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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    Thanks guys for meeting up last night – good to catch up and get to know some forumites :) Saved me from yet another boring evening in a hotel room reading reports! And the Bree Louise was a great pub – decent ciders and eal ales on tap two minutes walk from Euston Station – hurrah!

    ernie-lynch: hopefully catch up with you next time I’m down, I still owe you a pint as thanks.

    Free Member

    Khani – you might be feeling completely knackered at the moment, but:

    – are you still not smoking? Hell Yes!

    Therefore you are all still AWESOME :)

    Actually, I found that stopping smoking (cold turkey Mr Elf!) really messed with my psychological and physiological system. Sometimes i’d feel tired, other times buzzing, most of the time twitchy! The only advice I can offer is to remember it will take your body a while to adjust and to find a new rhythm that feels so ‘natural’ that you stop thing about it. In the meantime, just go with how you’re feeling as much as you can (or your OH can tolerate!)

    Free Member

    As STW’s chief social science spod (self-appinted), I’ve undertaken a comprehensive systematic review of this thread and can conclude …

    … Camo16, Morgs, Binners, Khani, Fenred, and Lady G have all been classified as belonging to the “Awesome” category …

    … and that the “awesome” category is statistically associated with no fags …

    … with the TJ puckering up variable acting as a significant causal factor :)

    Seriously guys – keep it up. Bloody hard, but you should all be feeling really proud of yourselves!

    Free Member

    Ignore Elfin, he’s just jealous cos the girls haven’t offered him any snogs and he has to face the puckering up of TJ :)

    tjr666 and Lady Gresley – go on, being a quitter is great!

    Free Member

    Ambrose – be more than happy to, as long as you don’t mind that I’m in the “enthusistic but not very fast or technically competant” category :) Stick a post up when you’re in the area.

    *thread hi-jack* – Grantway: I’m meeting Elf and Plumber for curry and beer on Monday evening if you fancy joining us? *end thread hi-jack*

    Free Member

    Waves at fellow Cymru residents :)

    It’s beautiful here at the moment isn’t it! The moors were glowing with that wonderful golden warm hue as the sun was going down yesterday. And the weather this October and November has been fab – hope it just changes to lovely crisp snow without any of that pesky rain business in between. Living in Snowdonia rocks :)

    Free Member

    Well done guys! Fantastic that you’ve kept going despite the temptations.

    The power of the TJ threat is strong … the mere thought of him “puckering up” should be sufficient to deter even the hardest of smokers :)

    Free Member

    Emsz and Karinofnine – do I detect a lack of surprise presents for girls … surely this is a bad case of sexism? :lol:

    Free Member

    Feels jealous due to not having any surprise presents in the post … but can live without Lego!

    Free Member

    Not biking, but not wasted – spent the day in the wild mountains around the head of the Lledr Valley in Snowdonia. Beautiful day, sunshine, stunning views, and absolutely deserted … Snowdonia – busy? Not if you know where the quiet corners are :)

    Another gorgeous day today, but unfortunately got to get on a train to Cardiff in a bit :(

    Free Member

    @ c_g – would love to see BB King. Saw Leonard Cohen in Mancester a couple of years ago – 70 years old and he is still one of the most emotionally evocative singers out there, one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to.

    Think I’ll pass on the Sabbath reunion tour though!

    Free Member

    Oooh – Tate Britain* has an exhibition of Barry Flanagan’s early work on … scurries off to check work diary to see if I can fit it in with wining and dining :)

    * CFH – is that the REAL Tate?!?

    Free Member

    Working :( Trying to finish off writing up a journal article on physical activity and health benefits, so I can head off out into the mountains tomorrow.

    Rachel – really sorry to hear that. There’s nothing worse than having your hopes raised only to be let down. I think we’re at opposite sides of the UK, otherwise I’d offer to meet for a ride or something, but instead virtual hugs comning your way.

    Emsz – high five!

    Free Member

    @ thisisnotaspoon – flats on the mtb and the ‘cross bike, spd’s on the road bike … is the swoon still retracted?

    cynic-al – I think Wales is a wee distance from Scotland (which I think is where you hang out), and weekend visitors now seem a bit complicated if HSE issues are involved!

    Free Member

    OK, weekend lets to outdoors folks is not an option.

    I had a look at ‘spareroom’ and there are people asking for lodgers in this area, and seem to be happy toask for people who are similar to themselves. So taking on one lodger might be an option, as both the lodger and I could have a reasonable amount of space each – own bedroom, lounge and bathroom, but share the kitchen. As the pre-tax max is £4250, that would be about £350 / month – presumably a reasonable amount for your own room / lounge / bathroom?

    I’d still have a couple of spare bedrooms for visiting friends / family, plus a (ahem) mahoosive bedroom for entertaining chaps :wink:

    Free Member

    cynic-al – looks around house … finds bikes in the dining room, spare spd’s on the table, bouldering mat in the lounge … realises taht I might not be like some women :-)

    enfht – no need. My flounce was not up to SurfMatt’s awesome standard, therefore wouldn’t count as an ‘almighty’ flounce, merely a minor one :wink:

    More seriously – cynic-al: your situation (pre-tenants) sounds more similar to mine. How did you find the adjustment to having tenants?

    Oh, and I could get a smaller house, but those are all 2 bed granny bungalows round here, and just don’t appeal. The one I like is a rambling old Victorian house, lovely but has rather a lot of bedrooms! Maybe I could rent out rooms at the weekend for mountain bikers / climbers etc?

    Free Member

    Am now slightly worried by what I would be offering to share 8O

    Not sure if it would be the right thing for me – I’m used to living on my own, and although I’m pretty sociable, I wouldn’t want to come home to stress and hassle.

    It would appear that tensions appear quite often, for both home owner and lodger?

    (Oh, and philc – sorry you’re right, I forgot about the moobs! must be why there’s the bravissimo ad on the forum :)

    CFH – hangs head in shame. And there’s me with an English degree as well .. )

    Free Member

    Hey c_g! How are you doing? I ran out of bra’s to burn, so thought I’d come back :wink:

    Thanks for the link. Did you end up getting a lodger in the end?

    Free Member

    Working from home on my own. Stood up and observed the 2 minute silence, as it’s a matter of respect and a time for reflection. It doesn’t matter whether there is anyone else there to join in with, or to see you do it.

    Why? Out of empathy for all the human suffering of war, and the hope that one day we will have peace.

    Free Member

    Wow – loads of suggestions! Am now slightly bewildered 8O

    (It’s sooo much easier in Wales – there’s usually only one place to go to …)

    So, do any of you big city types fancy meeting up for a drink next Monday evening?

    I’m sure Mr Elfinsafety will come out to tell me how London is better than anywhere else, but before it turns into a mtb minority meeting of brown people and girls, does anyone else fancy coming along?

    I’m going to leave it up to “those who know” to decide where to go, as long as it has a decent cider or two on tap, veggie food (pub food is fine), and is easy to get to from Euston area … over to you guys …

    Free Member

    Ooooh – Chimes does pies as well as cider :) (Feeling perfectly justified in loving food as health check today has reported very low cholesterol, low weight etc …)

    Damn, I need more time in London! Could then have lunch at the Tate, wander round gallery, stroll along river, go to Chimes for pie and cider. Then I’d need another day to go to comedy club followed by Indian …

    Free Member

    OK – bit more specific.

    I only have the evening free next Monday, and will have already come over from Cardiff late afternoon. Staying near Euston / Kings Cross, and won’t really want to travel around much more, so suggestions for pubs / places to eat that are easy to get to from there?

    (will try to find out about the Indian that Elf mentioned)

    Free Member

    CFH – food preferences? Vegetarian and fish – other than that keen to try as wide a variety as possible, but love Italian and Thai (actually I love all food … ). Budget – well ‘moderate’ rather than ‘expensive’, but happy to pay for good quality food.

    Drink – I’m more of a good cider and wine person (sorry, don’t like beer :oops: )

    Free Member

    Elf – I didn’t say that! You’re just using it as an excuse to post ‘that’ picture :)

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestions – keep them coming!

    Now that the nights are getting chilly, any recommendations for cosy pubs with comfy chairs and warming fires?

    Free Member

    Go guys! Good for you!

    Giving up smoking is still one of the things I’ve done that I’m really proud of – takes a lot of willpower, so much respect to all of you.

    As an ex-smoker, I’m afaid I’m still waiting for extra mtb gnarliness to appear, but I continue to ride like a complete mincer :oops: But am definately fitter – it just turned me into a roadie instead.

    If it helps to encourage your motivation, extra virtual snogs coming to all you fresh-breathed chaps (and chapesses?) :)

    Free Member

    Ours is great! Mainly ‘cos I work with a group of lovely, fab people …

    Last year was ace – the entire county had come to a complete standstill due to a really heavy dump of snow. Ever other Xmas do in town was cancelled apart from ours – we just dug out ski’s, down clothing etc and made it in to the pub for a great evening of food, drinks, toasting in front of fires, snowball fights, and skiing down the snow-covered traffic free high street :)

    oh, and always pay for it ourselves … which means no dress code or having to listen to boring senior managers!

    Free Member

    … because I hang out on mountain bike forums

    … and start discussions about wimmin’s rights

    … and I flounce with the best of them* :wink:

    * but no flounce can be as good as SurfMat’s

    Free Member

    NHS recommend 10,000 steps per day, average person walks 3-400 steps per day.

    With lifts, a number of people will use them due to temporary or long-term health issues (and as others have mentioned, this is not always obvious). Secondly, building / infrastructure design is a significant issue – we have made being ‘inactive’ the easiest and most convenient choice.

    By far the biggest issue is the need for an attitudinal / cultural change towards more active lifestyles, and a better awareness of the significant health impacts of inactivity.

    Free Member

    Nope, not glamourous! Quite often it’s tiring, lonely, boring, with rubbish food :(

    Fortunately occassionally it’s fun, interesting, and takes me to places I’d never have to opportunity to go to otherwise (banquet dinner in Napoleon’s Palace in Fontainbleu was particularly ace!)

    Free Member

    Solo – I have been know to head out on a 60 mile road ride complete with a picnic and carrying a bottle of wine to share with friends when I get their house! Which I suspect is about as non-competative as you can get :)

    Hammerite / Mudshark – good to see your clubs offer a range of ride speeds. Personally I think they would be great for more ‘new to club riding’ cyclists.

    But I guess it’s hard for clubs (especially small one’s) to offer such a range of ride speeds to suit different abilities. However, if they don’t, and the average speed is higher, does that limit the growth of the club by detering some new members? (A couple of guys I know are currently training to be good enough to join the local road club!)

    Free Member

    Interesting speeds that are being quoted there. Just had a very quick google (thinking of similar areas to here in Snowdownia):

    Brecon cycling club – ‘intro / beginners’ rides say they expect you to be a reasonably fit cyclist, average speed 10+ mph

    Edinburgh cycling club – ‘development’ rides for people new to road club cycling (but expected to be competent cyclists) – average speed 14 mph

    So I would question the 15-17 mph speeds listed as a ‘social’ pace. I do think that using higher than 14mph averages deters many reasonably competent cyclists who might be interested in social road riding rather than racing from joining road clubs.

    Elf – nice picture … next time you’re up we’re doing Pen Y Pass :)

    Free Member

    Duh … it’s ‘cos you crossed the border! Should have stayed in Wales :)

    Free Member

    Interesting that many people seem to have got their map-based naviagation skills from hillwalking / mountaineering / running / orienteering etc. Is that related to a different culture / approach to the outdoors in those activities? For example, my mountaineering club has many training sessions covering things like navigation skills, first aid etc, whereas the mountain biking club doesn’t (even though the two activities oftern use the same terrain).

    Personally, if I’m out mountain biking I take a map and compass for naviagtion if needed, and have usually reccied the route in advance (often on foot).

    My concern is that in the event of an accident, I would need to provide the rescue services with an accurate location. That’s probably the main reason why I wouldn’t want to rely exclusively on technology (which can mis-function), someone else (they could have had the accident!), or just knowing my ‘general location’.

    Free Member

    Just to add, far from being a chore or boring, today’s navigation training was really good fun. Most of us were already pretty experienced in the mountains, so today was more of a refresher, with more and more difficult challenges being set – cue ‘find small boulder in featureless but quite complex terrain off the side of tryfan’ :)

    A lot of the skills I’ll keep in mind when mountain biking, especially as most of my riding is over the upland expanse of the carneddi mountains with it’s maze of sheep tracks. Just glad that I’ve got about 20 years experince of trotting round the mountains!

    Free Member

    Ah, that’s interesting, I didn’t realise there were navigation courses for mtb’ers. What do they cover?

    Re the use of computers / GPS etc – I can understand how they are more useful when biking than when on foot (as it’s not that easy to hold a map in front of you when on a bike). But there’s obviously the possibility of technology failure, so carrying map / compass as back-up makes sense (which many of you seem to do). However, unless practised regularly, do you think map based navigation skills could be lost?

    Free Member

    emsz – :lol: re ‘big-boned blokes!

    I love food, eat lots, and have stayed around the same weight (7 and a half stone) for the last 20 years. I do eat biscuits / cake etc ( but never loads) and don’t eat meat, just fish and veg, and always homecooked (never ready meals or takeaways).

    I kinda figure that combining good food, a healthy appetite, and exercising every day is a pretty good approach :)

    Free Member

    DezB +1

    Not particularly impressed with the repeated assumption that because she was a female cyclist she was at fault – would there be the same reaction if it was a male cyclist?

    Above all, it is a terrible, tragic loss of a young woman.

    Free Member

    Now boys … no fighting on one of my threads :)

    Anyhow, thanks all for your thoughts / advice / comments.

    Even as a girl who belongs in the mountains, I do like hanging out in cities too. I currently spend at least one or two days every week working in a city somewhere – usually Cardiff, but often London as well. Love the people watching / architecture / Victorian parks etc, so would certainly enjoy living in London for a while. I’ve even survived meeting Mr Elfinsafety :lol:

    Cost of living in London will be a significant consideration, ‘cos I agree with everyone who’s said to live towards the centre. If I was going to get the most out of a year of city living then I’d want to be in ‘town’, but I’d also want to be in a safe / clean / greenish area, and from what I’ve found so far, accomodation costs might be beyond what I could afford even with an increased salary.

    Will continue to look into the details, so any other info / opinions much appreciated (just no arguing :) )

    Oh, and Don Simon – Wales is indeed awesome! Let me know if you ever fancy meeting for a north wales ride (Kev on the forum is also based up here).

    Free Member

    Waves at Vortexracing :) I can see my house in your last picture!

    Give us a shout if you’re in the area and fancy meeting for a ride or pint.

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