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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Stif Squatch
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    After scrubbing the discs with sand paper

    uhmmm, you did scrub the PADS not the disks right?

    hopefully a re flush with new fluid will do the job!

    To clear the crappy fluid yes should be ok.

    Why do you keep old contaminated brake fluid anyway?

    Free Member

    I cant stand card with stupid poems or stuff like that in them, esp. the extra stoopid pseudo-religious rubbish ones.

    I also dont understand card which exclaim Its your Brithday! or Happy 100th Birthday, etc because like management consultants they just tell me what I already know FFS.

    Free Member

    8yrs of permanent sleep depravation and counting.

    I maintain (to my wife) that women are designed to cope with this but not men, oddly she disagrees – quite rudely usually.

    I find, I can sort of cope with lack of sleep, but being woken up from asleep more than once just does me in.

    Free Member

    The problem is that they are usually no so much opportunisitc as very skilled at this particular kind of theiving and will empty your van as efficiently as a commando raid.
    A builder turned over in time it took him to load one load of tools from van in my driveway to the back of the house. Uncle turned over in less time than took to drink cup of tea, they broke in and unloaded through the cab because van parked with no room for side access. Bloke bough a breaker off me because he was fencing on a dual carriageway central reservation and was 50 yards from pickup, blokes stopped in fast lane, leaned over and grabbed all the contents then drove off nearly running over chap legging towards them. A plumber of mine, van emptied in Tesco carpark in time it took to walk in and buy a sandwich at lunchtime.
    Cold comfort but least you know your are not alone.

    Free Member

    Sugdenr – I’d love to see how you can say all the exams that I have completed (and the ones I am yet to complete) and 6 years of training that I had to do before being allowed to sit in front of a client and continuos professional development undertaken has led to “no formal qualification”. My industry is one of the most heavily regulated and tested out there (unless you work in a bank)!!!

    Fair enough, my cynicism got a bit out of control there – must have been thinking about estate agent! My apologies

    Free Member

    To add to ^^^, think about it – some random person you never met before who doesn’t have any formal qualifications telling you how to invest your money. And if it doesnt work, you have no comeback on them whatsoever.

    Failing that, you can let them invest your money for you, and hope they dont turn out to be a mini-madoff.

    If they are so fookin good at investing money why arent they millionaires? That’s why superstar fund managers ARE millionaires because they are as good as it gets. However since the ‘city’ is basically institutionalised gambling – aka investment banking – instead maybe try

    Free Member

    AFAIK its whot he said. 317, 517, 717, 817; 319, 719, 819

    Same width, different strength / design etc.

    317 and 717 essentially same xcept 317 are pinned not welded joint and 717 are welded. 819 different (stronger and heavier) design.

    But 5XX dunno difference.

    Free Member

    My usual subterfuge is to leave it lying around the kitchen going ‘Look, look at the looooveley shiny bike parts’ until I am told to get my crap out of her way

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t you be happy, in that christmas spirity sort of way, that they actually sent you a card?

    My cousins never bother, and my Dad always calls me my brothers name.

    Now you mention it, where did I put my Uzi 9mmm….

    Free Member

    Radio 4 has some brilliant comedy, Fags, Mags & Bags , Cabin Pressure, Ed Reardon

    But I cant stand CAS, predicatable overplayed utter claptrap. Either that or its over my head

    Free Member

    Thin? That head tube is thick as **** for carbon. Take a close look, thats – what, a good 5mm? F1 cars are something like 1.5 to 2mm max per skin.

    The joint strength is not mostly in what you see there in X-section, its in the ones that run vertically down each side and wrap around a bit, load of strength there.

    Free Member


    the dog and the human are not equal this is your and most doge owners mistake in this area

    he was going about his lawful business when knocked off by a dog. The dog was therefore not under control or this wouldn’t have happened thus the dog owner is liable. The dog owner has a legal duty to keep the dog under control they failed in this duty, the dog owner is liable

    Simple , clear and straightforward.

    TJ – Just because you will argue that day turns into night and therefore white is black, doesn’t make it true.

    I have no problem with your opinion that the dog owner should be liable, but stop opining about legal duties based on your half-baked understanding of legal theory, predecated on the premises that the dog ‘knocked him off his bike’ like some ninja terrier.

    Absent a statutory basis, a legal duty is the basis of a negligence action, which is, yet again, for TG to make out. TG had a duty of care (to himself) not to ride his bike at a speed where he couldn’t react to any unexpected peril. And as the claim is against the OWNER, your concept that man and dog are not equal is completely irrelevant because owner is not claiming for damage against dog.

    The dog could have been a small deer, what would you advocate then? Put Bambi up against a wall and shoot him for attacking defenseless MTB rider?

    Why dont you add – ‘So there, nah nah na nah na!’ to your post for good effect.

    Free Member

    Didn’t read the original post relating to the incident but I agree with TJ on this one.

    What do you agree with, his misinterpretation of the law, misquoting of so called ‘precedents’ which he doesnt understand

    TJ – he wasnt ‘minding his own business when he was suddely knocked off his bike.’ He was sharing common ground on his mountain bike, with another person with his dog and they ran into each other.

    It is clear and simply – you have a duty to keep your dog under control, you are liable for any damage your dog causes because it is not under control. Lots of different bits of law, lots of legal precedent

    No it is not, you have a little knowledge of the law, you have mostly misquoted and misinterpreted it to suit your argument and any amount of righteous indignation will not make you right.

    Again I repeat – I do not diagree that the dog (owner) may be at fault at least partially, but it is straight negligence and TG would have to make out his case. He has no strict liability to rely upon.

    As for dog owners not having control of / failing to maintain control of their dogs – I am certainly with you there. I expect a dog owner to be the undisputed alpha with the dog trained to the gun

    Free Member

    No mention of strict liability in there.

    The first one – no one is saying the dog (owner) is not at fault, however TG needs to make out their negligence and lack of his own – it is a negligecne claim.

    The second one is about a dog attacking. Completely different.

    Free Member

    Animals such as family pet dogs can be a nuisance to cyclists. A dog’s natural instinct is to give chase to anything that moves; this includes any passing cyclist and can result in the dog causing the rider to fall. In a case like this it is possible to make a bike accident compensation claim against the owner of the dog.

    TJ – they are all enviaging dogs jumping up/attacking, and/or on the public highway, which is a wholly different matter. If this had occurred on a highway I would probably agree 100%.

    Its all very well being all bullish and righteous about it, but misinterpretaion, misquoting and misapplication of the law does not make out a case.

    The essential differences to the law you are relying on is – its not on the highway or land where there is livestock, it doesnt involve a dangeours dog, it doesnt involve a dog ‘attacking’.

    And to say the dog was out of control is like saying that every accidental bump you have in your car must mean you are liable for dangerous driving because you were by very nature out of control of the vehicle at the time.

    Free Member

    No country for old men

    Wendell rides among the bodies – “These boys is all swole up. So this was earlier: getting set to trade. Then, whoa, differences…You know: might not of even been no money
    Bell – That’s possible
    Wendell – But you don’t believe it
    Bell – No. Probably I don’t
    Wendell – It’s a mess, ain’t it Sheriff?
    Bell – If it ain’t it’ll do til a mess gets here.


    Free Member

    TurnerGuy – Member

    TG would need to demonstrate negligence.

    I can easily do that, and often do

    Ah ha, so you are a human male then!

    TJ – precedent, fair enough but where?

    Free Member

    TJ – I dont believe that you would make that stick in court, its not what the legislation was about. The close control element is about protection of livestock (and people) from attack/fear of attack (worring etc). The dog was running about on common land, and there is no suggestion that is was not under control – and by close control this is not preventing it running free this is keeping it obedient. So, an extreme case, a sheepdog is under close control but can be hundreds of yards away.
    My point being not that dog was not at fault, but that the strict liability does not apply here, TG would need to demonstrate negligence.

    Free Member

    I use the ‘open cast’ method of filing

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Phil w – you don’t have to – strict liability applies. Dog causes damage, dog owner liable. the dog has to be under control at all times and if it knocks someone off who is riding lawfully and reasonably then the dog owner is liable with no real defense

    TJ – I think you maye be misinterpreting this. If the dog had attacked his wheel it would be different, non-dangerous dogs are free to roam common land, getting run over by a bike isnt what was envisaged for the strict liability.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Layer Cake


    Free Member

    I think you have probably been lucky with her sending you £50 off pat. I am not familiar with Horsell (maybe you’ll show me around sometime) but a dog bounding out of undergrowth on common land maybe seen (by a Judge) as a reasonably forseeable risk.

    Digressing – reminds me of the time I came tearing down Summer Lightning last year through what I think was tall ferns to find 3 muppets fixing a puncture right on the (narrow) trail just after a jump (so nowhere to brake).

    Recommends – hot&cold treatment and light comression bandage, plus something herbal for the swelling – arnica isnt it?

    Free Member

    Station Agent
    Well acted 6/10

    Free Member

    Gary_C – Member

    Err…It was the yellow one, in the pic I posted at the top of page 2.

    Ho hum, it IS a long time ago since I last saw it…

    This is legend, Andy’s original

    Free Member

    Build my first wheel with a flow recently, did OK, reference to spare exiting wheel helped

    Free Member

    Best sound ever

    And ‘they’ told Audi that a 5 cylinder engine would never work….how wrong ‘they’ were

    Free Member

    Zed – if that was a red 308 run up north then it was probably Nigel Worswick.

    That 6R4 engine design got bought by TWR, developed as a twin turbo to put in the XJR-11 racer, then was re-incarnated as the XJ220 engine.

    Climb Dancer –

    Free Member

    Years ago I had my Cannondale stolen from my garage and the insurance company said it was because I lived in a nice area!

    jam bo – Member
    Move somewhere nicer.

    Iterate n+1 until desired result is achieved?

    Free Member

    Shops closing at 5pm FFS!

    Yes but at least they do have the decency to stay open all of the day, rather that needing a little lie down in the middle of it.

    Free Member


    You are not in America now, corporate boy.

    p**s me right off bloomin default dictionary in Word being that yank ba****disation of OUR language on all the docs I get because our company is US based.

    ‘flippin stupid size they use for printer paper too. When do these backward countries intend to get decimalised?

    Free Member

    Send the letter back with the emvelope, with ‘no longer at this address’ written on it.

    Free Member

    To encourage outside he box thinking we are expected to have ‘bluesky thinking’ sessions, and are expected to get a colleague to ‘cold eyes review’ everything before sending it out.

    Free Member

    Classics case, if you had done less but done that perfectly you would have moved on. Typical corporate. Its like the Apprentice round here, everyones a senior this or VP that, but they are all lightweight, inexperienced twerks.

    Double quick, get yourself some help to write a precis of what you did and how well you did it and what attributes you have and thus why are capable of the more senior role.

    Then submit it and tell them if they cant (constructively) counter it with an explantion of why you are not being regraded to the senior role instead of bringing someone else in then it wont be redundancy it will be constructive unfair dismissal.

    At same time start tarting that same precis around other companies with a view to getting better money, better role and recognition elsewhere. If your troop are serious about keeping you then that will wake them up.

    All this will also wake you up and steel your determination and confidence.

    Free Member

    Must buy me that Tig i’ve been after

    Free Member

    If I could, move back door. Think about ‘passageways’ for movement – working/living space ideally doesnt have a passageway (to and from doors etc) going through them. The ideal working triangle in kitchen – chopping area/cupboards, cooker, sink – so you can get to all with a turn and and perhaps one step, maximise ‘family’ space and potential for nice big table for eating and activites if you have kids. Lots of storage, pantry is good, keep that but think about how you max it.
    Is that back wall facing the garden? Then deffo double patio door sets or foldback doors.

    Free Member

    Would you prefer to pay a subscription to fund the forum, or just put up with the ads?

    Free Member

    Type yourself a comprehensive account of the incident (your own witness statement) stick to the facts, dont be emotive and use short sentences. Put in every detail you can (except what you ate for lunch etc)

    Draw a big plan showing position of cars at time of impact. Go back and take photos of the scene showing layout etc.

    Look at it from his story point of view and work out the holes in that story. Dont conjecture, be logical and methodical.

    If his story holds water, it will be down to ‘on balance who’s story, or which parts of both stories, are most likely to be true’ this is where matiles brother got it right, he was the more credible witness.

    If other bloke is making it up he will have holes in his story/memory of the events because – he made it up.

    Magistrate will also look at what is the most likely senarios in normal traffic real life.

    Last, dont be fobbed off by insurance claims handlers, they are mostly untrained morons whoc talk b*****ks. Once had some stupid oik give out to me about fault when he clearly didnt even know the first thing about negligence and duty of care to other road users.

    Free Member

    We followed gina ford’s weaning program

    That woman is pure evil

    Ours is naturally down to morning and bed feeds at 13 months

    We targetted only a night a single before bed feed from 10-12m, then dropped. Both ours spat out any kind of formula with palpable disgust. Cant say I blame them.

    For future, used to make batches of (organic, yah)food, pulverise it and ice cube freeze it then just nuke a few cubes at a time. Saves so much time (and cost) Mix main meal and dessert together, they dont care and it makes it tastier for them.
    Handy tip, if they dont eat, get a spoonful in their mouth then just give a short sharp but firm blow of air on their face. The natural ‘gulp’ mechanism makes them swallow. same thing that makes them hold their breath when you dunk them swimming at that age.

    Free Member

    Depends how much you got to do and who you have in the house.

    With 2 nippers and little spare time we get someone in to do downstairs fairly regular.

    AFAIK, bloke with huge wet vac in van sucks harder (oh er misssus) cleans more throughly and leaves it much less wet so can be used sooner doesn’t risk rotting the carpet from underneath if too much moisture got down there etc, and does it when the little scruffbags are at school out of the way.

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