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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    My wife started our daughter off on mathswizz first, makes it more fun so gets them started with the doing maths problems is fun concept

    Free Member

    dirtymama – that IS her hand, tut, tut, tut

    Free Member

    If a tv functions without problems for 5 and a half months then the backlight stops working. The seller can show that the goods did conform at the date of purchase so the right of the buyer to reject is invalid.
    Or is that assumption incorrect?

    That is definitely where it gets grey, but take your example and the buyer may be able to get a new telly, unjust as it might be, because he is in the 6m, even though 5.5m suggests that it was correct at sale and repair is justified in the circumstances.

    Unfortunately there are 2 elements, your rights, and how effectively you can enforce those rights. Before the subjective kangaroo lottery that are the small claim courts, one judge may be draconian and one very reasonable. You pays your money and takes your chance!

    However PP’s jacket stitching is clearly designed to last years and has failed after a matter of weeks, so its a no brainer that it must be replaced.

    Unfortunately a mail order motorbike business owner once told me that anyone who doesnt like what they just bought simply picks at some stitching and sends it back and there is little or nothing he can do to fight it!

    Free Member

    weirdnumber – I think the point you are trying to make by acceptance is the point at which reasonable attempt at repair without undue inconvenience comes before replacement can be demanded.

    This may be true as a general rule, however the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations amended the position such that, absent contary factors or demonstration othewise, the presumption in the first 6m is that the goods were faulty ‘at time of sale’ – thus the buyer can reject because he/she is in essence rejecting at the time of sale. And since you would not buy a faulty item (without price reduction), you may demand a refund. At your choice you may instead take a discount (compensation) or a new replacement.

    I know not of anything in any legislation that states that the seller may decide repair or replace, in fact it mostly states that (after 6m) the buyer can require the seller to repair or replace. What is reasonable at that time (for the buyer to demand) is as you correctly envisage and it is a true point that 9with consumer goods) you (generally) cant make someone repair if they decide to replace.

    I would have to pull rank on you as regards understanding of the law i’m afraid. Suffice to say, PP as I am local and (unwittingly) sold you a dodgy scooter once and still feel I owe you, if you have any problems email me and I will make sure you get a nice new jacket. :twisted:

    Free Member

    I help with projects to rape motherearth of her precious hydrocarbons and deliver them to the enery avaricious.

    I find the question ‘do you enjoy your job’ to be made up of mutually exclusive elements

    Free Member

    weirdnumber – you are making some valid points, but it all depends on the context. The only area I firmly disagree is (a) the idea that the retailer has the choice, in fact the legislation states that consumers can require….repair or replacement. That puts the onus on the consumer to choose, and (b)the concept that once you have accepted the goods you cannot reject them, that is a misconception. How long until you can reject them is dependent on time and goods in consideration.

    Free Member

    It’s not your choice.

    Wrong, this is a common misunderstanding and this is what was changed principally by the ‘sale of goods regulations’, there is nothing that give the seller that power of decision and in fact in the first 6m it is upto the consumer.

    Free Member

    PP agreed that is confusing, but you are assuming that it is the retailer who gets to choose whether it is repair or replace, there is nothing there that gives the retailer the decision. The accepted rule is that within 6m it is assumed that the goods were duff at the start and so you may demand what you bought – a new undamanged item, after pereriod a repair can be acceptable if the goods can be sucessfully repaired so as to be as good as new.

    Free Member

    Relevant bits are;

    If a product that was faulty at the time of
    sale is returned to the retailer, the buyer
    is legally entitled to:
    P a full refund, if this is within a reasonable
    time of the sale (“reasonable time” is not
    defined in law but is often quite short); or
    P a reasonable amount of compensation
    (or “damages”) for up to six years from
    the date of sale (five years after discovery
    of the problem in Scotland).

    There is one exception. This is when the
    buyer is a consumer and returns the goods
    in the first six months from the date of the
    sale, and requests a repair or replacement
    or, thereafter, a partial or full refund. In that
    case, the consumer does not have to prove
    the goods were faulty at the time of the
    sale. It is assumed that they were. If the
    retailer does not agree, it is for him to prove
    that the goods were satisfactory at the time
    of sale.

    First 6 months assumed faulty at start and you can demand a full refund – hence accept a relacement instead.

    Free Member

    I have always found this to be quite a powerful one to produce.

    Free Member

    I have made compost heap ‘bins’. Bloke I knew armed with a thicknesser made his own kitchen unit completely of them

    Free Member

    PP, forget that rubbish they said, within 6 months the regs say you can demand a replacement. The 28 days is just their own internal b*****s.

    Free Member

    Billy Bragg/The Smiths – although not sure I should be admitting to that.

    Free Member

    had one for years, a million uses if you get a few tools and sprayers

    Free Member

    Being a boy (man, chap, bloke – whatever iDave) I’m usually too busy thinking about sex

    Free Member

    When my girl was 6 we went to DLP. After queuing 3/4hr to get Mickey Mouse’s autograph for her, she was asked if she wanted a photo with Mickey to which she replied ‘Don’t be silly, he’s not real, its just somoene dressed up as Mickey’, still wanted the autograph though, go figure!

    Get’s it from her mum I say.

    Free Member

    My 4 year old loves this one best…

    Knock Knock.

    Who’s there?

    Interrupting cow.

    Interrupting co…MOOOOOOOOO…w who? My 4 year old loves this one best…

    Knock Knock.

    Who’s there?

    Interrupting cow.

    Interrupting co…MOOOOOOOOO…w who?

    If you had to watch re-runs of old Sooty as much I have had to, then its interrupting sheep!

    Free Member

    What? But ‘girls’ is a euphemism for ‘The Ladies’ isnt it? No wonder I get confused.

    Free Member

    How do you greet a 2 headed monster? Hello, Hello!

    knock knock whos there – Boo! Boo Who? Dont cry its only a joke

    Hold out 2 clenched fists and say ‘whats in my hand – choose one hand and see what’s in it’ when he taps a hand say ‘its a tickle’, and give him a good tickling.

    Free Member

    Sardines, lea&perrins, tabasco, bit of ketchup, on fresh toast. uuuvely.

    Free Member

    Oh well, enjoy it whilst it lasts because, girl being girls, pertty soon she’s gonna start giving out to you about it.

    I also mostly use the tickle solution – or I go silent too, that really freaks girls because they (some not all – before emsz kills me) cant poker face as good as chaps :lol:

    Free Member

    Zulu – what news? Was it all in your head (as I suspected) or were you really in the dog?

    Free Member

    Flemings or Hoares

    I’ll thank you not to cussing on here, there are ladies present.

    Free Member

    that mass of pipes, feel them, are there some hot and some not?

    Free Member

    The BS that are still mutuals and funded from its deposts are about as safe as it gets, Nationwide, Yorkshire, Coop etc etc. Either or one that is majority owned by the governement…..

    Free Member

    ????? just cos she asleep doesnt mean yer in trouble or are you not telling us the ‘whole truth’ and ‘nothing but the truth’ ‘so help you god’..

    When it come to women. men are ALWAYS in trouble.

    I have no idea what I’m supposed to have done or indeed what I haven’t done.

    Now, take a deep breath and tell me, when did you first notice the onset of this paranoia?

    Free Member

    But they’re 8. They know not of what they speak.

    Look at any skate park/precint….inlines are nowhere….

    (if you want to buy some size 5 SFR’s when your daughter’s mates get a bit cooler…drop me a line )

    Oh you must be kidding, she’s a girl – so she’s now got bored of it in favour of theatre club (what do they say, a girl having drama lessons is like a mexican learning spanish) and definitely wont go near a skate park/precinct

    Free Member

    Who’s sofa is it anyway?

    Free Member

    You’ve allowed them reasonable time, so you’re within your rights to ‘dispose’ of it I’d say.


    You have made repeated attempts to get them to pick up, you have no duty to communicate with them, its is 100% their responsibility. Its been a year, stop communicating with them and sell the stuff. As long as you sell it at a reasonable market rate (like ebay it), then if they suddenly come after you then you can account to them for the money you made less reasonable storage and admin charge.

    If they try and contact you further simply refuse to speak to them.

    Free Member

    UFH has a reaction time between something like 12 and 24 hours depending if you have slab underneath or on top of the insulation. But regardless it a thermal mass heating system not a radiator(technically they are convectors not radiators), you have to keep it warmed up to work. The idea is to use low grade heat (30 to 55 deg depending) rather than the 60 deg that rads need to ‘blast out’ enough heat. Condesning boilers stop condensing at about 55 deg.

    However sounds to me like you are not getting any flow to parts of your system, check the distribution maniflold isnt closed off etc, otherwise get someone in to check it.

    Free Member

    All my 8yr daughter’s friends think quads are for people who havent learned to skate yet.

    Free Member

    I paid 950 inc flue for a vitodens 200 33kw combi this time last year, a 26 is prob about 60 cheaper so your plumber wants 700 for the job. Say it takes him 3 days, which it shouldn’t….

    Free Member

    So = when do we start with the lanky buggers tax? they take up more than their fair of space, use more than their fair share of resources and then moan that things are too small for ’em. Cut ’em off and the knees I say.

    Lots of people on here slag of fatties – are lanky buggers any better?

    ‘scuse me, we only take up additional vertical air space which you are not using, and we make better use of resources like top shelves and cupboards etc., so we use less space and only extra resources that you more ‘vertically challenged’ types cant reach! :P

    Free Member

    The British military had diesel Harley Davidson (I think) trials bikes for years.

    It wasn’t diesel or a trials bike. Or that heavy. It did on occasion sport a harley davidson badge but it was made by Armstrong.

    Yep REME used to send their trainees on the 3 stage events I used to do, boy those bikes were bullit proof but right brutes to ride, used to feel so sorry for them.

    Free Member

    My brother who is a motor engineer in Detroit (he built Hummer 2!) has just joined a small co who are developing a flat four, two stroke diesel engine. The really interesting bit is that in place of the cylinder heads it has secondary pistons, which come down and oppose the main pistons like a Deltic engine. Can’t find the animation for the mo, sorry.

    IIRC Thats how the old London bus engines worked – 2 stroke diesel with 2 pistons in a common cylinder.

    Free Member

    The US military aimto have single theatre tactical fuel, so they have been trying to convert everything inc. bikes to run on it

    Free Member


    Free Member

    This makes me really mad. None of their business is it. I now refuse to reveal my salary, they dont tell me theirs do they. They use all kinds of bull to justify it, but infact its merely a mechanism to minimise what they have to offer you (“we need to know so we know how much to offer you……you are negotiating against yourself like that).

    You tell them what you are looking for – because thats normal negotiation isnt it. Its because us english are so squeemish about talking money and esp. salary.

    Free Member

    Tiffany’s for overpriced unimaginitive silver tat, but girls still seem to love it.

    Free Member

    You may find engine cooling compromised if its not there. Noise will increase too

    I would have to disagree 2wass. They only have one purpose, to improve underbody drag, but enclosing the engine bay mostly reduces the exits for hot air. It may increase wind noise slightly at speed, but doubtful thats noticable.

    What is much worse is leaving it hanging down like I see on so many cars, flapping away. That certainly will increase drag and make noise.

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