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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • superjohn71
    Free Member

    Aye, I used to me a member of this particular gym, and only stopped going for reasons that no longer apply. I had intended to work out at home, but it just hasn’t happened like it used to when I went to the gym. The good news is that their contacts are one month rolling, so if it doesn’t encourage me like it used to, I could quit. But you’re right that gym contacts are usually the spawn of Satan! 😆

    Free Member

    I’m toying with the idea of returning to the gym, at least to do a bit of lifting aimed at improving my core strength and posture. I can do all this at home, of course, but there is something about going to the gym that somehow installs a bit of discipline into me, even though it’s a faff because I have to drive there. It’s also handy to crack out some cardio if the weather is to rubbish for either cycling or running. They’ve also got a really good pool, and learning to swim properly is on my to do list. However, it ain’t cheap.

    Free Member

    Yay! 3lbs down over the 2 weeks, which makes my total weight loss 1st 1lb.

    9lbs to go. Now I’m exercising, I’m hoping that will steadily drop off.

    Free Member

    Sort of dreading tomorrow’s weigh in. I stupidly weighed myself whilst dehydrated after a 5k run, and thought ‘ooooo, that’s good’. I’m sure now I’ve returned to normal hydration levels a couple of days later that I haven’t lost much at all, but we’ll see. The good thing is that I can run 5k without collapsing. 😀

    Free Member

    I got some off ebay from the same bloke ~ they have been fine, a massive improvement over the cable discs fitted previously. You can get a bleed kit for them on ebay; or a universal one that contains fittings for just about all makes, for £17. I got the latter, because I have other bikes with hydro discs, and I’m also a tool geek!

    Free Member

    ‘local’ takes on a slightly different meaning when you live out in the sticks, but Bateman’s, who brew fantastic beer, and Fulstow Brewery, who brew an epic IPA, are my local brewers of choice.

    Free Member

    Lost a lb this week, which I’m happy with as I did no exercise and had 3 days where I either had a drink or ate loads (valentine’s day). The evenings are getting lighter, as am I, so hopefully more riding is just around the corner!

    Free Member

    166 / 11st 12 / just over 75kg.

    That’s 2lbs down in 2 weeks, 11 lbs in total. All good stuff.

    Interestingly, my MFP is set up to a 1 lb a week loss, which it looks like I have settled down to.

    I’ve started adding exercise into the mix, but need to step that up a notch.

    Highlights this week? I was away on business weds night, and instead of spending the evening in the bar eating hotel food and drinking beer, I did a session in the hotel gym, then drove to a supermarket and brought a salad for my tea.

    What a good boy / boring old fart I am becoming.

    Free Member

    First proper ride today since getting the all clear from the quacks/ cough going away.

    28 miles on the CX bike, mostly off road, a bit of falling off on the muddy bits. Found it hard because I’m so out of shape but enjoyed it nevertheless. Me and the better half had a bit of a blow out on Friday and had a few drinks but we were straight back on it Saturday.

    Going to try a run tomorrow to see if I can get in shape fit the Lincoln 10k

    Free Member

    Another one for Halfords. I’ve got a mate who runs a garage and he uses them; can’t say better than that.

    Free Member

    Endomondo will do this, and sync with Strava, as will Wahoo fitness. ATV least they do on android, can’t see why they wouldn’t on iOS.

    Free Member

    A SRAM front mech. Quite a good one IIRC. I emailed them, they sent me a return label, and then a few days later a £10 voucher code with a thanks for my honesty.

    Free Member

    Fell off the wagon yesterday celebrating the end of dry January, but back on it today.

    Free Member

    I needed a Bluetooth smart one as I don’t have ant+ on my phone, and tried a couple of cheap ones including a Lidl one that others have had good results from, but my super sweat made light work of finding its way in and dissolving them to a lump of non functioning plastic. I’m now using a Decathlon own brand one that was good value, and has lasted over a year.

    I’ve ago just brought a Decathlon speed and Cadence sensor which is on special offer at the moment; I’m hoping they lasts as well as the HRM.

    Free Member

    Just had my first turbo session using Wahoo plus HRM & a Speed / Cadence sensor, and it’s exactly what I was looking for.

    Free Member

    CRC website says they are expecting that lynksy one back in stock 1st march if you can wait that long; but I can’t find the Kenesis one anywhere.

    Free Member

    Got my good lady to measure me and since the beginning of Chub club, I’ve lost 1.5cms round my neck, 7cms round my waist and 4cm from my hips. I had noticed this, as most of the fancy pants clothes* that wouldn’t fit properly on new year’s Eve, the event that spured me to join Chub club, now do. So I’m starting to see positive results over and above the on paper weight loss.

    * I admit to being a bit of a clothes tart. I blame it on being a mod in my youth.

    Free Member

    Went last night; underwhelmed I’m afraid, don’t know if I was expecting too much. Thin plot, and there was a hint of naval gazing in the telling of the ‘men are lost these days’ narrative, which I felt didn’t really fit with the original characters.

    Really wanted it to be good so going to have to watch it again at home just to make sure I wasn’t just having an almighty sulk on Friday! 😀

    Free Member

    Of course, Wahoo, that’s the one.

    In knew there was a suitable app that I had tried for my road biking before settling on Strava for that purpose, but couldn’t remember which one it was. Thought it might have been Endomondo, but having downloaded Wahoo, that’s the one.

    Cheers chaps!

    Free Member

    168 lbs his morning, 3lbs down over the 2 weeks, I think it’s 9 lbs down in total. Myfitnesspal is set for a 1 lb a week loss, so it looks like things are settling down to that. About a stone to go.

    Free Member

    I am only choosing a bb, skewers and narrow wide chainring away from having all my bits. Oh, and tyres. And bar tape. Cables. Getting the cranks re-anodized in a different colour. Perhaps a different stem.

    It’s turning into one of them sort of builds, lol. I hope it’s worth it!

    Free Member

    Is it with S bikes in acharavi? If so, they’ve got a good reputation. A mate and I were going to go out with them as we had booked a holiday a couple of years ago late sept / early Oct when it’s usually nice and warm but not suicidally hot, if you see what I mean. In the end, there was an unseasonal heatwave and Evey day was in the low 40’s so we just sat by the pool all week drinking. But the trails you see driving about look pretty good to me.

    Free Member

    I’m lucky, In live in a rural village where everyone knows everyone; and that includes most of the local parcel drivers, so they know where to leave stuff, even the directly employed ones such as UPS seem to be able to get it.

    There is, of course, one exception. Blooming Yodel.

    I will never ever order from anyone where they are the only delivery option. However, as that only appears to be planet x, who I wouldn’t touch with yours, it doesn’t inconvenience me much.

    Free Member

    Dr gave me the all clear, so let the massive hardcore non-stop exercise fest begin.

    Not tonight, though, it’s cold.

    Free Member

    A cheeky weigh this morning see me just half a pound down on my last official result, so not very impressive. However, illness has meant exercise has been a no no so I’m happy with that at the moment. In anticipation of the Dr giving me the OK tomorrow (I’m psychic 😀 ) I had a quick blast on the turbo trainer tonight and feel OK so will crack on with the exercise and hopefully drop a pound or so by Friday.

    Free Member

    Used to love allo allo; it was just so daft. RIP.

    Free Member

    Session ale – Bateman’s Yellabelly Gold, which outside of Lincolnshire is just brand Bateman’s Gold.

    Session ale with fighting – Bateman’s XXXB

    Craft ale – Fulstow brewery Northway IPA

    Oh, and it’s not Christmas until the Bateman’s Rosy Nosey is out.

    Free Member

    Feeling very pleased with myself. Me and the good lady decided to spend the weekend in York as the kiddywinks were away. We arrived, checked in, then proceeded to walk into town then all around the old city wall. Went out for lunch and tea, and ate healthily both times. Not a drop of alcohol passed our lips. Tonight we walked into town again and went on a ghost walk, then walked back to hotel. Again, no drinkypoos. We’ve walked over 10 miles today.

    Going away and staying within our fitness goals really does feel like a great achievement. What’s more, all the food we ate was yummy, and I’ve had a great time. Win win.

    Oh, and the good lady had said we can go to the railway museum tomorrow to look at big blokey machinery engineeringy stuff. How friggin ace is she?

    Free Member

    Down another 2 – 2.5 lbs this week, so the large initial losses have subsided and are starting to settle to what I have dialed into Myfitnesspal, which is a pound a week loss iirc. Drs on Wednesday, hope to get the all clear to start exercising which should help things along.

    Talking off Myfitnesspal, if anyone else in Chub club uses it and wants Fitness friends, my username is the same as on here.

    Free Member

    Have to admit, Chub club also very motivating for me as well; getting very excited about hopefully getting the all clear from the quacks next week so I can start exercising properly.

    Free Member

    I’m amazed anyone would consider buying anything of value from DFS. Yes, all brands occasionally have quality control issues. Yes, all online retailers occasionally mess up and make a hash of a customer service issue, but boy do DFS go the extra mile in being completely pants. In my case, seemingly unable to understand a really simple piece of consumer and contact law. Brrrrrrrrr…. Shudders. Never again.

    Free Member

    when you look at the tech by today’s standards it’s pretty scary.

    I read somewhere that an old 386 PC had more computing power than the whole of mission control on the day; and a 386 has a fraction of the power of even the most rubbish smartphone.

    Balls of steel, all of them.

    Free Member

    Went to Dr’s just to check this cough wasn’t anything more than the back end of a cold; ended up in hospital having my chest x-ray’d. Lol.

    It’s almost certainly just a secondary infection, but they had to just rule out TB and, as an ex smoker, you know what, just in case.

    However, I’ve been warned of exercise till I’ve at least completed a course of antibiotics and they’ve got the x-rays back. I’m finding that really frustrating as I’m itching to start an exercise schedule to go along with my new healthy lifestyle.

    On the plus side, still sticking to my calorie goals, eating much more healthy food, and amazingly, not drinking, and the weight is slowly coming off.

    Oh, and the Dr noticed I am now an old fart so I have to go for a health MOT. 🙂

    Free Member

    Heads up for anyone still looking for suitable forks;

    Carbon forks

    Free Member

    Quite happy with myself as went out tonight with the good lady to celebrate her friend’s birthday, and we both stayed on the waggon and within our diet plans. Didn’t actually miss the booze to be totally honest.

    Free Member

    Down 7lbs to 171. Achieved using MFP and calorie counting, using a deficit to loose a pound a week. What I found, however, is that it focuses the mind and I was eating less crap (note, not ‘No’ crap, just a lot less), and with the better half being on slimming world our evening meal was much more healthy. I’m also on dry January so that’s a bunch of calories not consumed. Have only managed one lot of exercising due to illness, am hoping to ramp that up next week.

    Happy so far! Racing weight here I come.

    Free Member

    I’ve been looking for a decent set of mid range 26” 100mm forks, straight steerer, QR, for my 26” hardtail for ages. They are still going for silly money on eBay whenever I search, so it seems parts aren’t worthless yet.

    Free Member

    Went for my first post illness ride today, back from the garage after dropping my car off. 16 miles on my CX bike with no breakfast, whilst yesterday had the usual calorie deficit – in other words, I was running on empty.

    It was neither fast, fun or pretty. Note to self – do not ride on an empty stomach!

    Free Member

    Beard clippers and razors. Sooner or later they’re going to want to get rid of their beards.

    Indeedy. But want are the going to do when they want to get rid of their tats? They can’t stay in fashion fit ever.

    Free Member

    What is the biggest tyre people have managed to use on the back ~ anyone got a needle type treaded 40c to fit? Mines going to be used as a dry and dusty type of bike rather than thick mud, so was hoping that 40c would be OK as mud clearance wont be an issue, but am starting to think that 38c might be my max. Any thoughts?

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