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  • Mental Mondays #4 Crossword & puzzles by Hannah
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    Marmite and scrambled eggs

    Marmalade and sausages

    Free Member


    4 years trying, then finally got ‘asssited fertilisation’ help, 1 yr of that ignominity (abandon all sensibilities ye who want to be parents) and 9 months of not breathing out or daring to be proud incase another miscarriage. By birth time the accumunated stress meant our marriage was very nearly finished. After all that a congenital kidney defect at birth to contend with – that took 3 years and 55 courses of antibiotics to diagnose. And I feel like the luckiest man alive.

    In the middle of trying to conceive everyone expects you to keep your spirits up – “How are you bearing up” they ask. Well I finally got the mental courage to accept that “Nothing has changed, its all still **** and s**t, nothing is fine, but thanks for asking just dont expect me to smile politely and make happy noises”.

    Hang in there, its your own pain, we cant help but we do understand, most people have a story to tell behind the veneer of perfectness and joviality.

    Free Member

    Gina Ford – Contented Baby : that evil woman advised me to train my little one using controlled crying. Half an hour of trying that 7 years ago and I still feel guilty about it.

    Developed my own humane system instead that didnt involve controlled torture.

    Free Member

    I have seen it in action and can confirm it works – hence you will never ever in a million years get me to undergo it.

    Unintended consequences – isnt that what Paul McKenna was sued for?

    Free Member

    Oh come on, we dont need to do this

    Didnt the massive and sustained response from the majority on the last thread make it clear enough how welcoming the participants are of everyone EXCEPT the moronic and the purile?

    Free Member

    Dunno PP, but I stopped using my card and managed to get 650 in credit due to standing order for minimum payment. When I transferred my own money back to the account whence it came, Visa tried to charge me 3.5% telling me they ‘categorise it as a cash payment’.

    Having informed them that the world at large would consider this a simple refund, and categorise their charge as bo****ks, and a few necessary pertinent threats such as would they like me to send them an N1 by way of discussion, they cancelled the charge.

    Be warned people – apparently its like getting out of the Euro – Visa say they have no mechanism for giving back money that has accrued unused on your CC account.

    And yes I know my money management is third rate at best and I am a first rate numpty

    Free Member

    timbur – you can sleep when you are dead dude, now is the time to attack life, but only after you have made your missus a cup of tea and told her what a clever girl she is.

    Free Member

    Massa’s goodwill drive is all used up, cant avoid hitting other cars and other things.

    Short memories? Ferrari Junior Team (Sauber) = Perez

    Ferrari and Alonso have clear hierarchy = Lead Driver + Team Mate, hence all the team order, none of this equal driver rubbish that has got Macca into a mess so often

    Free Member

    Baby Bugatti

    of course its, not for me personally you understand

    Free Member

    Babies are dull as dishwater and so are their parents. Oooh it smiled, ooh it said mama

    Toddlers are epic fun in comparison. I find the way they mimic and negotiate to be facinating.

    All true.

    There is that book called ‘You can negotiate anything’, there is a parenting book waiting to be written called ‘You HAVE to negotaite EVERYTHING’.

    Free Member

    One of the funniest thing I ever hear is when soemone say just before a birth…’so are you ready to be a Dad then?’

    How the **** are you supposed to prepare for the utter onslaught that ends the life you once knew I will never know.

    Free Member

    I cant muster words that adequately express how I feel about my 2 girls (8 and 5), almost nothing else matters, even sleep thankfully because permanent sleep depravation is one of the trade offs.

    The most joyful is watching their expressions/reactions/excitement as you know they are experiencing things for the first time ever in their life – that sense of awe and excitement that we ourselves feel so rarely due to experience.

    Free Member

    I have 2 sets of Flows on XT hubs. Like you said I bought each set for the price of one hope wheel.

    the only XT hubs I have seen with knackered cups is where chronic lack of maintenance means water has sat in the hub for 6 to 9 months. I have replaced knackered cones and the balls on one of mine but the cup has still been fine even then.

    It is soooo easy to maintain an XT hub. New cone 2.60, new balls about 1.50, unscrew it, clean it, regrease it, put everything back in, adjust it. 15 mins. Do that, give it a quick true and its good as new for another 6 months.

    You have to seriously not give a **** about maintaining your bike, or ride it in rivers of mud to run any risk of corroding a cup with the seals and just enough grease in place. I am about your weight and I do a bit of jumping (badly) and I like hubs with a big flange because my engineer hat tells me that is better load spreading than concentrating it like on hope hubs etc.

    Free Member

    If you have tubelss rims and valves, you just put the milk in, pump it up and shake it around then leave it on its side, I sit it on a bucket, and leave it bubbling away for a few hours until it seals up. I sealed RRs before OK. Turn it over and shake it around and repump it if neessary every half hour.

    Use plenty of soapy mix to help get it to seal on the when you pump it up – you will need a compressor or one of those inflator things, make sure you pump it right up so the bead pings into place and seal. Then use the spoapy to see where its bubbling out – and hence when it has sealed and stopped bubbling.

    Once you get down to really micro fine bubbling on the sidewall bit nearest the bead I find it substantially holds pressure and can be used and just needs to be left overnight for the latex to cure.

    Ghetto tubless can need topping up with air each week.

    Look at the vids on the Stan’s site, its really helpful

    Free Member

    Personally, I find the self-appointed smug, faux-intellectual people who ‘police’ a f-ing MTB forum, administering their advice and wisdom from their cosy moral high–ground, take most of the joy out of this forum.

    For goodness sake, do grow up and stop whining

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member
    I can do 69.

    surely you meant 96….

    Free Member

    Yup. S/S engine dont stop until they are warmed up. Doing it manually is fine as stumpy said if your battery is crisp so engine fires up immediately, ideally the engine is warmed up and you let the ECU start the engine – i.e. dont push the accelerator

    Free Member

    Oh sugdnr what’s the view like from up there?

    Touche sir, by jove thats the spirit

    Free Member

    To keep an engine running also involves injecting fuel into the cylinders and lighting it – but more often. I think you are assuming the old addage that you have to inject a load of extra fuel to get a car started (like the old days of pushing the throttle when starting) which is not true with modern engines and anyways the balance of stopping and restarting is less than the leaving running in most cases

    Free Member

    Oh dear GW and enfht, you pair do have the ‘a**e’ part of the equation down to a tee, but the ‘smart’ is rather elusive for you isnt it

    Free Member

    I didnt see the thread, I dont know you and it isnt any of my business, but i dont agree with your decision.

    By doing this you are letting the purile and the ignorant carry on in the beleif that they are not accountable for their stupidity.

    When the French voters became apathetic in the early millenium Le Pen gained a (thankfully short) foothold.

    You need to stay and instead make a huge song and dance the moment you see any of that nonsense raising its ugly head and the rest of us must rally behind you.

    Free Member

    More expensive/effot than selling it and buying a girls bike?

    Free Member


    Regardless of Plod being powerless (its a civil matter, no crime can be proven) he is I believe bound to give you the registered keeper deatils of the other vehicle, you can also ask the DVLA this yourself as you have a genuine reason, or your insurance will tell you if you report it.

    Plod has confirmed the paint from your car on their car, so you are home dry on that and I think anyone looking at those photos would surely agree they are much more likely to have been reversing into you than the other way round – civil proof being balance of probability = you win.

    Keep at it gently but firmly and you should get enough repair money without having to shoot anyone (or evacuate your bladder in their galoshes)

    Free Member

    I decided against parcel monkey for a number of reasons – seemed I couldnt use them unless I agreed they could keep my credit card details on file and t’internet is full of not nice experiences people have had.
    Interparcel/Senditnow have been good to me over the years.

    Free Member

    Nothing clever about wills except certain formalities (have to be witnessed, no witness can be a beneficiary etc)
    Benefit of a solicitor is they will store it for you (in the hope of getting probate on your death) and they can a) ask you all the right questions and do it quick, b) change it for you quick if you need to.
    When I say quick, I mean they will get on and do it rather than what most of us do and think about it until the day we die without actually getting on with it.
    However, wills dont need special language, plain english with clear straightworward instructions is best.

    Free Member

    Legally, you likely owe them the money. If and when they notice, they may try to charge you it all but will have real issues with that. All you will have to do is take it to the Banking Ombudsman and make a stink.

    Banks owe a duty of care to customers to admin your fiances with care, if they forget to bill you interest (and you genuinely didnt realise) then after a reasonable time for them to correct their mistake, that is their problem.

    You can either keep using it and benfitting until they realise, then cut a deal with them only paying the interest for the previous,say, year – or cancel the card and get another – you could just phone them up and ask them to clarify the terms of your card – thereby flushing out any mistake, but this might trigger a bill, or they may well clean the slate in gratitude at your honesty.

    Free Member

    My neighbour puts ‘Major’ on everything – even on her planning application. She used to organise summer balls and brave stuff like that! Other notable Majors being Major Charles Ingram, Major James Hewitt.

    Its an inverse proportion – the more qualified you actually become the less you have to try and convince other people of your value and competence with your own propsganda – so no list of letters after name and a very short CV.

    Ever noticed that all the contestants on Apprentice sem to be ‘Senior International Executive this’ or ‘Executive Vice-President that’ – even though they are only 19….

    Free Member

    Brit: Australia, that’s where we sent all the criminals

    Aussie: England, that’s where all the crooks come from

    Free Member

    Del -1, tut tut tut

    I tried a Bosch electric one recently and am a convert – a bit like driving a diesel car – lots of power without all that revving up and noise and general 2 stroke mess.
    Wont do my big trunks, but does everything else.
    Its just such a more serene, much lower fuss experience – and perfect for stealth trimming too – as it doesnt announce its activity for half a mile in all directions like a petrol one.

    Free Member

    Depends on airflow you are trying to shift – and hence velocity.

    Ducting hose will create more noise as it is bumpier – for a given size. But if the rectangular section is too small then velocity too high, then that will be noisier.

    If you want least noise you need smoothest, straightest tube possible and largest volume (size) to reduce velocity as much as poss.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    “Oh dear oh dear. Another Sun/Daily Mail reader believing the hype”

    Just because we are prejudiced against gypsied doesnt mean it isnt true and justified.

    Everyone has stories of ‘travellers’ either a) robbing them or b) virtuously not robbing them – but I have never heard anyone tell a story of the gypsy who does great work for charity and did someone a right favour.

    How many ‘Travellers’ do you know have job, run a legit honest busniess and pay their way/pay their taxes?

    Next you will be telling me that we are all middle england snobs when it comes to our view of drug dealers.

    Free Member

    An airgun with BB tool fitted. Removes 100% of all BB’s known to man

    The trick there is the shock loading – a lever builds up the pressure, an airgun hits it with full load pretty much instantly. The shock can break a corrosion bond.

    Same effect can be had from smacking the lever with a mallett, you just keep hitting harder and harder until a) you loose your nerve, b) BB turns c) frame breaks.

    Get them to tighten the BB a tad, apply more penetrating oil, then next day put on big lever an hit the bas**ard. You took a gamble on the frame so take that gamble all the way :lol:

    Free Member

    It’s ‘ghetto’ tubeless and as such you use the inner tube as rim tape and valve…

    Yup, fair enough, it’s just that I dont understand it, you dont use ghetto milk plus using expensive schwable tyres – not really true ‘ghetto’, as in cheap as possible, is it.

    Free Member

    I use a ‘Fry Light’ Sunflower oil one – not refillable but has been good

    Free Member

    You need to tell the shop you dont hold them liable if they break the frame using a bigger lever, plus they maybe need to do a bit of good old fashioned faffing – things like tightening the BB a bit, then trying to undo.

    Free Member

    I always use the stan’s rimtape and valves, depends on the rim though -there’s a compatability table on the stans site. The cost is nothing when you compare to cost of expensive german tyres

    My non UST Rocket Rons went up east and required little sealing with the milk.

    Free Member

    I have ridden motorbikes for nearly 30 yrs road and motocross. I do a daily M3 M25 M40 (car) commute and reckon I see approx 3 biker serious injury/deaths each year.

    My party pooper tuppence is don’t do your test and then immediately start commuting on a motorbike, experienced bikers are risking life and limb each time – inexperienced bikers are simply rolling the dice of life.

    Free Member

    hate ebay too – been looking for a FS frame recently, frikkin search results are full of bearing kits FFS.

    cynic-al – try the “-” facility i.e. “frame -bearings -kits -raleigh” :P etc, filters out most of that cr*p

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