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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • swamptin
    Free Member

    If you do get a CCTV system and have it on a network, I’d strongly suggest changing passwords and closing off some ports before actually connecting it to the internet. And probably disable UPnP on your devices too. Definitely change the default passwords at least, and check for firmware updates too. IoT and CCTV units are prime targets for being part of a botnet.

    Free Member

    i never realised there was a pre birth opt out option

    Recently added due to GDPR legislation.

    Free Member

    Newcomers like her are called blow-ins!

    This, I feel it’s worth pointing out, was applied to me too growing up in Clare. I was born there but my parents are from Cork and Dublin.

    Side note: I’ve realised since moving home from the UK 5 years ago that there’s a massive problem with rights of way in this country. So, chances of you having beautiful singletrack from your back gate to where ever are severely limited. Unless you live in some prime location. Only place off the top of my head would be Wicklow… maybe some of North Dublin, but over here on the west coast it’s pretty limited. Like, I’m more likely to drive to go biking than not, purely because if I don’t it’s 45mins + of dodgy backroads to my local trails.

    Free Member

    Blimey nofx, heavy…good luck to you to, Don’t call me white / Punk in Drublic was a fave in my teens! 🙂

    I was initially going to write a message of congrats for deciding to make a change… now I gotta thank you for reminding me of the great album I’m currently listening to. Savage stuff.
    Side note: Fair play for asking for help and advice and looking to change. It’s a vitally important step.

    Free Member

    Headspace is a great app for meditation, if you think that will help. It’s got some free guided meditation, but the full app has extra bits a pieces. Even stuff for training and biking. I can only second what everyone else has said about calling the Samaritans or some other service like that. Or pay cash for private counseling. I started counseling this year and it did me the world of good.

    I’d also encourage you to take up the offers of tea and a biscuit/local pootle with someone from here. That is on top of finding a professional to talk to. No shame in needing help.

    Free Member

    My mate did this. He worked for 3 or 5 years living on his budget for travel. That saved him a solid 20k (I think, might have been more, he told me once what his overall budget was, it wasn’t all that high) and set off. is an invaluable resource for those kind of long distance touring plans. Willy wrote a blog about it, and I believe he’s working on book. He went east from Ireland, through the eastern block, then south to the Ukraine and across through to Iran and onto the ‘stans. Up through Russia, China, down to Australia and then flew to South America, did that then flew to South Africa and cycled up the Capetown to Cairo road before aiming back across Europe to home. It was spectacular to follow and his stories are something else.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty happy with NordVPN still. It’s not failed me yet, and the multiple devices thing is super handy. Myself and Ms. Swamptin can use it happily, her watching something in Canadia and me watching something from the Beeb.

    Free Member

    I’ll second the Yamaha S501 option. Mine is perfect. I use the optical port to take audio from the TV and then have a record deck connected to it too. It’s paired with some Monitor Audio Bronze 2 speakers on stands and the whole lot is spectacular. You can also wire your speakers dual speaker cable… if you’re that way inclined. I considered the PM6006 but when I had a listen to it vs the S501 I wasn’t able to make out much of a difference, but the cleaner look of the Yamaha swayed me. I also checked out the Onkyo A9010 but I can’t remember why I ruled it out.

    Free Member

    Where did I leave my towel…

    Free Member

    I always assumed my DJ bikes would suffice for street/trials mucking about. Used to have a P2 and a Chase back in the day. A few years back a Marino bike popped up locally and I nabbed it. It’s geo is very “Inspired” with 24″ wheels and the like, so not a stock/mod setup at all. It’s been great fun. I played about on a mates 24″ pure trials bike and I messed about on a stock bike too… the pure trials/tgs stuff never really appealed to me. I’ll say this though, while I’m no good at trials, I still enjoy myself on the bike and the manhandling skills learned on that yoke have transferred well to the trails. It’s always nice to be able to side-hop out of trouble if needs be or endo-drop down when you chicken out of the huck and hope approach.

    Free Member

    Right, so I started vaping about 4 and a bit years ago. At the time I had one of those pen like ones, eGo-CC Atomiser yoke. It was great. Ran off the stuff you find in the high street shops and all. Those tend to have a VG/PG blend of 50/50. In a 50/50 blend you can easily get up as high as 18mg of nicotine. I’ve seen 24, but certainly here in Ireland they’ve made anything over 18 illegal. Now, the “flying scotsman” type machines tend to run on a 70/30 or 80/20 VG/PG mix. Those are usually limited to 6mg of nicotine. The reason is the coils burn higher, giving you more juice etc etc.

    So, issues not yet addressed are – running cost. She’ll have to remember to change the coil blah blah, etc. etc. A coil can last anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. Depends on usage. The issue I had when I made the switch initially was knowing when to stop. A fag has a finite length. You can puff on an e cig all day until the battery dies. However, anecdotal evidence similar to Rivington, I used to wheeze my way up climbs and need to rest for a smoke on anything draggy. Nowadays, well, I still have to walk up, but I’m not having a sit down on the way. That’s very sad news about your daughter though, hopefully she’ll take to the e-cigs. They’re not ‘good for you’ but they aren’t as bad.

    Let her know you’ve found a pumpkin spiced laté flavour?

    Free Member

    I did night shift for a while a few years ago. I can’t offer much more than anyone else really. I got used to falling asleep to ambient music as a form of lullaby. 10/11am to 6pm is probably the best solution for a ‘night’ with some decent blackout blinds. It does take a while to get used to the routine. What kills most is the weekends. You’ll want to get up earlier, but you’ll suffer for it.

    Half expecting to get roasted for this, but I would suggest vitamin D supplements. I know we’re all from the British Isles and Ireland on here and so not too used to the whole ‘sunshine’ thing, but it used to help me, if only with keeping sane.

    Free Member

    To be fair, Tom Lehrer has this pretty much nailed. Options are:
    She’s My Girl

    Or possibly if you’re brave enough for a tango as the first dance:

    The list goes on, but those two are arguable his best love songs.

    Free Member

    Slightly annoyed they don’t have a ‘vote early, vote often’ approach. That’s how the world got the genius of ‘gritsy bitsy teeny weany yellow anti-slip machiney’. Anywhat, voted. And best of luck in it.

    Free Member

    I’ve recently picked up trials after a good few years away from street riding. Used to ride on a p2, but I took the plunge last year and picked up a Marino with geo like an Inspired. Best purchase ever. It’s the bike I always try to take out by default. Anything resembling dry weather and it’s outside with me. Advice, be patient. Nothing comes easy. Focus on technique. Height will come later. Anything you want to learn can be tested on various kerbs first. Focus on getting your fakie roll out down pat. Front wheel against the kerb, push in, fakie out, turn. At 90-ish degrees have your lead foot forward and apply pressure to bring the bike around. Sometimes hop, but you don’t need to. But getting that will open lines that you never thought possible. Static sidehops are terrifying… endo drops require a good set of brakes. And remember, there is always another line hidden there, you just gotta see it.

    Finally, cheater rocks are never a bad thing. I find they’re a great way of mentally turning a wall into a ‘flight of steps’ so I get the timing of my hop easier. Glad to hear someone else is trying it out. I’ll second the trials-forum suggestion… just, ehh… don’t go into the ‘general chat’ section while in work.

    Free Member

    I’m slacking in my album listening. Currently in the office listening to ‘Quiet Giant’ by Emma Langford on Spotify. Singer songwriter stuff, pretty mellow stuff. Hannah Peel has a new album out, ‘Mary Casio: Journey To Cassiopeia’. It’s ambient electronica stuff, I quite like Deep Space Cluster. Beck has a new album out too, Colors I believe it’s called. I must give that a proper listen, but it flowed nice on the way home from work the other day.

    Free Member

    Then why won’t Google Earth/Maps allow you see license plates? They obscure them, along with faces. It’s personal data, what’s more it’s belonging somebody else. What gives you the right to let the world know that a gold BMW was turning onto the M whatever and cut you off? That car will be identifiable, and thus the information could be used to endanger the life of the driver. This is why there are data protection laws. You are only allowed store certain information and in a very specific manner, for a limited amount of time. None of it can be stored without consent.
    [edit] Well, that’s me told. I’m still not too happy about it as a concept.
    Figure it’s treading a fine line in grey areas legally.[/edit]

    Free Member

    There is bound to be some legal tape surrounding Data Protection. I mean, you’re storing personal information about someone without their knowledge or consent. Information will end up in the public domain. At a minimum we’ve location and license plate. Over the course of a few mins of video you have a rough idea of the direction they’re heading in. There’s the risk you’ll have someone’s home if the incident occurred nearby to it. Then there’s the information you can get based off the license plate itself. Which for a mere £10 is the full service and tax history. I’ve not tried to do much by snooping but I’m sure there’s much much more out there.

    So the question becomes, if it’s needed, how is it kept in a secure manner? Well, the short answer is, it isn’t. Nothing is secure. So you’re looking to set up a system that, if abused, can put a lot of people at risk. And we’ve not considered how it could be abused. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an awesome idea to actively remove dangerous driving… but nope.

    Free Member

    There were two trails in my local woods, one was called “The Knee Breaker” because it did. This ran parallel to “Islagi” (It Seemed Like A Good Idea) which was sketchy and full of moss coated rocks. Off the top of my head those are the two best names I’ve seen.

    Free Member

    Which is a weird thought, as most roadies who occasionally MTB (as opposed to the other way around) seem to give up for the winter and ride MTB’s. I guess it depends which one you view as your best bike, an which you’re prepared to subject to road filth or mud.

    But surely that’s because in summer there’s enjoyment to be had on a mountain bike, no?

    Free Member

    I’m all in favour of Alcohol-free beers. I like going out, but hate having to get taxis or buses home. So I figure have a few “non-beers”, drive home. I only drink alcohol at home anymore really. In order of preference, Erdinger is most likely to be available and taste nice. Pauliner is muck. Nanny State is quite nice, but I’ve only recently discovered that one. Becks is larger, so not to my taste. If only there was a way to make a decent ale, but alcohol free… I’d drink little else. I like the taste of beer, but I dislike being drunk.

    Free Member

    In my defence, I thought it would be de rigeur on a cycling forum.

    I mean… we discuss commuting distance in miles. We’re not into bikes at all, we just like owning Audi estates and arguing about access rights.

    Free Member

    And a lifetime to understand why

    Surely because they’ve stopped making the Rubber Ducky? Sensible decision, Process 153… non-sensible decision… pay to have Brooklyn Machine Works re-open and make me a Rubber Ducky.

    Free Member

    They’re a ‘do it all’ hardtail in my opinion. I mean, they’re awesome, I love my NSCore, but it’s a jack of all trades… so compromises have to be made. Usually these compromises come in terms of climbing. It’s no mountain goat, more of a wounded bear on the climbs. But it’s nimble and a proper short-arse so you can manhandle it through all sorts of tight techy stuff.

    The talk of not good on rough rocky stuff, I dunno, I figure that’s more down to style of biking. If you’re loose enough and move your body enough the rear wheel will roll over most anything. But it’s the rider making it do all this. The geometry of a hardcore hardtail is more suited to moving your body around the bike quickly. I say buy one, any one. You won’t regret it.

    Free Member

    Yeah, it’ll take some time to get it fully back. Other things that helped me were rolling my ankles when I was sat down and consciously wiggling my toes and rocking my foot in my shoes. Everything that’ll help you relearn how it wiggles and moves subtly will help.

    Free Member

    I did some nerve damage to my right leg a few years back. I only ride flats, can wrap my head around clipless. Anyway, it took a couple of months before I had fully gotten my motion back and control with me weight in my foot. Single leg squats. By the bucket load. Hand on a table for balance, force yourself to balance on the weak leg up and down. If you’re on the bike try to be conscious of where your heal is when pedaling on flats. But time, stretches, and squats might help.
    [edit] Hope you heal up ok. That kinda damage sucks. [/edit]

    Free Member

    A mate was stuck to my wheel down a trail the other day. I offered to let him pass, but he said ‘No, no need.’
    Cut to the end of the trail where I was feeling pretty happy with my skill and speed on the trail until my mate said “Man, I’m so fat and lazy…” That cut deep.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a tough enough week, so today I’m playing the ‘How long can I not work for’ game. It’s early days yet… but 2hrs in it’s going strong.

    Free Member

    What’s it like to spin on? Is a twisting motion natural or does it give some resistance? (Endo 180/carving manual/hop 180)

    Free Member

    I dunno… You need legs to get away with lycra shorts.

    I accidently bought an XC/Road style jersey because it was cheap. I mean, yeah, comfy… but in a loose tshirt I can pretend I’m not lugging around half a keg of a gut.

    Free Member

    “n-tss, n-tss, n-tss, n-tss, n-tss, n-tss”

    A fellow Bloodhound Gang fan?

    Free Member

    Inspired Skye? And until he’s tall enough to use it properly you could pick up some street trials?

    Free Member

    I’ve had plenty of just riding along when suddenly on the deck moments. One was when I lived in London and in front of a bunch of tourists I went from perfectly upright to the same position, but horizontal, on the deck in torrential rain. Turns out I’d hit a small bump in the tarmac.

    My mate had quite possibly the best one in California. Came down Braille on a rental, had been pinning the whole trail and decided to show off to the boys gathered at the bottom of the trail with a nice big skid. Cue hard lock of the front brake.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    In theory you could find the accapella version that matches a recording you have. Invert it, combine it with the recording you have and then you get a ‘sort of’ instrumental. But that’s theory. You could play around in Audacity to see if you can do it, but the inverted vocals will affect the music too, so it won’t be a perfect instrumental version.

    Free Member

    Surely you mean the mourning crowd, no?

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure every one of those bikes had brakes… and I’m fairly sure they were covering them. hardly ‘Deathgrip’ is it?

    Free Member

    Bad Taste. It’s a pure classic, no matter what anyone says about b horror movies. Plus, Peter Jackson went on to do some highly regarded work after his early stuff.

    Free Member

    Use an online spoke calc to figure the length you need. Should be able to put in the hub and the rim and it’ll pop out the result for drive side/non drive side. If it’s for commuting… I wouldn’t worry about it really. taped to (or bent around as in my commuter) the next nearest spoke will do for a while. Unless you desperately want it perfect. Workhorses aren’t meant to be pretty, imho. Road grime and broken bits give it character :D

    I’m assuming it’s a commuter. If it’s a mountain bike it needs to be binned immediately and replaced with the nearest £3k bike in her size and baby blue.

    Free Member

    Don’t brake… just, you know, stop accelerating. Fit some draggy tires and it’s perfect.

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