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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    nonk – yes, I think it is. He is well known in the outdoor pursuits sector in Wales, a great guy who’s done amazing things.

    I guess it’s cumulative, you can face up to one thing at a time, but when tough news and things to deal with all come at the same time, then it just knocks you back for a while.

    But it does remind me to value life and to live for today as none of us know when we will run out of tomorrow’s. So, big road ride planned for Friday, leading a group up in the mountains on Saturday, and mountain biking with friends on Sunday.

    Free Member

    Conwy – best natural mountainbiking in north Wales on your doorstep, plus easy access to Marin Trail and Penmachno. Direct access onto the beach for all you fat tyred enthusiasts! And it’s in the ‘rain shadow’ of the mountains which means that it’s drier than the rest of Snowdonia. Great post-ride pub overlooking the sea, and a fab chippy.

    Plus, I live here, so what more could you want :)

    Free Member

    “Don’t attempt a century” – oops, sorry! Been there, done that!

    That’s a fantastic find … will endeavour to ride in bloomers with silk gloves from now on :)

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    Free Member

    @ Elf – frayed gear cable on the dolce :( Didnt want to risk ending up riding the equivalent of a SS with a bunch of roadie’s – would never have survived!

    @ benjbish – 108km audax in January! Respect!

    Free Member

    Wow – that was pretty stunning stuff (and Monty Halls was definately outclassed by the marine life)

    How big was that Grouper – a fish the size of a VW car 8O

    Right … must learn to dive and then go to the Great Barrier Reef …

    Free Member

    Indeed! I don’t think I’d want to come back as a sea cucumber!

    Free Member

    Elf – pannier rack stayed on :) You know I’m no good at conformity and abiding by the rules – so I guess that goes for roadie protocols as well.

    And it’s been one of those times which has reminded me that life is short and precious to worry about whether we ‘look the part’ or if we’re fit enough to join in – we should live for today because at some point we will run out of tomorrows. Good to see so many folks out living life to the full this weekend (and some great photos too).

    Free Member

    @ CFH – local cheeseshop envy!

    Free Member

    Yey! Survived my first outing with the local road club – despite being the only person on a touring bike, and the only girl in a group of about 40 boy racers! Quite chuffed that I managed to keep up in the middle of the pack, and didn’t ride into anyone (how close do roadie’s ride the each other – I felt as though my sweat was going to end up dripping on the rear tyre of the guy in front 8O ).

    Glad I did it as it was my way of celebrating the life of a friend who sadly died last Thursday – he lived life to the full and it felt appropriate to remember him by going out biking rather than sitting in crying.

    So, did you guys manage to get out for your planned weekend rides?

    Free Member

    I discovered heaven one summer cycling round the Chateaux of Burgundy and finding Alain Hess’s artisan cheeseshop in the beautiful town of Beaune …

    I think a return might be called for, the combination of sunshine, cycling, wine and a smorgasborg of amazing cheese is really quite unbeatable :)

    Damn … now I’m thinking about cheese … inspects current stock. Not too bad – a ripe brie, tangy goats cheese and a smoky cheddar, plus a decent bottle of red. I guess that today’s post-riding evening sorted!

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    Free Member

    CFH – will do :)

    Also would like to see the exhibition of Annie Leibovitz’s new work, totally different approach to her previous photography, on at the Hamilton’s Gallery:

    Love Ansel Adams work – probably one of the best photographers IMHO.

    Free Member

    Kev – punctures fixed so I’ve got no excuse now!

    Free Member

    Ooh – am liking the look of the new tricross!

    DGOAB – who’s doing your custom build? Would love to see pic’s / details when it’s done.

    Free Member

    MoreCashThanDash – that all sounds pretty serious 8O Glad you’re on the mend.

    Have just been chatting to a girlfriend on the phone … who called me sad and weird for being excited about biking all weekend :(

    Free Member

    sofaking – good going to have managed a daily ride given the winds we’ve had this week!

    Great to hear that all you folks are out riding / trail building etc in the depths of winter :)

    Free Member

    Elf – thanks for the heads up.

    I’ve just checked and it seems to be on until mid April and I’ll definately be down in the big city before then.

    Free Member

    The NHS is there to provide treatment to those who need it due to health problems (whether mental or physical).

    There’s a really judgemental tone on this thread which seems to be about women having breast surgery for what are deemed ‘cosmetic’ reasons. As Elf has said, there’s a huge psychologic / societal / emotional complexity surrounding cosmetic surgery that most folks are probably unaware of.

    But if you take the ‘no, they chose it / paid for it’ attitude, should the NHS treat:

    – infections resulting from tattoos or piercings (which can be equally considered voluntary body modification)

    – post-operative complications resulting from private abortions (many women opt for a private abortion)

    – treatment for skin cancer arising from too much sunbathing (again, due to enhancing appearance)

    etc, etc, etc

    Surely it’s better to focus on creating a society where people are valued for their individuality, thus reducing the psychological need for some cosmetic surgery, than to socially isolate women who have had breast enhancement and are now extremely worried about potential health dangers?

    Free Member

    @ clubber – “calm down” … not a chance, far too many things to get excited about :wink:

    @ mudshark – oops have a road bike (even worse have two) … does that mean I’ve grown up? I still mountain bike though, so maybe not completely …

    Free Member

    It’s not a question of ‘not growing up’, but continuing to live your life with passion, energy and enthusiasm. I think I’ve ‘grown up’ as I don’t have the same life now as when I was 20, but I now bike / hike / climb / travel more than I used, so if that counts as ‘growing up’ – bring it on :)

    Life is for living, each and everyday, by giving it all that you’ve got. So carry on biking etc, but also embrace your relationship with enthusiasm, love and passion – and if you don’t ever feel that, is it really what you want?

    BTW – not all women live only for soaps, shopping and handbags you know!

    Free Member

    Climate change is a tough one – it’s scientifically complex and socially challenged.

    A more interesting example if the relationship between the importance of upland moorland in rainwater absorbtion and the prevention of flooding of houses downstream. People are fairly concerned about the possiblity of flooding, but rarely make the connection with a distant area of moorland.

    Until we make those connections more transparent and widely understood then society will continue to undervalue the importance of the environment.

    Plus, it’s not really a question of ‘wealth’ or the ‘environment’. It’s more important to get across the relationship between the environment and economic benefits. I’m sure you all read the ground breaking TEEB report when it was published last year :) But in case you didn’t, here’s a copy to complete your bedtime reading:



    Free Member

    A lot of it is a result of society’s lack of understanding of the direct relationship between ‘the environment’ and what we value in our everyday life (air to breath, clean water etc). And because most people don’t focus on the direct connnection, when asked what concerns them, then most don’t think about the environment. And if ‘people’ aren’t bothered, then politicians aren’t either. So that’s something that some of us are devoting the majority of our lives to try and redress.

    So for those of you who can’t sleep and fancy some bedtime reading, here’s a few examples:

    Otherwise .. back to ranting :)

    Free Member

    I guess if (and it’s a big if!) I ever got together with someone else in the future, then it would be on the basis of being attracted to them for who they are, rather than wanting to change them, and I would like it if they felt the same way about me.

    That doesn’t mean that I’d expect or want us to be the same, in fact one of the wonderful things about people is how different we all are. I think it’s fun to try new things, or share someone else’s passion or interests, and don’t have the slightest problem accomodating someone else’s practical diet preferences.

    But of course there’s limits to compromise in a relationship, I wouldn’t be prepared to stop biking / cycling / hiking / climbing; nor would I be willing to give up my friends or leave my job. But then I probably would be attracted to someone who wasn’t active or love the outdoors.

    Free Member

    Looks out window at the gales coming straight in off the ocean … checks met office – severe weather warning for north Wales, recorded windspeeds of 87mph …

    … contemplates suggesting that those who fancy getting on a bike, or hiking in the mountains, or going for a run, come over here give it a go – I’ll just watch and laugh :D

    Will go and WTFU by making a cup of coffee and having a biscuit – can I get you anything Binners?

    Free Member

    Have had enough of not being able to get out and ride :(

    And to make matters worse, the ‘winter skills’ course (crampons / iceaxe arrests / avalanche awareness etc) that I was due to do this weekend in Snowdonia is not possible due to lack of snow!!! Would be more of a mud skills course at the moment.

    Am now going slightly stircrazy

    Grumble … mutter … moan …

    Free Member

    xcentric – sure thing … columbian or italian?

    Free Member

    Mental winds here on the north Wales coast.

    Have just tried, and failed, to get into the office. First road blocked as they can’t safety operate the traffic barriers on the rail crossing, turn round head down another road – blocked at the junction as the traffic lights are out and there car chaos, turn around head down another road – blocked due to a fallen tree … Give up, and head back home.

    So working from home today, but now have no-one to chat to! Anyone want to join me in the virtual office? I need fresh coffee at this time in the morning if anyone else wants one? and I hope someone’s bought some decent biscuits in. Meet up later for a gossip at the water-cooler?

    Free Member

    Thanks guys!

    I’m afraid I have some really basic questions:

    – what’s the difference between a turbo and rollers? And what are the pro’s / con’s?

    – attaching a bike to them: best to leave it attached? I was going to use my ‘summer’ road bike for it, but do I need a spare wheel or different tyres?

    – is it advisable to have a fan and to find somewhere to set it up next a screen – tv or computer?

    Free Member

    clowner: ‘ant+ sensors’ – sorry, I have no idea what that means :oops:

    Elf – DVD of riding round London? Far too exciting for me!!!

    iDave – ah, unfortunately I have to travel for work on the train, rather than drive. But many thanks for the offer.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice everyone – gives me a starting point to start looking into what to get.

    iDave – that’s a very generous offer! I’m in North Wales, but travel a fair bit for work. Not sure where you are?

    Free Member

    As someone said, it’s depends on context and what’s appropriate. For me:

    – government meetings: full suit (and yes, girls wear them too), and ‘don’t mess with me’ heeled boots

    – conferences: if I’m presenting, suit again (plus heels so I can see over the top of the podium :oops: )

    – research network meetings: ‘smart’ but not suit

    – office: more casual, but scruffy jeans and trainers would be no-no, so usually a dress.

    Don’t have a problem wearing any off the above, and happy to curl up in jeans and a hoody when at home.

    Oh, and CFH – c_g +1

    Free Member

    Have fun Sharki – beautiful parts of the UK.

    And you’ll be in Wales around the time of the opening of the new Wales Coast Path – 870 miles round the entire coastline

    Free Member

    Million variety of curries – particular favourite is aubergine, spinach and tomato.

    Risotto’s – again loads of variety: try broad bean, pea and mint with feta cheese

    Pasta sauces: just done one for tonight – red onion, green, red and yellow peppers, fresh plum tomatoes, pesto, capers (takes about 10 minutes, don’t overcook it)

    Free Member

    c_g: yey! Welcome to the winter roadie / touring club :) I got the ‘Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook’ for Christmas and am currently half-way across Russia (albeit whilst remaining tucked up under the duvet!)

    Not wanting to get too personal, but the factor which I found most important was whether you are (ahem) female proportioned – ie relatively long legs and a proportionally shorter torso. I am (along with being a diminuative 5′) and found that the biggest issue re touring bikes as it’s pretty harder to get a women’s specific one (which isn’t some god-awful step-through frame). Above all, fit and comfort is far more important than anything else, as you’re going to be sat on it for hours and hours, day in, day out. So try as many as you can, and even consider a custom built frame (which to be honest is something I’d consider in the future).

    Let us know what you get!

    Free Member

    Blimus – 15 pages of this 8O

    I guess the only thing I have to say is that there was a tragic combination of alcohol, mental health problems, and an available weapon (and to be honest it could have been a knife or any other suitable implement) which has led to the terrible death of three women. Personally, I’m just sorry for such a loss of life, the sadness that must be now being felt by their family and friends, and the fear that must have been experienced by the other people there.

    Anyway … as you were …

    Free Member

    Beautiful day for the first ride of 2012 – blue skies and sunshine :) Lots of happy walkers (all saying thanks for my bell-usage!) and horseriders.

    But, got a puncture – no biggie (had inner tube, pump etc), apart from not being able to get the bloody thorn out of my tyre. Stopped at the side of the road in a layby, getting colder and colder as the sun disappeared, obviously trying to deal with a mechanical problem (wheel off / bike upside down) and no-one stopped to ask if I needed a hand. Not even a guy who pulled into the same layby in a van, got out made a call, looked at me and drove off!

    Personally, if I saw a cyclist stuck at the side of the road, especially on a cold winter’s day, I would at least ask if they needed any help.

    Anyway – ended well with my feet up in the pub beside a warming fire :)

    Free Member

    supertramp – see it more as a lucky escape :wink:

    Free Member

    Ahem … sorry to mislead, but my final point was a gentle piss-take of Bustaspoke’s comment above about wanting to find a single woman who wasn’t bitter or mad … I’m afraid it wasn’t a serious resolution for 2012!

    Free Member

    Since when have relationships ever been straightforward? Some people get together early on in life and stay together forever, others have a series of short term relationships. Some relationships look “perfect” from the outside, but are actually falling apart, other couples appear to be always arguing, but have a very strong partnership. There isn’t a clear-cut answer to when ‘enough is enough’ – when compromise within a relationship shifts to being past the point of acceptability to one person or both. It isn’t up to those outside of a relationship to decide for the couple concerned that their partnership / marriage is not worth continuing with.

    What is often underestimated is the huge amount of emotional pain and practical chaos that happens when a long term relationship ends. When my partner ended our relationship after 16 years it completely floored me in every possible way – emotionally devastated, self-confidence destroyed, finances overturned, and lost my home and half my belongings. It took over a year to deal with all that, and although I am now happier than when we were together, it is not a process I would ever want to go through again, even though we both worked hard to keep it as amicable as possible (and have remained friends).

    As to the OP’s original question about why people seperate – there are probably as many reasons as there are relationships! In my case, we both changed as we got older and I guess just grew apart. But I do firmly believe that both people in a relationship are responsible for it – whether it succeeds or ends.

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