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  • Canyon’s End Of Season Sale Starts… Now! Up To 30% Off
  • Tallpaul
    Free Member

    Have a google of conductor plate faults on the 7G gearbox. Speed sensor fault codes can be a symptom.

    If there are fault codes stored, clearly this an as issue predating your purchase. You shouldn’t have had them cleared, the car should have gone back to the selling dealer to sort (or at least not proceed until they/warranty company agree to pick up the bill).

    If it turns out to be an expensive fix, third party repairs will make it more difficult for you to get resolution from the dealer.

    Free Member

    I have a 10 year old Acer Win10 laptop you can have. It’s a bit slow, but it works just fine. I’d be glad of it to go to a good home for a bit of extra life.It’ll probably spend some time updating once fired up (I could do this before sending).

    Wow, that’s an incredibly generous offer, but I’m just being tight. You should donate yours to someone with a genuine need.

    Free Member

    Yeah, needs to be ‘mobile’ so laptop/notebook. Battery, display, storage, USB socket and running windows are the requirements.

    Free Member

    It’s absolutely fine to replace them with regular jubilee clips.

    Free Member

    Ta all. Will proceed as planned 👍

    Free Member

    It’s all a bit 60’s Sci-Fi, which I guess is complimentary to the visionaries of the time. Or is this just life reflecting art?

    Free Member

    Putting people like Dr. Gurdasani on the air, presenting her with these arguments and allowing them to be rebutted so convincingly is challenging Government BS.

    I have to say, I’ve been reasonably impressed with Sky News. Since Brexit and throughout COVID, they’ve done a decent job of reporting, questioning and fact checking the Government. Far, far better than the BBC, for example.

    Free Member

    Found the app… Grand total of £0. I is disappoint.

    Free Member

    @Onzadog is the prize checker app separate from the main NS&I app?

    Free Member

    First month with skin in the game, should I have been notified of my new-found riches by now??

    Free Member

    I actually did this yesterday. Fortunately our cistern was accessible as the panel behind the toilet was easily removed; the worktop above is tiled in so no access from above. The steps were:

    – Remove access panel
    – Unclip hose from flush button
    – Isolate the cistern by closing the valve on the water pipe
    – Drain cistern (i.e. flush it a few times)
    – Disconnect the inlet and outlet pipes to the cistern
    – Remove cistern from mounting (this one hung on a bracket)
    – Fix the leaky bit (ours was just some build up on the seal of the outlet, a quick clean sorted it)
    – Reassemble

    In true DIY fashion doing this caused another leak – the isolator valve on the water pipe had clearly leaked before but was sealed with limescale. Closing it broke the seal and it had a fair leak so I had to replace that this morning!

    Free Member

    RE Ivermectin, this seems pretty clear:

    One minute the loonies are bemoaning vaccine rollout as the products are ‘untested’, next minute it’s a conspiracy that Regulators aren’t approving drugs despite lack of data on safety and tolerability at effective doses.

    Free Member

    Maybe not (although it may quite literally be shit)

    From that link:

    The main requirement for a pigeon nesting site is that it is dry and protected on a flat surface.

    Failing rather miserably on both counts.

    Free Member

    Witchery is lovely venue, not cheap but doesn’t need to be overly expensive if you avoid the wine menu!

    Free Member

    Karcher K4 here. Bought several years ago when Homebase were knocking them out for £75 (thanks whoever put the PSA on here!).

    I’ve had to repair the insulation on the power cable but otherwise no issues. I always put it away so it doesn’t freeze, try to drain the water out after use and don’t run the pump without water flowing.

    I recently bought the patio cleaning attachment and am amazed at how good it is, I really didn’t think it would actually be so powerful.

    Free Member

    I’d just phone HMRC and ask them.

    Free Member

    Rotating tyres on fwd cars isn’t the ‘done thing’ anymore. Odd that the garage did it at all.

    Secondly, your new tyres are not like for like with the outgoing Toyos (I’m guessing they’re something like Proxes CF2). Did you specifically ask for budget tyres/at a max price?

    Your problem does sound mechanical, but I’d at least check the pressures, if you do go back to garage also get them to check the wheel balancing.

    Free Member

    Budget’s not clear but Mazda added an auto option to their petrol CX-5 a couple of years ago. Probably £20k+ for one from a main dealer. Great cars, surprisingly frugal, lovely interior (if you can live with the slightly clunky sat nav).

    Free Member

    We’ve tried a few companies over the years and by far the best services was from Pure Heating, who are based in Waterbeach:

    Free Member

    The driver may have been covered to use other vehicles on his own policy. If not, I’d expect the van owners insurer to pay out third party then cancel the policy. In that case, next time the owner tries to buy insurance, they’ll need to answer ‘yes’ when asked if they’ve ever been refused insurance or had a policy cancelled. That will make it interesting for them to get reasonably priced cover.

    Free Member

    I don’t think there’s a shortage per se, but I was looking for some a couple of weeks ago and all the local indy garden centres said they’ve stopped stocking it as most is binned before anyone buys it.

    Free Member

    If the NDA is between A and X, how can you be in breach? Is it really X approaching you or some affiliate/wholly owned subsidiary? If so, are they covered under the agreement?

    The poaching bit may come under an MSA or other service level agreement. Are you party to all the contracts which exist or simply made vaguely aware of an NDA being in place?

    Free Member

    1. Just be up front. Some dealerships have a separate team who cover personal/business contract hire.

    2. Depends on the service schedule and expected use. It’s an EV, what actually needs servicing? I’d expect it to be v cheap to maintain.

    3. Depends what ‘stock’ means. That can really be anything from on a boat to sat on the back lot.

    4. Look up the leasing thread on Pistonheads.

    5. No, they operate to a industry standard code for fair wear and tear. Google BVRLA. However, different financiers may charge more or less than you could pay privately for a repair.

    6. It depends on how much the financier wants for the car (if they are willing to sell at all). You can sometimes extend the lease for favourable rates but this can tip the TCO balance if you start to run in to added maintenance costs from MOT, larger service, worn tyres etc

    8. You can replace consumables yourself, yes. You’d be doing well to need tyres on a limited mileage EV lease over 2 years (unless you have a blowout or unrepairable puncture).

    Free Member

    Animal Crossing. Build your own utopia.

    Free Member

    It is abundantly clear that the probability of experiencing a serious adverse event (i.e. hospitalisation or worse) is not 1/500. This would have been obvious at the clinical trial phase, let alone now that millions have been dosed.

    If you want to avail yourself of some facts about side effects of the AZ vaccine, read the SmPC (section 4.8, table 1):

    It tells you that an event with 1/500 occurrence is ‘uncommon’. To put that in to context, dizziness and swollen glands fall in to that category.

    Free Member

    Find a good independent mortgage advisor with experience of application under your circumstances.

    Free Member

    It is indeed Logic 1 Science 0. Logic (me) said you can’t pick up all side effects in a few months. Science (you lot) told me unequivocally and aggressively that you can

    Science has never said that all possible adverse events will be detected within the duration of a clinical trial. Not for any drug. That is why participants will continue to be monitored after the study has finished. It’s also why the surveillance of safety of a medicinal product carries on for as long as the product is licensed (and years thereafter, should it be withdrawn for any reason).

    What science has said is that the probability of adverse events (and especially serious ones) is sufficiently low that the benefit of the treatment outweighs any harm it could possible do – with vaccines the scales really need to tip very far in the benefit direction, even for COVID-19.

    It can.

    For a properly manufactured batch

    Manufacturing process knowledge is not complete at the time of registration. Process understanding increases with each batch made. Over time, things change – equipment wears/is replaced, new operators are trained, raw material supplies change etc. etc. A batch can be ‘properly manufactured’ to all current controls and still have an undetected issue.

    We are yet to see AZ or a competent authority issue a batch recall notice… Hopefully this won’t be the case.

    Free Member

    I studied German and French GCSE. I don’t recall it being at the expense of anything else I wanted to do, but I took 11 GCSE’s.

    I didn’t study either language out of any burning desire or planned career path but I’m glad I did for many reasons – a few of which are:

    1) The French and German exchanges were great experiences
    2) In my 20’s, I got a job at a company with a large German site. Although they all spoke excellent English, the limited German I could recall was genuinely appreciated by my colleagues and helped when I used to travel to Germany on a regular basis (particularly with local Taxi drivers)
    3) Later in my career, I ended up working on a joint venture with an Austrian company. Their English was not excellent, but between my limited German and their limited English we were able to hold conversations
    4) I was an auditor for a while and several suppliers were French companies. Again, my limited conversational French was surprisingly useful

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Last weekend we bought a McDonalds then went to an NT property and the kids ate it in the car before we went for our walk around the grounds. We also bought coffees from the NT Cafe.

    We’re scum, aren’t we? I’ll resign my STW membership forthwith.

    Free Member

    Once a medication is licensed, you are obligated to maintain supply.

    What all the effort focused on COVID is probably doing is delaying R&D. This is not just in obvious ways like manufacturing capacity for biologics, we are seeing shortages in materials used for sample collection and analysis in our clinical trials as the huge number of COVID vaccine/treatment studies are being prioritised.

    Free Member

    My 18 month old iPhone 8 is still on 88%!

    Free Member

    That’s car tyres. Car wheel diameter and width are both inches

    Free Member

    11m2. My guess is £700.

    Free Member

    Amazing opportunity, grab with both hands. There won’t be a single moment that he is left alone, it’ll be fine.

    My Nephew’s school did a trip to China at around that age.

    Best I got was French and German exchanges (we couldn’t afford the Ski trip!), both were bloody brilliant though (even though my French exchange partner was a dick).

    Free Member

    I had a brief scan through the content on Star. Looked a bit ‘meh’.

    Will probably renew @ £60 on the promise of some new Star Wars stuff in the next 12 months but overall Disney+ is by far the least used streaming service we pay for (compared to Netflix and Amazon). We do have Apple+ that we watch even less, but that was a ‘free’ subscription when we bought a new device (also has the worst UI of any we’ve used, but I digress).

    Free Member

    Based on what we paid for a 15m2 extension 3 years ago, with inflation, the extra size and knocking down the internal dividing wall, my guestimate was ~£40k. If £45k includes the daft bi-folds, it doesn’t sound that expensive…

    Free Member

    The Ferrari kit is incredibly similar to the 42096 Porsche 911 RSR, albeit red and with more stickers…

    Free Member

    Just finished the Snowspeeder (it sat in a cupboard for 18 months). It’s a great set, not sure what Star Wars set to go for next…

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