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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • tadeuszkrieger
    Free Member

    He’d been saving all year.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The Kaiser Cheifs predicted this years ago.

    Free Member

    Fair enough 🙂

    Free Member

    As was your English teacher apparently 🙂

    Free Member

    Kenco Millicano….. Sweet Zombie Jesus no…… bloody awful,cheapo nasty rubbish well packaged.Even for instant it’s pretty poor and extrememly overpriced.

    At a pinch I will drink almost any coffee if pushed and desperate, the Millicano went straight in the bin about halfway through the first cup and I spent the rest of the day drinking my own urine instead.

    Free Member

    I thought it was funny.

    Free Member

    “So kill them all then??” er……..not actually what I was suggesting at all, in anyway whatsoever.

    Free Member

    “Where is there any sense in killing that Bear?”

    Simple really, sad as it maybe, it has learnt that humans are relatively easy prey and considering the size of it’s territory,surprisingly common in it’s environment. Statistically, many apex predators that have killed humans have a very high likelihood of doing it again.

    Free Member

    whoops, sorry double post.I also own a cheapish automatic watch, that’s 40 odd years old and still keeps time reasonably well.

    Free Member

    “if I had a ’67 Mustang it’d be wrapped in Vaseline and Visquine and hermetically sealed in a humidity-controlled room.”

    I’ve got a ’68 fastback, and it gets driven,probably only once or twice every month but it does get driven.Bloody utterly pointless owning it otherwise.

    Free Member

    “if I had a ’67 Mustang it’d be wrapped in Vaseline and Visquine and hermetically sealed in a humidity-controlled room.”

    I’ve got a ’68 fastback, and it gets driven,probably only once or twice every month but it does get driven.Bloody utterly pointless owning it otherwise.

    Free Member

    been around a year or two now, still makes me smile every time I see it though 🙂

    Free Member

    yup 🙂

    Free Member

    “I’ll get the watch I want for my reasons. I don’t need odd cyclists telling me what to and not to buy.”

    You do realise they’ll do it anyway just to make themselves feel better about their choices ? 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Seiko number 5 from the sixties, it was serviced in the nineties and it wanders by about eight/ten seconds a month. So I’d say 60 sec a week is pretty poor indeed.

    Free Member

    Barry, all beautifully performed, but from working on your own(guessing here) maybe a little un-focused and lacking in structure,but that’s not necessarily a bad thing,Do you work with a band at all? if not, then it might be worth considering just for the discipline and focus

    Those pieces I’ve heard would be far more than adequate quality,in terms of the performance for a music bank or library for film and tv. That any help?

    Free Member

    Excellent confusing strangers type work there Fella!

    Free Member

    No, it’s not interesting enough to be accessible. The vocal sounds like you really could not be arsed rather than laconic,which is what I’m guessing is what you were going for,and the guitar needs a lot ( really…a lot!) of work on accuracy and timing.

    If somebody had brought that to me, even as a rough demo,I’ve heard it about a million times they’d be thrown out of my office about two bars in. My professional opinion…..Sorry………..

    Free Member

    I use Opera and I’m a ‘kin idiot.

    Free Member

    you’ve got to admire his dedication to proving a point.

    Free Member

    If she was drunk in an Asda carpark, then frankly she’s not a lady,old or otherwise.

    Free Member

    Water Polo and comp safari(might have to buy a Bowler tomcat for next year’s season ) when I’m in the UK

    When I’m in the US:
    Practical rifle/shotgun/pistol.
    Street and pro Street Drag Racing.
    and Comp Safari again.

    Free Member

    “well documented that there are/have been wallabies and caipubara (sp) roaming the peaks”

    Dunno about the Capybura, but the wallabies were released by a zoo (can’t remember which one, if anybody can be bothered to look it up it’s quite well documented)during the Second World war.

    Free Member

    “I’ve seen a wallaby in Wallasey!”

    I Lived in Wallasey for twenty odd years, I’m quite furry,I’ve got a tiny head and I’m quite round and have deformed feet and ears…..It was probably me.

    Free Member

    As northwind says, for badly undervalued guitar kit,they’re a goldmine, but that’s the only stuff I ever get from them.

    Free Member

    Those Vintage guitars play really nicely as well…..

    Free Member

    Stupid idea, in the flesh they always just look they’ve been sanded and battered randomly.

    And to actually answer your question, I’ve played a couple of the rebel guitars, they’re pants for the money. Get a fender Vintage Vibe instead,just as good if not better playing and a damn sight cheaper.

    I’ve just paid slightly shy of 5k for a Gibson Byrdland Florentine, if I’ve paid thousands for a guitar, it better bloody play like it, and the rebels don’t frankly.

    Free Member

    I liked her, she was a absolute pleasure to record and tour with.Unlike I suspect many of the reactionary f**ktards on here who never actually met her and are just reciting verbatim from the tabloid press.


    Free Member

    “I think I am somewhere on the autistic spectrum and have no clue how I come across a lot of the time…”

    Ah, the fallback excuse of the just plain bloody rude. It’s amazing how many people claim to be on the spectrum,when they need an excuse for their simple and easily rectifiable lack of forethought in speech and written word.

    On here, it’s almost as endemic as people claiming to be dyslexic as a means to justify an inability to spell or to structure a sentence lucidly.

    Free Member

    Thats a 1990 Callaway twin turbo Corvette, with the Sledgehammer tuning and suspension package,currently my fave toy,

    But there’s a Disco,a Fiat Cinquecento,an X-19, a couple of MK1 Capris, a Cossie Sierra,a Scimitar GTE, a pinto eningined Westfield and a handful of WW2 military vehicles as well.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve got the Humax, and yup, the interface is a bit crappy, but other than that I’m happy with it and I’d buy another one.

    Not had Sky, so no idea about that.

    Free Member

    A pounds worth of current UK copper coinage in any combination, weighs a exactly pound in weight.

    Free Member

    The wine red factory custom shop Gibson Byrdland I’ve ordered and that should be here in a few days.mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Free Member

    Depends how much I enjoy driving it and whether or not I like it, or is it just a hack car for running about in.

    If I like driving it, then it gets a lot more leeway. If I don’t like it very much, pretty much the tank getting near to empty means it’ll be got shut of.

    If it’s got classic status, I’ll get the work done and then sell it on to an enthusiast before it starts to cost me a fortune.Usually though, my classic cars are fairly well maintained and don’t give me too many horrible surprises.

    That’s not much help really is it ?

    Free Member

    You don’t live in your parents basement as well do you ?

    Free Member

    “wives of masons”

    Would they be the Maisonettes?


    Free Member

    “but it will most probably spank your car”

    As my main fun car is a Calloway twin turbo Corvette ZR1, I really seriously f*****g doubt it, my starter motor probably produces more power than the Audi.

    So there, I’ll consider my willy waved for today.:)

    Free Member

    Buy it you thieving git.:)

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