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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • supercarp
    Full Member

    Watched The Phantom Menace with the 6yr old forgot how crap it was, even the special effects were pretty rubbish, even the little one wanted it turned off and watched a 1952 Robin hood film instead!

    Full Member

    Just get a pull up bar and and do pull ups, press ups lunges, body weight squats etc. More effective than the bullworker

    Full Member

    Public services and an expectation that they will be able to carry on regardless of the situation.

    Full Member

    Dustin Hoffman, he has experience dealing with this kind of thing remember outbreak

    Full Member

    Sadly I fear few positive changes will come from this. As with any national disaster there will be plenty of plaudits towards the NHS, social care staff and other front line emergency services but they will not be rewarded or respected any more.

    Very quickly the status quo will return and everything will just carry on until the next disaster. Ultimately the rich and powerful don’t really want a fair world.

    My fear is if we have a worst case scenario which lays out the reality of our public services there will be civil unrest. People dying due to lack of beds/equipment and staff, prison riots due to lack of staff, crime surging due to lack of police etc.

    Or a new fairer society may form with less super rich as they decide to share the wealth out, adult politicians making ethical policy, neighbours looking out for each other…… never going to happen

    Full Member

    A left handed Malmsteen Strat is on my wish list but way more than £500 ☹️

    I like the look of the new Boss waza headphone amp or the positive grid spark amp both look pretty good.

    Full Member

    I found be the most accurate weather forecast is looking out the window.

    Full Member

    Try starting with negatives, jump up and pull yourself to the bar and then lower down slowly and repeat 3 sets of 5 reps building to 3 sets of 10 reps.

    Then get some resistance bands and then again build up to 3×10 slowly over time reducing the thickness of the band so it offers less help.

    Before you know it you will be able to do chin or pull ups! Then you can work on reps and more advanced pull ups (archer, commando etc.)

    Full Member

    The one’s I saw in IKEA the other week looked quite good didn’t see the price but probably got one in your price range.

    Full Member

    I still have think it depends on whether the intercom is classed as an integral part or a supplied accessory. To me visors etc classed as integral would be flip down tinted visor, likewise if the helmet comes with integrated Bluetooth then this would mean that any vat which the device would normally have would be exempt in the his situation as it is built into the helmet so an integral part.

    To me an aftermarket device is not an integrated item rather it is an aftermarket item which you would be expected to pay VAT. I he shop say that hey would fit it for free to me is just good customer service.

    Full Member

    I am totally confused. If they had not fitted the item would you have had to pay the VAT? By fitting it they saved you the time/hassle and now you should be owed a VAT refund?

    Looking at the guidance it states fitting items as an integral part but accessories supplied you pay VAT.

    To me that reads as the intercom you bought is actually an accessory not an integral part so you should have paid VAT regardless of whether you are he shop fitted it for you.

    What I think it means is if a manufacturer fits the intercom, visor etc. as part of the helmet at you wouldn’t pay the VAT on those additional items.

    In your situation this wasn’t the case it was as an a supplied item

    Probably got it wrong but that is my interpretation.

    Full Member

    Make one out of used car tyres? Videos on YouTube show you how seems good idea for outside use.

    How to Make a Homemade Punching Bag

    Full Member

    As a floating voter for me to vote labour I would be looking at a party left of center with ethical social policies and a leader who can hold government to account.

    I do not want a hard left and I think as seen at the he last GE neither does the country. RLB appears just a continuation of Corbin and a weak yes to the McCluskey and momentum type at that. I can’t see her causing Borris and issues at PMQ

    Sorry but I don’t want a hard left socialist government as I can’t see that is any better than what we are currently heading to with an increasingly right-wing intolerant government, both are just the same as each other just opposite sides of the coin.

    Given the current situation labour need a strong leader more than ever (as does the country) and to me as a floating voter it has to be Starmer.

    Full Member

    On a scale the 1 to 10 with 1 deciding what to have for dinner and 10 been WW3 between th US and Iran I rank at around -10 on my list of things to worry about.

    Although listening to some people talk about it it is clearly a 12 on the he scale of world importance!

    Full Member

    I have a alpha industries M65 which is about 15 years old and still going strong.

    Definitely has a zip hiding a cotton hood not that good but you could button in a parka hood.

    With the liner it is a autumn and winter coat so ideal unless it is pouring rain.

    Full Member

    Second the Yamaha Pacifica 112 very good guitar. For example this is on eBay

    Full Member

    I use to be of these easy to use and inexpensive

    D’Addario Planet Waves PW-CT-12 NS Micro Headstock Tuner

    £14 from GAK

    Full Member

    Home for me.

    Used to go to the gym but stopped when children appeared due to time.

    Bought some kettlebells, pull up bar, gymnastic rings and parallets, haven’t been back to the gym in 6 years.

    The hardest part was getting the motivation but now I would never go back to the gym

    Full Member

    SRV was pretty good if not one of the best and Hendrix blues playing often gets overlooked which was brilliant.

    Full Member

    My local farm shop has all its meat out like that. I love me to point out the different meat to my young daughter so she understands how and where meat comes from, it generally also comes from local producers. The best thing about this is I can pick it he meat and they can cut me just the amount I need rather than having to buy what is shrink wrapped in the supermarket.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the advice already do plenty of exercise but I will try reducing my caffeine and look at improving the diet.

    Just got caught out as there had not been anything to trigger it not been feeling down so hopefully it will pass

    Full Member

    They had a choice which party they formed a coalition with in 2010 Nick Clegg chose the Tories even when the then labour government was a closer fit politically

    That says everything we need to know about the current lib Dems.

    Pupil premium, same sex marriage are all very amicable but surely these are all things a fair government should be doing.

    I will counter the lib Dems argument of what they gave us with raised child poverty, increased food bank use, cut of sure start and general youth investment.

    They chose to get into bed with the devil.

    Full Member


    100% agree

    Full Member

    I have generally been a lib Dems voter but given they enabled Cameron and Osborne austerity which Swinson was part of I cannot vote for her.

    She will come out with the old we had to the previous labour government had killed the economy blah blah.

    Utter tosh private banks caused the problem and austerity was a ideological choice which the libs seemed to sell their soul and support for that sniff of power.

    As I get older I have started to question what kind of country we have become where is the compassion and drive for a fair society? It worries me what future my daughter will face with a country which seems to help the rich and allows more and more children to live in poverty.

    Always thought the lib Dems wanted that but clearly when the time came they failed to step up, sometimes wonder what would have been if they went in with Brown rather than Cameron (was never going to happen as clegg was an old school chum)?

    Full Member

    What about a trolly to move your amp with or employ a roadie

    Full Member

    What kind of cat lives next door that will wear down a fence post in a month in month a lion?

    Full Member

    Saw CFH and thought it was about pantera cowboys from hell!

    Full Member

    Newlyns farm shop just off junction 5 of M3 right off slip road towards odiham then first exit next roundabout about 2 mins off m3. Nice breakfast

    Full Member

    Lawnmower deth should be right up their street!

    Full Member

    I have a pixel 2 XL and I think it is great. Quick boot up and the purist android as there are no extra software skins, closest android phone to an iPhone I have used.

    And it comes with a decent warranty from Google along with android updates as soon as they are released.

    Full Member

    I find it quite funny when people complain about fire and police pensions. Moaning about their private sector pensions been so poor.

    To me front line emergency services and the military pensions should be a special case and pay well. It is the reward for working nights missing special occasions, children’s birthdays etc. It is the reward for being assaulted, shot, trying to save a life.

    The fact many people complain about this shows what a sad horrible society we have become. We have around 500,000 front line line staff not really a huge amount.

    I didn’t join the police to get rich and I certainly didn’t join for the pension but I saw it as the reward for the huge personal till it takes on you and your family.

    And working to 55 is pretty fair when you have to carry fire equipment, people or arrest some drugged up violent 20 year old.

    Everything seems to be a race to the bottom these days.

    Full Member

    Second William Lennon, got mine last year I chose the leathers and went for a commando sole. A match for redwing boots and completely handmade in England. Great customer service.

    Full Member

    Surely it’s Stairway to Heaven. Never released as a single banned in every music shop in the world but is a sublime track, acoustic guitar, screaming vocals great solo and rocking outro

    Full Member

    Having read the article I am not sure what all the negative comments are all about. He appears a normal chap who has worked incredibly hard to get to the very top.

    How is he stupid? He is giving an opinion which is no different than people on this forum.

    I think that their is an argument that helmets especially for children should be compulsory, not due to cars but from general falls. Adults well that is a matter of choice however everyone wears a helmet on the trails so why is the road different? I doubt very much that he is going to earn any money from everyone buying kask helmets they sponsor the team not him otherwise each rider would be wearing different helmets due to individual sponsor.

    If helmets were suddenly made compulsory would that make much difference, not really just like a seat belt it would just become the norm.

    As for London I think he was trying to say that with all the cars bikes etc it is completely mad and a crazy place to cycle which to be fair is pretty accurate. There are many stupid car drivers and equally stupid cyclists

    Full Member

    Yes the Joe Nimble are good and they have a 3 year warranty. I also have a couple of pairs of five fingers

    I really want some shoes made from stainless steel!

    Full Member

    Metallica? Kill em all was good but not on the same planet as Master of puppets.

    Royal Blood, Alice in chains

    Full Member

    Joe Nimble pretty good. Vivobarefoot not bad Vibram five fingers are good.

    Just do a search for minimalist or bare foot shoes.

    Full Member

    Worth is always going to be difficult to value I agree, however worth boils down to what we as a society place upon it. It would sadly appear that today society does not value education, health or law and order. We seem to have fallen into a situation where we want to pay less for everything yet expect the same level of service and quality. The so called intellectuals you talk about may be able to answer the question if they went out and worked in the roles rather than sitting and discussing it.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”> I would say that teachers, nurses etc are doing jobs that most others who like to complain simply couldn’t do and are easily worth £50k  and certainly worth more than MPs. Or perhaps no pay rise but public sector workers don’t pay any tax then the old I pay you wages would be true.</span>

    We can’t have both and we can’t complain if the services we get aren’t what we demand to get.

    Full Member

    Arr the good old beat the public sector pay again. Everyone in the private sector likes to bang on about how they have not received any pay increase and the public sector get gold plated pensions blah blah.

    I think we need to have a reality check the public sector educate our children, they care for us when we are I’ll, run into burning buildings, run towards terrorist attacks etc if we really were a great country we would pay these people what they are worth.

    The private sector likes to bang on about how great it is but they are not able to operate public sector areas with out getting it wrong, G4S Olympics balls up, academy schools, private prison etc all paid for by us from our taxes.

    Full Member

    I changed my cat’s over to raw as one was very sensitive to wet food and the raw sorted out his skin. Now feeding the new puppy on it. Don’t think it costs more as I generally have to feed less.

    I use Vince the vet from a local supplier.

    Only downside is that you need extra freezer space.

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