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  • The Best Bits from iceBike* 2023
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    Hmmm, unfortunately presence of leukocytes alone is not indicator of kidney infection. A common cold will cause leukocytes in urine. It has to be taken in context of a) concentration of Leu, b) presence of blood and protein c) presence of nitrates, plus fever and maybe a continuous ache in kidney.

    She could just still have population of the bladder, which should not necessarily be treated in absence of fever. When kindey is uder attack it tends to let blood (and protein) pass – if these are not present then it indicated a lower urinary only.

    Also, did the doc send the urine sample he dipped off for culture? And, did he check what was cultured last time to be sure that it want resistant to the antiB he just prescribed?

    However, its not uncommon for an opportunisitc secondary colonisation, and another course of antiB shouldnt do any harm – its just that after 5 yrs of managing chronic urinary condition in my daughter bitter experience has taughts that you need to understand & validate proposed treatment.

    Free Member

    Oh and one more trick. Get some urine sample bottles from GP/A&E 9), if worred about infection take sample to A&E and ask them to dip test it (machine does it now, but its called the same when they used to stick special sticks in it). If feeling sick/elevated temp and there is more than a trace of blood, its a good potential early warning. They put you on a broad spectrun antiB and culture the urine the determine if you need soemthing else. Urinary bacteria are high risk in terms of developing resistance to the common antiBs.

    Free Member

    Alwyas check temperature, infection will always casue elevated temp. IR ear thermometer best. If not then recehck in 4 hrs just to be sure, and if the pain was only when lying in bed then most likely just kidney sore from the infection.

    When in hospital, they cultured the urine and know what bacteria it is that populated (ususally E.coli) so ask them and ask them to explain where they think it came from and how they think it migrated up the urinary tract.

    Free Member

    from a community to a monopoly owned and controlled by the same scumbags.

    Community? Since when was it a community? I hate ebay, but it has done me proud, got some great bargains (if you will buy things other people bid on (i.e. want) then you what you pay is ‘the market price’ at that point, like it or not), and sold stuff I didnt need as good prices.

    It’s all very well telling them what they should be doing, but its their business they set it up, they didnt make you start trading on their site but they did give you the opportuunity. Go ahead and set up your own one and then stick to your pricniples and dont sell out for the billions someone will offer you if you are successful.

    There is a reason ebay is one of the only really profitable sites of its kind on t’interweb. Amazon make sweet FA in comparison.

    Free Member

    Tried 819. I am same weight as you and I like Stans so much I now have 2 sets of Flows and have done everything except the proper downhill on them. What wrecked a Crossride rim doesnt affect the Flows. They are on XT hubs – not popular but plently strong, easy and cheap to service if you look after them, and means I get them dead cheap second hand.
    I use Stan’s yellow tape and standard tyres and seal them up like the Stans video. Its a bit of a faff but they are brilliant. My compressor does make life easier though.
    They do burp a bit – but only because I run them very low pressure and because I just overstressed the tyre with a bad landing or something that would have probably resulted in a pinch flat with tubes. I have Stout 2.3 on back – but I found that tyres are very variable on size and you cant rely on the given sizing.

    Free Member

    you’ll need to accept that alcohol pretty much goes out of the window; you simply can’t cope with drinking anything and getting up/remaining alive if you’re reducing sleeo to 5 or 6 hours a day

    True, True!

    Free Member

    Thanks you were right, paypal wont do bank payment unless backed by credit card.

    Payla it seems consider the credit card is ‘expired’ if within 1 month of expiry date.

    But the bank doesnt issue a new card until 2 weeks before exiry!

    I hate paypal.

    Free Member

    My great uncle was the one steering the Titanic when it hit the iceberg! :roll:

    Free Member

    Ah cheers CG. Have often come across Gurkhas on exercise, the yellow caps on their guns are some comfort!

    Free Member

    must come from the forest itself, the orange sand/ gravel mix actually comes from the quarry in crowthorne. We cannot bring in
    material from elsewhere.

    So that is what that big hole just beyond lower star post is then?

    Does anyone know any reason why the Old Dean Common/Barossa Common area had not developed into XC loops etc?

    I am just grateful that anyone goes to any effort that I benefit from.

    Free Member

    Its not the point (anyway the FW14B is my all time favourite), F1 cars are actually a ‘rules’ car, they are hugely compromised vehicles that are designed simply to maximise the ‘envelope’ allowed by the FIA rules.

    For example, no one in their right minds tries to get max torsional rigidity out of a tube with holes in it, nor to maximise aero by sticking 4 huge unfaired tyres in the airstream.

    Looks at Group B – WRC are way past what GrpB managed for pace.

    F1 is determined by the 3 biggest factors aero, tyres, power, probably in that order.

    All that happens if you dont change rules disruptively (so that innovation can play a part) is the top 3 teams refine better and quicker than all others so they dominate.

    Free Member

    I went to my local Tesco without shoes last summer, presumably nobody noticed because I wasnt stopped.

    Did get booted out of Carrefour in France though. The cheese eating surrender monkeys never even give a non-specific ‘its elf and safety mate’ reason they just say ‘its the rules’. You think UK is obsessed with rules, despite popular belief the french are rules mad.

    Although, cant blame then, I would stop a barefooted pikey like me from entering.

    Free Member

    Not buying that complete kart outfit and going racing.

    Not having more kids (nothing else in my life matters but my beautiful girls).

    Not becoming a plumber and being my own boss / own business – became a lawyer instead (eventually) and hate it…..but I am working on changing that….I have finally managed to stop regretting and now look forward to what CAN be not what wasnt to be.

    Free Member

    That will be what Building Regs call a ‘Competent Person’ – because he knows what he’s doing and we are all incompetent plebs who apparently cant be trusted not to live up our entire house!

    Free Member

    Figleaves etc cost me a fortune but nothing ever fitted just right.

    Sloggi – more elegant yet still comfortable version of M&S etc.

    Free Member

    Unless there is a fixed bypass plumbed into the system, you need one or more non-thermostatic rads to make sure that the whole system cant stop flowing (i.e. all the rad vales closed)- which is v. bad for the pump etc.

    Free Member

    Milestones in Basingstoke – good for rainy days because its indoors. Take sandwiches the cafe isnt up to much.

    Free Member

    What he means is can he get a lower price and get the balance of the mortgage money paid to him instead of the vendor?
    No, unless you agree this with the mortgage company – it would be fraudulent. Your solicitor acts for both you and the bank, they give the money to the solicitor on trust to pay the vendor – specifically not to give to you.

    However, if you can reduce the price and will use the money to renovate there is no reason the bank wouldnt give you the balance if they already agreed to lend that amount against the property.

    Free Member

    There are multiple entry points to Swinley other than the Look Out. If you go along the western edge on the A3095 at each roundabout there is a handy place to park and entry point, lots of dog walkers use these. One of these also has a handy and welcome burger van each evening. There are also entry points from Bagshot such as Vicarage Rd and at the end of the miltary housing estate of Kings Ride in Camberley. Plenty of space to park and all easy to get to the mtd routes…..when you know your way…the camberley entrance takes you over barossa/old dean common, with some nice wide open fire road type tracks, just dont run over the deer on your way thorugh.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Sella stainless. Had my set for about 10 yrs, used and very much abused daily. Absolutely as good now as the day I bought them. The key to a good pan, as any chef should tell you, is a heavy solid good conducting base (ideally copper). If you have problem with sticking its not the pan that is the problem, its how you cook. When my pans stick/burn they can handle a damn good scubbing no problem. BTW, best treatment for burned pans is soak in biological powder for 1/2 hr and it'll all come off easypeasy.

    Free Member

    Mostly because people cant cope with the slightest slippery conditions.

    During the pre-xmas 'snow attack' I parked the car up and took to the bike, passing van that was sat just before apex of small hill madly spinning its smoking front wheels and not moving. There were a sucession of vehicles all waiting to do the same thing. I returned to collect car later that night after the mayhem had ended and could still smell the acrid stench of burned rubber in the air.

    Free Member

    This is usally one of 3 problems;

    1. it heats up but nothing really dries. its all gunked up, give it a good clean out

    2. it doesnt heat at all. There are usually 2 thermistors accessible under a cover at the back, they regulate the heating element and one tends to go. Do a websearch someehere like ukwhitegoods to find the fault finding instructions. Easy fix if you are handy. sometimes it is even that one just needs resetting on some models.

    3. it doesnt heat at all and the thermistors are working. The heating element is burned out. You can replace it. i have done this once, and never again – to get at it you have to severely dismatle the drier and this is a nightmare as the are designed to be strong only when fully screwed together. The drum never fitted right afterwards, and the close took way too long to dry.

    After fixing, buying second hand etc. I finally went for a new true 7kg load one, so I we can put the entire 7kg load from the big washing machine in and it really will dry plus it has a high level water tank, no stooping, and even a plumb in pipe so you can send straight to the drain -no tank emptying.

    When you think of useage time each week divided by the cost, it works out at pence per week. Fix it or buy 2nd hand and do the same sum and it never works out in the long run.

    Do the same sum on your carbon full sus and that works out ridiculously expensive???

    Free Member

    …..WW2 – Kelly's Heroes

    Free Member

    All of the Ealing Comedys esp;

    Passport to Pimlico
    +Whiskey Galore
    Kind Hearts and Coronets (Alec Guinness perfection pre-Obi Wan)
    Lavender Hill Mob
    The Ladykillers (the Peter Sellers/Herbert Lom/Alec Guinness version)

    Nikita (the original that introduced us to what became Jean Reno's Leon)
    +Blade Runner
    All Serge Leone Westerns – eg. The Good the Bad The Ugly
    +Original Star Wars (of course, it had Alec Guinness in it :D)
    +Apocolypse Now
    The Godfather
    etc etc etc

    Free Member

    You grated the clove? Yikes – do you still have any sensation left in your mouth?

    Free Member

    I made it round M25 & down M3 from Harrow to Lightwater okish then it just went pear shaped. Luckily I had the bike on board, so I abandoned the car and rode home. Just rode back and picked it up without drama. The moral of the story is always carry your bike :D

    Free Member

    A bit random but I bought a worksop manual off a bloke from Barry who does offroad guiding around the valleys…anyway when I met him he was on his way to Spain on his DR350, well loaded up too. Its possible but I wouldnt recommend it.

    If you want to do touring then you need something big like a 650, it'll just be so much mroe relaxed, however big thumper offroad (UK kind wet muddy narrow) is bad and takes a lot of fitness. Big thumpers are for McGregor/Boorman type offroad.

    I ride a KLX250, it is fantastic offroad, but is not good onroad.

    Free Member

    Second that, for a station bike get a scooter not a bike, electric start, twist and go – no gears to worry about, space for helmet etc under seat and some leg protection from the elements.

    I used one for 5 yrs (150cc) and preferrred it to the Duke I had too :roll:

    Free Member

    I look for the Snell standard, its the best standard in my opinion.

    HJC are superb safety for your money.

    After a certain point you are paying for lightweight, ventilation etc. but you do NOT need these for a station bike, they only matter for longer riding like a full commute.

    As long as it is up to standard its fit, fit and fit that matters.

    Free Member

    Robyn Higgins Appeal WebsiteThe URL didnt come out right,

    Free Member

    Cheers for that. That makes me sad. I owe you a big drink.

    Free Member

    Uh oh. That doesnt sound good :| Unfortunately I have to ask…you can pm me if its not going to be pretty 8O

    Free Member

    Hey PP, are you the guy that bought my scooter?

    Free Member

    If you didn't mis-sell it, its his problem. The colour was wrong in the photo? Get real. The decals are a bit too lifted? Grow up, its a bike not the mona lisa.

    So you got negative feedback, someone doesnt love you, so what – it is gonna change anything? is it gonna stop people buying from you/you selling? I have one negative feedback in 400 positive, and that was from an unreasonable moron. Who cares, it makes no difference to anyone.

    Just ignore him. In a weeks time you both wont care.

    This is a lesson to all DO NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL payments for goods. In this situation paypal would just refund him and you would be screwed, plus fees!

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