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  • Crankbrothers BC18 SOS Bottle Cage Tool Kit review
  • tadeuszkrieger
    Free Member

    ooooh, that’s very nice….I wish it had been got by somebody who had realised what they were doing though 🙂

    Free Member

    And I say again “heh?”

    Free Member

    heh? wins what ? can I eat it?

    Free Member

    heh ?

    Free Member

    That side stand on the beezer, it’s ‘kin ridiculous.

    Free Member

    Ta Very much 🙂

    Free Member

    Quick question……If I buy a Kindle with my Amazon account,can I give it as a present to somebody and they use it registered to their account? I’d be surprised if I can’t but just want to check before I get it.

    Free Member

    On the vehicle side of things, we tend to get involved with re-enactors quite a lot (they need vehicles,we need an excuse to use them etc.) there’r lot of extremely right wing folk out there, I’ve two German vehicles that get used a lot, come across embarrasingly large amount of them.

    this link took about ten seconds to find

    this one about a minute[/url]

    Unfortunately, whether you and I like it or not it’s true. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m Jewish, I don’t feel at all comfortable with the idea of people wearing German uniforms, SS,Heer or otherwise being allowed anywhere near steam trains or goods carriages.

    “The folk who do the German side of things are VERY, VERY strict on keeping the fellow-travellers of the BNP etc out of their ranks.”

    That simply isn’t true on the military vehicle restoration side, which I do a lot of and always have done(restorations that is, not the running about playing cowboys and indians),there are loads of sub groups within the German re-enactment community with very right wing views and strong ties to extremist groups in the UK and Germany, It’s something that re-enactors don’t like to admit to, but it’s very much alive it’s one of the reasons that German and axis force outnumber allied forces in these circles.

    And I still think any bugger in a German uniform be it Bundesmarine, heer, wehrmacht luftwaffe is not getting me anywhere near a train.

    Free Member

    Try ’em give ’em a few weeks and see how it goes, if they don’t work…try some others, if they don’t work try some others. It can take a while to find what works for you.Keep a daily diary of side effects and mood (even if you don’t feel like it, even if all you can be bothered writing is to draw a sad face.) to hit your gp with so you have good reason to justify a change of meds.

    With the best will in the world, GPs are not mental health experts, so if it drags on for more than six months or so, ask to be referred to a psychiatrist to get meds dealt with as they will have a lot more experience of what drugs may or not work for you.. (if you had a wonky kidney or lung or heart, you’d ask to be referred to a specialist, so why not if you’ve got a wonky brain?)

    You may find after a few months of trying different meds, that the depression is less irritating than the side effects.

    I’m on anti-depressants, anti psychotics and mood stablisers, it took about thirty five years to get the combination right, during which I had some quite “exciting” episodes of mania and or depression.

    Good luck with it anyway, if anybody tells you “just pull yourself together” or “Just get out on y’ bike” slap ’em, it’ll make you feel better,tell them it was therapeutic. 🙂

    Free Member

    I tried reading it twice to see if I was annoyed, and apart from “Storm” being a stupid name,apparently I couldn’t care less.

    Not only did my blood not boil, but I’ve now lost all interest in even typing anymore of a response.

    Free Member

    “Are you a hand-wringin’, tofu-eatin’ liberal nancy?”

    Yes, but it’s better than being an culturally leaden,self interested, emotionally illiterate Tory boy buffoon.

    Conservative and intellectual, unfortunately mutually exclude each other by definition.:)

    Free Member

    I’d say you need to think about how much weight in gear and luggage etc will be in the van as well. Gas bottles and assorted piles of stuff soon add up. just my opinion 🙂

    Free Member

    I think we forget just because you’re old, doesn’t mean you’re not a t**t. Turning 60 won’t magically convert lifelong gobshites into lovable old rogues.

    Free Member

    I think the law change with insurance is that now, you can be fined for merely owning an uninsured car,whereas before you had to be stopped whilst driving the uninsured car to cop for a fine or offence.

    Free Member

    You’re right about Mordaunt Short and Richer Sounds, M/ Short are Richer Sounds in house speaker manufacturer and brand, Cambridge Audio being their in house electronics brand. If you ignore the brand snob/price nazis,it’s terrific kit for the money

    Mordaun short 906 from your description, three drivers arranged vertically? I’ve got a pair on my second system,and yup, they’re pretty engaging,I like ’em lots.

    It’s worth making sure you use the spikes to isolate the cabinets from the floor. I’ve filled the lower box in mine with playpit sand as well. Really damps cabinet resonance and tightens up the bass and stops the kids knocking them over.

    Free Member

    I used to use a pair of active 8 inch downward firing stereo subs. Kind of odd, you didn’t really notice them till they were’nt there,then when you powered them back up again,everything fell back into place, especially with classical and jazz stuff. WIth most rock stuff, unless it was really well recorded they sounded pretty naff in a pumped up corsa full of bass bins kind of way.

    1 on it’s own did sound a bit poo, but the stereo pair were really effective,provided you were quite subtle with the cutoff and the level controls.

    Free Member

    Thank you very much Johnners,nice to know there are still some people out there who expect a little more from our cinematic experience than merely launching viscera and body parts everywhere 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s not good,It’s not even frightening, it’s just generic Aussie torture porn,with a lot of visceral splatter,instead of genuine tension to distract you from the fact that not a lot is going on,and that the plot arc is absurd, and the dialogue risible.

    If you get a vicarious thrill from watching faked torture, then it’s alright I suppose.

    Much, much, much better Ozploitation films around than that by far.

    That might just be my opinion though. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d carry on doing exactly what I’m doing now to be honest, the hourly rate is ‘kin brilliant, the work easy, (well,providing you spent the last 40 years practicing at least three different instruments for four hours a day.) and I’m still getting royalty cheques for work I produced twenty five years ago.

    So I’m happy anyway.

    Free Member

    Make sure you can mass load them, especially if you’ve got dogs or kids.

    Not heard any of the above but I’ve always been impressed with Mordaunt shorts for the money.

    Free Member

    Trd in a tree is one of my wife’s least favourite things, especially at head height.

    Free Member

    Fair do’s 🙂

    Free Member

    What TT said.

    Free Member

    you were nearly run over by a porche? Is that like a French porch, how the hell were they getting around the one way ? 😉

    Free Member

    “I have a proper job you patronising dick,”

    Well…..obviously you don’t or you would not be on here whinging and whining about it would you?

    When I left school it was fairly apparent that I’d need a job that paid well to meet all my and my potential family’s needs,interests and desires. So I made sure that I got one. I have no interest in people’s perceptions of what my class may or may not be, nor do I care what the Jones may or may not own 🙂

    Free Member

    Take cheaper holidays or get a proper job that pays enough to take them on holiday when it suits you as opposed to the holiday company.

    Free Member

    The Wicker Man ?

    Free Member

    It’s just you and whatever other reactionary mit mots who have dropped their Daily Mail as their eyes glaze over whilst drooling at the tv,fantasising about flogging, public executions and defenestration etc.

    Free Member

    A late production 2.9 Granada, has the 24 valve cosworth engine in it and if you can get hold of one of the 4×4 ones it handles and brakes really well for what it is, you can get bits everywhere as well.The Scorpio has stiffer,lower suspension and thicker anti-roll bars than the ghia, which is like trying to drive a mattress.

    Don’t get the 2.8, it’s a lot less powerful and harder to tune up.

    But I’d also happily buy the merc as well. I’m a bit daft for big old smokers.

    Old jag XJs are brill till something in the engine block or top end goes wonky and those xk series engines can be a nightmare to sort if you don’t really know what you’re doing.

    Free Member

    “Explain? Is someone’s soul taken when they are raped?”

    I was just talking about burglary there………not rape.

    And as for the prospect of being burgled again. I don’t skimp on insurance so expect the same will happen next time if it does again.

    Free Member

    “I’ve heard self harm was common but to see the extent of it was very eye opening.”

    I think that,to a degree is because a disproportionately high percentage of the prison population (compared to the non prison population anyway) are there because of mental illness,and self harm is endemic with people who are seriously mentally ill,with psychosis as opposed to a bit depressed(no insult intended)

    I know a great many of the people I know who are mentally ill, it’s been a big factor in how they ended up there.Certainly was for me anyway.

    Free Member

    “That would be relevant if that was all burglars took.”

    They took your soul?

    When I was burgled, I was insured and came out of it quite well,being insured new for old. Not that much bother at all and quite a result really.

    on reflection, by orders of magnitude….I’d much rather be burgled than raped.

    Free Member

    I’ve been in prison and it was bloody rubbish, nowhere near as much fun as the right wing knee jerk asshat press had led me to believe. I felt cheated frankly.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I remember that Heineken ad with the boomerangs, funniest ad ever. but I only ever saw it once spread out over about ten ad breaks, over a whole evenings tv.I was frightened to turn over cos I wanted to know what was going on.

    Free Member

    I would have done if I could have been bothered.

    Free Member

    I was just thinking “drug dealer in a 400k house?,must be rubbish”

    Free Member

    It’s a surly faced shitehawk

    Free Member

    When I die.

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