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  • Leaked document reveals MTB World Cup plans for 2025
  • swiss01
    Free Member

    andrews sisters
    pointer sisters
    everly brothers
    cowboy junkies
    five star
    the jacksons
    hue and cry – i have to finish with them as the memory has made me a bit sick in my mouth

    Free Member

    while you’ve undoubtedly got musculoskeletal issues from what you’ve said if you put back pain stress/anxiety/depression into the googlemachine it’ll return a ton of stuff. if you think about posture in people who are stressed, what they look like, how they hold themselves, it all starts to make sense. mostly people might not believe you until you poke them and make them yelp!

    when I was into such things I rather favoured a combo of alexander technique and frequent stretching – obviously you need to be well careful if you’ve got pre-existing conditions. in a nutshell tho head and body aren’t separate – take care of one and you look after the other

    Free Member

    could be worse. it could be that last weekend you were working, when the race wasn’t so you couldn’t take part but today, waking up and thinking where you could go, you see this thread and think – that can’t be right.

    and they say i’m not the sharpest tool in the box!

    Free Member

    perth would be my choice from the above but only if no commute to Edinburgh was involved as, as has been pointed out, public service transport to south of the river is awful.

    Falkirk is the worst place I’ve lived in Scotland. it has no redeeming features. stirling’s nice enough but suffers in proximity

    Free Member

    the flipside of this being that hospitals are for physically ill people. in hospital we regularly look after people with mental health problems because the local mental health service and the police won’t take them. the mental health services because they’re physically impaired somehow – overdosed, drunk or that beautiful catchall – you can’t exclude an organic cause. the police in part, and esp if any sedation’s been given, won’t take them as, they say, the person hasn’t done anything wrong.

    which is true unless they’ve been threatening other patients, destroying property or attacking the staff thus enabling that get out of jail free card that says you can do whatever you like in hospital and get away with it (which it has to be said is employed a lot more by the general public than people with mental health problems). the only exception I’ve seen with this is nutting a police officer and that multidisciplinary team exchange finished real quick.

    sometimes, just when you’re thinking what sort of folk must they have in the psychiatric services that they never have any beds, those very staff will come down and tell you. and it’s then you realise then extent of the cracks into which vulnerable people can disappear.

    it’s a problem that encompasses all the services these people (and a range of other at risk groups) are like to come into contact with. suffice to say I’ve never seen all those groups sat down at a table and, even if they were and able to overcome their various perspectives (which sounds a but far fetched but I did a child protection thing not so long ago where this actually did happen) then any sensible suggestions are right up against management and that’s where they’ll end.

    like everything else, follow the money. or lack of it.

    I spend a deal of time with the police in connection with this sort of stuff and in the main they’re great, realising for the most part that they’re in no less an iniquitous position than we are. not only that we all know we’ll be doing the same next week, the week after and the week after that and nothing changes.

    Free Member

    tinariwen go down well at my brother’s gaff. both with staff and punters.

    I might also think about gjallarhorn, valravn and kari bremnes

    Free Member

    last time I looked I was unable to see my own position on a bike. I can’t get my eyes out on stalks like glupton obviously can but I guess, as he says, it’s a bit like dentistry – once you know the principles you can do it yourself.

    i agree with both fasthaggis and epicyclo on the grounds that they’re right. I’ve no strong feelings on bike fit but i do think it needs revisited dependent at the very least because as you get older your position changes (and does cost considerably more than physio to fix thatn a bike fit). i got one of my old bikes out of the shed recently having not cycled it for some years – a machine of torture!

    Free Member

    tax isn’t so bad if you keep on top of it and the hmrc has a fair amount of guidance to help you out. also, if your turnover is sufficient to justify one, you’ll want to know enough about how your tax works to know why precisely you’re shelling out for an accountant.

    it might be worth checking out with your local authority what they’ve got in the way of business support. most often it may be they’re woeful (and never actually run a business!) but occasionally you’ll come across someone who’ll give you a decent bit of advice.

    Free Member

    i’ll plead the larkin in the face of the above.

    families seem to think it gives them behavioural carte blanche. it does not. i stopped speaking to mine some years ago. best decision I ever made. no more trauma, no more nonsense.

    read some emerson….

    Free Member

    nope, i’m all for it. the daily mail is a bastion of racism, homophobia and misogynism, the readers and makers of enforce a far more insidious form of censorship than a ‘say what you like but we don’t need to listening to it here’ approach.

    well done singletrack I say

    Free Member

    can’t do the weekend but the 30th is possible

    Free Member

    dependent on the day I can come

    Free Member

    i’d take raise an eyebrow with the notion that transplant units are awash with people as a result of paracetamol use. is there data to back this up?

    similarly a 12- 24 window just isn’t true tho, broadly speaking, if you’re coming in with a staggered overdose after 24 hours, your levels are high and your liver function is off, we’ll be none too happy but we’ll still be treating. hepatorenal syndrome – it’s no fun.

    here’s the mhra stuff from last year, nomogram and all (check the pdfs for the detail)

    a question on domestic use tho – do they give weight guidelines? we give half dose for the under 50kg and i’ve seen toxicity not infrequently in wee old people taking their ‘safe’ dose

    Free Member

    the op could come and work a shift with me if he thinks that nhs types can’t make it thru a 12hr shift and more without eating or drinking and don’t do so on a regular basis.

    I’ve gone along with the Ramadan thing a couple of times – either geography or solidarity with mates – and I’ve it both interesting and not at all burdensome. plus, as the token non-muslim I got extra special end of day food in all cases.

    Free Member

    contador – a beef?. no, this is a beef

    Free Member

    I’ve been out with both the above. tony, for me, was brilliant. seakayakoban I went out with two total beginners (mrs swiss being afraid of both water and boats and the other one just generally afraid) and they were equally brilliant.

    Free Member

    cheers rusty. that just doesn’t get old

    Free Member

    anyone got a link for that spectator getting taken out at around 75km?

    and, maybe

    Free Member

    corneal abrasion, conjunctivitis, ocular trauma secondary to stings etc. wasp/bee stings in particular have the potential for long term damage.

    rule 36 followed by rule 5 I think

    Free Member

    I have a couple of mates with this very bike and they don’t have a wobble problem whatsoever whether they’re sprinting on the flat or coasting on the way down. obviously you’ll have consulted the googlemachine but if not this is as good a starter as any

    Free Member

    my favourite lego

    Free Member

    i’m watching out resident siskins as i’m writing this

    Free Member

    legend, i’m not meaning to decry nhs physios per se as I know and work with many but equally they’re the ones who’re telling me (and i’m seeing the same thing) that their service is being impaired by a hands off approach. management driven obviously.

    Free Member

    physio. physio. physio. and not one of those nhs types who’ll fob you off with ‘exercises’.

    I knackered a hip earlier this year by overdoing it and thus exposing instabilities that were in the post thanks to age and wear and tear. a couple of months later and for about the same as it would cost me for a pair of glasses i’m in much better nick and more or less pain free

    Free Member

    me, i would’ve stopped. i stop or offer help to pretty much everyone from roadies with punctures (note one of whom has ever complained about my capacious back that contains everything) to mtbers with burst fork seals. this last one constituted a bit more of a problem which i wasn’t able to fix tho the last laugh was on me as the person i was offering help to turned out to be tracy mosely. not that i care much. i fix bikes for the kids in the street, i encourage fat, wheezing weekenders up the hill and i’ll always stop for those laden end to end types whether it’s for a chat, to offer a bite to eat, or just sympathy for their catastrophically overloaded bikes.

    right up till i read read yunki’s post i would’ve stopped for him. but bewailing the lack of community then talking about broken nailed fixie riders and spotty youths? i think not. what goes around comes around. it’s a karma thing. thm is right on the money.

    Free Member

    foolishly i bought one but after seeing how simply (and poorly) it was put together i suggested next time mrs swiss gave me her sewing kit and some fluffy material to make another

    Free Member

    mcmoonter owns fife…

    Free Member

    yeah, you don’t want that perth council subsidising stuff for kids and the like. except maybe if it’s your own kids….

    Free Member

    I have the sony. can’t fault it. make your own windjammer thing tho

    Free Member

    my mate got herself a ribble just last week. loves it.

    Free Member

    some of the more amusing choices I’d happily give away to the happy cyclist. not the whisky tho!

    Free Member

    buzz lightyear is my second favourite. I’d post a pic but I can’t so see here
    and scroll down.

    safe for my work. possibly not for everyone’s.

    Free Member

    not philosophy!?

    given the obvious spin on plato and beyond someone I think must be having the proverbial giraffe.

    Free Member

    you need to eat on a 45 mile road ride!!? I am old, fat and have obvious impulse control issues when it comes to a cake but while it may be that I carry an emergency gel in my bag (yes, bag – deal with it roadies) it wouldn’t occur to me to eat on such a short distance. moreover, given my evening road rides cover just such a distance (prior to going for chips) the very suggestion we stop for food would see me roundly mocked.

    Free Member

    me, without resort to any sort of shiny thing, did this just last weekend. how do you feel about getting married i asked. she – somewhat silent. to me, i confirmed. that sounds good she said. job done.

    Free Member

    it has changed me. now i’m out the front cleaning the bikes and I can feel my fingers..

    Free Member

    orientalism? said? I could so go off on one. but here’s this instead…

    Free Member

    peak on helmet – check. mtb pedals – check. waterbottle – check. backpack – check. response to mention of above (which curiously have never come from a roadie) – aye, you’ll be able to keep up then…

    should you be feeling self conscious mike, come to perth and you can hide in the shade of my ‘shame’

    Free Member

    it’s the display element of it that’s particularly beyond me. if they’re so bothered about not taking their dog’s deposit home why not stash it somewhere less obvious. but it seems to be becoming more common not less. dog owners i know are as mystified as me and possibly more outraged.

    there’s a sign on the path i was on about cyclists giving way to walkers. i have no problems with this. however i feel i’m going to get msswiss busy with the laminator so that i can put my own sign up. what to say – dog sh1t doesn’t grow on trees,there’s no need to pretend it does.

    suggestions please….

    Free Member

    i don’t envy you if you’ve been out doing this today. i never noticed this thread when it went up or i could’ve had a burl down to help/hang about. back to work now but if you need a pair of hands next week (and it’s not raining) give me a shout

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