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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    A huge thank you to Poolman for being so generous :) Big thumbs up to you!

    Free Member

    Poolman, if there’s a spare week, I’d definitely be interested.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand what the problem is? Drafting is the norm in my club, and if there are stronger riders they do most of the riding in the front. If you go past someone, you’re likely to be a stronger rider so why not give a fellow rider a bit of support? Don’t understand the attitude of trying to blow them off – pretty petty and not particularly helpful to a fellow rider. Neither do I expect someone to announce their presence or ask permission to sit on my wheel – I generally know they’re there and will automatically point out hazards etc.

    Happily helped a ‘commuter’ the other day who was running late for work – sat on the front into the headwind, wound the pace up enough for them to stay on, and got them to the office on time :)

    Free Member

    For those of you with the 800, what’s the mapping like for Europe? I’ll be trundling round some small Italian villages and towns, and it would be good to not get lost!

    Free Member

    Facing the same indecision! (Along with whether to just bar mount my iphone instead!) Wanting it for:

    – road cycling, both “on the go navigation” (ie no route loaded) and to load GPX routes to follow. For use in both UK and Europe

    – occasional hiking navigation in the hills

    – occasional mountain biking

    – might want to consider occasional HR monitor use, but not interested in anything else.

    Free Member

    The AA came up trumps in the end (and at a very reasonable £140 for the year!)

    Thanks all :)

    Free Member

    Thanks folks, will check them out.

    Any other suggestions? What about for individual bike values up to £4k?

    Free Member

    Thanks for checking anyway.

    Any other suggestions from folks? (Doesn’t have to be a garmin route, just a general description will do)

    Ta :)

    Free Member

    Recommend contacting Stewart Harvey at Marsh Tracks Race Team in North Wales. See here:

    From a cultural / language perspective, there are clear links between Wales and the Basque Country – both autonomous regions with their own unique language.

    Free Member

    I’m getting into ‘mini-tours’ – impromptu weekend escapes straight from home on my bike :) A group of us are planning one out to the western-most tip of the Llyn Penisula, and another weekend as a tour of Anglesey.

    No hassle, no transport required, just pack a pannier, hop on your bike and go :)

    Free Member

    Red Weather Warning now issued for North and West Wales – hurricane force winds / severe gales up to 100mph. Expecting widespread structure damage, road closures etc.

    Already pretty bad here in Snowdonia but due to get worse in the next few hours – stay safe out there folks.

    Free Member

    Red Weather Warning now issued for North and West Wales – hurricane force winds / severe gales up to 100mph. Expecting widespread structure damage, road closures etc.

    Already pretty bad here in Snowdonia but due to get worse in the next few hours – stay safe out there folks.

    Free Member

    I changed from a 11kg cyclocross bike to a 7.5kg carbon bike, tyres on both were 25cc conti gatorskins. On a standard 60-80 mile hilly ride it increased my overall average by about 1.5mph. Big increase in pace uphill, unfortunately a decrease in pace downhill!

    But most of all you get ‘new bike faster’ :)

    Free Member

    Spin – have you got any more info re cycling there? Planning on heading that way in July – staying in Bormio. Any advice re accomodation / rides / places to eat etc?

    (Sorry, slight thread hi-jack!)

    Free Member

    I tried it for 9 months a few years ago, when my old car died and I decided to take the opportunity to try a car-free life. A bit of context – I work full-time, live on my own with no kids, a reasonably regular bus service to many places, and a main train line a few miles away.

    Overall, I found ‘regular’ journeys (ie getting to work, shopping etc) fine – I’d either catch the bus or cycle (I did most of my shopping by bike with panniers). Other more ad-hoc journeys were more complicated – not always knowing if there’d be a bus or getting hold of a taxi (I found a smartphone with Internet access for “on the move” info very useful). So most things were possible.

    The downsides – some trips were not possible, and car hire to cover these wasn’t always reasonable to either plan or pay for. So some things I wasn’t able to do, or had to rely on the goodwill of friends with cars to help out. Weather and personal safety (as a woman some night time journeys without a car can be rather unsafe) where an issue, as was managing the impact of illness or minor injury (where driving would have been OK but cycling was hard).

    On balance, I gave it a good try but then bought a very fuel efficient, low emission, reliable car. My car running costs are therefore very low, and I continue to only use it occasionally but it’s there when I need it.

    Free Member

    Hugely complex issue. Yes there is a basic premise around ‘eat less, move more’, but there is a much more complicated interaction around the 4 main ‘lifestyle’ factors of diet, exercise, alcohol, and smoking.

    Addressing smoking indicates that cultural / societal change is possible, but that was achieved using a range of fiscal, legislative, and public communications mechanisms. It has slowly resulted in changing ‘social norms’ relating to smoking (although this is not the case for all social groups).

    The challenge is that it was easier to have a single hard-hitting message re ‘smoking kills’. It clearly stated that just one fag was bad, there was no complexity about ‘5 would be OK if they are low tar, but only 1 a day if its high tar etc etc’.

    Compare that single hard-hitting message with the challenges of communicating re diet and exercise. ‘5 a day’ and ‘5 x 30’ are more complex. Also, there is problematic message which equates ‘thin’ with ‘healthy’.

    The vast majority (about 70%) don’t do the bare minimum of exercise, nor consume a healthy diet, nor limit their alcohol level to an appropriate level. That means that most people are acting in unhealthy ways that cause obesity (and associated illnesses) so this is the ‘social norm’.

    It is not an easy or straightforward task to address this, and yes much more needs to be done by everyone: individuals, business, and government. But there are many of us who are working long and hard on this, and have been for many years!

    Free Member

    Live in Conwy, North Wales:
    – excellent mtb straight out the door
    – excellent road cycling straight out the door
    – hike from front door up into the mountains, or along the beach
    – kayaking, surfing, climbing and bouldering all on the doorstep

    Good, interesting well paid job with only a 25min easy commute
    Affordable housing (garden, bike room etc etc)
    Great range of local shops and main high street stores
    Theatre, cineworld, great pubs and local art galleries

    Why live anywhere else :)

    Free Member

    surfer – I don’t do much, there are many, many people who put a lot more into the club than I do, especially all of the ‘boring’ behind-the-scenes stuff – everything from admin to risk assessments for TT’s etc etc!

    If nothing else, I am now far more aware of the huge contribution a minority of club members make so that the majority of us can enjoy riding our bikes :)

    Sometimes it does get a bit difficult when so many people join the club and think that paying a few quid ‘entitles’ them to have everything then provided without any help from them. Getting volunteers to help with events can sometimes a be a bit like trying to get blood out of a stone! But anyone who does volunteer usually finds it really enjoyable, and certainly builds friendships within the club.

    Free Member

    Surfer +1

    Clubs certainly present their challenges but also have many benefits. Sometimes it reminds me of an extended family – occasional rows, some personalities that are a bit ‘challenging’, but a huge amount of support and activities.

    Do we need clubs? Personally, I think yes. When I started road cycling I’d see lots of others out riding, but stopping them in the road to say ‘hi, can I join you for a ride’ would have been a bit weird! Being part of an established club means that I have access to a regular group ride (at a level which suits me), a whole range of events from TT’s, to races, to Audaxes, support, encouragement, advice, and lots of friendly banter (plus I now know where all the best cafes are :) )

    But I also now give back a lot – I organise the regular intermediate Saturday rides, promote women’s cycling opportunities, volunteer to marshal at club TT’s and races, and for my sins am on the club committee.

    Could all that happen without a club? No. Are clubs perfect? No. But they are a great way of providing a massive amount to the cycling community, are open to all (you don’t have to be someone’s mate to know what’s going on and take part), and are fun, friendly places.

    Just remember to give as well as to take :)

    Free Member

    On the north Wales coast, and its pretty bad here!

    Loads of noise all night. Tree down across road and next doors fence has gone. Looks as though we’re going to be getting a battering for most of the day.

    Waves to fellow STW’ers in North Wales – stay safe folks!

    Free Member


    Road ride up the scenic Conwy valley in the morning on my own – a time to just appreciate how lucky I am to be healthy and live in such a beautiful place.

    Mountain biking fun in the afternoon with my BF – playing around on Conwy mountain and keeping warm with some mulled wine :)

    Sometimes it’s good to not fit in with the ‘norm’!

    Whatever you’re doing, wishing you all a happy Christmas :)

    Free Member

    A young friend of mine spent the previous night drinking at a party, went off to bed, and mid-morning set off in her car. Collision with another car, and she was found to be over the limit from the night before.

    She would have deeply regretted it, if she had known, but tragically she died on impact.

    Please think very carefully about how much you’ve had to drink the night before, the consequences can be devastating.

    Free Member

    Previously been someone who has disliked / dismissed the idea of Strava (if you want to know how fast you are compared to others on the same stretch of road, do a TT etc etc …) But felt I was judging it without trying it, so had been giving it a go for the last few months.

    Quite a few unexpected benefits:
    – easy to use (start phone, stick in pocket, ignore til back home, then easy to upload)
    – great constant review of my riding, especially over the last 28 days. I ride a lot of hills, so keeping track of mileage and climbing has been really useful
    – better understanding of the many different factors which affect my relative performance (comparing my performance of specific sections with other rides – eg does being tired have a great impact on my speed on the flat or on my climbing pace?)
    – finally giving me a “virtual peer group” – I mostly ride with guys from my club, or solo, as the women I know ride at a steadier pace. So Strava has meant I can connect with the riding performance of other women, bearing in mind that we are obviously riding in different conditions
    – positive feedback and friendly banter. Having a fair few QOMs has added some positive reinforcement, and gaining / loosing them with a couple of other female riders has led to supportive exchanges between us.

    – it does sometimes make it hard to remember that now is my “steady pace / winter miles” season. Keeping the effort low means that your performance appears to have ‘gone down’ as you record slower times.

    Overall, I’ve changed from being a sceptic to finding it useful. But I’m quite happy to keep it in perspective, and will save the real ‘test’ of performance to the hill climb Time Trials next season :)

    Free Member

    Saturday – road club ride, accident, ambulance, jittery riders, brutal hill climb, wet and cold mountains, cafe stop, sunshine, banter, smiles :) (Relief as friend in accident will be OK)

    Sunday – Sunny road spin up the mountains and beside the sea.

    Summer returned for the weekend :)

    Free Member

    Thanks folks :)

    Here’s hoping for less torrential downpours than there was in the Lakes!

    Free Member

    Cycling out from Conwy via the route from Llanwrst.

    Blue sky now appears to be intermittent, alternating with peeing it down … still excited though :)

    Free Member

    Many thanks for all the suggestions folks – plenty to start looking at.

    I’ve had a few issues with Mavic and Castelli jersey sizing as I’ve found them a bit long in the arms / body and too tight over the (ahem!) chest. Will try again, but any indications as to fit?

    Free Member

    @CG – she’s treated the same as everyone else, with respect and banter :) Yes, she is a bit slower on the hills, but so what? She’s got fantastic bike handling skills as she comes from a mtb background, so is an excellent descender. To be honest, to me we’re all the same, out riding bikes, trying our best to improve / get fitter, but above all just getting out and enjoying ourselves :)

    Free Member

    I have a huge amount of respect for someone who joined my road club – not only is she female (which puts her in a minority), but she is also overweight (which in a roadie club is fairly unusual). I have so much admiration for her courage and determination to come out every week and ride. It must take real guts and bravery.

    So huge respect to anyone out there who is overweight but has found the courage to get up and get active. Keep going, and remember that most of us are admiring you not mocking.

    Free Member

    Mountain bikers dream – fantastic imposing building, plenty of space for a state of the art woodpile, and doorstep access to Penmachno mtb trails or over the hill to Betws and the Marin trail :) A snip at £65k (though you might need the remaining £35k to put in a few essential items …)

    Free Member

    Sustrans route 5 – runs parallel to the A55 between Conwy and Bangor as a traffic free cycle path or quiet back lanes -well signposted.

    Sustrans Route 8 (Lon Las Cymru) – mostly traffic free cycle path that runs from Bangor to Caernarfon, and then via Penygroes to Brincir (near Criccieth)

    Definitely use these – don’t cycle on the A55 or A487 near Caernarfon if you can avoid it.

    Free Member

    Janesy – plenty of big hills to go at round here :) Some suggestions:

    1. Beddgellert, Pen-y-Gwryd, Capel Curig, Betws, B road down the valley, Conwy, along the coast to Glasinfryn (there is a traffic free cycle path and quiet lanes all the way parallel to the A55), back lanes via Pentir and Penisarwaun to Waunfawr, back to beddglert

    2. Beddgellert, pen-y-Pass, Llanrug, Waunfawr, Bontnewydd, cycle path to penygroes, Nanttle, Rydd Ddu, Beddgelert

    3. Beddgelert, south on A498, then A4085, R on B4410, short section with cycle path on A487, L on A496 to Blaenau Ffestiniog, A470 over the Crimea Pass, back lanes parallel to A5 to come back over the Migneint either via Cwm Penmanchno (steep climb on B4406) or via Ysbyty Ifan (B4407) to Ffestiniog, then B4391, and back to Beddgelert

    4. Llyn Peninsula route: Beddgelert, tremadog, Criccieth, aberdaron, Nefyn, Clynnog-fawr, Penygroes, Nanttle, Rhyd ddu, Beddgelert

    There’s lots more hard steep climbs up back lanes, bit harder to navigate round, but if you want company then let me know and if I’m free I’ll join you for a ride one day.

    Enjoy – its an ace place to road ride :)

    Free Member

    Thanks psling! I’m going to be 21 again, so I guess that will make you 21 + 4 days :wink:

    Enjoy the Tour down south … really glad that Wiggins is riding after missing him in Le Tour in France!

    Free Member


    Its coming through Snowdonia, so I’m going to ride the section from Betws to the top of Pen-y-Pass, watch from the hill, then ride dwon to the finish in Llanberis.

    Really looking forward to it, and it’s on my birthday as well :)

    Free Member

    I live along the route, so ride it a lot!

    A few tips:

    If you can be a bit flexible on mileage, and can do a bit longer on the 1st day, I’d suggest staying near Rhos on Sea. Flint / Rhyl aren’t the nicest of places to stay, and the route along that section if the coast isn’t as attractive so it’s worth maybe pushing on.

    The scenery from Rhos to Holyhead is superb – you’d get to start the day on the virtually traffic free marine drive round the Great Orme. One of the best stretches of coastal road anywhere :)

    Anglesey is lovely – it’s maybe worth putting together sections of your own, or at least diverting down to a couple of the beaches. Be aware, it’s not all flat!

    Have a great ride :)

    Free Member

    Ton – some boringly sensible advice (no funny innuendo’s but maybe more useful for Mrs Ton!)

    Depends on what type of tenderness?

    Feeling bruised? Rest, avoid pressure, and check saddle type and position (for ladies a softer / padded saddle can cause more bruising to soft tissue in the genital area as the riders weight doesn’t rest on the sit bones – a bigger problem for girls than boys)

    If the tenderness is due to inflamed / chaffed tissue be very careful to make sure an infected cyst or saddle sore doesn’t develop. Bathe the area with hot salty water or a proper medicinal antibacterial wash. Keep it dry and aired – the best way to do this is to not wear underwear or tight clothing for a few days / week.

    Hope it doesn’t put her off riding :)

    Free Member

    A hilly 80 mile route taking in the best wild mountain roads in North Wales – up over the Mignient and the Denbighshire moors via Bylchau :)

    Really looking forward to it as I’ve got a new bike!

    Free Member

    It sounds like you and your son who has just broken his ankle all have a fantastic attitude – and probably the rest of your family as well.

    I have grown up with a disabled brother, combined with being a kid who had a fair few broken bones (horse riding is not the safest of activities!). But I can’t remember anything being cancelled. No matter what happened we all just stuck in and carried on anyway. Most of all we had FUN doing it – bizarely sometimes the harder the ‘challenge’ the greater the laughs – wheelchair races are quite memorable :)

    As an adult it has given me a strong sense that anyone can do anything – you might do it in a different way, you might need help, but there’s a hell of a lot of laughs to be had in trying. We still have this attitude as a family (and have been known to do things like carry my brother between us so he can get to the top with us!).

    Sounds as though you are doing a great job as a dad, and your kids have a superb attitude. Having a handicapped sibling can be a real challenge, but also teaches us so many great things about attitude and being positive.

    I’d suggest that you go to Chamonix and see it as a fun challenge to do things differently. Have a great time and enjoy your holiday :)

    Free Member

    A towering 5′ and weighing in at a mighty 47kg :)

    Does that make me the shortest and lightest STWer?

    (It does make me pretty quick at riding up hills … there’s just less of me to get up there!)

    Free Member

    Will be there too :)

    Not sure exactly where, but if you see a small blonde lass on a bike wearing a Rhos cycling club jersey say Hi!

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