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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • tadeuszkrieger
    Free Member

    Since about 2004 in various guises.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about that, poor little sod…..I’ve been burnt badly enough for it to blister across the shoulders, when it starts to dry out and scab and pull the sking tight,it hurts like a bastard, so slap plenty (really, loads)of moisturiser or vaseline on it at short regular intervals (like hourly) to keep the blister soft and supple till it falls off, it hurts less but just itches like hell then.

    Best of luck with it.

    Free Member

    Still makes me laugh every time I see it,pretty much perfect comedic timing and deadpan delivery.

    Free Member

    I just leave mine till I’m asleep and I’ve pissed my wife off, she then pulls them out with tweezers whilst I sleep,although not for long usually.

    Free Member

    “Reddish Vale for some fun twisty single track”

    Some proper little hidden gems in there,especially if you forget to pay attention coming up to that tiny little wooden footbridge with the 90 degree turn onto it at the Bredbury end and go ploughing into the undergrowth (again).

    Free Member

    Sony, I’d been using Minolta XG since the seventies and M series bodies for years and started using Dynax bodies when they came along, had a pile of Dynax lenses, so when Sony bought out Minolta and Sony branded slr bodies came along, I started using them, perfectly happy with my choice and currently using an alpha 550.

    I’ve got a small pile of medium and large format film cameras knocking around as well but never use them at all anymore.

    Free Member

    +1 For Binners,I can’t even be bothered watching it, so difficult to get annoyed about it really.

    Free Member

    Played with him twice, great musician, great man…. humble and funny as hell with it as well.

    Free Member

    I don’t find him at all funny, just not my thing but bloody hell, he really does work for his money.

    Free Member

    I found growing my own veg to be a bit more expensive…. I do make my own butter though. That’s because I’m a bit poncey. That’s about the only cost saving exercise I indulge in as I’m hopeless at any kind of budgeting or fiscal aforethought.

    Free Member

    It’s my name except without the space between “s” and “z”

    It was my Grandad’s name as well and I’m very proud of it.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an ad for “The best fish and chips in Stockport”

    Free Member

    I think if they all hide inside a huge wooden horse and pretend to have gone home,it’ll be fine. It’s worked for them previously.

    Free Member

    I ordered some valves from Lithuania a while back and they took about ten days to get to me if that’s any help.

    Free Member

    Micralite, brilliant….. ours has gone through three kids, is about six years old,light, big pneumatic tyres at the rear, will push easily over really quite bad terrain, easy to steer, folds into or out of the car boot with one hand and steers with one hand without veering about all over the place. Much better than everything else we’ve had or tried.

    Free Member

    Fair do’s 🙂

    Free Member

    Every time somebody shouts “its PC gone mad”… I hear “I am a thwarted bigot” dunno why.

    Free Member

    Obviously…although it was more the coonhound angle I was coming from.:)

    Free Member

    It would have been a lot easier if they’d just called the dog “coon” and be done with all this “Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells” fallafel about digger/**** etc.

    Free Member

    Braces are strictly for lederhosen, oiks and pensioners.If the suit trousers are cut to be worn with braces,it will have buttons to attach them to, will be fifty years old and you got it from Oxfam.

    Free Member

    This story has been rattling about the media for a few weeks now, and I’m surprised it took so long for STW to pick it up, however….I read somewhere a week or two ago that the name change was simply down to cerification issues,using the word in question would automatically have pushed the film into a different and higher aged rated certificate, and was nothing to do with “PC GONE MAD” I’ve no problems with this.

    We have a living language and as time rolls on, our society’s perceptions of linguistics,perjoratives and what is and isn’t acceptable change, in this case I believe for the good:)

    Free Member

    It’s not like the dog is that key to the story, apart from getting run over just before the raid and gettings it’s name used as the codeword for a successful breach,it didn’t do much, it’s not like it flew one of that damn planes or owt.

    It’s not even as if the damn dog was black anyway, oh hang on……bugger

    Free Member

    Normally just the phone.

    Free Member

    I am, it’s all the salt in the pizza and chips.

    Free Member

    “Haven’t read his autobiography, tell us more? “

    He just came over, to me anyway as really smug and self satisfied, with a hugely inflated opinion of himself, that was at odds with the image he seemed to like to present.

    Seemed to be over interested in “young” girls when he was in the States and a bit on the sleazy side as well.

    He was a real hero of mine, and after reading it, I came away feeling slightly soiled by him.

    Could just be how I read it though.

    Free Member

    I’m mentally ill and I’m fat, I think the two are separate things for me.

    I’m mentally ill(bi-polar) cos I am. I’m fat cos I eat too much,live a really disorganized, sat down playing the guitar all day, scoffing pizza and like beer.

    Might just be me that tho’ tbf.

    Free Member

    I was a fan till I read his autobiography, then decided he was a bit of a **** actually.

    Usually listen to 6 music or boot liquor radio,music for working rednecks and drunken cowtippers.

    Free Member

    Quite like it, but it’s pretty much a copy structurally and chromatically of Rory Gallagher’s “Shadowplay” which I prefer personally.Some of it could be better, it’s got a few dead or poorly damped notes and the timing is a little off in places.

    Having said that He’s a terrific guitarist, it’s just that I don’t like his work very much.

    Free Member

    Postcards in local rehearsal rooms and studios.

    PRS , unfortunately, they don’t hold their s/h value at all well. Professional musicians won’t generally touch ’em cos they are overpriced. Not all Amatuers can afford ’em and if they can they tend to want a new one.

    Free Member

    That’s not anger issues, it’s just arrogance,sloppy self discipline and poor manners.

    Proper anger issues get you stitches and then arrested by and large.

    Free Member

    Pot or kettle. It’s up to you to decide which you would rather be.

    Free Member

    That’s about the seventy fifteenth time somebody has shown me that today…..

    Free Member

    Sorry, didnt mean to sound like I was disagreeing, it kind of came out wrong, it’s late and I’ve taken my pills now :)Though I have claimed Incapacity before now, and still receive DLA so i’m kind of coming at it from that angle.Didn’t make myself very clear…soz 🙂

    Free Member

    Whoops, sorry double post…….

    Free Member

    “he is correct if you are on the sick you dont need to sign on therefore you have no need to attend a job centre.”

    If you are claiming incapacity benefit, then yes, it’s the job centre and DWP that would deal with it.However the Disability Living Allowance mentioned is not managed by the DWP is dealt with by the Pensions, Disability and Carers Service (DCS) and not dealt with in a job centre at all apart from perhaps, as you say them letting you use their phone.

    The fact that both are civil servants is of no real consequence however,as both organisations are compartmentalised, for example The Foreign Office,HMRC,the DVLA and the Passport office are Civil servants as well, but I wouldn’t expect them to have a bloody clue about my DLA either.:)

    Free Member

    “he is correct if you are on the sick you dont need to sign on therefore you have no need to attend a job centre.”

    If you are claiming incapacity benefit, then yes, it’s the job centre and DWP that would deal with it.However the Disability Living Allowance mentioned is not managed by the DWP is dealt with by the Pensions, Disability and Carers Service (DCS) and not dealt with in a job centre at all apart from perhaps, as you say them letting you use their phone.

    The fact that both are civil servants is of no real consequence however,as both organisations are compartmentalised, for example The Foreign Office,HMRC,the DVLA and the Passport office are Civil servants as well, but I wouldn’t expect them to have a bloody clue about my DLA either.:)

    Free Member

    Well he could have been saying it, but he was saying it in the wrong bloody place if he was 🙂

    Free Member

    “I sat in a Jobcentre today, firstly a man literally jogged in wearing shorts and trainers to enquire where his disability living allowance was. Whe told he had to go and phne the processing centre he again literally jogged out”

    “I saw one guy doing one arm push ups in the waiting area to pass the time, as he waited for the Job Centre staff to sort out his disability allowance.”

    Quite remarkable really as disability living allowance is absolutely nothing to do with the job centre or it’s staff whatsoever and is in fact dealt with over the phone or by mail by a central call centre somewhere or another by a completely different organisation(the Pensions, Disability and Carers Service (DCS)).

    Oh and it’s paid out for mental health issues as well, so either could legitimately have been jogging or doing push ups anyway.

    just to put the record straight like 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve always fancied sticking one on a rear to give me that Sheldon Brown style 63 gear thing,but then again, I’m an idiot like that.

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