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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • takisawa2
    Full Member

    @feed re: rollerblading.

    Plenty of you tubers who make it look easy. Shoptask, Ricardo Lino, WhittySkater to name a few.
    Trust me…it’s not. :-)
    There’s a healthy scene though, regular street skates, a big one in London on Friday nights & Sunday mornings in Summer.
    Don’t be lured into Tri-Skates too quickly though.
    110mm+ wheels are very tall & your quite a way off the ground. Go with a 4 x 80mm set-up till you’ve progressed. Take it easy, staying upright is one thing, strengthening older foot muscles is another.

    Full Member

    You could just shorten your arms. Bone saws are cheap, & skin grows back once the bone fuses back together.

    Full Member

    Wife had results of her antibody test, positive. She’s a Community Nurse. Most of her team have tested positive.
    We were both poorly back in March, her more so. Typical symptoms, lasted a few days. I was ill before her, not so much a cough but over about 4 days I had a tight chest & some really feverish spells.

    The Wife tells me the most upsetting aspect of the whole affair was the rate at which they cleared out hospital wards. Old folk sent back to nursing homes &, worse of all, to ill equipped relatives who were given little help to deliver some quite involved care.

    My Mum & Dad passed away last year, & I’ll be honest, in a way I’m glad they didn’t have to live through this.
    Just done the weekly shop & give folk their dues, everybody was masked & distancing. But there’s a generation or two who see this as a joke, something to use to “stick it to the man”.

    Cheered me up no end to read that some of you fine folk are on the mend.


    Full Member

    Longer screws, through the plasterboard into the block work.
    Before you put your plugs in inject some no more nails between the board & block in a circular motion, to fill the gap & strengthen it.

    Full Member

    I heard from a few people that ferry & tunnel prices had ramped up. An element of cashing in I suppose, demand driven by folk not wanting to fly.
    Not done it for a few years but if its cheaper, we took the caravan over a few times & I always preferred Dover – Dunkirk. Its not the most glamorous arrival in France but, if heading towards Paris, I always seemed to get a good chunk of the way on toll free roads.

    Full Member

    I had a Swift rigid & now a Niner rigid steel fork. They were identical but fit the cutouts in the Swift dropouts.
    A 3”x29” Knard on a Dually fit the Niner with loads of room, so a 27.5 should.

    Full Member

    I have an old yellow Halfords branded one. The spec looks to match this one so might have changed the design.
    Works fine & has done for probably 8 years.

    Full Member

    83-86 was BMX.
    I lived & breathed it. I was actually quite good at it. 😁
    I’ve still got a chrome 92’ GT Performer with black coaster brake Tuff 2’s.
    The kids laugh out loud when I fetch it out.

    About 91, bought a Raleigh Dakota. It was miles too big. And crap. Eventually bought a cheap steel frame set to replace it. (The Dakota frame is encased in concrete on a drive in Rugeley). Ran that till I bought a British Racing Green Timberline. My brother still has it. Repainted silver with yellow Quadras, to look like a 95’ Zaskar with yellow Judy’s. :-) (God, what was I thinking…).
    He’s promised to pass it back when he’s done with it. I can feel a restoration coming on…

    And night riding, with Ever Ready lights. A full moon would see me out over Cannock Chase. This was a decade before the Follow the Dog was born. Happy days.

    Fondest memory of those halcyon days…oddly enough a ride with my brother. I flatted & we stuffed the tyre with undergrowth to get us home. :-)

    Full Member

    I am honestly staggered by some of these comments. What a pathetic look-at-me attitude. Genuinely, shame on you.

    Full Member

    For the most part it seems to be well observed around here. (New build estate, lots of families, first time buyers). Mix of affordable & private housing. Some of the max power types still coming & going a lot. Family 2 doors away had friends round last night, the kids (all very young) seemed to be enjoying themselves.
    Astonishing number of people out running every day. Families walking with young children. Plenty of support via the ubiquitous Facebook group too.
    I’m under no illusions though, that we are lucky.

    Full Member

    5 litres of Isopropyl to make some hand sanitizer.
    Seller claims it’s been sent but nothing after 10 days. :-) I bought from the same seller previously so thought it a safe bet.

    Full Member

    We produce a key component for many of these ventilator manufacturers. We’ve taken 4 years worth of orders in 2 weeks & still getting enquiries for multiples of 10k units from all over the world. Desperately trying to quadruple production. We are working around the clock trying to keep up & upscale at the same time. Never known pressure like it. The amount of effort & selfless contribution being shown by the manufacturing industry is staggering.

    Full Member

    Paint a load to look like Coronavirus spheres & see if they pick them up.

    Full Member

    Look up Foresty Forest on YouTube.
    He’s done all sorts in his.

    **warning, you can spend days afterwards dreaming of being foresty. And I guarantee his voice will empty your living room quicker than a bad fart**

    Full Member

    My Sister had a plumber round yesterday to change a leaking kitchen tap. (Local authority housing). Emergency call outs are allowed. They asked to stay in a different room while he was there.

    Full Member

    I always chuckled when coming across mk3 Ford Escort manuals at a car boot sale. Every one had the same set of grubby pages in the same place, the self adjusting clutch ratchet, the carburettor section, the hydraulic tappets, the rotten battery tray, the list goes on. :-)

    Full Member

    What about some kind of compressible cord or bead pressed in to it ?

    You can get O-ring cord in differing sections, 1mm, 1.6mn,2.1mm etc, could that be pressed in ?

    Failing that, I’m guessing it’s the loose/dusty nature of the sandstone that keeps causing the sealant to lose its grip, what about sealing the stone with a PVA type sealant before applying…

    Full Member

    Jhoots Pharmacies.
    £20 for Calpol.
    £5 for 16 unbranded paracetamol.
    Forcing Community Nurses to wait hours in-line for prescriptions for vulnerable patients.

    I think they might be just a Midlands chain but many people swearing never to use them again.

    Full Member

    My Mum kicked its arse twice.
    Third time it didn’t get the chance because her heart threw in the towel.
    She left us on a beautiful Sunday morning last September, two weeks to the day after my Dsd.

    My good lady list her Dad a few years ago. Take it a day, an hour or even a minute at a time. Be there for your good lady. Don’t try & fix everything, you can’t & you’ll beat yourself up trying. Just be there for her & her Dad. You’ll need to talk as well. Mates will listen.

    Full Member

    Your kids might have a Microsoft account through School…
    If they log in to Office365 online they can use all the office apps online. (I think they can download them too).
    My lads log in with their School email address. It has access to One-Drive which has 1TB of storage.

    We use a cheap (£35) HP printer. The ink subscription is a couple of quid a month, they just post new cartridges in plenty of time before it runs out.

    My lad has been using an 8gb i3 with olde worlde spinning drive for a few years. I wasn’t expecting much for £400 but it’s pretty good. The battery is crap now though.

    Full Member

    We’ve used Hellman Logistics to bulk store raw materials, brass stamping etc, coming in from Europe. Then pick & despatch to us as we call them off. I think they have a few depots, we have one next door, near Lichfield on the A38.
    Is that what you were after ?
    There were a few cars on their car park so I think they are working.

    Full Member

    I rollerblade.
    There you go.
    I said it.
    It’s out there.
    I rollerblade & I bloody well love it.

    Full Member

    Wife is a Community Nurse, so busy as. Currently off loading as many patients as possible. Many care homes choosing to take on as much CN delivered care as possible. At a cost of course, but better than the cost of C19 ripping through.

    My company design & mfr devices for life science suppliers, ventilators being one of them. One item we’d normally do 25k a year, orders for over 50k this week. All stops being pulled out. We are also working alongside one of the consultancies that’s looking at a Heath Robinson ventilator. 20k of them needed in 2-3 weeks. My team support design & Developement. Design are working from home, half the lab are self isolating but supporting as much as they can. I’m doing Tue/Thu in office, home Mom/Wed/Fri. Biggest problems this week were getting clearance for CAD desktops to go home. Oh & the world shortage of VPN licences.

    I tell you what though, I’m impressed at how people’s attitude changes when asked to help out with the medical side. Every one of my team have been brilliant.
    I won’t lie, I was close to tears when they’d all gone yesterday. I was actually looking forward to seeing them all on MS Teams this morning. This crisis has brought us closer as a team, without a doubt.

    Rest of the business likewise, biggest issue is reminding folk to keep their distance.

    Full Member

    You did the right thing op.
    Your life’s worth more than rolling around fighting some pillock.
    He’s probably boring his mates with it right now, in whatever flat roofed pub he frequents.

    Full Member

    A £10 usb endoscope cam through the existing light hole might show you a potential route for the wires…
    Failing that, just a small notch in the plasterboard from below as it passed each joist is easy to fill & hide.

    Full Member

    Much less repairing of parts with newer cars, just replacing. The mechanical side has not moved on much beyond tweaking or manufacturing ease. Once a design works it works. (Wishbone suspension, disc brakes, overhead multi cam – multi valve engines etc).
    My 1.0 Focus feels every bit as robust & proven as its predecessor, just more electrics.
    Many dealerships actually farm out work to indies if they aren’t a straight replacement job. Eg: tow bars!!!

    Look up salvagerebuildsuk on YouTube, him & his mechanic are old school, well his mate is, the main chap had never set a set of points. :-)
    As nostalgic as it is, things like setting points & re-building/re-jetting/balancing carbs has little relevance these days, unless you are in to much older (<1970’s) cars. It’s nit as though being able to re-set points will get you home when your ECU has cut the fuel pump down because the drivers module, the signal from which tells it it might be time to start the car soon, is playing up.

    I am finding it hard to bid goodbye to my old (2004) TDi Galaxy. It’s say on the drive. Makes a great shed. :-) Tech wise, it just about pre-dates things DPF’s. It’s probably got years left in it at 130k.

    Full Member

    Start the search for a s/h Cat.
    In the meanwhile, De-Cat it till MOT time.

    Full Member

    Feel your pain Op.
    My parents passed within a fortnight of each other 6 months ago.
    They were both went downhill quickly & passed peacefully, Dad from Sepsis after an op, & Mum from heart failure.
    I don’t think it’s something you get over, their absence slowly becomes the norm. I long for them every day. I would give anything to hear their voices again. My Sister has a video of Mum but I can’t bare to watch it.
    I block out by not thinking of them too much. It hurts. I’ll deal with it in due course.

    My advice is take things one step at a time. Being the eldest, & an executor, I was faced with a lot of stuff to sort out. I just dealt with things one day at a time. Luckily reporting bereavement seems to cut through a lot of red tape & the people at the various agencies etc were sensitive & efficient.

    Your in my thoughts chap.

    Full Member

    My mate told me about this.
    Its basically sleeping rough a few miles from home, with a grand & a half’s worth of Alpkit gear.

    Full Member

    Situation may have changed but, (from a colleague in Shanghai), they were only counting fatalities if they had been confirmed as having the virus before dying, making the official estimate too low… Not good.

    Employees from within the Shanghai area allowed back but the company had to apply for approval from the government.
    Some significant measures in place:

    Workplace professionally cleaned & sanitised.

    Permanent face masks.

    Work stations spacing doubled, any congregating strictly banned.

    No face to face meetings – web cam/ phone only. (I’d love that…) :-)

    No heating or AC, all windows open permanently. It’s 3-4c in the office!!!

    Regional restrictions dependant, anyone from outside Shanghai can come back, but has to go into two week isolation on arrival. It’s crippling many businesses. :-(

    Full Member

    How tall is quite tall ?
    My lad is too big for his Spesh Hardrock.

    26” wheel but 12” frame.
    My lad ran it with 24” wheels quite happily, then 26” once he’d grown.
    Still got his 24” Hotrock if your after a cheapie.

    If your buying new the 24” Carerra is a fab little bike.

    Full Member

    I paid £200 down £ £27/ month for my lads 128gb iPhone 11. That’s with unlimited calls & messages, & 24gb of data. He gifts data to his Mum & brother so they just had basic contracts with little data.
    I did price it up just buying the phone & a GifGaf sim but it was slightly more.

    It’s a lot of money but he’s happy & pays for most of it himself.

    Full Member

    I always work out thrusts for the disc springs in our actuator ranges in inches & pounds then convert to Newton’s.
    I find there’s less potential for error as the numbers are smaller.

    Full Member

    Scotroutes, is that that Loch Morlich ?

    Beautiful place. Fond memories of a few days there a coupe of summers ago, luckily with beautiful spell of weather. Spent s glorious few hours mashing the singiespeed fatty around there, avoiding the midges.

    Full Member

    Currently bedded down in our Scout Hut with a dozen 6 & 7 yr olds.
    Place is creaking a bit.
    Tomorrow mornings 9am pick up will be lively by all accounts.

    Full Member

    As above, Surly or On-One stainless.
    Job done.

    Full Member

    Sorry for your loss old chap.

    My Dad passed away last August.
    We are currently just finishing doing up his house. I think I’m dreading it being finished & sold as it’s the last tie to him.
    But we’ve finally agreed on having his ashes scattered beneath a tree tree that’s dedicated to him in the local cemetery. He was long since divorced from my mum, who is buried in the same cemetery. Mum passed away 2 weeks after Dad. Last year was a tough one.
    Take things a step at a time.

    Full Member


    And pedantry.

    Full Member

    There are some knobs but I’m always mindful I’m on their territory, in their workplace.
    I’d not be happy if I found a tractor blocking the photocopier.

    Full Member

    Lovely, fresh bronze maggots.
    Two pints of them.
    Swinging from my mates handlebars as we sped through Lichfield on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
    By christ did they go everywhere when the bag swung into his spokes.
    Two pints of them don’t half cover some ground.
    They were actually in one ladies hair.!!!

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