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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • sugdenr
    Free Member

    What Potter fellow? If you mean the wizardly one, dont get me started, the blighters took over part of the forest one year to film that.

    You do see deer quite regularly.

    Anyone interested in tagging along pls email me in profile and i’ll add you to the mailing list.

    Free Member

    Flipping flip, I work opposite that airbase (final approach is over the business park) and wont ride it because I thought it was too dangerous. One of the guys here got crushed by a dustcart squeezing past him at a traffic island along there a couple of years back.

    Free Member

    ‘Nation in state of disbelief after bankers give back all the money’

    A government-led 24hr amnesty saw thousands of bankers hand in million of ill-gotten gains at police stations around the country.

    Free Member

    I can order upto 3 beers in about 6 languages. English first language, passable french and fluent bulls**t.

    I seem to recall that Peter Ustinov was good for about 12 languages

    Free Member

    Deep dark wood? Dean, read the Gruffalo…..i’m the mouse :lol:

    Free Member

    You read the Guardian.

    I do the Guardian (quick) crossword – do I qualify :D

    Free Member

    on my own, quite a while – but with the family, not long at all 8O

    Free Member

    current systems are ‘prone to failure’ apparently…..except not really, pretty reliable all things considered. Nothing like fixing a problem that doesnt exist.

    Free Member

    I have been showing some STWers around this year, you are welcome to join us, i’ll add you to our email ride list

    Free Member

    If you have to ask, then you aren’t :lol:

    Free Member

    media blasting is the collective term. There is an inherent problem with grit or sandblasting on ally frame in that it generates minute sharp pits that are perfect fatigue stress raisers. For surface fatige resistance you need shot blasting.

    The best is vapour blasting, very effective and very gentle, but tends to be more expensive as it required more expensive kit.

    Free Member


    I definitely saw what looked like 90 on the tomtom on that Milano vid

    Free Member

    ever seen this
    dunno if he ever completed it, but the build detail is fascinating, check out the composite body panels made from custom weaved wood lattice

    Free Member

    Love that, I knew about his wooden car and to digress, the ultimate wodden car I have always wanted – the Costin Nathan – plywood chassis.

    Frank Costin ex-lotus was the cos in Marcos and brother Mike is the cos in Cosworth.

    Free Member

    I think you are right, cheers

    Free Member

    I am sure that looks like Old Woking…

    2 yrs ago I made a formal complaint against a copper motobiker for tailgating methen cutting me up on the motorway in the rain. I would have pulled him over at the time and called the, errr cops………..but my MOT had run out so thought best not risk it :oops:

    Free Member

    When I had this it turned out it was a crack developing in the seat tube at the top tube weld

    Free Member

    Each state has its own, depends which state they registered in and the web services are variable.
    Dunno about accounts, but is they are listed then its the SEC they have to file with IIRC

    Free Member

    Problem: listening to Money Box on R4

    solution, stop listening to radio4? It is the dullest thing in the world.

    Yea, sorry emsz but we have all turned into our parents. I will only listen to R4 and ClassicFM now, everthing else is just ‘ollocks or annoying.

    And some of the ‘cool new’ TV comedy often started out on R4.

    *Edit: Oh and OP, good plan but it falls down on needing a modicum of intelligence or common sense, which most ebayers dont seem to have. You can imagine “ive come ridiculously far to collect the cabbage patch doll I won and paid for to save £2 postage, ‘what is your code’, oh I dont have it, was I supposed to bring it wiv’ me or summit?…….”*

    **2nd Edit – Not the Archers, I hate the Archer it should be banned to Radio 3 or something**

    Free Member

    any dream will do from the musical joseph.

    reminds me of a boy at my school who blew his brains out with a shotgun because he was bullied. more than 30 years later I am still haunted that I didnt stop the bullies.

    Free Member

    Talking of yawns. I remember being recommended to drive the Big Sur, and upon doing so mused that the recommender had obviously never been to scotland or wales.

    Free Member

    I am considering wide bars too, however it seems all good for hooning but what about darting through the trees on technical downhills like that bit on Energy at Afan. I have enough trouble missing trees without sticking a couple of anchors out each side. Comments?

    Free Member

    Same here….on spds you are on the ball, on flats you want to be central so you can drop your heels on jumps etc which is the key. If you have arch problems you should be using inserts in all your shoes to support your arches, that is why you are getting referred pain issues.

    Free Member

    How the **** does he do that

    Free Member

    I have a set of 717 on black XC hubs, selling because I have too many wheel sets. £140 posted. Pics on request.

    Free Member

    Urrrgh. The inside of that v-trek looks like something a footballer would buy.

    Free Member

    I hate websites that are so slooooow to load.


    Bored waiting, fail.

    Free Member

    Stihl chainsaw oil. In this weather, warm gently before application.

    Free Member

    No, its the confidence thing.

    They can print money as long as the rest of the world thinks they are good for it – i.e. will ‘buy it back’ at some point.

    If not, the currency will get devalued and the bread will then cost £2 because the £1 you have in your pocket will be devalued to 50p

    Think of a company with shares. If you just keep issuing shares the value of the (exisiting) shares is diluted.

    Finance is indeed about confidence tricks. How else do you explain a facebook valuation of 100Bn. They have negligible assets and will never ever make revenue to justify that valuation.

    Free Member

    x large 180

    ….but not to me, I cant afford the pedal damage :(

    Free Member

    How can you cure the kind of capitalism and consumerism that underlies modern society? The underlying principle of new labour was to give the people what they (thought) they wanted? We only complain when it goes wrong – we are addicted to oil, but only really complain when the pumps run out – I mean who has stopped buying petrol since the price went ‘unsustainably’ high? And who has changed their way of life so that they dont get caught in the same borrowing/spending trap? Not most people, we still worship stupid non-celebrities dripping in name brands etc.

    Free Member

    sugdenr, try increasing the psi in your rear shock…. those cristmas pies are taking their toll…

    My shock is on maximum already…..

    Free Member

    Pike or Revs seems to be fork of choice for Bfe, depending if you want heavy old school coil, or light modern air :wink:

    I have 90 to 130 U turn (revs of course) and it does XC, climb and hoon with equal aplomb.

    Free Member

    I smack my pedals loads with 175s, put it down to low BB. Do you really notice the 5mm difference on pedal strikes with 170s?

    Free Member

    I hate CityLink in general, but when I just miss them at home I can normally phone up, find out where the driver is on his round and he will meet me (locally) to give me my parcel. However, if I send a mate into their warehouse (miles away but next door to said mates work) WITH MY PASSPORT and the missed delivery card to collect the parcel, after having phoned them to tell tehm this was happeneing, he has the most ridiculous time.

    sometimes you get outstanding service, sometime its just diabolical.

    Free Member

    It means ‘you pays your money, you takes your chance’.

    All clear now?

    Free Member

    posting ads since Feb 2012. Gotta be suspicious.

    Text him and ask him why he has loads of bikes for sale.

    Ask him if he has a soul or 575 lying around by any chance

    Free Member

    Personally I would have talked up the pain massively and demanded lots of codeine or better, then keep it in my Camelbak for emergencies or just when I need brightening up :P

    Free Member

    As I understand it, its about the ‘money supply chain’, which siezed up and unfortunately the banks are at the head of that.

    The aim is to get the money supply chain flowing. A bit like charity in africa, give then a bag of grain to eat is OK for now, but nothing changes in the longer term, need to get most of that grain growing. Infrastructure projects are about stimulating the miriad of industry and jobs involved, which then generate tax income, which is spent on infrastructure projects etc etc – not about giving out money.

    the kind of quantitive easing I want is that 40+ million lottery win..

    Free Member

    ROLF @ spoon

    cracks in wings ‘made in North Wales’, as though where they are made has anything to do with it.

    Or did I get that wrong and infact they are cheap Welsh wings??

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