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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • tacopowell
    Free Member

    If you’re havin’ roadie problems I feel bad for you son.
    I got 99 problems but bitumen ain’t one.


    Free Member

    Ok ok, I’m warming to the idea,

    Are we riding HT or FS?

    Free Member

    OK, but what ratio are you all riding though?

    Free Member

    What skills are you looking to work on?

    General XC riding although I really need to work on jumping! I cant Jump, Bunny hop etc, I feel I can ride to competent level but sure that an empty head could be filled with skills I should already be using.

    Free Member

    Have an ’05 TSport, Doris, Beautiful Car and can fit a fair amount in the boot, Not tried a canoe yet.

    Free Member

    About to head out to Sherwood Pines :D

    Free Member

    I’m Spartacus.



    If I go there in a half an hour will I be coached by someone just by looking into there eyes?

    Free Member

    Getting totally confused as to whats happening after reading the first 2 Comic Compendiums, Great Comic, Slower TV program, Still amazing non the less!

    Free Member

    2 bottles of London Pride and now bed as I’m getting old and boring and prefer a clear head on my days off! :o

    Free Member

    SNES, still play it nowadays! NBA Jam is awesome! Fancy getting a copy of Zombies, borrowed it out years ago but never saw it again:(

    Free Member

    Pics when finished please!

    Here it is, All ready for a first ride this Friday :D

    Free Member

    Please just man the **** up, you were there when it happened (I assume) so accept the responsibility.

    Free Member

    Skint at the moment, maybe pick up a resale at some point beforehand :?

    Free Member

    Depends on Red or White? i.e whats for dinner?

    You wouldn’t expect them to open a bottle of Red you’d brought if your eating fish?

    Other than that yes I’d feel a tad miffed but It’s a bottle of wine and whats a bottle of wine between friends?!

    Free Member

    I was the class clown, didn’t apply myself, got shit GCSE’s and spent the next 10 years doing drugs, Wish I’d applied myself!

    Could be a Astronaut or Professor?!

    Probably not but No doubt I’d be in a better position!

    Free Member

    Pick up a pair of HT2 arms and bb for peanuts and don’t waste any more of your life faffing with square taper!

    This is what I’ll do.

    Free Member

    If you’re adding a spacer you might want/need to get a BB with a longer axle and wider shell, otherwise you may not be left with enough thread to properly hold the drive side and/or enough axle poking out the non-drive side.

    As already put! Gonna say it!!!

    Think its a 75mm BB but it makes no difference, I’ve been thinking about a new BB/Crank arms, I suppose this is my que…

    Free Member

    Square Taper BB’s are incompatible with BB mounted Chain guides,

    Left the non-drive side crank arm off while I tinkered with gears, only to pop it on and find that because of the guide plate it pulls the opposing arm in to far and seizes the lot up.

    Anyone got a cheap external BB, Crank arms going?! :(

    Free Member

    Problem solved! Although I’ll replace the zinc covered steel with a Aluminium piece when I get the chance.

    Align gears and I’ll be on my way!

    Thanks for your help peeps!

    Free Member

    You can’t flip the BB as the threads will be wrong (one of the sides has an opposite thread).

    Oh yeah! :oops:

    Wanted to stay clear of seatpost mounted (Aesthetics!),

    Might make a spacer to go between the back plate and guide before going down that route….


    Free Member

    I watched a pedestrian fail at motioning the **** sign at a motorist, it was more of Arnold Rimmer salute, although I didn’t “do” this, I was lucky enough to be part of the same time and space to appreciate this,
    I find lots of fun in watching people and how they react with their environment and fellow people!

    Free Member

    £25 apparently.

    Free Member

    I wish my partner liked getting anal.

    Don’t understand it myself, cold, dirty and uninviting.

    Free Member

    +1 physical activity,

    Something as simple as a walk requires borrowing a dog otherwise she can’t see the point.

    Free Member

    Support worker job,

    One of the service users was on the panel, so interested he was in hearing my interview he fell asleep, snoring throughout, massive distraction.

    Non the less I got the job!

    Free Member

    I think this is more about ‘you’re just a newb therefore you haven’t earned the right to have an expensive bike yet’

    Has nothing to do with this, your money, you spend it as you please,

    I just believe the way you put yourself across is somewhat pretentious,

    Hence marking you down as a possible troll, It’ll be easier for the both of us, Troll or not I’m no hater and I hope you enjoy your new bikes!

    Free Member

    We’re different people, we have different views,

    Petty jealousy? Not really, just been brought up in circumstances that make me appreciate the value of money and that not everyone wants to know about your finances, hence my flaunting it comment particularly when many people are struggling to make ends meat.

    God damn your a good troll be intentionally or not!

    Free Member

    Troll or not a troll…. still entertaining

    :wink: :D

    Free Member

    Classic trolling way of writing

    the principle deciding factor was the colour scheme

    Need I say more?!

    My friend from Spain

    I hope his name is Manuel?

    I also ‘accidentally’ bought a Specialized Sirrus carbon road bike too

    As one does, Your loaded, fine flaunting it is a tad antagonising for those not in your fortunate position ;)

    as the weather’s terrible

    You’ve spent £1500 on a mountain bike, mountain biking is a sport enjoyed in all weathers! Don’t be a fair weather rider!

    I might book a long weekend somewhere a bit warmer.

    Again, flaunting it ain’t all cool.

    All that said, you could be as genuine as they come, I’d hope you don’t take to much offence from my suspicion’s!

    If your stuck in London, get on the sirrus and get as fit as possible, ready for the trails!

    Also, go tubeless (google it!) and don’t be afraid to adjust your bike, although you might feel fine on how it’s currently set I guarantee small tweaks here and there can help you out ten fold!

    Free Member

    What’s it gonna be?! The on-one or the goldtec?!

    Free Member

    Does no one else suspect a king of all trolls?!

    I’m not saying You are but you certainly have a whiff of it!

    If you are, kudos to you!

    If you are not, enjoy riding! I’ve got a sirrus for commuting, beautiful bike to ride!

    Also you really should name your bikes, will help build a relationship.

    Free Member

    RE the on one ring,

    Compatible with 1/8in and 3/32in chains but without shifting tabs. Suitable for single chainring 8 and 9 systems but not compatible with front mech shifting.

    I’m using an SRAM PC951 chain, that’s compatible right?

    I’d also be interested in the Sury ring, condition? Pics? Price?

    Free Member

    Got spotify? Watched Breaking Bad? Anything from Breaking Bad Playlists, found so much new music from this method!

    Free Member

    View the property a few times.

    2nd viewing on one property tomorrow!

    Free Member

    Replace current boiler (with a Worchester) and fit larger hot water tank £1500
    Combi in current location £2300ish (some pipes need altering)
    Combi in better location £4000

    Yeah, Thinking along the lines of replacing and converting an old council Back-boiler to a combi, reckon 4k+ on a property at the top end of our budget, Don’t think its a wise move, Walking from a real nice place…

    south facing rear gardens are essential any thing else is a poor comprimise


    Big on my gardens, its a must!

    I’d recommend riding to the house on a bike

    Good Call, Will give this a go!

    When we bought our first we knocked on both neighbours properties

    One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter!

    Free Member

    gusamc- good call!

    Free Member

    Don’t buy next to a pub. May be nice today but could be a hell hole or empty tomorrow.

    That and risk of spending to much time in there.

    Free Member

    New boiler at 2k has been mentioned a few times, are we talking a replacment for the whole central heating? Ie from back boiler to combi?

    Free Member

    Many thanks for the replies and advice, neighbours are the trickiest things to determine are, where previous residents might have got on with them you might not, I guess the street as a collection can tell a lot but of course it’s always hard to judge and you might be the one to move next door to Frankie Wilde!

    Locations fairly important but I guess better amenities over schools (both the Missus and I went to poor inner city schools and are turned out good, good parenting is more important (I hope!)).

    How important do you reckon energy efficiency is?

    Free Member

    But do you like to pedal backwards?!

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