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  • Make Your October Better With Singletrack Magazine
  • tadeuszkrieger
    Free Member

    I pay the higher tax rate, I’m happy to, I consider that it’s my social obligation. For years when I didn’t earn as much I always said the rich should pay more tax, so it would now be hypocritical of me to try and avoid paying it as I’ve had my money’s worth out of the nhs alone.

    As Edukator points out, the poor pay a higher proportion of their income in taxes than the better off, I can still live very nicely thank you and pay, so why the hell should I get out of paying tax by judicious use of an accountant?, so I don’t bother…… which family and friends consider to be a bit daft to be fair.

    I’ve forgotten what my original point was now and where i was going with it dammit……..

    Free Member

    I’ve been sectioned a few times now (well about fifteen actually)over the last thirty years, and it’s not very @kin funny at all. Pretty much every time you get treated fairly ‘kin poorly, and I’m really really not having a go at psychiatric staff here, more the system and workload that they have to labour under.

    While you are secured, it’s extremely difficult to see a doctor or consultant and follow up support on release is usually very patchy and any kind of counselling or talking therapies are almost impossible to get unless you can afford to get them privately, which fortunately I could. If I was poor and mentally ill, I suspect that my overall position in the scheme of things may be a lot worse.

    Free Member

    You could well be right there 🙂

    Free Member

    Cos women shouldn’t actually have one…………..well, not one that is prominent or visible anyway.

    Free Member

    Repeat each sentence back to them with a lift and a question mark at the end.

    Free Member

    Avoid women with an adam’s apple.

    Free Member

    I used to see and feel ghosts and giant insects all the time,since I’ve been a good boy and taken my anti-psychotics as per….. I haven’t seen a thing, well not much anyway.

    Free Member

    Rap has a silent “C”

    Free Member

    Broken biscuits, some wax crayons,a faint whiff of mushrooms poached in butter on toast,lots of twangy noises,some oil paint and mineral thinners,86 chord diagrams and when I close my eyes I can sometimes see fireworks beneath my eyelids.

    Free Member

    I’ve just read that as “booking a spaghetti break thing”

    Free Member

    Gold and silver always are.Gold was a better investment a year ago than it is now though, I’ve just made about a forty% mark up on last year’s buy.

    I’ve never bothered with anything except precious metal bullion and it consistently out performs the stock market overall,providing you buy in adequate quantities.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Complex? sweet zombie jesus! what kind of tat do you normally watch? It’s about as complex as the bill,imho anyway. Even my five year old was following it and got the gist of it.

    Free Member

    Apart from thieving robbing b*****s who think that illegally downloading music isn’t stealing at all, it’ all going swimmingly thanks. In fact, I’d say it is better now than it was a couple of years ago, and I’m having to turn work down, or start working more than three days a week, which ain’t gonna happen.

    Free Member

    “As in mountain bikes there is a price that you have to pay before you get a decent product that does the job”

    “Realistically, most guitars at the price range you recommend aren’t worth it.. “

    Sorry, but that’s complete and utter cobblers, There’s plenty of good(for the money anyway)beginner’s guitars around at that sort of price, just get somebody who plays to go with you and make sure you dont buy a dog. Other than that, if you like it, buy it, smile.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    1 flat, 1 house , no mortgages, no credit card debt,lots of kids, cars, guitars and bikes, relatively large income,more than happy ta.

    Free Member

    Tbh,from what I’ve seen if I’ve been unfortunate enough to be passing through the room when it is on, the gay sex scenes are one of the least irritating parts of Torchwood.

    Oddly I watched pretty much the whole of last nights episode and never even thought about the sex scenes till just now when derek pointed it(the “naked,gay romping” that is) out.

    Free Member

    I love my job,I’ve spent thirty years doing it,it pays really, really well, I work pretty much when I want and for who I want and I wouldn’t consider doing anything else. hurrah etc.

    Free Member

    “We could still have the changing of the guards, etc.”

    they would however, be guarding nothing surely? 😉

    Free Member

    Nothing at all, it’s just a hobby like any other.

    Free Member

    Not having an Adam’s apple.

    Free Member

    Frankly, if you need constant reinforcement of your beliefs on relatively simple moral and ethical matters,just in case you maybe wrong,you must be very easily swayed, you say you agree absolutely then you need to check if you are sure or not, oh and I never actually said I had a problem with the word “nutter” Pay attention please 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes I do agree,however I find it somewhat odd that you seem to need external reinforcement for your belief.

    Free Member

    Well, I’m medicated bi-polar with a touch of schizophrenia and due to see my psychiatrist next week,I manage to work self employed,play regular sessions,write songs adequate enough to make a living selling them,hold a political opinion that some other people would consider fairly hard line etc.I like to think I’m a nice person and and I’m pretty f*****g insulted by the use of the term nutjob.

    some nutters are really nice people.”

    What? like some Jews or some Blacks are really nice people?

    Free Member

    All the bodies I’ve had over the last fifteen years or so have all been Minolta or Sony, simply because I like the menu structure on them and find them really intuitive to use for me.

    So……I’d say have a good play with a few and see which he finds he’s most comfortable with.There’s not a lot of point to great spec if you can’t figure out how to use any of it.

    Free Member

    Read the Hobbit and The Silmarillion about thirty years ago, decided that they were ridiculous poop and have never touched them since.

    Free Member

    Yup.A Conservative intellectual is a contradiction in terms, so the right tends to attract a broad church of adherents from the “just a bit dim” to the outright barking. Being educated or well spoken does not disguise their ignorance or bonkerism I believe, as the English are prone to confusing good manners and tailoring with breeding and integrity.

    Imho anyway,other opinions may differ etc.

    Free Member

    I’d like to think that whoever designed that window knew exactly what they were doing:)

    Free Member

    home erotic nonsense. It’s almost as dire as The Fast And The Furious.

    That’s just my opinion though.

    Free Member

    Go and see the cathedral and the other churches in old Goa, which is a world heritage site and was the capitol for the Portugese in India. A weird blend of Empirical catholicism and Indian traditional architecture,the cathedral was also the base for the inquisition in India and is well worth a look.

    Free Member

    I’d second the Epi, it’s a bit more. secondhand you can get them from around the 60 quid mark. If you stick the tweaky bitmod kit in as well, then it’s a stunning amp for the money and will probably cost about 120 ish.

    I’ve got about thirty amps,including electronic modelling amps lying about the studio and I almost always end up using the tweaky Epi, just cos it’s so convenient, versatile and sounds great. There isn’t really anything else at that sort of price range I’d bother with.

    Free Member

    Is it out yet ?

    Free Member

    By “big hitters” do you mean attention seeking asshats?

    Free Member

    Self important
    Status obsessed

    Free Member

    What iDave said.

    Free Member

    It has been happening for a while now, the amount of intolerance, right wing vitriol and cretinous kneejerking bile being spewed by the usual suspects has been rising slowly over the last few months in my judgement.However, that seems to be the way society is going in general in this country, I come here less and less often and don’t even bothering engaging with the bigots and idiots anymore,the last few days has made me wonder if I can even be bothered coming at all.

    Imho anyway

    Free Member

    These STWers are not lost but they are: egocentric, lazy, over confident, disrespectful, highly materialistic, undisciplined, confrontational and violent, permissive and uncaring.

    Free Member

    Never heard such a stupid kneejerk and ill thought out response to the problem, well till now anyway.

    Free Member

    about 17

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