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  • swedishmatt
    Free Member

    Lifer – Member
    So swedishmatt and/or solo, ready with a nice concise argument regarding the role of bond markets in the financial crisis and recovery?

    Or are you just going to keep patronising people who don’t agree* with you?

    *I may agree with you on some points, but as you haven’t actually made any argument except ‘Duh, bond markets, stupid. Borrowing? Idiot’ it’s pretty difficult to tell.

    Right. I will. Give me 5 minutes.

    Free Member

    Teamhurtmore: stop writing so much sense.
    Zulu eleven: same goes for you.

    Free Member

    I don’t think I’ve yet actually met an intelligent Labour supporter.

    In all seriousness.

    “We had it gud undah labah, ya knaow, an d now the evil tories is wat dunnit ya knaow”

    It’s because Labour had the almighty credit card out, rather.

    Free Member

    Lifer: but you are fiscally ignorant if you support more government borrowing. That makes you, in essence, like 80% of the rest of the population.

    Perhaps more if you live in the North East. Which is full of them.

    Free Member


    So a Swedish uni taught you that the only Nazis ever were the German Nazi party and then only once they got into power.

    Not quite. I’m saying FN are not nazis. Really, they’re not. I know you think they are. The German pre-WW2 nazis were indeed nazis from the outset.

    Just because a political party is a nationalistic populistic party doesn’t mean it’s a nazi party. I know this is a difficult concept for you.

    Free Member

    Julianwilson: Sorry, do you want me to post some statistics as to why the UK education system is horrendous? Why A-levels are crap? I don’t really have to – go google it.

    Free Member

    No I only studied at Newcastle Uni for 6 months. Main degree from a Swedish university. Have you studied abroad? No? Come back when you have.

    Free Member

    Well apart from the proof in this thread, I remember at Newcastle Uni when one of my fellow students piped up “Who was Stalin?” when we were watching a video on the 1980-90s decline of the Soviet Union.

    Supposedly an educated person. UK – excellent education system. Quite a few of them in this thread too.

    “Nazis?” Yes! EVERYONE IS A NAZI.


    Free Member

    Tonyd: well put.

    Lifer: heard of the bond market? No? I suggest you spend some time doing that. Heard of ratings agenies? You know those things that triggered the bail out of Greece etc (who also lived beyond their means, like the UK)? No? Time to do it then. Off you go.

    Free Member

    Ernie: ” that central tenet which is vital and universal to all these far right parties – hate, lies, and blame on a minority which is used as a scapegoat.”

    What you are describing is a typical nationalistic populistic party. So according to your definition, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria – are also nazis. Just to name a few. I think that would be quite hillarious.

    I will stop arguing in this thread, I don’t think anyone actually gets what I’m saying. Not surprising really given the Uk education system, or lack of :)

    Free Member

    I’m tempted to start writing here but that wouldn’t do any favours to my mental well being considering the OP.

    Free Member

    Ernie: i was trying to make sense of what you wrote. That’s not what i think.

    Free Member

    Bwaarp no idea why you think i’m part of the boomer generation. Second homes should be taxed to hell. Btl tax breaks removed, mechanisms to treat houses as things to live in, not investments.

    How can you lot support housing benefit in its current state? Beyomd me. If pensioners are vulnerable im sure we can work something out.

    Free Member

    Lifer: guess what would be cheaper, a flat, or travel card. Perhaps subsidize that?

    Free Member

    Ernie sorry i got you confused with tj, he’s the one calling evertyone a nazi.

    Free Member

    Ernie: so because the nazis weren’t full on nazis until they got into power, it means FN are also nazis because they’re not in power yet. You are generous with the nazi label. Everyone is a nazi.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a change of heart. Let’s all get a council house. And let’s all get a citizen’s income. I think this sounds great. I think everyone who wants to live in London should, because it would be unfair otherwise.

    Forcing poor people to move, terrible. I mean, it’s just horrendous isn’t it. Like moving. Yeah. Normal people don’t have to do they. Commute? What’s this? No, people DESERVE to live in central London.

    How can we make this happen. String some bankers up maybe? Print some magic money?

    When did the UK end up a socialist utopia?

    Free Member

    I’d quite like to understand what the comment about cuts costing money.

    I don’t understand your Keynesian comment? Not being difficult, just don’t get it.

    Free Member

    mrdestructo – Member
    They are not trying to balance the budget. Instead of spending money to make more money they are following, as someone pointed out, a Keynesian throttling of all spending. Only problem is, they’re grip is ridiculously tight and they’ve watched the body kicking it’s feet just before dying and failed to release.

    Yes let’s spend MORE. That’s the solution to everything.

    Let me tell you. The UK is in dire straits. The only reason why it hasn’t ended up like Greece or Spain or Italy yet, is because it can magic up money quite easily.

    The downside to “printing money”/quantitative easing is the devaluation of the pound. Which now, for instance, means that your pound doesn’t buy 1.5 Euro. And why petrol now costs a heck of a lot more than it used to and why most things are more expensive now.

    The UK has overspent for years. If the UK does not cut back spending, shit is more likely to hit the fan when the UK can’t actually borrow the money it needs every year (like around 10% of GDP every year unless I’m mistaken). When that happens, all bets are off.

    Free Member

    mrdestructo – Member
    Oh, and here’s another money saving idea from the Tory Scum!!! to totally cut HB from under 25’s.

    Yes, those evil tories trying to balance the budget. I suggest you read the below link.

    Let’s get those nice labour in who know how to spend! Yeah, cause we deserve it. We’re entitled, innit.

    The true scale of Britain’s national indebtedness was laid bare by the Office for National Statistics yesterday: almost £4 trillion, or £4,000bn, about four times higher than previously acknowledged.

    If the current generation of taxpayers wanted to remove the higher bills facing their children and grandchildren, they would now be paying around 30 per cent more in tax.

    Free Member

    I was just called cynical. Fair point maybe I’ve turned into a cynical man.

    I said the only reason this has got legs is because she is a woman, young and pretty good looking.

    Terrible thing to pass away. But I doubt the rest of the world would have donated as much had she not been as pretty.

    Free Member

    ohnohesback: build more social housing. Move them somewhere else. Stop paying entirely. Any number of options really.

    Free Member

    ohnohesback: Perhaps they need to live somewhere else? Shock horror.

    Is one entitled to live in London, funded by the public teat?

    I can’t afford to live there. Why should someone on benefits?

    Free Member

    Ohnohesback: I suggest they live somewhere cheaper. Basically.

    Edit: incorectly spelled your name.

    Free Member

    This is a good thing.

    It means that someone who works, can then rent this apartment. Maybe.

    Housing benefit in this country is utterly sick and lines the pockets of landlords and in the end banks at the expense of the councils/state/public.

    High housing benefit -> creates minimum floor for what landlords will let their apartments/houses for -> pushes up cost of property in the long run and pushes working people out to other areas -> makes the UK less competitive due to misallocation of funds and banks investing in PROPERTY as opposed to “wealth” creating investments, causes increase in property prices which is not a good thing as the workers of the country need to earn more to live i.e. pushing salaries up -> more jobs outsourced to other countries (production, manufacturing etc etc).

    I will now await the barrage of “buy to let” landlords because property is your pension innit.

    Overly simplified, but hey, you can disagree. In the end, housing benefit is obscenely high.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, please get the right size! Me and my wife went on a trip and did some of this. The boards were the same size. I fell over constantly whereas my wife had no problems at all. I lost my pride that day. Basically, it gets really really unstable if you’re taller and your board is too small.

    Free Member

    Teamhurtmore: I couldn’t agree more on your view of the Euro, but I would go so far as to say a fiscal or monetary union can never work.

    Juan: with regards to decoupling from the Euro and going back to a country’s old currency, or new currency, is very much something that Greece for instance, would benefit from. Germany is enjoying the fruits of having a “cheap” currency in so much as they export lots of fancy stuff like cars whereas Greece with heavy reliance on its tourism. Then again maybe you were saying just that with

    “Since the euros people’s buying power as gone down, so I propose we go back to the Franc”. Because right now in the middle of a global economic crisis, going back to the old money and just devaluate it is quite a good idea.

    You might not have been sarcastic :)

    Free Member


    “Everything else fits in”.

    Yes, I suspect that it’s on front national’s agenda to exterminate jews, the disabled, jehovas witnesses, start up a breeding programme of aryans in norway, invade poland, create more lebensraum and build loads of ROADS so the tanks can move around.

    To describe Front National as nazis is to downplay what the German Nazi party did and stood for. Front National are not nazis. To argue that is apart from being intellectually dishonest, just plain ignorant and stupid.

    Free Member

    Ernie: good!

    Free Member

    Im writing this on my phone which has 5% battery. I dont equate any state owbership wirh socialism? Like really? How do you make that?

    Ernie, i dont have a beef with you. I dont support FN.

    Never argue on the internet.

    Free Member

    Ernie, make fun of my degree. I don’t mind, i wouldn’t study it again. It is only useful when discussing shit on internet boards.

    Tj: one last comment, nazi refers to the german nazi party. Nazi is not another word for ‘racist’.

    Free Member

    I btw didn’t equate ‘the size of the state’ to state ownership. That’s your interpretation of what i wrote.

    Free Member

    Ernie, ah yes. I only studied this at university for four years. It tends to lead you to discuss what you call the pedantic points.

    Free Member

    Tandemjerry: what do i know. Politics is there to be discussed. My former lecturers and writers of books on political ideology, and i, would say you’re wrong on NSDAP anno 1940.:)

    Im bo expert on front national.

    Good night.

    Free Member

    Tandemjerry: The french nazis? Front national? They’re not nazis.

    Anyway, i’ll leave this discussion as it’s late.

    Free Member

    I was meant to write that the media and powers that be often refer to parties with a rstrictive stance to immigration to be “right wing”. This type of labelling is truly bot reflective of their general policies on the size of the state (used in its broad sense and overly simplistic model of a singular political dimension).

    The uk media landscape is utterly simplistic.

    Free Member

    Tandemjerry: would be happy to discuss over a beer. No idea about your level of interest. Typical left right dimension revolves around, in essence, the size/influence of the state.

    Socialism/communism on the left and facism/conservatism on the right.

    Nazis were left-wing with strong authoritarian tendencies. Facism is not the same thing as the german nazi party. Fair enogh, some would argue the german 1930-1940 party of national socialist democratic party were neither right ir left wing so feel free to have that opinion. I implore you to find a party with the word social and worker in the title to be a right-wing party amywhere else.

    You don’t have to trust me on this, google is your friend. The media talk is overly

    Free Member

    Tandemjerry: no idea what you’re trying to achieve. Have fun.

    Free Member

    Tandemjerry: don’t know if you’re pulling my leg but they were socialists.

    Free Member

    “investing with the brother in law”. Just don’t.

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