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  • Best eMTB Of The Year: Haibike Nduro 7
  • swedishmatt
    Free Member

    Zulu-11 is very right and not trolling. Ernie, the typical left right dimension is overly simplistic. That is one of the first things you learn when studying politics or “state science”.

    And the nazis were indeed lefties of the highest order.

    Thought experiment – why are unions who support labour often highly against open/large immigration? Does that make a union right- wing? The answer is no, immigration does not fit in on a left/right scale.

    Free Member

    My limited understanding is you need to watch out for wind driven rain that can cause the “moisture bridge” you were talking about.

    Secondly there is cavity wall insulation that actually works while damp – or doesn’t get damp rather or whichever way it works (sorry no expert so you probably don’t want to read this).

    As you mentioned that your house is rendered, I assume that might reduce the risk of moisture bridge anyway. However, damp insulation is a better head conductor as well – so sucking heat out of your house. So your walls could already be …shit, and you wouldn’t necessarily know about it but then again you should see damp patches on the inside.

    edit: gerammmer

    Free Member

    Qwtf rocked. Pekker i was called. Clan called ad112, just local lan guys. Those were the days! Played a lot with dbd people and sof and clan lovely, whom i played with in q3f with the nick snafu. So many hours!!

    Free Member

    Berghaus argentium long sleeves tshirts. If it’s cold i put two on. Works brilliantly with two layers, never overheat. And they don’t smell after 2-3 rides either.

    Free Member

    Make sure all bolts are tight! I rattled loose my rear mech cable. Not much fun being at the scottish border with two front gears. Anyway, i do it on a HT but it rattles like hell for about 5 minutes after going across the northshore.

    Free Member

    Does it? Still looks too flimsy to be usefull.

    I think there is a market for lightweight full face helemts, but light helemts that meet full face standards are expensive, and while my cheep 661 is hotter than an open face lid it’s not too bad for downhill, so if I was bothered I’d buy a backpack that could hold it on the climbs.

    And bassides FF helemts suck for jumping.
    The last one had more of a “singular” chin bar if I remember correctly? maybe I’m dreaming. I just want to protect my little white teeth. Knocking teeth out will be horrible.

    Free Member

    parachute full face helmet 2012 edition (which looks massively different to the previous version) is perhaps what you need. Heck I might buy one.

    Free Member

    I certainly hope so

    If dates happen to co-incide you’re welcome to join us!

    Sorry have to pass this time, need to save me holidays (however could probably get away with one day’s holiday as I live in Newcastle).

    Free Member

    Is Innerleithen the same as Glentress or different? And does Inners really do uplifts? I’m drooling.

    Free Member

    Mboy knows what he’s talking bout. Agree with everything he says.

    I’ve got two upcoming investments, full susser and a new computer so following this thread with interest.

    Free Member

    6. Marketing – we are believing the hype and want to spend the money.

    Free Member

    1. Cheap Credit (just look at houseprices) – the more money there is in the system, the more prices will increase
    2. Bike to work schemes
    3. Increased demand maybe?
    4. Increased cost in general – oil, metal, transportation between countries)
    5. More technical bikes – more R&D by the companies

    It’s probably a mix.

    Free Member

    2tyred – Member

    This is my point, the BBC makes the UK, as a whole, believe in one side of the story. And the sooner you realise that the better. you will of course ridicule me, which I don’t particularly mind. But seriously, this country suffers from a serious dose of “I don’t give a shit about politics I’ll go watch X-factor and maybe question time and that’s the news for me!”.

    The UK is brainwashed and the BBC plays a great part.

    Codswallop, sir.

    If the BBC is so left wing and so adept at shaping the views of the public to fit its own agenda in such a sinister fashion, then how come we’ve ended up with a right-leaning government?
    Because Labour elected a grinning fool for its leader and people realised Labour again, completely and utterly, spunked up money on the wrong things? Of course they weren’t helped by the global crash, of which the Labour government had absolutely nothing to do with.

    “I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the recovery.”
    Gordon Brown’s 1997 Budget Statement

    “I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the future … the UK should not return to the instability, speculation and negative equity of the 1980s and 1990s” Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer, November 1997

    Sorry I’m also trying to find his glowing review of the financial services in the 2000’s. Something about innovation and…..hold on, you mean CDS?

    Free Member

    gonefishin – Member

    psst X-factor is on ITV.

    Semantics, in reality is funded by the tax payer.

    Nope, you even have to pay the license fee if you’re not a taxpayer. Also it’s not very stealthy is it what with it being all out in the open and everyone knowing about it.
    Sorry should have written strictly prancing! Ok let’s call it a fee then if it makes you feel better.

    Free Member


    The resources of the BBC aren’t infinite as it is not taxpayer funded.

    Semantics, in reality is funded by the tax payer. I don’t have much choice if I want to watch TV do I? It’s a forced tax, unless, by stealth.

    Free Member

    Gonefishing: Don’t mean to de-rail this into a MMGW discussion but you’re wrong. This is my point, the BBC makes the UK, as a whole, believe in one side of the story. And the sooner you realise that the better. you will of course ridicule me, which I don’t particularly mind. But seriously, this country suffers from a serious dose of “I don’t give a shit about politics I’ll go watch X-factor and maybe question time and that’s the news for me!”.

    The UK is brainwashed and the BBC plays a great part.

    Free Member

    grum – Member

    you’ll for instance find a serious overweight to people with a pro-MMGW stance.

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

    So they should give equal weight to a few conspiracy theorists, despite the fact that the majority of scientific opinion supports MMGW? That’s your idea of balance?

    If 999 people say the earth is round, and one says it’s flat – on any discussion of the earth we need one from each side in order to be balanced?
    The answer is yes, it should give a balanced view. So should all media, not just the BBC.

    Irrespective of what you think of MMGW, you should hear both sides of the argument. For talking about this as an example, before you ridicule it by using your 999 example, there are in essence at least 2 stances on MMGW, probably a few more. If the BBC with its inifinite resources from the tax payer should damn well give the best coverage. But it doesn’t, because it doesn’t fit with their view. They’re up their own bumhole.

    Free Member

    2tyred – Member

    State controlled media should be doubly good at ALWAYS inviting people from not just both sides of the spectrum but bloody well from all sides. And yes, they can, and yes they should.

    Drawing on your 20 years of experience, how exactly would you achieve this within the confines of a 30 minute news programme featuring a host of other stories? The most you could hope for would be a single-sentence soundbite from each participant which would trivialise everything.
    Oh really. Suggest you look at ITV and what they do then. Or some international programmes. This is just sound journalism. The BBC feels it doesn’t need to because auntie BBC knows what’s right and what’s wrong, just like Ed Milliband.

    Free Member

    I’m eyeing up a Ghost AMR 7500 myself. Felt really nice, but possibly a bit short but only when standing up. But then again it would be a trail bike and not a XC bike.

    Free Member

    AdamW – Member

    If you start looking at the air time of pro vs contra views on some of the hottest topics of the decade – you’ll for instance find a serious overweight to people with a pro-MMGW stance.

    And based on this – completely ignoring the vast majority of science – I cannot take your argument seriously. If you want a neutral bias then you would have to give percentage time to each view and not equal.

    For that, I’m out.
    So do you know what the other side of the science say?

    Free Member

    AdamW – Member

    Just thinking, like. Is this argument the same sort of rubbish that is constantly going on in the US? Extreme right wingers (like those tea-bagger people) constantly harp on about “the liberal media” in an attempt to force any political discourse to go more and more right-wing and keep anyone microscopically to the left of their bias on the back-foot?

    I would have thought a liberal media would have been A Good Thing.
    Of course there is a place for liberal media. But a state controlled media should never put itself in a position to be described as anything on the political spectrum. Seriously.

    Free Member

    What scares me the most with this discussion, or rant from my side, is that so many people think it’s ok that the BBC is “leftist” because it outweights the rightwing media.

    Bloody scary.

    Free Member


    What kind of reactionary simpleton are you? Just because an organisation’s output is not nakedly right-wing does not make it Trotskyite.

    You do not “pay bloody taxes to the BBC” – the licence fee is optional.

    What would you replace the BBC with? You want to be careful what you wish for. Replacing centrally or state funded organisations with private enterprise has not been an unqualified success in this country
    I’m from a country that is far more socialist than the UK. However, the state controlled media, i.e. the BBC, is much more socialist than the equivalent media in Sweden.

    The BBC, apart from being naive, not up to the job, overly expensive push out their view of the news. It is not factual, they give the narrative. If you start looking at the air time of pro vs contra views on some of the hottest topics of the decade – you’ll for instance find a serious overweight to people with a pro-MMGW stance. The economics news is weak. Just look at Stephanie Flanders interview of Mervyn King. Pretty important this whole money printing malarchy. She was a wet blanket. 1.5% inflation rise due to QE? Really? Did she push him on the fact he has missed the inflation target for last couple of years by twice the target? No, of course not. She’s useless. You could argue this is proof that she is no biased, but actually it just proves she is shit (oh and she used to date Ed Milliband and Ed Balls, or something like that). AND SHE IS THE ECONOMICS person! GAH.

    State controlled media should be doubly good at ALWAYS inviting people from not just both sides of the spectrum but bloody well from all sides. And yes, they can, and yes they should. They are lazy, incompetent and biased to the left.

    Free Member

    CaptJon: because it’s full of champagne socialists, and clueless managers. it’s called a gravy train. Very much like politicians in general – throw more money at something because that will make it better.

    Free Member

    Stevious: just putting some quotes in. For some reason it blocks the URLs, maybe it thinks I’m spamming. Google the quote and you’ll find it.

    For 20 years I was a front man at the BBC, anchoring news and current ­affairs programmes, so I reckon nobody is better placed than me to ­answer the question that nags at many of its viewers — is the BBC biased?

    In my view, ‘bias’ is too blunt a word to describe the subtleties of the ­pervading culture. The better word is a ‘mindset’. At the core of the BBC, in its very DNA, is a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left.

    Free Member

    grum:Again, so what? Virtually all the other media in the country is owned by Murdoch or other big business interests which pursue a nakedly right wing agenda. Nothing wrong with a bit of balance surely?

    I don’t know if you’re still in school or simply don’t realise what a stupid statement the above is.

    Just because I think the BBC is overpaid and completely past its sell by date doesn’t make me a Fox lover does it? Now, secondly, if I pay bloody taxes to the BBC – it bloody well should be neutral. Actually, no media can be neutral – so the BBC should just sodding admit they are a lefty pancake and sod back to the fifties.

    Free Member

    gonefishin have a google mate. They say themselves they’ve got a left bias.

    Free Member

    Some other quotes:

    The BBC is operating in a “left-leaning comfort zone” and has an “innate liberal bias” according to a report commissioned by the corporation

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner: The BBC is extremely expensive. Completely over the top staffed, and a stupid amount of staff on all functions. They bid on stuff they shouldn’t. They compete with private channels where they fill no public service function. They should stay well clear.

    I suggest you all ask yourself the question why the BBC has its own commentators. Ask yourself why other channels bring outside experts in more often. Could it be that the BBC wants to give you their view? Next time Stephanie Flanders, the so called economic commentator interviews the powers that be, or talk about quantititative easing, or the next time they give airtime on politics. Are they being netural? No they’re blatantly not.

    Google “BBC left bias”. Even Mark Thompson admits it himself, of course it was only “in the past”. Oh yeah it’s all changed hasn’t it? It’s not like the BBC is pushing a pro-man-made global warming piece is it?

    “BBC Director General Mark Thompson has admitted the corporation was guilty of a ‘massive’ Left-wing bias in the past. ”

    Free Member

    Lot of BBC apologists. Bunch of left leaning environmental labour supporter loonies.

    If you don’t realise it’s left leaning you’ve got a problem.

    It is NOT neutral. At all.

    Free Member

    It is bloody sickening that the BBC pays absolutely stupid salaries to its employees. It’s equally sickening that they are on a gravy train in general.

    Sod em.

    Free Member

    Those hills …..I’ve done Whitehaven to Tynemouth and those HILLS man jesus.

    Free Member

    Bluetooth? I have NEVER got it to work at all. Strange.

    I’m holding onto my 3gs for the time being, the battery is getting a bit crap though but still survives sofa surfing at night time without charging it. I’d rather invest in a new computer so I can blow some terrorists away in BF3!

    Free Member

    Manflu is real, btw! It’s the testo that causes us men to feel worse than the the fairer sex. Google it.

    Free Member

    P7PRO: I think you definitely don’t want IT people to leave on a regular basis. I’m not in IT, but I can see how that would be a disaster! (hold on what was the password for that again?). But then if he is from a finance background (the new manager that is) he might be on the lookout for the next deb..I mean investment vehicle!

    Free Member

    P7Pro what line of work are you in?

    Free Member

    I’ll be interested in seeing if my old dual core Athlon 2×3000 will survive the bruising :) If not, either upgrade or save towards a new MTB! I really want both though (and getting married shortly so skint anyway!)

    Free Member

    Nicotine patches? I went on them some years back and started having crazy dreams.

    Free Member

    80 quid each for the Schwalbe, omfg.

    Free Member links to MTB tyres with studs.

Viewing 40 posts - 601 through 640 (of 690 total)