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  • New UK MTB Trail Alliance Gives Trail Stewards A Voice
  • tadeuszkrieger
    Free Member

    Black pudding is technically a vegetable.

    Also, smoking prevents dull and sanctimonious asshats from talking to you for ever at parties.

    Free Member

    Art therapists, I know they mean well, but if I have to do another potato print, or another collage using just tissue paper and matchsticks(hardly Kurt Schwitters is it?) or weave another ‘kin basket……Frankly I’ll just implode.

    Free Member

    I try not to position myself on PE teachers at all.

    Free Member

    Scots are fine in Liverpool,drunk or otherwise, in fact Scots are considered to be honorary Scousers as the English hate us both.

    Free Member

    Careful is my middle name,well it would be if it was true 🙂

    Free Member

    Well I like you as well o furry one 🙂

    Free Member

    Can I report myself and see if we can get this one locked ?

    Free Member

    Could be. Either stands a good chance.

    Free Member

    What they said.

    Free Member

    If you have a partner living with you, get them to jetwash you at the time you need to be got up.

    Free Member

    I want one of those chainsaw phones that thebunk is going to invent.

    A monkey butler,

    A trebuchet for firing a piano down the garden after every Sunday lunch,

    An original butterscotch finish Fender Broadcaster,

    An RS500 spec Sierra running on steel wheels on narrowed axles and covered in rust, primer and mostlr beige with some different coloured panels,

    A Laverda Jota, or Norton Commando in cafe racer trim.

    Another Corvette.

    That’s it really, a moderate lottery win should do it please.

    Free Member

    “Another good one was engaging the services of an estate agent, conveyancing solicitor, surveyor and a mortgage company to buy myself a house without mentioning it to my wife or daughter (who weren’t invited to move to the new house) and believing it would be OK because they won’t notice.
    It’s a right laugh.”

    That’s spectacular,even by my standards……… well done Sir:)

    The best I ever managed was buying a Corvette being convinced that parking it around the corner, and that my wife knowing my passion for muscle cars would never notice.

    Free Member

    So many righteous posts are reindered unintelligaible whilst making a valid point by their use of vague,obtuse and unnecessarily meandering linguistic construction.

    And yes, I do see the irony in what I’ve posted.:)

    Free Member

    When I first read the title without my glasses on, I thought it said

    International Bum a Korean Day

    Imagine my disappointment upon re-reading it.

    Free Member

    “I think it is healthy for us to shy away from mental illness. It is something to be avoided if possible, and we should all strive to cope with life as best we can.”

    I mean this in the nicest possible way but you’re a ‘kin idiot. It’s exactly that kind of attitude that ends up stigmatising people for being ill, and ends in people being to ill to mend or killing themselves because they’ve been intimidated into not talking about it about it or getting help early enough.

    When I had to have a brain scan after having blackouts, my mother was really pleased that it might be a brain tumour rather than a mental illness. You say you were horrified to be classed as having need of such help? well, simply pretending you’re not ill and babbling about just coping with life as best we can won’t make it go away. Believe me I’ve tried.

    That’s my final word and I’m off to bed.

    Free Member

    The sodium valproate works pretty well for me fortunately,the seroquel, if I don’t take it i can pretty much guarantee an episode so I’m on that permanently now. Zopiclone….. I just couldn’t get along with, after about two weeks it stops working,then if I leave it a few weeks, it’ll work again. In the gaps between zopi, I have diazepam. It drives me round the bend somedays just trying to remember what to take and when. I’m sure I’ve probably spent days at some point taking smarties and dried chick peas.

    Free Member

    Nah, it’s ok, from what I’ve read you’re almost as bad as me:)

    Free Member

    Good aren’t they? I’ve got a little cubby on mine for sticking the battery cover in as well ,right bugger to get out sometimes though. I was convinced I was going to break the cover or the grip trying to get it out again this afternoon.

    Free Member

    Didacticism, on here? surely not 🙂

    Free Member

    “I’m rapid cycling. This means I can spend months on a flippin roller coaster ride which wrecks everything in my life. Consequently, I have few friends. Family are stuck with me”

    That sounds horribly familiar….. I used to cycle really rapidly,almost from one day to the next leaving a trail of devastation behind me. After about two years on mood stabilsers(sodium valproate) and anti psychotics(seroquel) I’ve stabilised on about an eight month cycle now.Which is better in some ways,the highs aren’t as high and the lows aren’t as low, but both last a lot longer which is a pain.

    I’ve also just realised today I’m on a bit of a spending spree,getting the urge to phone people up to tell them something “really,really important” at three in the morning and getting quite didactic in my pronouncements so suspect I may be picking up speed towards a manic again, whoops. Time to hand my credit cards to somebody else and hide everything I can take to pieces.:)

    Free Member

    S’quite alright, I’ll probably have forgotten I did it by this time tomorrow anyway.

    Free Member

    Thought so 🙂

    It becomes easier to live with in some ways because you alomost get used to it, I’ve accepted that I’m quite seriously mentally ill, so have accpeted that sometimes I will get worse and need intervention. It’s not like I’m going to be cured. I just have periods Where I’m fairly normal and stable,periods where I’m a bit skittish and obsessive and periods where I’m conpletely ‘kin batsh*t.

    The hardest thing is spotting when you’re beginiing to go, as I said the manics are really quite good fun and many people who are bipolar actually look forward to them Unfortunately,each episode tends to mean that the next episode will be sooner and more severe.Knowing this menas that you know that you will put your family and friends through more and more trouble as the years roll on. There’s only so much you can laugh about it.

    As regards the disassociative disorder, that basically means that I quite often have periods where I can’t remember what I’ve been doing or where for anything upto a week. I just disappear for days and suddenly come to after a few days having no idea where I’ve been or what I’ve been doing, that’s quite scary for me and my loved ones.

    I can entirely understand why people kill themselves to relieve their family of this burden and worry and have seriously considered it myself many times, and I honestly don’t know whether I will or I wont at some point in the future.

    Free Member

    I’m bipolar. and have a disassociative disorder as well to really complcate the issue.

    Being bipolar means I have massive mood swings, the manics are great, you get loads of stuff done, everything around you seems to happen really slowly so you get loads done. However you also spontaneously buy yachts, motorbikes,fritter money away,start arguements, Punch people in pubs and generally behave in an incredibly irresponsible not a care in the world manner.

    The downs are ‘kin awful, the first thing is you begin to feel really bad about the stuff you did when manic, this makes the depression pick up speed and pushes you further into the depression.

    After a few weeks of the depression, you simply can’t face getting out of bed,you stop going you reach the point where you can’t even speak to family and friends,many times you can’t even look them in the eye.You stop eating and drinking.You may even stop getting out of bed to go to the toilet.If it’s a full moon, you’ll begin to turn into a werewolf as well, so it becomes unsafe to open the door to anybody for their own sake.

    After a couple of months, you haven’t spoken for three weeks,if the doorbell goes, you pretend not to be in because you just don’t want to see anybody for any reason, you may even have barricaded the door so anybody with a key cannot get in. You’ve still got plenty more to go.

    By the time you dont even bother moving about the bed anymore, The Local Mental Health crisis team are usually invloved, and by now, you REALLY don’t want to open the door to them because you know that’ll mean you being sectioned and spending at least a couple of months on a locked ward.Eventually, they do make their way in, you do get sectioned and taken onto a ward.

    After a couple of months of anti-depressants,anti-psychotics and mood stabiliser,making the right faces and body language when psychiatric nurse come round to do your observations, and telling psychiatrists what they want to hear, they’ll eventually start letting you out on leave a little at a time.eventually you’ll be allowed to leave and go home permanently.

    Wait eight months and start the whole cycle all over again.

    Does that answer your question?

    Free Member

    Really …….just dump the Sci fi/fantasy/speculative fiction or whatever the hell it’s called this week, Work your way through the Jim Thomson and James Ellroy you ain’t already read. Jo Nesbo is kind of ok, but can suffer from very leaden translations and really blindingly obvious plot arcs, so be careful when you pick one up .

    If you like Ellroy and Thomson, try Raymond Chandler,James M Cain, David Goodis, Ken Bruen, Horace McCoy, Kenneth Fearing( his “The Big Clock” is a great read in any genre) Otto Penzler and of course Henning Mankel if you haven’t already. If you’re really keen, try Don Delilo’s Underworld.

    Free Member

    They always were surely?

    Free Member

    I’ve always used lithium or teflon depending on which is nearer to hand.

    Free Member

    “Is it ****. Very selfish thing to do.”

    hmmm. how about the scenario where somebody has been chronically depressed ( I don’t mean just a bit pissed off with a few months off work, some anti depressants and back to work )for years, has no quality of life whatsoever, and is just dragging things on because they dont wish to upset their family or friends? I would say then that It’s quite possibly selfish to pressure that person to just keep banging on through life, wittering about them to “Just get out and ride” “Just cheer up” and all that other banal shit people come out with to you when you suffer from depression.

    Many people with self harming tendencies consider that not killing themselves is the selfish option as they can make their loved ones lives easier in the long run by killing themselves.

    Also consider that some mental health conditions effectively switch of the common sense filter, People suffering from psychosis in any of it’s three major forms don’t necessarily have any control over a great number of their actions.

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a cd transport to feed through my dac, and will probably be buying a new dac in a week or two as well.

    I have an upgraded LP12 with an rb 1000 tonearm.

    I’m also quite happy to listen to. mp3s anf .flacs as well, depending on where in the house I am and what else I’m doing.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Seiko automatic and a g shock. For what you want, I’d get another g shock.

    Free Member

    Not quite the same but if you watch football on tv, they show the team’s names as part of the score at the top or the bottom of the screen,They always just show the first four letters of the team name. Apart from Arsenal, which always makes me smile.

    Free Member

    Once in Planet X in Liverpool, I pushed the singer Jay Aston from Gene Loves Jezebel into a trough style urinal so that he landed pretty much full length in it,then I legged it cackling to myself.

    Free Member

    whoops, sorry, you’re quite right, misread the title……..

    Been a long day 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, I like it. The flippy LCD screen is one of the very best I’ve seen(fit a toughened glas protector though cos it gets knocked a lot when flipped), though to be fair it needs to be as the view through the view finder is pretty cramped due to the second sensor(for the liveview) in there.

    The handling is good.The shutter response time in liveview is pretty damn fast.Relatively light for it’s size. Spare batteries,powerpacks and pretty much any other accessory are cheap.

    I reckon it’s just as good all round as the comparably priced Nikon and Canon bodies I tried, but without all the brand snobbery hoo hah that goes with them. All my old Minolta Dynax lenses fit it as well.

    The lens? I’ve no idea.

    Free Member

    No, but then I have a life.

    Free Member

    I’m a session guitarist,doing stage and studio work for numerous singer/songwriters who need a band to play live or record,I don’t do adverts,jingles or theme tunes and I love it.

    Free Member

    Trailgators are pretty poor, We got a tag along and it’s been used for all three kids and is aout ten years old now. Don’t worry too much about gearing on it as they become very adept at pretending to be pedalling whilst doing bugger all except laugh at you, quite literally behind your back.

    Free Member

    Vintage are really, really good guitars for the money. You can’t go wrong with either really, The hardware and pickups are by Wilkinson, who produce hardware and pickups for Gibson and Seymour Duncan.

    try ’em both, see which feels the best. In terms of the sonics, they will probably be pretty similiar. Buy the one that feels the best.

    Free Member

    I’m bi polar, so somewhere between 9 pm and about 5 or six am, with between 0 and 12 hours sleep depending on where I am in my cycle.

    Pain in the bum really.

    Free Member

    Same as Mikewsmith here. the nearest recycling bins to me are a drive away.

    Free Member

    I personally wouldn’t plan on using any fine motor skils or staying awake long, put it that way.

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