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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • supercarp
    Full Member

    Technically having the keys with you is in charge as you could drive however if you are walking to the car and only opening the boot taking out the bag closing the bot and walking back to the hotel then any officer watching you would see you have no intention of driving.

    The thing to think about is the morning after as it is possible to be over the limit the following morning if you have been drinking heavily.

    Full Member

    You won’t build strength using a rower if you are already doing plenty of cardio why not use the spare time to do some actual strength training?

    Clean and press, dips pull up etc.

    Full Member

    Have you thought about a new toaster? Given that your toaster looks like it has rust on it I think it may have finally given up the ghost (no Halloween pun intended!)

    Full Member

    Tell your son to stop whining and then approach the teacher ask them directly and if they have ask them the context and ask them to stop.

    Or just go full linch mob which seems to be the way everyone seems to go these days demand they are named and shamed in public and sacked!

    Full Member

    Got about 4% which was better than the 0% last year but with inflation is no better than the 1% I got the previous few years

    Worked in both private and public sector over the years and found just as many sometimes more lazy hiding away types in the private sector than the public. The main difference been those in the private sector tend to talk a good show to hide their uselessness!!

    Always chuckle how the government seem to blame the public sector for all the economic woes until the sh@t hits the fan!

    Full Member

    I didn’t think the private sector gave pay rises, the government seem to say this so they can’t justify public sector pay increases as it would not be fair to the private sector.

    Seems they lied about that along with everything else!

    Full Member

    Watched point break a couple of weeks ago agree total rubbish now.

    Seems everything I watched growing up felt really action packed but now when I watch them they are actually really slow and boring and sadly crap:

    The A team
    The professionals (really liked this)
    T J Hooker
    The Hulk TV series

    But the the crème de la crème must be manimal that was amazing when I was 7, now I realise he could change into any animal as long as it was a bull, eagle or some big cat utter rubbish!!!

    Full Member

    Jude law cool? Am I missing something?

    Donald Sutherland is quite cool, Slash still has an element of coolness to him.

    Tony Iommi is not cool he is a legend which is another level of coolness!

    Full Member

    So the kids bike is more expensive than the Voodoo which has a suspension fork🤔

    Full Member

    If he has the funds to search he would be better off buying a load of lottery tickets. More chance of winning big than finding his alleged hard drive!

    Full Member

    I’m sorry but bike prices are becoming stupid. £12 grand for a mountain bike regardless of what or how good how do they justify the price?

    Full Member

    I was shocked how much Vanessa Feltz was on.

    Full Member

    What the hell is a helium hotspot?

    Full Member

    Surely you just knock it out in the bin? Needing a special box is a proper first world problem!

    Full Member

    Steveostraps will make you one, good quality

    Full Member

    REM shiny happy people. Anything by the RHCP really just sounds like the same song.

    Full Member

    Mungo Jerry at a small festival a few years ago, they seemed to play in the summertime for about 20mins just in different styles, that was bad.

    Full Member

    Remember walking through the gates at Reading festival I think 2000 to see the singer of The Dillinger Escape Plan taking a shit on a towel bagging it up before saying to the crowd ‘you are going to see a lot of this today!’ before throwing it into the crowd. Couple of hours later on come Puddle of Mudd must be the worst performance I have ever seen, the Prodigy headlined and they weren’t much better and I was looking forward to seeing them, left early!

    Full Member

    May have broken/happened since the MOT so wouldn’t have been picked up.

    People forget that the MOT is a test of the vehicle at that time and date and then complain if something happens after and want to blame the MOT tester when the issue has occurred after and it is just one of those of things.

    For example if the tires are 1.6 mm on the day of the test they pass but I he next day you measure them and they are below and need replacing, that is not the fault of the MOT test just the joy of owning a car!

    Full Member

    From a money point of view you don’t need to buy half of what you think you need, eBay is full of barely used baby clothes and accessories, IKEA do all sorts of baby/child stuff including changing tables etc which are not that expensive. Friends when you tell them will most likely give you all their stuff as well!!

    The best thing I bought was a Tummy Tub essential a bucket to wash them in but it was so much easier than a bath as you can use it in any room and calming for the baby as it puts them in the fetal position.

    Have you both thought about joining a NCT class? Good way to meet others who most likely will have or had the same thoughts and you may make some new long-term friends (our daughter is 8 but we are still in regular contact with people from the NCT group).

    Full Member

    I think Tolkien will be better in a series form better than film so the characters can be properly developed. Looking forward to it

    Full Member

    Woodpecker cider drink of choice for a 15yr old me, I guess it was the sweetness which made it drinkable at the time!

    Jack Daniel’s threw up on that 30yrs ago still can’t even smell it without heaving!

    Worst was 50/50 Malibu and Fosters couldn’t walk after that!

    Full Member

    Emptying the loft this week and thought it would not be good if I fell out the loft as nobody else was at home and then slipped and fell out of the loft, luckily feet first so no serious injury!!

    Full Member

    I have a number of kettle bells from Wolverson fitness, good quality and reasonable price esp the black series.

    Simple & Sinister is a good kettlebell routine to start with.

    I would say if you are planning to use kettlebells properly swings, snatches, clean & press etc the dynamic lifts it is worth paying for decent quality bells.

    Avoid the cheap plastic coated ones.

    Full Member

    Our primary school actively encourage walking, scooting etc. but is is a small village school which is really good. However most of the reception children can’t walk whilst concentrating not to bump into each other let alone riding!

    Last week I watched a year 5 fly down the path on his scooter and straight off the curb without looking or trying to stop and into the side of a car causing the driver to almost have a heart attack!

    If the school suddenly said no cycling/ scooting I don’t think I would really care as there are many more important things to get wound up over.

    Full Member

    I doubt the shop will actually bother calling the school and if they did what exactly is the school going to say? If it happened outside of the school gates they will most likely not care as it is not their problem.

    If the boys haven’t done anything I would tell them to forget about it and just go to a different shop for a couple of weeks until it all blows over.

    The shop were most likely just fed up with kids coming in and stealing or causing issues and unfortunately took their frustration out on the first two who didn’t run off or back chat, not fair to your boys but just bad luck.

    Full Member

    Yep 3-4 minutes Win Hof every day after washing with hot. As others have said gets really cold then at about 3 mins it feels like it is hot. Really sets you up for the day.

    Been doing if for ages every day still have to force myself under to start but always worth it!!

    Full Member

    Cost a bit more than off the shelf but should be strong for your dog.

    I have one of his collar’s for my dog very good quality

    Full Member

    Sorry spell check that should be Wim Hof method!!

    Full Member

    I have struggled on and off with depression and anxiety since 2011, I had a relapse last September and I had to get back on my medication after a couple of years free, seemed to work until Christmas when I started to suffer more. I have been trying to find other ways to get well rather than just increase my medication, someone mentioned the Win God method, I have only done the cold shower fully but it has really helped, I plan to start the breathing to see if that helps. It seems to help me have a calm mind.

    Full Member

    I am sure I watched Eddie Hall using a car polisher on one of his YouTube videos?

    Full Member

    EVH laid the foundation for 80s rock and metal guitar players who took their playing to the next level which left Eddie sounding a little generic until you remember he was doing his thing in the 1970’s 10 years before everyone he influenced made ‘his’ sound the generic 80’s rock tone.

    That is why I think he was both a pioneer and a legend

    Full Member

    The questions made sense, as I read it the question was about how easy/difficult a piece of equipment is not specific exercises. So barbells Vs dumbbell Vs kettlbell for example which do you think are more difficult to use.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Practice slow, once you get your technique down the speed will come.

    Or just learn to play master of puppets!

    Full Member

    What about Deep Purple? They were/are suburb and had some genuinely brilliant musicians, Ian Paice world class drummer and Blackmore had to be one of the most important and forgotten guitar greats of all time.

    Full Member

    Many in the public sector will also lose their jobs, many already are and plenty have been furloughed.

    There is a myth that needs busting over public sector job security. The last 10 year’s of austerity shows many ‘000s of public sector jobs lost, pay freeze/cuts so why wouldn’t they want a pay rise?

    The big issue is we talk about the public sector and that is a very broad, perhaps pay increases should be targeted at the areas which are having the biggest impact on fighting the virus/helping society rather than just a blanket increase across the board?

    The big question is why large private companies who still turn a profit will be laying off staff because the profit is not as big this year whilst continuing to pay bonuses and dividends, interesting how many of these companies were right at the front of the queue for government handouts.

    Don’t worry normal service will resume punish the public sector and low paid to the benefit of the wealthy.

    Full Member

    The problem is when the public want numerous services to be provided teaching, policing & health for example. What they don’t want is having to pay for it and the expectation seems to be that these jobs should be lower paid than private sector jobs. Why? These jobs may not create what some see as traditional wealth into the economy but they add so much more to the social, emotional and mental wealth of society.

    There seems to be a constant public sector is bad and adds nothing to society mantra from some areas of the political spectrum and media. It says a lot about our society that this is how we seem to think.

    Private sector jobs constantly seem to complain about public sector ‘golden’ pensions, public sector is lazy, bloated etc. but still want the service.

    I think it is also worth noting that many of the lowest paid in the public services are not even public sector workers as many of these jobs have been outsourced to private companies who pay the least they can get away with. Our bins are now an outsourced vendor and the service is notable worse than when it was council run.

    What I find wrong is private companies not paying enough so their employees have to claim additional benefits to be able to get by so the state effectively subsidies these companies who still pay out large dividends to shareholders.

    What we really need to do is start seeing the benefits of both private and public sectors both working on improving pay and conditions for all.

    Full Member

    I think part of the problem in the last 10 year’s in particular is what appears too many career politicians of all political persuasion who have no life experiences outside of university and working in politics. Or a short failed career in law or banking who then end up with a career for life in politics.

    How these people are able to relate to enyone or anything outside of politics is very limited in my opinion hence we get stuck with some truly poor inept even dangerous individuals in positions of power they are neither suitable or skilled enough for.

    I don’t think many of the politicians of the last 10 year’s have covered themselves in glory, Cameron, Osborne, clegg, May, Corbyn, Abbott, Rabb, Gove, Patel,Swinson, Johnson all equally culpable for the current mess we are in.

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