Member

    I coach u12’s and have seen the rise and fall. There’s only two or three who wear them in our squad. I have made it clear to our parents that they do nothing but stop minor cuts and abrasions from clashes. My lad only wore one to keep his hair out of eyes as he wouldn’t cut it!. I do insist on gum shields and dislike body armour.
    Plus 1 for correct tackle technique.

    Free Member

    Did it last year with my lads u11 rugby team. He did it in 10 1/2 hrs.
    Weather was perfect though which does make a difference. A lot of the paths are now paved which makes the going easier (if not harder on the knees!!!!)

    Free Member

    Mate of mine has a 10′ x 10′ shipping container with secure door in his garden that he’s clad. Outside looks like a shed but you’d need burning gear to get in.

    Free Member

    Victoria falls is a must – White water rafting on the Zambezi, overnight train to Bulawayo, on to Maun in Botswana and the Okavango delta.
    Should be on anyone’s list.

    Free Member

    5/6 yrs to help with a bad back – three simple moves to help stretch. Can’t recomend highly enough, just can’t remember the names! Angry cat, crouching dog?!?

    Free Member

    Imo try for 26″ – just built my 10yr old a 15″ merlin frame using bits “in stock” and it’s great. We ride weekly inc gisburn and local trails and no problems!. I’m hoping I can just upgrade frame (larger) as and when.

    Free Member

    al good as of last week – Isn’t he a small importer?? probably just very busy. Lad in my LBS spoke to him.

    Free Member


    generally not concreted in – just dig it up and ‘lose’ it??

    cue lots of confused faces when they come to fit plate

    Free Member

    welsh rfu

    Free Member

    tree preservation officers are the bane of my life…they have so many powers it beggars belief – in our neck of the woods they’ve made life easy for themselves by treating all trees as protected!! you need to get clever with the root situation – exposed roots under canopy, damage to roots larger then diameter of thumb are not allowed, if the trees are deemed ‘of interest’. Sounds like your nemesis has got clever..what a $%&^

    Free Member

    Cheers guys,

    Black potts is above Silsden on the edge of the moor – runs through a plantation which can be bloody eerie at night. That photo in the trees was at lunchtime today!

    Free Member

    PICT0094[/url] by TomEakin[/url], on Flickr
    PICT0092[/url] by TomEakin[/url], on Flickr
    PICT0091[/url] by TomEakin[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    well……that worked didn’t it!

    Free Member

    sledging with the kids this morning – then bumbling about black pots and Ilkley Moor this afternoon…..knackered!

    Free Member

    bacon, fried egg and melted cheese lashings of tomato sauce on thick white bread with looaaddss of butter…………….

    once a year treat that

    Free Member

    Fair play to you PP – I don’t often post up here but somethings just strike a chord….

    Left my job as site manager 15 months ago as I felt the whole industry was going tits up – set up on my own and have never looked back, scary and thrilling at the same time – especially with two young ‘uns and the wife still in training at the time.

    Happier now then I’ve been for ten years…….good luck to you!!

    Free Member

    can’t – my ‘life’ is in grey

    love it to bits and I’ve never seen another one out on the trails.

    don’t have a pic either……………..

    Free Member

    shame I can’t share that picture

    best in the world!!

    Free Member

    ………….end of!! 😀

    Free Member

    Funny that – just put shimano on today to replace hope minis – I’ll let you know

    Free Member

    Gisburn yesterday was more like an ice rink – the raised boardwalk sections were unwalkable nevermind rideable. 4 of us out with 9 full body ‘dabs’. First one was best, my mate in front went from vertical to horizontal so fast he was still in full riding position laying flat on floor – all about 100yd from car park
    No injuries though so all good!!

    Free Member

    +1 for apprenticeships – job based learning in any vocation.

    I’ll be pointing no.1 that way when time comes

    Free Member

    whilst doing a sports course at Leeds Met recently, noticed adverts for ALDI supermarkets for graduate trainee managers – 40k starting plus benefits plus Audi A4………….almost wished I was starting again…………………almost!!

    Free Member

    That was always the problem with ETRO’s – easy to slap on but not many people in the respective park authorities with the nouce to back them up. User groups have historically had the time and resources (plenty of retired members) to do land surveys, ‘measure’ rates of erosion, spend days in libraries looking for evidence of historical use and generally play word games with submissions.
    As a multi vehicle user of our outdoor spaces I’d much rather I knew exactly where I can and can’t ride with no vageries about possible tro’s, disputes of land ownership, nimbyism and other snotty users who see my chosen mode of transport as wrong and an invasion of ‘their space’.

    Bit OT but my all time favorite was on a lane near Baildon whilst riding with a small group. Lady on her horse shouted at us for cycling ‘this is a BRIDLEway you know….’ top of her voice and completely red faced – I was that shocked I couldn’t come up with a suitably apt retort for about a mile down the track.

    Free Member

    AB went to sleep second half – too many changes. What was the score at half time??……….
    England should have won that, can’t complain about robshaws decision at the end – right at limit of farrells range. Lost to a bloody lucky try.

    Free Member

    probably sounds obvious – but have you had a good scout around your area.
    Friend of mine had his enduro bike nicked along with the pace it was locked up with. found the pace (rc100 of all things) in a field where it had been chucked. says something about the t**ts who nicked it really.
    As above, gutted for you.

    Free Member

    still so sure of the lions line up????………….when the AB can get away with committing only 1 man at the breakdown you know you are in trouble. Welsh wings and big centres null and void today…………and another thing if they’re playing in 95% humidity with the roof shut why don’t they just play with it open??

    Free Member

    sells these frames in JD in Ilkley – can replace any of the main tubes with carbon depending on how stiff / flex you like.
    I dooooooo like the extended seat tube look

    FWIW I can look at these frames (and OP’s) for ever – makes it art………

    Free Member

    owned hilux, navarra, and L200 – would be a navarra every time ( if you can over look the shite clutches – worst I got was 36k on a 57 plate ) I’ve driven twin cabs for 12 years and I’ll never own a ‘car’ again. navarra was more car like of the 3 with most toys – L200 is fine once your in it but with the swoopy shape I keep banging my head (I’m 6’5″) on the roof when I get in!! Hilux was most work like but had a high tail gate which if your short was a pain!. Plus the rear of the navarra is roughly 4′ square and I could get my bike in with wheels on. Took 4 bikes and mates and baggage to wales in fine comfort. keep meaning to try the Izuzu though.

    Free Member

    mate of mine regularly races cx, his description went along the lines of ‘sprint your bollox off for the first 100 yds……….then keep that pace for an hour’. Thought that apt.

    Free Member

    I had no idea this was happening!! talked for years about how St ives would lend itself to this. Can’t do Sundays due to rugby commitments but how can I sign up to ease my conscience when riding ??

    Free Member

    Throw this one in –

    The scots props are too fat and unfit for 80mins of international rugby. That is why they really suffered in the last quarter and got penalised at every scrum / breakdown

    Scots backs quite impressive – loads of line breaks but where was the confidence to support??

    Free Member

    CFH – IMO Walsh was warning him to stay onside, not telling him to get onside. I thought Dickson played the line well (Not the slow ball!!) and didn’t push the back foot any more then any other scrum half

    Free Member

    +1 on that wrecker
    if all the hype was to believed, wales should have walked that – yet didn’t

    Warburton definitely deserved motm though – excellent performance

    Free Member

    Aye – would depend on the garden really. Is it on a fall? ie higher at one end then the other, or mainly flat?

    If it’s mainly flat then would need to install a snake like loop of the landrain throughout the garden to catch a lot of rainfall.

    Always amazed me how effective this stuff is when installed properly.

    you don’t need to be that deep – enough to acheive a fall from one end of the landdrain to the other. lay the drain in the bottom of the trench and surround with a 10mm clean stone to approx 75 – 100mm shy of the surface. top of with a free draining grit sand ( river sand ) then finish with a sod of turf to level. Everything needs to be free draining otherwise water won’t reach the pipe. The end of the drain needs to be connected to your surface water drainage via a silt trap.

    alternatively strip all your existing turf – aerate the subsoil with a fork then replace the turf with an amenity type sod from Rowlawn (or similar). instant good lawn

    Free Member

    ahhh remeber when the welsh team couldn’y make it out of the team hotel without having a scrap – it’s taken them 20yrs to get to this stage, let them enjoy it…………….still not won a world cup have they? 😉

    Free Member

    any one else shouting at the tv when lawes came on?? just when we needed stability

    oh………….and get Gethin Jenkins a bloody handbag – whining at the ref at every oppertunity – it’s not limp wristed football

    sorry – rant

    Free Member

    at the risk of repeating – as long as you can prove with accurate records that all works were carried out to the architects instructions your in the right. From your descriptions it sounds like overlaying the original area has amplified an existing damp problem ie trapping it??? – not sure if its any different it Scotland but the onus is on you to prove that you followed all instructions and details – any problems arising would therfore be down to the architects cock ups (don’t forget that all encompassing ‘duty of care’ on your part to flag up any problems that you may have foreseen( which you did ) As you rightly say it comes down to wether you want to walk away and lose goodwill or stay and possibly making further losses.

    The architect will be fighting his corner as hard as you will – they are as strapped for cash as you!! We’ve got practices down here (Yorkshire) doing stuff for nowt – big practices doing dormers and extensions!!

    Just read that back – probably no use to you at all!!

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