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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • swiss01
    Free Member

    everything geoffj said. i would offer to take you out but i’m terminally broken.

    Free Member

    i like both d&g and the borders but for me perthshire and angus are beyond compare for road cycling.

    Free Member

    sorry for the delay in response but work, work work. thanks for the pointers.

    it was indeed parsons peebles

    Free Member

    i too liked those things but these were of a different order. a variety of sizes from about a metre to maybe three metres across. something like these bad boys

    Free Member

    after a knackered leg and months on trainer only i managed out for a wee thirty mile loop with lots of stops for local nature surveying. beautiful day and just a joy to be on the bike. a couple of weeks later i tore a tendon in my arm and have been off the bike for the rest of the year.

    enjoy the little things!

    Free Member

    sounds like oakley then! cheers

    Free Member

    as above. i’m sure, if you tried, you could use your mobi to damage something but in the three or four years i’ve been using mine i’ve not damaged anything more than knocking over a container of degreaser

    Free Member

    this whole situation appalls me root and branch. no beating about the bush, she should be birched

    Free Member

    i predict their relationship will splinter. he may pine. but she looks like a beech.

    Free Member

    i like nights in january because it’s always dark, the weather’s miserable and you’re never left thinking you could be on your bike

    Free Member
    Free Member

    sunday’s a possibility but only if i don’t have a debilitating hangover. any other time on the next week for definite

    Free Member

    i believe the gamekeeper, whose name may well not be chris, rhea shooter, will be on the road to hell for this

    Free Member

    303 live (on pshychic). that’s all i’m saying…

    Free Member

    +1 many times for cornelius. been going thru a buffalo daughter phase this last wee while.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    docs are good. we watched charge the other day, electric bikes at the tt. excellent.

    Free Member

    if you’re coming up the 822 from crieff you’ll cross a wee bridge over the river almond. a couple of hundred metres ahead you can turn off to the left and follow the track thru glen almond to ardreonaig. like i say a bit of hike a bike but with a reasonably unladen bike and cx tyres it’s a skoosh

    Free Member

    other alternatives you could consider are taking the off road route thru glen almond. there’s a bit of hike a bike in the middle but nothing dramatic, then a nice ride south loch tay and up and over via aberfeldy which, altho it’s a main road, isn;t a busy one and is very scenic

    Free Member

    kcal, definitely a consideration as that’s a big day the day after! if you fancy a scoping visit or some company on the day give me a shout and i’ll come out for the day as it’s never a bother to cycle that road

    Free Member

    if it was me, and time and distance weren’t a factor, i;d head for alyth from perth (or dundee if you’re coming across the bridge). from alyth take the back road up the den and head as if you’re going to glenshee (it’s the road west of lintrathen on the map). this is one of my favourite roads in the district and will take you in a very isolated and lovely curve up to the a93. head south (it will be unlovely) for a couple of miles then take the kirkmichael road. after that the a924 up and over to pitlochry. it’s a trek fir sure but for a day out on the bike it can’t be beat.

    not even by perth – (back road to) crieff – sma glen – amulree – glen quaich – loch tummel – which is the other way i’d do it

    Free Member

    just getting torn into the king in the north by max adam – fascinating stuff.

    not long finished the forever war by dexter filkins and the good soldier by david finkel. neither cheery but excellent

    Free Member

    cos i’m a fat old bloke with shot knees who lands like a sack of spuds

    Free Member

    no they don’t and yes you can.

    is it worth it? we got it for house of cards. watched a couple of other things but will most likely cancel after that

    Free Member

    fred’s on soundcloud?

    Free Member

    now i’m happy! cheers for that cg

    Free Member

    if you can change the resistance while you’re going it won;t make a deal of difference. if not, you’ll be wanting gears

    Free Member

    mrs swiss, looking over my shoulder as i read the daily mash page, spies the ‘milfs of waitrose’ ad.

    is that the sort of thing waitrose thinks should be marketed at you singletrack types she demands.

    yes, i say to my dear one, yes it is

    Free Member

    has the op ever been to sweden?

    you’d need a sea change in culture to make any of their scandinavian shenanigans work over here

    Free Member

    +1 for intervals/hit. and base miles

    as for riders 30 years your senior being quicker. it’s because of the above. and we are. and we’re sneaky (i’m told!)

    Free Member

    that’ll look good on the stairs and i’m betting is quiet enough not to stop me sleeping. excellent!

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – post of the week so far for me. i thank you.

    Free Member

    given unsportsmanlike conduct is one of their rules nice way to get your team disqualified. not that it’ll matter in sochi as the koreans will win everything. and, better yet, there’ll be no apollo ohno

    Free Member

    you’d think, but no

    Free Member

    day 1. perth. low road to newtyle, forfar. glen clova loop. back along past loch of lentrathen and up to pitlochry. something around the 95 mile mark. barely a main road.

    day 2. pitlochry, kinloch rannoch, aberfeldy, kenmore, amulree (via glen quaich), creiff, braco, perth. this last bit you can extend or shorten dependent on your taste and how much legs you have

    Free Member

    you’re swinging that

    Free Member

    i’ll refer you back to the bag of cash above.

    welles’ (orson) reputation was very much enhanced by the production. he did, however, agree to changes as dictated by cbs as the original script was ‘too realistic’.

    less famous productions of the mercury theatre can be found here

    that do you op?

    Free Member

    mrs swiss still in scratcher so away out for a quick bit of road now

    Free Member

    started on ketel one and now moved onto chase, perhaps because i’ve watched two versions of a christmas carol and want everything a bit english

    Free Member

    i once broke a guy’s toe off and the nurse who was with me was sick. does that count?

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