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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • supertramp
    Free Member

    I think, no I KNOW, that his is far to complex an issue for such a simple debate! And it’s potential to offend makes it to sensitive an issue for forums like this one.

    Free Member

    Has anyone isolated the “judgemental” gene yet ?

    Or is there no such thing ………just arseholes who are so insecure, that they feel the need to poke fun at others to feel better about themselves ?

    :-) well said!

    Free Member

    YGM – you got mail ie the person saying it has emailed you
    Get a room – don’t have a private chat on a public forum

    dont have a private chat – rhat sounds quite ironic considering the subject matter of the topic :lol:

    So desperategit, can we have an update, what is the current wife/lover situation?

    Free Member

    Nicky – YGM :wink:

    Free Member

    I had a quick search on google and i’m sure i came up with a link to an adapter to do just what you want, but my battery expired and i lost it – sorry!

    Free Member

    Well done for doing as well as you did, you can’t win them all! yes i suppose i am a bit cheeky. My email address is in my profile if you would like to hear more :-)

    Free Member

    teeth! :twisted:

    Free Member

    theft is just theft, part of human nature, even Eve stole that apple and Adam received stolen goods. We all try to get away with what we can, pens from work, the odd private phone call. Buying stuff for home and claiming it on exspenses, you name it – it is all the same thing!

    it’s just hard when it happens to you. I have had a lot of stuff stolen over the years and taking it to heart never helps. Lock your stuf up better and move on, save your emotional energy for something that’s worth it :wink:

    Free Member

    I don’t think you can, it would all depend on the pressure the stove is supposed to opperate at, the regulator for you camping gaz cylinder shpuld be about 29mb (if i remeber correctly) i don’t know how the pressure is regulated from a screw in can. Off topic, i don’t understand why anyone would use camping gas it’s a flippin rip off! Must be the most exspensive gas in the world- ok, if you have room for a 907 cylider you probably have the room for a gas cylinder with gas that will operate at low temperatures and not get ripped off for it!

    Free Member

    Nicky – all the best with the race, do i count that as an invite? :D

    Free Member

    The beer thing (or wine) apparenty made things worse (or at tleast no better) and my friend isn’t a casual sex sort of bloke – sleeping with her best friend is a no-no (it’s a man).

    So, Stavromullers advice, though at first it appears a bit harsh, it seems the only way and it is what i’ll suggest.

    I have feedback on this and Kaesae, your list of bad points, my ‘friend’ asks ‘do you know her?’ :lol:

    Free Member

    So Nicky, did you win the bread? if so any chance of popping round for a slice of toast? :D

    Free Member

    Nicky, your either missing my point, or are very shrewd :D I think it is the later :wink:

    Free Member

    I didn’t notice the scenery :wink:

    Free Member

    some very interesting replies, thanks!

    I will pass them on to my ‘friend’ :wink:

    Free Member

    i am rather fond of women, i don’t think they are rubbish at all :D

    Free Member

    Nicky, i just hit the quote button at the top of the reply box, cut and pasted your quote, then hit the button again. Might not be the correct method, but i’m very new to all this too. Love you profile pic by the way :wink:

    Free Member

    desperategit, read my older posts I beleive your situation could work. Maybe not forever, but then what does? it is better to have loved and lost and all that. Go for it and be happy :-)

    Free Member

    I don’t expect you went out looking for this situation, it propably just kind of happened

    Nicky, I think you are right, best not to be judgemental as you never know – just because you have never been in this situation doesn’t mean you never will be!

    There are all kinds of relationships in the world, many work, many don’t, regardless of their composition.

    My only harsh thoughts are – why air it on here? do you realy need the input of online strangers to solve your emotional issues? If so maybe there are things besides this relationship you need to sort out.

    now, will the real desperategit please stand up :wink:

    Free Member

    Munqe-chick – i wasn’t disagreeing (or agreeing) I just thought it was an interesting story. Out of interest she is still an alcoholic :-(

    Free Member

    this happened to my first wife’s father, her alcoholic mother stabbed him. His quick reflexes saved him, he managed to put his arm in front of the blade, a brand new large kitchen knife aimed for his chest. In the end he had lots of stiches in his arm and the tip of the blade snapped off in his breast bone. This was mid 1980’s she was taken to a mental health hospital, but unless he pressed charges they would not section her and keep her in for treatment – he refused to press chargess! they divorced about a year later.

    so yes it does happen

    Free Member

    I would love to know more about the real ‘Desperategit’ I have a feeling this persona may not even be a man. But if it is a woman, which one ‘wife’ or ‘other’ :?

    Free Member

    yep, but in this case there is something that is difficult to see – your point :lol:

    If you suffer from any long term issue mentioned in the link, it could be a usefull tool in diagnosis, ‘something to mention to the doc’ if you like. If not then it probably has no interest to you at all, and I hope it never does – no one wants long term pain :wink:

    Free Member

    so could any of the statments on here if you take that point of view :roll:

    Free Member

    A ‘lateral’ perspective:
    don’t you think that persons involved in affairs like this are a bit like bank robbers, in that you only ever hear of the ones who get caught! All stats seem to point to the divorces, heartbreak, etc. But there could be ten times as many people having long and happy ‘situations’ just like this one. When you think about it that is most probably the case!

    I am a firm believer in ‘following your heart’ but of course take the time to think things through. You will find the tug of love is stronger in one direction than it is in the other and that is probably the direction you should take.

    Desperategit, why ask the opinion of people on a forum about this instead of following your heart? if you haven’t already, do it now, pick up the phone, send that text, or email, and take your chance at happiness. :wink:

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it be ironic to have turned your life upside down only to get dumped by the new ‘partner’? If she is such a catch why is she single and mixed up with a married man?

    I haven’t read all the replies, but it seems her interest and motivation in all this has been overlooked and is central to the whole debate!

    I sincerely hope this all goes well for you, but be careful of pinning all your hopes on this ‘unknown quantity’ who could turn out to be more unstable than you ever imagined!

    or even have a dual identity? who knows? :wink:

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