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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    2bliss = tubless ready

    Dont. Seal them with the milk, aint no tyre you cant seal up, watch the video on

    Free Member

    3k on a bike – you gotta be nuts

    Free Member

    Oh forgot to tell you what you can do. Every major industrial plant is now created as a compelete virtual 3D plant before construction, takes years and requires many highly paid skilled cad people.

    Free Member

    oil sand worker in the yukon

    Aaaaaaactually the centre of the oil sands world is in Canada. But seeing as someone mentioned it, if you dont mind temp. emigrating Australia has gone LNG mad and dont have the skilled people for it. After 2 or 3 yrs earning medium money learning on the job you can be earning shed loads. You wont (necessarily) be happy, but you can be much richer.

    Me? I spend my ‘spare’ time on CAD trying to be a product designer with my half baked ‘inventions’…

    Free Member

    ive seen it all now… geez some of you mite even think to put your muddy dogs in there next (please dont ! )

    I have heard that microwaves are good for drying them dawg afterwards 8O

    Free Member


    I’d edit that quick if I was you, before anyone notices……

    Free Member

    You can have this for nowt, or price of postage if you like


    Free Member

    Both at the same time, when she had done some scooting around on the balance she would jump on pedaller. I made really big and very noisy stabalisers out of old lawnmower wheels and got her to try and pedal so she didnt make any noise – i.e. lean away from whichever one made a noise. Worked really well.

    Free Member

    :mrgreen: @cr500dom

    My mum used to kill me when I put motorbike/car parts in as a teen. I noticed that modern dishwasher detergents are really weedy compared to the agressive stuff they used to sell.

    Free Member

    As said the 1yr is irrlevant that is manufacturer. the SOGSA Regulations dont give a period, just basically that the quality should be such that something last for a reasonable period.

    Upto 6 months the presumption (burden of proof) is that its was duff and manufacturer must prove it was you that broke it. After 6 months you have to prove that it was defective and you didnt break it.

    Despite we have all become used to high quality, its a sensitive piece of electronic equipment that you turn on and off (thermal cycling of the m/board which by nature can run hot enough to burn you) the MTBF of most things are massively affected by how often you cycle them (eg cars quoted 80% wear at startup), bang around on your back communting on your singlespeed, drop whilst its switched on, use in the bath etc.

    Its not how long you expected it to last, its ultimately how long any judge thinks is reasonable. It lasted ‘nearly’ 3 yrs, good luck arguing that one.

    Having said that, dash a letter off to Sony being firm but polite and going on about how well you treated it (did he?) and how dissapointed you are at their product quality and thought Sony were better than that.

    Or, fill out an N1 and send it to them with a letter asking if they prefer to fix it for you as a goodwill gesture or have to pay a lawyer to defend your claim in your local small claims court and risk loosing.

    I usually do the first, then the 2nd if that doesnt work.

    Free Member

    Then I fear that you are not a gentleman sir, for a gentleman doesn’t pee in his own bathing water.

    Who’s bath water should one pee in then? – Hurry up I’m bursting!

    The bleedin’ serfs you bally fool.

    I am considerably richer than yow

    Free Member

    get out the bath to take a dump.

    …you only get out for a dump? Then I fear that you are not a gentleman sir, for a gentleman doesn’t pee in his own bathing water.

    Free Member

    Given his thread yesterday, I just hope that Flaperon never gets nuclear capability :?

    Free Member

    joao3v16 – Member


    Free Member

    I thought the term ‘toning’ was a load of rollox?

    You either build muscle or lose fat to show definition?

    Eh? The average Ethiopian has lost most of his fat and has penty of definition, but little tone (i.e. muscle)..

    Free Member

    if it wasn’t for Klaus Fuchs and Morris Cohen, The russians wouldn’t have developed the atomic bomb as quickly as they did (or at all for that matter) and we could potentially be living in a different world today.

    Get outta here.

    That’s predicated on the sanity of the US – who are proven to be just as fruitcake and deadly as anyone left to their own devices with the upper hand. Of the ’00s if not ‘000s of nuclear devices detonted worldwide, the US has the majority share.

    Japan is the still dealing with the genetic consequnces of the 2 WWII devices that guess who deployed. The only ones ever used in war. Without current nuclear checks how often do you think the war criminal Dubya and others would have justified deploying nuclear armaments in recent conflicts.

    Free Member

    Filter? We have bucketloads they give away to us at work. No luck if you are after ground though

    Free Member

    Its hypocrisy and I do not believe for a moment that Iran is even attempting to build a nuclear bomb

    I think the story is that everyone is there with you TJ – Iran aint trying to build the bomb per se, but what they are deffo doing is building nuclear capability.
    they say its purely for reactors, but the western believes that its also the technology & enrichemnt capacity & designs to be capable of building a bomb and producing weapons grade fissile material as a sideline to their reactor programme

    Free Member

    Its the old, nuclear weapons are dangerous so you shouldnt develop them because that would be proliferation. However as we have them already thats you cant expect us to unilaterally disarm, especially because we are a democracy and everyone knows that democracies are fair, dont engage in torture or special rendition and dont attack other countries without just cause (are you listening to me at the back there Tony and George?) not like those sneaky vodka drinking, football club buying commies

    Free Member


    Free Member

    For me Babies were crap. Toddlers were also pretty crap. Once they get to about 5 they are awesome. My 8 yo is my best little friend.

    Ok that is a bit of an exaggeration but I the Boss and I have said Mummy is the light of their lives till the age of 5 or so. Then Dad becomes the coolest thing ever. I guess this ends about the age of 11/12. Not got there yet but am currently in the best bit for me.

    Now dont go taking this the wrong way uphillcursing but that does come across rather like the problem for you is/was, how do I put it? Well, you – in fact seems its all about you.

    Toddlers are brilliant, but it is all about them, not how cool they think you are.

    Free Member

    Chatting to my neighbour, exBA exVirgin exEasyjet pilot, turned out he used to fly for the forerunners of the the Red Arrows, the Pelicans or Sparra’s or summit. He was one of first pilots to land/takeoff jets from ships apparently.

    People like hime make one feel rather inadequate when compared to these chaps

    Free Member

    Don’t look at the business end while it’s coming out; one day you may want to visit that area for fun…


    Spend whatever cash you have spare on whatever you want now, because you either won’t have the cash or the time later.

    You will lose a lot of sleep, but it’s just sleep.

    It’s still only a baby; it doesn’t need an expensive buggy, the heating on full for the next 6 months, a new wardrobe from (insert expensive shop of choice).

    Poverty, permanent lack of sleep are inevitable. However both creep up on you so you have a little time left think nothings changed

    Most baby stuff is bought not becuase babs needs that it but you want/perfer it. Just like buying MTBs in fact.

    NCT was mostly wast of time, but did help you know the names of the different drugs your wife will call for inbetween screaming etc. More seriously both times my missus only had gas&air as I got her to do breathing techniques and come off gas&air between thingies. Didnt want my muppets to come into the world doped up before their first breath. Wife want too happy afterwards when she realised I had deprived her of her rightful hit of analgesics.

    Baby mostly sleeps for first 2 weeks, some form of denial I think, then it all really starts. NCT also talks you through things like the nasty nasty black first nappies and horrifying sh…stuff like that.

    Blah, blah, blah – i’ll shut up now

    ……being able to hold up your own offspring with one hand is priceless – esp. ’cause (most) girls havent got big enough hands :lol:

    Free Member

    I hate getting presents, they are almost always useless and over priced and unecessary, and sit around annoying me until its been long enough I can throw them out.

    If I need something I can buy it myself.

    Bah humbug

    Dont get me wrong, GIVING presents is all fine and dandy – if I could just ever work out what anyone flippin’ well would like and I also hate buying all that xmas/commercial rubbish.

    Oh, double bah humbug.

    (edit: I do like receiving these Why is Santa red? Because of bloody coca-cola

    Free Member

    Top tip – it’s easier to make the hole the same size as the patch by drawing round it and cutting to fit, rather than trying to cut a patch the exact same shape as the hole.

    +1 top tip.

    Much more useful than idiots with sarcastic comments methinks :roll:

    Free Member

    Following darrell’s advice have just added a sign to the outside reading “Please do not put your hand inside this postbox”.

    That sign’ aint worth the paper its written on, Rodney.

    Its hidden, gonna need more like “Danger, sharp objects inside. Putting your hand in this postbox will lead to serious bodily injury”

    Better still, remove it. I know they are thieving yoofs but is it really worth a bit of actual?

    Free Member

    If I have (for example) an 8 x 8 hole, how do I get a 9 x 9 piece of wood behind it????? Or do I use two x 9 x 3 pieces of wood and a third 8 x 8 pice on top of them

    Best leave it to your uncle methinks :?

    Free Member

    I hate getting presents, they are almost always useless and over priced and unecessary, and sit around annoying me until its been long enough I can throw them out.

    If I need something I can buy it myself.

    Bah humbug

    Free Member

    I stick a piece of wood to the back of the plasteboard with gripfil or the like, or you could screw it each end with plastboard screws, then screw replacement board too that and fill gaps/skim

    Free Member

    Why Aber? Your solicitor can be anywhere (not scotland, they dont do the laws of england and wales). I pay 599 plus disbursments (searches and the like) and tax.
    2 things – the ‘solicitor’ is actually just fronting the show and has a bunch of unqualified clerks doing the work. You are paying for straight conveyancing, if it gets trickey in any way then they will start charging you large because thats when the solicitor hopefully steps in and hopefully gives you the help you need.
    Maybe look at licenced conveyancers, can be good value with greater experience.

    Free Member

    pain in arse really as new frame will arrive thursday so will (if it turns up) sell this straight away.

    Presume you paid him paypal already? I would be bombarding him with ‘I want to cancel this transaction’ emails, raise paypal refund request etc telling him 2 weeks is too long and you dont want it any more.

    Free Member

    Titec H Bars. The ‘buying’ took all of 10 mins. Fitting blinking shifters and brakes that you could get to took fookin ages man

    Free Member

    ‘Put some energy in your backpack
    with some Reggae, Reggae Flapjack’

    Thanyou very much (sugdenr has left the building)

    Free Member

    I dont see what the issue is with traffic lights, they are put implace to help improve the flow of traffic. I know sometimes it seems like they are not but honestly they are.

    Aha, gotcha!That is the point…they improve the traffic flow of the minority in the side road, but in doing so screw up the traffic flow of the majority on the main road they disrupt.

    And multiple sets placed close together compound the problem.

    There, you cant argue with that, I win!

    Free Member

    We seem to be in the era of the traffic light, because where I live they are popping up like breeding rabbits, no such thing a traffic flow. Surely the environemental impact of constant stop starting the traffic flow is bad for the bunnies?

    Free Member

    I am not 40k in debt, but judging by his other items for sale its probably because I didnt buy a load of expensive s**t I couldnt afford.

    Free Member

    After something with a bit more protection for AM riding after one of my mates smashed his eye/cheek open and needed plastic surgery.

    Are you sure an open face helment would have saved your mates face?

    Free Member

    I converted back from SPDs to flatties after visiting Mr Doyle, using spuddies meant I wasnt working with the bike on jumps, so getting my weight all wrong etc.

    Next visit to the freeride park at Cwn should flush out if I have made a terrible mistake or not….

    Free Member

    My fave is Hugh Fearnley-Whatsisname – One Pot Chicken + french stick – splash out on a decent chicken and fresh ‘erbs.

    Free Member

    Funny. People who shoot themselves in their own feet and then blame everyone else. Who care what they think.

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