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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • supertramp
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    dry? 8)

    Free Member

    The incontinent beast has gone! Now a couple in a very small caravan, with two large Alsatians that bark constantly have pulled up next door – WHY ME!

    Free Member

    I often get called upon to tow motor homes out of wet fields, this may be ‘revenge in waiting’ for the owner of the dog in my ‘dog wee’ thread I will go and tip buckets of water under his wheels :lol:

    Free Member

    Will crows eat my organic wholemeal, or should I go to the shop for a medium sliced white?

    Free Member

    I think they may have gone! Though they could have just gone out for the afternoon. So I a once more alone in a field. I may have to resort to p*ssing on the outside of my own caravan now for entertainment. It does make me wonder though what the inside of his camper must be like, housing an incontinent spaniel, it makes me shudder to think about it. 8O

    Free Member

    I would complain, but I can’t be arsed to walk up to the farmhouse, I would rather grumble and moan to you lot. I may follow the ‘wee on his camper’ advice it it happens again!

    Free Member

    Judging by your responses I wasn’t harsh at all, I even said please and thank you. I didn’t even call him a ****, well I haven’t so far :twisted:

    Free Member

    Just torch the gaff and claim the insurance :twisted:

    Free Member

    Karinofnine, that is very sad news, i feel for you :-(

    Free Member

    My head is sort of both, a cross between Keneth Williams and Mr Potato Head. Having perused the photos I can say that if I ran into a wall, despite it’s size, It would not be my nose hitting first :wink:

    Free Member

    All the sub frame and any wood sunk into the ground really needs to be pressure treated. Otherwise it matters not how many times you re-coat the top it will rot from the ground up! Pressure treated wood isn’t all that expensive, for an idea on prices check my local suppliers site:

    Free Member

    try a nice ‘cotes du rhone’ different, but it’s nice to expand your horizons perhaps with a little brie :-)

    Free Member

    Karinofnine – I actually like a ‘miserable bird on a drab dreary background’ lord knows I’ve been out with enough! Though after reading this I may kick the latest one out and bring the bike inside instead. Do you think she will survive the weather? she did originate in warmer climes.

    Free Member

    I have reduced my miles by about 150/200 a week and plan to buy a more economical vehicle but I have limited choices and a limited budget. As i live in a caravan and work in rural areas and have to go off road daily. I can’t really come up with a practical solution :-(

    Free Member

    Has your number found it’s way onto the auto-dialing system of some telelphone marketing company? it sounds the most obvious answer.

    Free Member

    I had the same problem and for years tried everything and was diagnosed with everything including tree pollen allergy, hay fever, dust, etc. etc. I had antihistamines until they caused problems with my liver, nose sprays, eye drops, antibiotics etc. etc.

    Then I was referred to an Immunologist, apparently I had a low level of protective antibodies against ‘Haemophilus B’ Ii just copied that from her letter so don’t quiz me on it!) Apparently you are supposed to develop your own immunity by the time you are around five years old and I didn’t. These days kids are routinely vaccinated but when I was a lad they weren’t.

    The result is that I can now breath through both nostrils – most of the time – for the first time in my life and I do feel somewhat better for it.

    Though we also discovered I have a low level allergy to ‘perfumes’ which leave me with a constant low level allergic response, so I have cut perfumed products out of my life as much as possible.

    My advice is to get yourself referred to an immunologist!

    Free Member

    Picking on Pit-bulls is canine racism, just shoot all dogs and equality is assured. And, think of the environmental benefits, no more dog crap on the park, and the Co2 produced by the whole pet dog industry must be huge. Then we can move on the the real problem, CATS!

    Free Member

    Interestingly, chipping and licensing (passports in this case) are now mandatory for horses, so it’s not an impossible task. All my animals are chipped, horses, goats, etc. – even the dog!

    I have a feeling that on the whole responsibility and dog ownership are not two things that go together. In every public space I visit the amount of people who scoop-the-poop are outnumbered 10 to 1 by those who couldn’t give a sh*t.

    It seems the good responsible dog owner is the exception rather than the rule and by this standard, the rarity of such horrendous attacks is testimony to the good nature of vast majority of dogs out there.

    I appreciate the trauma of these attacks my niece was attacked at 10 years old by a Doberman in a local shop (the shop owners dog) over 200 stitches all in her scalp and head. She has never really got over the trauma and at 30 still has problems with it :-(

    Free Member

    have you tried typing th lyrics you do know into google? or searching for the ad and taking it from there?

    Free Member

    Karinofnine – there should be a ‘like’ button for contributions like yours! Well said :wink:

    Free Member

    there may be hundreds of people who walk past them every day and if they all gave them “just a hanfull” they would soon have heath problems. I may cook up a load of sausages and start feeding them to other peoples pet dogs, perhaps a bit of pork pie or some left over toffees from the Christmas Quality Streets tin – Doh. . . .

    Free Member

    I am a horse owner and I woul be happy if people stopped giving treats to my animals. A bit of fuss and attention yes, food NO!

    Free Member

    Miketually – tax yes, lazy, no successive governments turned us in to the wasteful, long distance commuting, nuclear family based consumerist society we are.

    Have a read of this:

    It gives you an idea of how the change from the society described by Karinofnine turned into the one we live in today.

    I for one don’t want to lug around pockets full of old carrier bags just for the smug middle class pleasure of thinking I’m saving the planet while the plebs don’t care. That is just part of the problem that was created by breaking down traditional British society.

    Free Member

    Why is it that if I use five carrier bags for free I am killing the planet?

    Yet if I use five carrier bags and pay 5p each everything is OK?

    Does the 25p get spent on environmental projects? or is it just more profit for the shop?

    Free Member

    gixer.john – that sounds cool :wink:

    Free Member

    tron – a very worthy point and so far she has ;-)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    flip – I didn’t do tis to actually ‘test’ her, it was more a figure of speech to make the point easier to make. The truth was it was just open and convenient.

    Free Member

    Kevkevs – I agree ‘Catcher in the Rye’ is nothing special.

    I just read and enjoyed Anna Karinina by Leo Tolstoy – brilliant on a kindle, to heavy to hold up for long enough to read it in hard back!

    I also have a first edition hard back of ‘The Satanic Verses’ sitting on my desk waiting for my attention to focus.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – you make a fair point, she is very easy going and doesn’t expect change. I put this to the test today by taking her to a Wetherspoons for coffee on our way to meet friends, though she was amazed to see people drinking beer at 10am!

    Free Member

    Taff – I had never thought of that! I’ll try it tonight :wink:

    I know nothing about boilers and felt the need to contribute!

    Free Member

    grantway – single? I agree utopia doesn’t exist but people make changes all the time for all sorts of reasons – become vegetarians, go on a crash diet, take up a new hobby, a change of image for a new job, etc. etc.

    So why does making changes to ease the path with a new partner seem so bad? Surely moving from single to ‘a relationship’ is a massive change?

    Free Member

    sx-xc, no she doesn’t expect me too, it is a personal choice thing. it just made me wonder about the whole concept of this. Would making changes really be so bad? The people who appear most against it all seem to be single!

    Free Member

    Taff – you brush your teeth with hot water? from the hot tap? Now that is wrong lol

    Free Member

    I used to play classical guitar and still have one on a stand in the corner of my office but don’t play very often – or very well. The recorder sounds cool, if nothing else a robust and easy to transport instrument :D

    Free Member

    I don’t ride anywhere near as much as i should, I have trouble transporting a bike around with me a lot of the time. It is a constant ‘resolution’ to try harder! Though I had used to be a keen and competitive cyclist and rode a hell of a lot.

    Free Member

    LG – nice to see you back! or is it me that’s back? lol

    Free Member

    I think this is a difficult issue to comment on. It is easy to say, ‘don’t stick together for the sake of the kids’ but you will always be tied by them if you have them, unless you walk out and abandon them and never look back – but could you live with yourself for the rest of your life after doing that?

    If you are single and you dump successive partners for not measuring up it can become habitual and you end up being a lonely middle aged (or approching old aged) forum poster with no life outside work – trying to feel fulfilled by pets and hobbies.

    Hard to find a happy medium (I know) but that, IMHO, is what it is all about!

    Free Member

    Karinofnine – you would need a horse for that surely? :wink:

    Free Member

    Sue W , I had one of those in may 2011, hence my lisy LOL

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