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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    I guess I don’t distinguish between ‘going for a ride’ and ‘commuting’ – I’m lucky that my commute is either a fantastic 25 mile road ride along the coast, or mountain biking over the Carneddi (usually train in, mountain bike home). Both of those I happily do as a ‘ride’ even if I’m not going to work.

    If I’m travelling, I’ll try and fit in a ride before catching the train – usually a very early morning road ride (as no post ride cleaning is required). Has occassionally backfired when punctures have led to missed trains!

    Free Member

    That second picture is fantastic!

    Great day for extra long commutes – I managed a 50 mile round trip with the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. Planning on the same again tomorrow. When it’s like this I just love riding so much I don’t want to stop – will keep going til my legs give out :)

    Free Member

    Absolutely gorgeous here in Wales – hot, sunny and set to continue for the next few days. Managed to fit in 4 hours riding today, planning on the same tomorrow, going swimming in the sea on Friday … shorts, shades, summer dresses and sandles :) Happy, happy days!

    Emsz – Duuuude 8)

    Free Member

    motorman – that’s a great photo! Whereabouts is it?

    Free Member

    Extra tiny Titus Motolite – tried one years ago when Chipps had a fantastic pink one in as a test bike. Absolutely loved it and it spoiled my ability to get anything cheaper as nothing could compare. Took me two bloomin’ years to save up enough to buy one … 6 years on it’s still the only full-sus bike I’ve had or ever want to have, can’t see me ever wanting a different bike.

    And Elf – HANDS OFF!!!! :)

    Free Member

    “Money talks
    But it don’t sing and dance
    And it don’t walk”
    (Neil Diamond)

    The first song lyrics that made me think as a kid. Maybe corny nowadays, but still has a place in what I feel is important in life.

    Free Member

    Now I have bike-beach-bivi envy!

    Just feel a bit too anxious to camp out on the beach overnight on my own :( So if anyone fancies a beach bike bivi in north wales, let me know.

    Free Member

    Emsz – yup love the beaches in Norfolk – my folks live over their so I go there quite often. Lovely place for road cycling and, although DS is right and it’s a bit lacking in mountains, it does have Thetford Forest which is great for mtb’ing.

    Great beach sunset photo’s guys :)

    Keep the pictures coming – your favourite beach, sunset and bikes optional!

    Free Member

    Was tempted by the opportunity to ride on closed roads, but it seemed pretty expensive to me.

    Thinking of doing the clwydian audax instead on the 22nd Oct (choice of 60, 130, or 200km), or do my own DIYroute either through the mountain passes of Snowdonia or a circuit of Anglesey.

    Oh, and personally I need all the gears I can get riding round here!

    Free Member

    Alpin, stop being so grumbly :)

    It was just a lovely, chilled out few hours spent on the beach as the sun went from late afternoon shadows to a glowing sunset which left me feeling relaxed, less stressed, and grateful that I get pleasue and enjoyment from such simple things :)

    Free Member

    Alpin – ironic, yes slightly :wink:

    And I was aware of that at the time. But then I guess it took about 5 minutes, and the other 2 hours were mainly spent gazing out to sea, apart from taking a few photo’s … in which case, do cameras count as technological trappings which detract from tranquility as well?

    Free Member

    Edukator – mobile device (iphone) on the beach. Had taken it out to take some photo’s and then decided to post on here and share the love :wink:

    Other posts were after I got back home ‘cos I was too happy strolling on the beach to want to sit there on my iphone!

    Free Member

    Gore Alp-x are the best in my opinion – completely waterproof, shaped for biking, perfect fit.

    But, they aren’t cheap (although I got mind half price in a sale), and I’ve got the girl’s ones so might not be a perfect fit for you :)

    Free Member

    motorman – life doesn’t get better than that!

    Free Member

    No idea what CFH said, but it was obviously something so wonderfully positive that he felt obliged to remove such excess of emotion before anyone saw it :wink:

    oldgrump08 – I’m not on Anglesey but by the beach over by the Great Orme so looking out over Puffin Island with the sun going down behind Anglesey

    derekrides: ‘five skips’ – good going! Don’t think I’ve ever manged anything more than an inadequate two …

    motorman – how cool is your bike!!! Jealous you can combine bikes and beaches.

    Kev – sorry for usurping your sunset, dogs and beaches topic :)

    Free Member

    Elfin? Bloomin’ annoying chap – chases sheep on his bicycle, shows me up by riding up ‘my’ mountains faster than me, and recommends chilli sauce which is way too hot for my delicate palate …

    … But he’s also one of the good guys.

    Oh, and Fizzer, I think your comment is pretty out of order.

    Free Member

    Given that it’s going to be a warm dry day, then hopefully he’ll be pootling round that there big city (or is it bimbling – can’t remember what the pedantic so-and-so insisted was the city version …), admiring the architecture, followed by feet up in one of those London pubs with a pint of something wheaty :)

    Free Member

    DGOAB – that’s great!

    And am liking the one’s from Herman and Tazzy as well (Tazzy – is that your tattoo or one you found a picture of?)

    Free Member

    Know that feeling :)

    Just makes you feel glad to be alive.

    Free Member

    Just got back in … What a top ride!

    No rain, stunning sunset, autumn colours, and kamakazee bunnies :lol:

    Now time for food, feet up, and a return to girlie-ness watching Titanic and eating birthday chocolates …

    Free Member

    Ah, I need a PeterPoddy friend nearby!

    Current approach to bike maintenance – hear funny noise, search t’internet for advice, spend prolonged period with inadequate tools fiddling with bits, worry that I’ve just made it worse, wish I hadn’t started …

    Request that North Wales is on PP’s Super Nanny Bike Maintenence Tour!

    Free Member

    Planning on a 2-3 hour road ride … but suspect that might be considered to be in the ‘poncey commuting’ bracket :wink:

    Binners – start road riding! The roads dry quicker than the trails, no hours of post-ride cleaning required, and you still get the adrenalin buzz from blasting downhill. Some of us who road ride even smile, chat, and drink beer afterwards :)

    Free Member

    bagpuss72 – proper LOL :)

    Free Member

    Bushwacked – Fantastic! Really pleased for you, you must be loving every minute of riding now :)

    Hope you take it steady and carry on improving.

    Bunnyhop – I really sympathise. I has PVF for 12 months (3 months of not being able to do anything at all, not even basic tasks, 3 months of being able to only to a small amount, and 6 months of slowly, slowly building back up again). I found it incredibly hard, not just physically but also emotionally. But in coping with CFS, you must be an extremely strong person. And good on NBT for obviously being so supportive.

    Free Member

    Yey, managed mountaineering kit shopping and a DRY ride afterwards!

    But no knickers, nightie’s, fiddlers, or yo-yo’s in dubious activities were involved :)

    Weather’s looking ‘variable’ again tomorrow, but I’m heading for a day in the mountains so it’ll be more out than in …

    Free Member

    Don Simon – are you in North Wales? Got no chance of continuous sunshine here!

    Emsz – good idea!

    Free Member

    Been a p*ssing in down in North Wales, so I cheated a bit and hopped on the train for part of the journey home … trouble is, how do I now justify eating a huge dinner???

    Free Member

    Clubber – really nice dawn commute pictures!

    Binners – ah, sunset rides, I’d forgotten about them :) Post work ride home was too early for the sunset tonight, and after a 50 mile round trip my legs weren’t going to make it out again tonight (plus I was somewhat stuffed after the vast quantity of dinner I felt justified in eating!)

    Looking forward now to the rustle of autumn leaves, crisp dawn air, and the smell of woodsmoke …

    Free Member

    Good on you both! It takes a big (or not big :wink: ) person to apologise, especially in front of others.

    But can we avoid the group hug thing …

    PS – and leave Wales out of it – this was purely a southern’s spat :)

    Free Member

    Ah, I’d love to do it, but I’d be another ‘road’ rather than ‘offroad’ rider …

    Bilbao to Barcelona via the Pyrennes … two amazing places for art and architecture linked by some fantastic mountain cycling :) Definately on my wish-list to do soon.

    Free Member

    Stoner – I go to evening classes 2 nights a week – dosbarth cymraeg (that’s welsh language class in case you need a translastion :) )

    I do find it hard, especially as I work (more than) full-time – usually get back from work in a mad dash, drop work bag, grab welsh class notes, and fly out the door. Get home about 9.30 / 10 pm hungry and tired. Plus, I need time to fit in doing the ‘homework’ that goes with the course.

    But … I’m doing something that i’m interested in and committed to (as I live in North Wales, I personally find it pretty important to be making an effort to learn to ‘siarad cymraeg’). Plus, most other people in the class are in the same postiion (ie usually knackered), and its often good fun. I’ll be doing classes 2 nights a week for probably at least 5 years, so it’s a long-term commitment.

    I’d recommend going for it, but only if you’re feeling committed to whatever it is you are wanting to do classes in. If it is something you are just casually interested in, then work / family commitments will probably mean you’ll drop out sooner or later.

    Pob lwc :)

    Free Member

    Have just overdone the Encona Original Hot Chilli sauce – steam is coming out of my ears and my tongue is now hanging out … I’m so going to pay the price for this tomorrow 8O

    Never again will I trust Elfin choice of chilli sauce … he is obviously equipped with a stronger constitution than me!

    Free Member

    forge197 – not sure what you meant by:

    “The first direct offset is setup as an interest only product but you pay the equivalent of a repayment so you are paying capital and interest every month.”

    sorry, I’m probably just being a bit dense :oops:

    It would appear that the oneaccount is now provided by RBS, they give 3.75 as a variable interest rate – but say this is valid from April 2009 – not exactly a very up-to-date figure!!!

    Free Member

    OK, I might have been somewhat confused in my mortgage terminology. What I’ve been considering is a mortgage that is linked to my current account. Is this an offset mortgage or a ‘one account’ or a ‘current account mortgage’?

    Although I will not have any savings left to offset initially, it is likely by month 2 of my mortgage, that there will be funds building up in my current account again, which I would like to always have access to but thought whilst the money’s there for the proverbial ‘rainy day’ it would be useful to use it to offset my mortgage interest. (Not sure if that makes sense!)

    Free Member

    mmm – just checked the First Direct one, which doesn’t have any fees (yey!), but their offset mortgages are interest only. And I need a repayment mortgage.

    Any suggestions? (will go check out Egg)

    I have considered delaying for a couple of years, but I have read that even if there is only a smallish amount in your account, it helps reduce your mortgage repayment period?

    Free Member

    Ah, but Kev they made you walk like a constipated penguin … or look like you were doing an impersonation of bambi on ice :)

    (but given that I ride with flats on my road bike, I’d better shut up :oops: )

    Free Member

    Loeka, Gore, and Pearl Izumi get my vote. But I haven’t tried the kona stuff, so can’t really comment on that.

    Free Member

    Good for you!

    It’s great to do something you’re really interested in, and well worth any sacrifices you might need to make. Hope it goes well :)

    (I guess this means you’re moving away from the ‘wonderful’ world of statistics …)

    Free Member

    Herman Shake +1 (as similarly I’ve lived my life with a severely mentally and physically disabled brother who couldn’t pray nor even begin to understand any concept such as ‘God’)

    I find it impossible to seperate out the concept of God from associated organised religions, and I find the religions that I am familiar with to be homophobic and sexist. Religion offers a prescribed way of living, outlining moral codes which define ‘good’ behaviour. I find aspects of these moral codes to be discriminatory against women and gay people, and that they limit the need for all of us to reflect on and consider our behaviour ourselves.

    As these moral codes purport to be ‘the word of god’, by association I cannot support the concept of a god.

    I fully respect other people’s right to believe in whatever they choose, I just profoundly object the any attempts to convince others to believe the same, or to impose their religious moral codes of behaviour onto others.

    Free Member

    Kev – I’m sure he’s very happy entertaining you at the moment – there’s no need to preetend to be poorly, you won’t be able to avoid him :)

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