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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • supertramp
    Free Member

    he shot it, and then propped it up with a stick :evil:

    Free Member

    have a word with these blokes:

    the ownere is a very straight forward and honest man!

    Free Member

    It’s the towbar that needs type approval, not your DIY fiting, the bar will come with a ‘certificate’ try this seller (as a strarting point I have ordered a few from them and had no problems:

    Though bear in mind, this seller has nothing to do with me, I am not endorsing them, and there are other sellers out there who are probably just as good!

    Free Member

    Ebay and fit it yourself, it’s generaly an easy enough job :wink:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    sounds like a plan, just cut them! by the way what are they it’s hard to tell in the photo, sycamore?

    Free Member

    an insurance disc would be meaninigless, unless the car was insured for any driver. When you think about it, it would help uninsured drivers to get away with it, therefore making the present situation worse!

    Free Member

    never done it, never thought about doing it. But it must be possible, are you planing to re-sew by hand or are you handy with a machine?

    Free Member

    Maybe she is desperate for their attention and this is what she needs to do to get it! either way, if her story is true or not, it seems that it is time to move on. Unless of course you enjoy a good row?

    Free Member

    Its never easy what ever your going to do. If your not in happy relationship and this other wonderful person comes along and you think wow I am really happy, your kind of blinded in away. Happiness masks being unhappy but doesn’t necessarily make it right. This situations don’t always work out long term. If your unhappy at home it is best I think to sort it and make it work or leave and then when your settled start again with a clear head. Hard I know.

    the most balanced view so far!

    Free Member

    I bought my ex wife a KFC in 1990 I am now going to sue the b*tch for half the money back :evil:

    Free Member

    the law is indeed an ass :cry:

    Free Member

    sambob – good point, isn’t it for the free-style riders with gyro’s?

    Free Member

    I saw a dempo of this, I am thinking of giving it a try soon as I have an old saw that needs a new bar and chains very soon that I keep for ccutting firewood. But I keep thinking that as soon as I spend any money on it some bugger will pinch it.

    Free Member

    many years ago, there used to be quite a choice of brake levers that took two cables, mostly for tandems and trikes, has anyone got any retro stock?

    Free Member

    I don’t smoke, but a couple of days ago while eating lunch in a country pub I noticed the vending machine price was £7.50!

    I couldn’t imagine wasting money on such stupidity :roll:

    Free Member

    Grassland at £2500 an acre! where? it’s got to be eastern Europe, in the UK expect to pay £8K to £10K for bigger parcels of land and up to £24K for smaller ones. That is of course assuming the land has no chance, ever, of getting any type of planning consent.

    Free Member

    Mogrim – that has made me smile :-)

    My office is in a smallish out building behind our house that is now joined to the main house by a conservatory in-between. It is very old and built of hand made bricks with 19 inch thick walls, which were a pleasure to cut through to fit new windows (as originally there were none) I have a few days free at the moment so I am cutting yet another hole in the impossibly thick walls to take the flue pipe for my new wood burning stove. Hopefully. when it’s all done it will be a pretty atmospheric place with a very old world feel. I will try and post a photo when the stove is in place, if anyone is interested.

    Free Member

    If you phone 3 and threaten to cancel you contract, they knock the service down to half price :wink:

    Free Member

    catch a rabbit and make a fire, proper camping!

    Free Member

    Ditto, I’ve been selling on ebay stuff for years, people are generaly straight forward and honest- no worries

    but, state in the listing no overseas bidders at all, fulll stop.

    no bidders with less that 10 feedbacks or a bad negative score.

    last, tell the truth and suggest that you description is a guidline and as honest as possible, if they are fussy they should look at it themselves before bidding as once they have it it’s too late!

    I often put my mobile number in the listing

    cash on collection only! Paypal are robbers!

    finaly, don’t be tempted by crap offers! you will get loads, but set a realistic price in your mind and stick to it (if you can)

    Free Member

    I rather like the smell of old spice, but it makes be sneeze :(

    Free Member

    I still say this can go either way, ‘well groomed and nice clothes is good for business’ maybe not, if someone came to service my tractor in a designer suit and hair gel I would be worried!

    I have a femal friend who is very, very, atractive but a commited loner and preffers life on her own, she gets sick of men ‘hitting on her’ (excuse the Americanism) she is always getting inappropriate comments and unwelcome attention.

    So for her good loooks are not making life any easier.

    Free Member

    I realy don’t think so no, I thnk life can be difficult or easy regardless of looks.

    Free Member

    Nicky, i see your point car policies often cover personal injury but not bike insurance. Could you take out general ‘income protection’ insurance would that cover your hobbies? Try this:

    Free Member

    Klunk, I didn’t realise that was you living next door to me, do you need any cheap toyota parts? :wink:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    AC/DC :lol:

    Free Member

    soobalias – 1, very interesting point of view, it sort of fits with the characters in the D.H.Lawrence story that prompted the question. The impression is given that the man concerned may be fighting his gayness (is that a real word?) at a time when to be gay was unexceptable and illegal (thank goodness that has changed)and the woman concerned is to a degree, trying to save her reputation after an unsitable ‘liason’.

    2, That is pretty much the view of fundamental Christians, being unfaithfull in the heart. ‘Thou shall not covet’ and all that.

    thanks for the input!

    Free Member

    I just can’t play those sort of games, that’s why I don’t work in an office. Hats off to those who can but it’s just not for me.

    I like to think i am pretty straight talking, and i do take what others say on face value!

    Free Member

    not sure, which one are you? the one on the far right that looks a bit like Bill Bailey?

    For me – Oliver Reed (yes I know he’s dead)

    Free Member

    That would annoy me too! Hollow hard plastic back wheels. Wait unitl they are all out, then jump the fence and steal it :wink:

    Free Member

    yes it’s crap, looks like a pop up book! How do you get on if you are wearing prescription glasses? wear two pairs?

    Free Member

    1. Yes. Or at least for me. Was pretty much the point I realised that there might not be someone for everyone and some people just die alone.

    Or maybe some people just never meet that ‘right’ person? Or even they do but don’t realise it?

    Some very interesting replies!

    Free Member

    There is a train of thought that suggests working against a weight to big to lift can stregthen tendons and surrounding tissue. But of course don’t over do it. I think it’s about holding the pressure on for a count of five then relaxing and repeating it.

    But ask someone who really knows before taking my advice – please!

    Free Member

    I guess we will never know who that masked man ( I still think woman) really is :?

    Free Member

    no but i have bought a Coolbox from Tesco, would that help?

    Free Member

    TuckerUK, a good analogy :-)

    Free Member

    I find it sad how quickly the request for help on anger turned to replies talking about violence, martial arts, and taking it on on something. The advice on lifestyle change is good, if you feel computer games are at the heart of the problem, give them up for a while – but don’t start punching things – that is just practicing being angry and violent! Instead try reading abook, going for a walk (perhaps sit down and read a nbook while on the walk) growing something, flowere, veg, whatever. The point is trying to cultivate positive emotions and having tings to feel happy and relaxed about :-)

    Free Member

    Might sound silly – but! first accept anger is a normal emotion “I feel like this now, but i don’t feel like this all the time. I didn’t feel like this yesterday and I’m not going to feel like it tomorrow”. This can stop the compouniding of other emotions like frustration, guilt and fear. It is ok to be angry sometimes and that is a good thought to start with :-)

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