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  • Are These The 4 Best Looking Bikes From The 2018 Whyte Range?
  • surfer
    Free Member

    I’m not a materialistic person but its not difficult to understand.
    A good one will not depreciate and may gain value. They can look great and will often last for many years and during its life has a hugely useful purpose.

    Free Member

    Dont follow the 220 minus your age rule!

    Its best to use a % of your max to work out training bands. Unless you are training on a very flat surface with no wind and turns etc your heartrate will fluctuate for the same effort, also as you tire you will work slightly harder to maintain the same pace. As you get fitter this becomes easier to manage.
    To work out your recovery rate take a look at the info below

    This is from Brianmacs’ website and is a basic guide to training rates. (recovery rate calculations below)

    The Aerobic Zone – 70% to 80%

    Training in this zone will develop your cardiovascular system. The body’s ability to transport oxygen to, and carbon dioxide away from, the working muscles can be developed and improved. As you become fitter and stronger from training in this zone it will be possible to run some of your long weekend runs at up to 75%, so getting the benefits of some fat burning and improved aerobic capacity.

    The Anaerobic Zone – 80% to 90%

    Training in this zone will develop your lactic acid system. In this zone, your individual anaerobic threshold (AT) is found – sometimes referred to the point of deflection (POD). During these heart rates, the amount of fat being utilised as the main source of energy is greatly reduced and glycogen stored in the muscle is predominantly used. One of the by-products of burning this glycogen is lactic acid. There is a point at which the body can no longer remove the lactic acid from the working muscles quickly enough. This is your anaerobic threshold (AT). Through the correct training, it is possible to delay the AT by being able to increase your ability to deal with the lactic acid for a longer period of time or by pushing the AT higher.

    The Red Line Zone 90% to 100%

    Training in this zone will only be possible for short periods. It effectively trains your fast twitch muscle fibres and helps to develop speed. This zone is reserved for interval running and only the very fit are able to train effectively within this zone.
    Heart rate variations for a given intensity

    A reduction in heart rate for a given intensity is usually due to an improvement in fitness but a number of other factors might explain why heart rates can vary for a given intensity:

    * Dehydration can increase the heart rate by up to 7.5%
    * Heat and humidity can increase the herat rate by 10 beats/minute
    * Altitude can increase the heart rate by 10 to 20%, even when acclimatised
    * Biological variation can mean the heart rate varies from day to day by 2 to 4 beats/minute

    Karvonen method

    The Karvonen method factors in Resting Heart Rate (HRrest) to calculate Target Heart Rate (THR):

    THR = ((HRmax ? HRrest) â—Š %Intensity) + HRrest

    Example for someone with a HRmax of 180 and a HRrest of 70:
    50% intensity: ((180 ? 70) â—Š 0.50) + 70 = 125 bpm
    85% intensity: ((180 ? 70) â—Š 0.85) + 70 = 163 bpm

    [edit] Zoladz method

    An alternative to the Karvonen method is the Zoladz method, which derives exercise zones by subtracting values from HRmax.

    THR = HRmax ñ Adjuster ± 5 bpm

    Zone 1 Adjuster = 50 bpm
    Zone 2 Adjuster = 40 bpm
    Zone 3 Adjuster = 30 bpm
    Zone 4 Adjuster = 20 bpm
    Zone 5 Adjuster = 10 bpm

    Example for someone with a HRmax of 180:
    Zone 1 (easy exercise) : 220 ? age = 0; * 65 ? 125

    Zone 2 (tough exercise): 220 ? age = 0; * 85 ? 155

    Use Google to find the originals and a detailed explanation

    Free Member

    Yes it is. The rates themselves are not that important when compared against other people.

    Rates can be used to manage the effectiveness of training. For example Steve Ovett could push his rate well in excess of 200 bpm at the end of an interval (say 400m) but within seconds it would be low enough to commence the next one. during some shorter distance sessions he would not actually stop (so I read) and would simply jog on the spot for a few seconds before starting again.
    The important factor is how efficient you are within your own (largely fixed) parameters and how quickly your bpm falls after exertion.

    Free Member

    My thoughts exactly.

    Masochistic maybe but more just a test of endurance and bragging rights than a race as such. IMO

    Free Member

    Max 175, resting 41

    Free Member

    The first Seiko looks like an Omega wannabe!

    They make good watches though, if a bit boring (in the way that reliable Japanese cars are boring)
    Believe it or not I chose my Oris over a Rolex! The Rolex was over 4 times the price but I liked it better (hard to believe maybe)

    Free Member

    There is no point at which companies make enough profit to overcome an ethics threshold.
    Capitalism is based on exploitation by definition.

    Have you never read Marx?

    Free Member

    I’v still got an early Tag Formula 1, a graduation present from 1991. Never misses a beat.

    I have more recently got an Oris which I am very happy with.

    Free Member

    I dont think things can be seperated from intent. The 80 rockets are fired with the intent of killing and maiming innocent (!) people in Israel. They are indiscriminate and are not aimed at soldiers, bases etc but into settlements.
    The Isralis’ would claim the deaths they are causing are colatoral damage and the intent is only to kill Hamas rebels.

    Free Member

    I’m no one to give advice (see my previous post) however a united front is crucial on this issue and every other one where the little darlings are concerned!

    Free Member

    Fraid it doesnt but good try!

    Free Member

    Maybe their is no correlation between the two but you are missing the point I fear.

    Free Member

    What Israel is doing is barbaric. I read with interest Robert Fisks’ article however it is too one sided (albeit the side I am on!)

    Fisk uses numbers to convey his message for example the number of people killed by Palestinian rockets is relativey small given the number killed in the last week by the Israeli army. He doesnt mention that often up to 80 rockets per day are fired into Israel and whilst many dont cause injury the effect must be terrifying.

    Free Member

    I dont think it conveys those messages at all. We can all give examples of suit wearers who are not team players and pony tailed “wacky” types who are.

    I dont necessarily think it should be necessary to wear a suit for an interview but I think you are mad not to as in reality if you are in a position senior enough to make recruitment decisions you are likely to be older and probably consevative.

    Free Member


    Nobody should ever base their recruitment decisions on whether somebody wore a suit or not and that is not what I said.
    It may however put you at an unnecesary disadvantage by not wearing a suit and imo its naive to think that recruiters/employers will ignore your dress and focus solely on your experience and qualifications, although we all know that these are the most important factors.

    Its a box that you need to tick however If you feel strongly about it make your own choice.

    Free Member

    No but if your not wearing a suit you may not get the opportunity to prove the latter!

    Free Member

    I kept the same name!!

    Free Member

    No its not like building a pyramid.

    My 10 year old used an off the shelf kit to build and maintain a very basic one which he uses as an unofficial school site for his mates.
    I know very little about HTML and little about domain registration but it was easy to find a site that allowed very basic stuff like this.

    Free Member

    My daughter wakes every night and disturbs us all including her younger brother. We have tried everything. She is 12.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the one with sleeves, dont know what its called but its very warm. Always great service from Alpkit. I’ll be buying one of their sleeping bags in the spring.

    Free Member

    Hitman, I had ITB for 11 months. It came on suddenly and eventually disapeared in a similarly unexplainable way. It was hugely depressing and wouldnt respond to treatment.
    I do think stretching paid off in the end.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    IT Manager

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice.

    In my experience most runners ignore stretching until it is too late. Coe on the other hand claimed it gave him an inch or two every lap, anyone who can run 1:41 for 800 metres cant be wrong.

    Simon, risky business being a pedant. Remember, always close your brackets!

    Free Member

    I bought one from Ebuyer a couple of years ago and the kids love it. Turning off and on isnt an issue as it doesnt get used on short journeys. It was a life saver when we drove to Austria skiing and on a couple of trips to NW France.

    Free Member

    I’m on the Wirral near Liverpool.

    I would be grateful for a recommendation.

    Free Member

    Tangerines, Bananas, Apples.

    Free Member

    If you power it from the 12v in the car then that would go off also when you turn off the ignition.

    Free Member

    Yes I understand it is a sympton however given that I have had no trauma and no previous back pain and I have been able to run around 50 miles per week I was hoping it was something that may be transient.
    I think i need to follow your advice and get it checked out.

    Free Member

    That should be “fee” my age!

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