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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • Surf-Mat
    Free Member

    So then ladies, a disagreement about brake light activation (fair enough) followed by a barrage of abuse. The main part of my post was about slowing down to put off tailgaters – agreed by most people here. Yet I when I mentioned LFB I got bashed then suddenly everyone’s asking about it, having been shown it’s used by professional drivers. Any apology? No.

    I see aracer posts about heel and toeing – NOT related to LBF but a clear indication of someone that knows what advanced driving is, the muppets pile in and have more of a go.

    Then the tags are added. Pretty nasty ones as usual.

    Here’s some facts for you bitter little men (not all – but you know who you are):

    I have never crashed.
    I have never had a single point on my license
    I did an intensive Police driving course aged 24 at Portishead, the Avon and Somerset Police HQ and passed the test first time.
    I have been an IAM member for 13 years – I was invited to be a trustee by the MD of the organisation but don’t have time as it involves a lot of travel to London.
    I have had a road test published in a national newspaper.
    I have owned (and still owned) some reasonable cars – nothing really flashy but cars more interesting than a cooking model Focus.
    I grew up around fast cars – my dad had many including a 928, 308 Gt4, 3 uR Quattros, etc – so a PROPER enthusiast almost from the day I was born.

    I would love to share this enthusiasm with others. Share knowledge. Share experiences.

    But until the bitter litte boys with a chip the size of a planet get off this forum, that isn’t going to happen – it’ll be sniping, constant attempts to trip me up, utterly pathetic little snipes.

    For that reason I’m out.

    Enjoy Christmas all – even the pondlife of the forum.

    Free Member

    Can you not heel and toe then, stumpy?

    Nice to see ONE person who actually knows about left foot braking!

    SbZ and Quirrel – nice angle there. Just tell everyone how wrong you think I am then offer NOT A SINGLE useful bit of input yourselves.

    SbZ – you’ve shown time and time again that you are a pretty crummy driver. I have no idea who this latest stalker geek “Quirrel” is but he is also clearly a driving chump.

    1)Points on your license please?
    2)Amount of extra training please?

    Oh and without googling, explain “sustained” gearchanging to me? What you can’t? No there’s a surprise.


    1)Probably many.
    2) Clearly none


    Free Member

    Why is it dangerous? OK. What is your reaction when you have found yourself a wee bit too close to the car infront and they start to brake? You brake harder to avoid hitting them. What does the person behind them have to do? Yes that’s correct – brake even harder. This continues in this trend or shockwave until either the traffic has come to a complete stop or there is a crash. All because you thought you were AWESOME in your left foot braking ability. Also – what happens if you need to pull an emergency stop when you’ve got your left foot on the brake? Enjoy your AWESOME trip to A&E after you’ve hit the barrier.

    Not the brightest of drivers are you?

    Have you heard of looking further than just the car behind or ahead to properly assess the best course of action? Clearly not.

    And emergency braking? It’s called braking with your LEFT FOOT. As used by many racing and rally drivers. And anyone with a modicum of driver skill.

    You sound to me like the only training you’ve ever had is many many years ago when you learned to drive – and that’s it.

    Nice try but in your own words, FAIL.

    Clong – :lol:

    Free Member

    Surf-Mat – that is just not awesome. Quite dangerous infact.

    WHY is it dangerous? The tailgater thinks you’re braking but you’re not. Maybe dangerous if you can’t tell when a brake starts actually braking but to anyone with a sense of feeling in their foot – not at all dangerous.

    So get off your high horse and naff off.

    A lot of people tailgate by mistake – they just drift too close. Letting them know they are doing it often makes them back off. And a brake light in the eyes is a very good way of informing them.

    Free Member

    Pro surfer would be good but useless if you have a family.
    Royal Marine (did POC and AIB and passed) Officer seemed like the dream job in my late teens – but glad I didn’t go for it.

    TBH this job offers flexibility, decentish money and we can operate it from home. It’s also very interesting (to us) so without realising, it may be the dream job.

    Wouldn’t mind running a few hedge funds on the side though ;-)

    Free Member

    I usually left foot brake first of all to shake tailgaters – press the pedal just enough to activate the brake light but don’t slow down. Mosy get the message. If they don’t, slow down and down and down as mentioned.

    Tailgaters are hateful even in perfect weather. In ice it’s REALLY stupid.

    Free Member

    Mac – our drive is 120 yards long. Needs at least 30kgs of grit to clear it!

    Free Member

    Cars both all paid for, both not great on fuel, both great fun, don’t really care. Probably a fair bit but affordable.

    Free Member

    5lab – find breaks with big cliffs – Porthtowan, Watergate, etc. You should be fine.

    Lovely shape yesterday (ran from PT to Aggie and back via the cliffs) byt just a wee bit small.

    Free Member

    Only “done” Bathurst in Oz – that was fun.

    Col – a shame you can’t take the RS4!

    Free Member

    Brilliant result!

    My Allez front mech wasn’t fitted too well and the cable of the rear mech was rubbing the frame – all sorted under warranty.

    They also replaced my entire wheel set because of some (unknown to me) hub issue.

    Lucky you didn’t really hurt yourself!

    Free Member

    If they sell the Lezyne Road drive, then get one – brilliant. Got on on the frame of my Allez. TBH it looks nicer than the bike!

    It MUST have a screw on flexi valve NOT a push on one. Push ons like to rip valve cores out as you pull the pump off. Annoying to say the least.

    Free Member

    I think a lot of people need to MTFU and be more honest with their partners – are your relationships really that bad?

    Might it just be that some of us worry a little when spending £100s on a bike when maybe other things may be a bigger priority?

    £100 spent on the bike is £100 less on our little boy or the wife. Yes it’s our money to spend as we please but a little balance is needed. While I spend too much on my biking interests, I do try and make sure I save elsewhere or do a little extra work to pay for it.

    Free Member

    Crazy – they sold loads of them when I was last there too (Truro branch)!

    I think the ones I got last a fair bit longer but they all do a similar job.

    Free Member

    I spent ages looking for them as I REALLY don’t want to get stranded again (baby no 2 on the way in Feb). Couldn’t find anything decent in the UK so had to import some. Maybe a bit OTT but they are pretty well made. They come with 100 spar studs too.

    ADH – I considered similar but would probably have ended up stabbing my feet! At a push you could jog with these on (should the need arise…!). Plan to keep them stashed in the Landy.

    Free Member

    Iain – now that would be cool…!

    Free Member

    She always told us to leave the plug in the sink and bath in winter as it helped stops the pipes from freezing …. coincidence or not … i don’t know but it has been way colder this week and no repeat

    Trying to work out why that makes a difference. So far I have failed.

    Just had to grit our 120ish yard long 1 in 3 gradient driveway by hand. I am now flipping knackered. Pipes okay so far.

    Free Member

    I often claim new items were cheaper than they were. TBH I think she sees straight through me every time!

    It’s a tricky “addiction” these bike things. I seem to be fine for a few months then suddenly need loads of bits. But can’t bring myself to fit anything but really decent kit.

    I reckon I’ve spent £1.5-2k extra on a £1200 bike. Doh!

    Free Member

    HC – fair enough. I’m sure you’ll find a few around for £500. My wife’s uncle had one (SJ410) and fully modded it – will ask if it’s still around!

    Free Member

    rhys – get an Xcel if you can – amazing warmth and flexibility.

    Free Member

    Hee hee! I think he lit up a fag and sat down.

    Free Member

    Well if you have any spare time Sharki, then shout! Would be cool to hook up for a wave or two. polzeyboyAThotmailDOTcom

    Free Member

    What’s up with the Snugg?

    My 5/4/3 Xcel Infiniti is fine. A bit bulky but fine.

    Snuggs are usually well rated.

    Free Member

    +1 on London Calling

    Free Member

    Hairy – not 100% sure on this but I think SJs are Samurais. HiLux will cost a lot more to run. Modded SJs (like Jimnys) are incredible off road.

    You can get a decentish Jimny for £2k.

    We p/xed ours – a 55 reg softop with only 23k miles (i.e. one of the lowest mileage ones in the UK and the newest softop available) for £4k. Would not have expected any more for private sale.

    So if that’s as “new” and as low mileage as possible, one with more miles and say late 90s/early 00s will be a LOT cheaper.

    Free Member

    A 3/2 E Bomb will be fricking freezing! Water temp is 3 degrees below average for this time of year in the SW. It’s getting chilly.

    5lab – lucky git! Baby due end of Jan so not warm water surfing for quite a while for me.

    Free Member

    Surf matt – you really are a horses arse. classic bluster from the stupid and selfish. Beneath contempt. Ignorant, stupid, selfish

    Still worth six insults though eh?

    Still if it makes you feel better oh lord of “opinion backed up by zero facts” (you’ve just spouted more nonsense with nothing to back it up) then do carry on.

    *adds TJ to the “just leave him be dear, he’s just a bit confused” list.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – it’s a deal.

    Mol – excellent post.

    Free Member

    I doubt I can compete with the nonsense you just spouted to be fair but I have little need to compete. You are spectacularly unaware of how you present yourself on here and to think you do all this and work in PR.

    Hey would you like to use that little PR line again? Are you upset I’ve ignored it? Hey yes I do work in PR – and it’s a pretty successful business. Does this somehow upset you? I suspect it does.

    Something’s up with you Junkyard. You seem to like “stalking” me – you jump on almost everything I post. You insult me. You get upset when I don’t answer your ranting moans. Come on, you are just attention seeking aren’t you? Well you’ll have to latch onto someone else.

    This is a forum where people can CHOOSE what they respond to and what they ignore. 95% of your posts just make my eyes glaze over and I simply cannot be bothered to respond. The occasional post is slightly interesting.

    You’re boring Junkyard. Don’t try and hide that by trying to appear “controversial.”

    As for Juan – a lost cause. Your post is so stupid and so full of complete lunacy that I will not even bother to respond.

    Free Member

    Faustino V (5) is a good Rioja and about that price. Well it was when I last bought it.

    Free Member

    I just occasionally wish you could answer a direct question. Alas your awesomeness has declined once more it is like you cannot back up what you say without rather tired and cliched insults.

    Ooh sorry, did I not grace you with enough attention to answer your question? Hey I was so disinterested in your little spat that I didn’t even notice a question. Sorry Junkyard, my life does not revolve around answering to your every bitter little swipe. You’ve got it real bad, I simply don’t give a stuff.

    Now there’s something for you to froth over while you pen your next barrage of abuse.

    Mol – now you are someone that has a bit of sense, a certain grounded nature. My post was in response to the laughably idealistic goons on STW; the ones who simply lack a single ounce of realism and while preaching to everyone they can, probably cause as much, if not more environmental “crime” than those of a more realistic standing.

    And I enjoyed writing it, even if no one else appreciated it ;-)

    Free Member

    What Mol, because we don’t all agree with the endless waffle you spout?

    No of course not…

    Do I tell you to stop posting when you talk BS? No. Yet you feel qualified to have a go at me.

    You are hypocritical beyond comparison.

    Free Member

    I did my open water swim section of the tri in no wetsuit.

    I think the water has to be under 14 degrees for it to be mandatory.

    And as everyone is being so grumpy, comedy “velociraptor” stance tri pic to lighten up the mood:

    Free Member

    Can I ask why almost all the urbanite STWers here that preach on and on take part in mountain biking? Surely it’s a waste of resources to go all that way for no reason other than leisure. What selfish sods you all are.

    Junkyard – your vitriol is like acid. You get so damn uppity and resort to insults that something must be sorely wrong. For that. I’m sorry and I hope it doesn’t spoil your Christmas too much.

    Just drove to the beach (SHOCK HORROR WE DIDN’T NEED TO), had a lush cliff run with the dog (DO WE REALLY NEED A DOG?) in the sun (HEY – I BURNT UP VALUABLE AIR), then lunch at a beachside bar (WE SHOULD HAVE HUNTED OUR OWN BURGERS) with the family. Utterly lovely.

    I can tell many of you are feeling a bit cooped up in the snow. No need to take it out on others.

    Hey when cars stop being viable, we’ll just adapt. Hardly a tragedy. For now cars are about 234534345345 times more viable than public transport for those who don’t live in some stinking, overcrowded city where it would appear getting “sanctimonious” tattooed to yourself is mandatory.

    No wonder some of you get so uppity.

    Free Member

    Mol – if you call someone an idiot, you can expect them to answer back. Or don’t you realise that?

    And you constantly preach – you jump on every 4×4 thread, you attack every fast car thread, etc, etc. If you worked from home, had no cars and never flew then maybe your arguments would carry a little more weight?

    However your first suggestion for what to do is a very good one.

    Free Member

    nols – very cool! They’ve started making them again. VERY expensive though!

    Free Member

    A link to a lefty website full of moaning and bleating and not a SINGLE suggestion for how to solve anything?

    I’ll pass on that one thanks.

    Oh and no “proof” whatsoever.

    Hey who needs facts when you’ve got TJ’s opinions?

    Free Member

    Jimnys are a lot safer. And very cheap.

    Free Member

    Oh and I work from home – the ultimate example of not relying on a car.
    Molgrips, preacher of greeness has a very large commute and relies on extremely resource heavy hotels. He also flies a lot. No pious is going to offset that sort of giant footprint.

    Free Member

    The true total cost of motoring is far more than is raised thru all the motoring taxes. Thus non car owners subsidise car owners ( and road transport in general)

    For example local roads are paid for out of council tax / by local government. There is a huge cost of death and illhealth from car ownerhip – that cost the country millions, the cost of enforcing motoring law- these sorts of thing

    So any proof for these bold claims?

    No, I thought not.

    Yes I get what some of you are trying to say – a lot of people live too far from where they work, rely too much on their cars, etc but a dose of reality is needed.

    In a big city, public transport is generally good enough to get you almost anywhere you need to, when you need to. In rural communities you have one bus a day if you’re lucky and that is literally it. No trains or any viable alternatives.

    Hey, maybe no one should live in the countryside?

    As for taxes – the last figure I heard was that road taxes made the Government almost £40bn of which £5bn was ploughed back into the road network. I very much doubt that cars “cost” the government £35bn….

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