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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    Yup – the Castellano designs are lovely, with flexy chainstay plates. There’s a lot of logic in that – bearings aren’t really designed for small cyclic loading, so if you can use a flexible link instead it saves maintenance. Some companies have also made bikes with flexible carbon plates instead of bearings or bushings.

    F1 sometimes use titanium or carbon ‘flexures’ instead of rose joints in wishbones where there is low angular movement, simply clamp in place.

    Free Member

    From times I have been behind groups I find that peleton riding is more palatable if they are clearly training/putting some effort in, but when riding socially and cruising along it is annoying.

    Classic – ‘I dont mind you being on my road as long as you are “trying” damn it!

    What about sunday drivers then TG?

    Free Member

    In our house McD is seen as the ‘unhealthy cafe’, so when we occasionally get a drive through we all sit there feeling guilty (kids included) whilst consoling ourselves wiht milkshakes and fries.

    Worse, the household propaganda has worked so well that I almost have to make my kids go to McD, they mostly demand to be taken to Zizzi or Pizza Express.

    Free Member

    Stanley, first pass score it, second pass quite gentle cut on score line that now acts an extra cutting guide then final cut. Use sharp new Stanley with retractable blade and set it right in so you don’t slip and slash your leg….

    Free Member

    Me too, and I’m with vicky – mostly lack of sleep ok but then when other factors add up boof and it’s time to pop the pill

    Free Member

    That is awsumz, the artisan art of wheel making, who would believe it!

    Free Member

    the government subsidy that gave us £3 insulation via the energy tariff ended last year.

    Free Member

    I thought I has a creaky seatpost, turned out to be a crack in seat tube between clamp and top tube

    Free Member

    What court order? – that’d be the ‘sorry it isn’t here anymore so you can’t sieze it and unless you really really need it for evidence and want to charge me with obstruction which you can’t because you clearly aren’t that bothered about collecting it then the owner will be needing to get a court to order me to deliver up court order’. That’s not a pop at the police, it’s practical justice.

    Free Member

    bellefied – Member

    Go back and ask them has it been claimed yet, if not ask forsteal it back


    Free Member

    @gil – it was meant as a confirmation of your provenance :-) complaint about Cotic pricing :( was NOT aimed at you.

    Pity is I think my gritstone bfe is way too stealth and but cost of 1/6 th of what I paid for the frame is too much when trying to give Cotic some more free publicity by brightening up the decals.

    Free Member

    Try some liquid maintenance – i.e. spray everything with WD40*

    *this may not actually be a good idea

    Free Member

    Vanilla is the one of the predominat flavours

    The following recipe is supposedly the original ingredients for coca-cola:
    Citrate Caffeine
    Citric Acid
    Extract of coca leaves
    Ext. Vanilla
    Lime Juice
    Flavourings; Oil Orange Oil Cinnamon Oil Lemon Oil Coriander Oil Nutmeg Oil Neroli Alcohol

    Mix Caffeine Acid and Lime Juice
    Boiling water add vanilla and flavourings when cool.
    Let stand for 24 hours.

    Free Member

    Gil wouldn’t sell me Cotic decals – because he supplies them to Cotic apparently! Price of new decals for Bfe is OUTRAGEOUS.

    Free Member

    richamars – most inpressed by your ingenious makeshift lathe!

    Free Member

    You shouldnt have handed over until they got a court order.

    Moral compass? most likely it is covered by insurance, so the victim would have been less out of pocket than you. Its about who is loosing the least. You can ask to contact victim direct.

    Forget 60 days its a smoke screen, go after them for an illegal contract and get your money back.

    Free Member

    but on contacting the school they won’t accept the booking saying they were never ok with it going on ebay

    School might not be entitled to do this, if their t&c’s dont say their reservation is non transferrable, like airlines etc. If they cant refuse but do then they are liable to refund. And since you bought the contract from the seller (the debt) they are liable to refund you.

    Carefully crafted email threatening them in the right way is liable to resolve it, check their t&cs

    Free Member

    First why did you hand over the bike?

    Second, if the bike doesnt get back to the owner you may be entitled to havee it returned to you. Do some research on this and formally register interest wiht the Police and follow up regularly. One reason can be that the owner’s insurance has paid out so he is NOT entitled to get it back as that is double recovery, but insurance dont want it as they dont care (happens a lot with mobile phones).
    Third sue Paypal, take out a european small claims and take them on, it is the luxembourg entity you are after and they will refund you if you stick at it. I did and I got my £100 back.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    Buses are like girlfriends.

    None for ages then 2 come along at the same time?

    Free Member

    As a happily single urban chap

    Are you trying to be a smart arse? – as opposed to us sad married out of town types?

    Outside fella :twisted:

    Free Member

    Best thing I ever did was to delete the online dating profile I had.

    Eh? Was it like deleting an eBay listing before the end – you get inundated with ‘did you ‘sell’, if not I’d be interested so inbox me [sic]’ messages?

    Free Member

    Dont use genny to make tea. £15 gas stove and cannisters plus whistle kettle and you are sorted for drink and food.

    A 12v airpower charger will run a laptop.

    I even have a 12v 19″ TV.

    Get a few LED camping lights, they last hours at a time. Or invest in a few 12v lights.

    All that and 12v leisure battery with a permanent trickle charger will last hours.

    Free Member

    I think the best approach to take, is not to have some prepared strategy based on ill-concieved prejudice of females as so dramatically ‘other’

    Pffft – where’s the fun in that? Anyway thats the premises on which most of this threads is predicated so fat chance.

    It does amuse me that it always seems to be the ones who spend so much time on dating sites that claim to be the “experts” on women.

    Let’s hope they are because us married type are utterly clueless, not that we have to bother any more, I for one have really let myself go since getting married. Kids play havoc with your bodies dontcha know (mostly from stealing all their Haribo and cake from the party bags they bring into dad taxi)

    Free Member

    Brian – who’s this Brian fellow?

    Free Member

    OK cap’n sensible for a moment – the video actually shows what scuzz posted, the central section collapses first you can see the penthouse drop, this then spreads laterally to pull down the sides.
    We are all too tainted by watching fred dibnah droppping chimneys, skyscrapers are very different and rather like monocoques, a single failure rapidly overloads all other members. the WTC towers were a relatively novel design at the time because they used perimiter frame not traditional primary central core built around the lift shaft.
    So the video is consistent, no mystery.

    Free Member

    banks – Member

    St annes RC stockport in stockport/reddish are looking for maths plus a few other teachers.

    Did you actually read the OP or did it go over your head?


    Sorry to shout but did you catch it that time?

    Free Member

    In my experience, most important consideration with the average genny is a very very very long lead so’s you can site it as far away as possible given that noise attentuation is proprtional to distance

    Free Member

    Only mind probing – so everyone on here is safe :lol:

    Free Member

    Was it – Achtung Fatty, move it, yes I’m talking to you you Grösse Schwein Fahrrad’?

    Free Member

    You’re all wrong. It WAS a conspiracy, but it was Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Tinkerbell and Bigfoot who did it.

    B’ll’ks smelly feet, they are fictional characters from your youf.

    Aliens I tell you, it was the body snatchers, everyone panic

    chilled76 – Member
    That’s not what the video evidence shows.
    From what I can see…

    Ah right so your continued argument(itive) is based on what you think you see, tho’ you have already declared your lack of expert civil engineering knowledge (ignorance and incompetence – using the true meanings of the words, not employing them as an insult).

    What you see is not necessarily what happened – as any magician/conjourer attests

    Free Member

    I suspect [ no expert] the rule is if they keep texting and including things like night sweets xxx they are still interested

    Its just the reverse of the forum thread insult. Men say mean things but dont mean it, women say nice things but dont mean it.

    Free Member

    Perhaps it was some elaborate cover to distract everyones attention from the fact that they never went to the moon? Clever buggers eh!

    Free Member

    since the area now known as the Irish Sea was flooded [\quote]

    Yup global warming will do that, where next do we reckon? The Kernow Sea?

    Free Member

    No, I haven’t got that much time to waste on puerile drivel, I’m much too busy on the forum

    Free Member

    a ‘bucket list’ S&M session

    Free Member

    Ernie does that make all the taffs and scots in the uk immigrants then? Because that immigration is out of control and we need some urgent measures to keep the revolting (devolution talk etc) scots out!
    What do you reckon, apply for a mahoosive EBRD loan, big infra project just what we need to kickstart the (english) economy, rebuilt ‘ the wall’. Need to extend it round the corner tho. to stop them seaking out and knicking our oil mind boyo.

    Concrete and brick not very envio. friendly so what do we reckon straw and lime mortar or old tyres and rammed earth?

    *these happy pills are good sh1t*

    Free Member

    Just to give a more objective viewpoint,

    3/10 for the Troll

    7.5/10 for the banter

    Free Member

    I don’t understand it. Why don’t the neighbours just let us get on with our lives.

    Kiddding right? You are suprised at other people moaning and interfering?

    Just get on an write (email will do) to council, be very nice and helpful they just need to be seen to be doing the right things and considering the complaints before rejecting them.

    Ideally ask housing officer to come over and see the sheds in other gardens etc.

    Free Member

    The third way? Open your own first branch? Need funding? The STWstartertrackworld community is listening.
    So – what do you do and what is your pitch?

    Free Member

    Have had a purge on draughts etc recently but more still to be done.

    Seal then insulate, in that order of priority. Though I found cavity wall insulation in my place helped stop the draghts as the wind was circulating round cavity, so filling roof with wool might help with the sealing up. Not much use putting the film across the windows unless you seal the relevant windows too.

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