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  • Fresh Goods Friday 704 – The Nadir E Me Edition
  • tadeuszkrieger
    Free Member

    “Jahwomble looked to be a talented guy. “

    No doubt at all, the build quality and finish and the attention to detail make high end Fenders and Gibsons look a bit shabby and badly thought out. I’ve seen very few bespoke guitars at any price that even come close as well. A very sad loss.

    I’m off to play it some more now.:)

    Free Member

    People who misuse the words surreal, pedant(ry) or pedantic,who from their usage of the word obviously have no idea of what the correct definition is.

    Free Member

    Cos it’s built of a different wood, which has a different tone to it, different pickups in it and sounds completely different to the other one, but feels the same to play. Also, I play for a living, so have pretty near duplicates of every guitar I own, so if one goes down i can just pick up another, plug it in and play with the bare minimum messing about with settings and mixing desks and pedals.

    It’s a bit like having more than one bike really.Sometimes it’s just because I want one. 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ta very much 🙂 it’s not a PRS, although the headstock and body shape were based on one, It’s a one of two Jahwomble custom jobs, which unfortunately he never finished the wiring and the lacquer on the second one, but it eventually got finished by somebody else. The other one being pretty much identical except a natural waxed ash finish and regular pafs.

    The neck and the body are mahogany and the neck is set, the fingerboard is Brazilian parana wood. and yup, thats a roller bridge. though I like roller bridges more because of the range of adjustment for intonation and the fact that the bridge bolts to the posts nice and solidly giving a slightly darker tone.

    Anyway, I’m off to play with it some more ta very much.:)

    Free Member

    Not really, that wasn’t the plan anyway, but it sounds pretty good unamped, but with the low output humbuckers amped up, sounds very much my ricky 330 fireglow, which is what I’d hoped for.

    Free Member


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    Free Member

    The Low Anthems ” Boeing 737″, but by the time i’d typed it it had finished.

    Free Member

    you can get a strap button with a 1/4 inch – 6mm jack socket built into it.(Like this one, third down) It’s fairly easy to fit a contact mike(like this one, fourth down) to the underside of the soundboard just inside the soundhole. run the mike lead from the mike to the jack and bob is your uncle. About a ten minute job.

    Free Member

    I play the guitar, cos I like the noise they make and it hides my beergut.

    Free Member

    “Loud mouthed atheists spouting extracts from the god delusion at religious people they don’t understand is just as bad. “

    Er, actually I’m an atheist and have never read or quoted Dawkins. atheism was around for a considerable time before Dawkins and his is not the only reading material available on the subject.

    As it’s only relatively recently that we could publicly state our atheism, without Christians torturing,having a pogrom or setting fire to us, we get a little giddy and feel it’s nice to be allowed to express our opinions in relative physical safety sometimes. Sorry about that.

    Free Member

    If you do sell it, sell it for parts, Fender parts go for silly money just because of the name. and will probably sell for more than it would working.

    Free Member

    If you search about online,you’ll get a passive tele wiring loom and pickups for abut 40/50 quid tops, don’t worry about the branding of the pickups too much,especially Seymour Duncans or Dimarzio etc. that’s by and large a con anyway,unbranded pickups can and will sound just as good.

    I’ve got four teles, all different and I love’em all.None of them require humbuckers to muddy the sound up as they can all sound clean and or aggressive as needed.

    Free Member

    I’d push it just to never be asked this bloody question again.

    Free Member

    well, that also.

    Free Member

    fnarr……..that pic is bloody hilarious still.

    Free Member

    The Tad bit is pronounced the same, but spelt differenter. And the Eusz bit is spelt and said differently, though not much. Thaddeus,IIRC is just the anglicised version of it, or vice versa.

    Could we got off the etymology of my name now please?

    My Sony A550 will shoot 7fps with or without the battery grip,So I’m not sure the voltage/current has a massive amount to do with it apart from eating batteries faster.

    Free Member

    For Muesli, peach or apple schnapps, gets one of y’ five a day in as well.

    Free Member

    I’m definitely Tad and not Thad:) it’s pronounced “Tad”, as in TADpole and “eusz” as in SoYUZ.:)

    Free Member

    Used to work on “Guitarist” and “Total Guitar” magazine. Yamaha placed huge pile of advertising with both, Yamaha products never got bad reviews. Even the pile of crap that is the pacifica got good reviews, even though the hardware was cheap crap and the electr……well you get the point.

    Free Member

    Yup,Polish parents and my name really is Tadeusz. Pain in the bum at school.

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    Free Member


    If I’m shooting vertically, there’s a second set of controls at right angles to the ones on the body.Better balance with heavy lenses and it fits my hand more comfortably.

    If I’m shooting multiple exposures for merging into HDR images( which I do a lot), it’s easier to keep the camera stable,shake free and in the same position for each exposure

    Free Member

    I got a powerpack with two batteries for my sony for less than thirty quid. 🙂

    Free Member

    Spend it on booze to drink on your own,to pee off sanctimonious asshats everywhere.

    Free Member

    Dunno , but it’s extremely tacky and plasticky and the panel fit isn’t that great unless it’s pretty cheap either.

    Free Member

    He can stalk all he wants, it’s not me real name and I live in a cave 🙂

    Free Member

    “I think she’s always been great, would love to record some stuff with her.”

    I have, worked on three album tours and a load of other bits and bobs with her now, an absolute joy to work with, bursting with inventive ideas and prepared to let musicians working with her to do their own thing as well.

    Free Member

    Licking students is not acceptable.

    Free Member

    I’ve only got a tiny little rig, consisting of an Epiphone valve junior head fitted with a master volume and bass and treble controls with the matching cab that I muck about with at home.

    For sessions I’ve got a valve junior combi modded as above but with a line out built in.

    For gigs and touring, I use a Mesa Boogie Mk V.

    The only pedals I use are a noise gate and If I’m playing for somebody else, an amp modelling pedal as well. (I like to play the guitar and not the pedals)

    Guitars? some 335s,,355 some teles, a strat that I hate,some more teles, a custom made arched-top strat shaped acoustic with f holes insead of a round hole and two Fender humbuckers with an Gibson eb6 style bridge and tailpeice, and a 3/4 size strat for mucking about with in hotel rooms when my gear is all on the truck.

    Thats about it, for a first post pretty darn long as well.

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