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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    Being out in the mountains biking, climbing, hiking, cycling …
    My dog
    The sound of the waves on the beach
    Aroma and taste of fresh coffee in the morning
    An evening with friends and a fine bottle (or two!) of wine

    Free Member

    Progressed on to:

    Drinking: lovely smooth glass of warming mulled wine
    Eating: smoked cheddar and crackers
    Listening: chilling out to “Raising Sand” – Robert Plant & Alison Kraus

    Emsz – can’t believe you’ve not had mulled wine before! There’s a glass heading your way …

    Fenred – some unmulled wine left in the bottle if you prefer? A nice Australian merlot.

    Free Member

    DD – hoping that “no decent pubes” was a typo 8O

    Drinking a warm and spicy glass of mulled wine – festive and medicinal (and a lot more enjoyable than lemsips!)

    Free Member

    Currently – Lemsip, hot mince pie, and the Pogues …

    Am planning on making some mulled wine later, if anyone fancies a glass?

    Free Member

    Leonard Cohen’s Greatest Hits … I needed cheering up :wink:

    Free Member

    SB – so sorry, Rex looked like a magnificent, wonderful, loyal dog. And you and your partner did a great thing in adopting him when he was an older dog – I’m sure he repaid you in spades though.

    He reminds me of my old dog, who followed me home one day from the streets of inner city Leeds. 17 years later I said my goodbyes to him, and felt that I have priviledged that I was who he had chosen to be with. He was my best friend, and taught me the real meaning of unconditional love. I still miss him after 8 years.

    Current dog is curled up on the sofa beside me, shoving me out of the way, and reminding me that as a stately old lady of 14 she is entitled to have the sunny spot to herself :)

    And, yes Rex will wait for you guys. He’ll probably be having some fun before you turn up, so no need to rush! But as always, he’ll be there for you in the end.

    Free Member

    Gosh, some really bad injuries here and long-term conditions here :( Much respect to all of you for staying strong, and hope that you all mend as soon as possible.

    I find it weird that having flu (or probably just a bad cold!) has left me feeling temporarily more down than my longer term health problem – a problematic hip joint causing pain and limited mobility, plus lack of proprioception (ie I wobble and fall over when trying to balance on that leg). I think it’s partly ‘cos the more serious a problem is, the more I focus on adapting / dealing with it and trying to have a positive attitude (actually, it can be kinda funny – as I can’t balance crossing boulder fields, I have to crawl, which my ‘friends’ seem to find amusing :) )

    Edit – just noticed that one of the tags says WTFU :lol: Ladies, I think that applies to us, but chaps you can carry on …

    Free Member

    Oops :oops:

    Obviously I meant to say ‘come on’ … didn’t I …?

    Free Member

    Dexy’s Midnight Runners – Common Eileen

    (no idea how to do the YouTube links – can someone explain)

    Can’t believe I used to have the hots for him … think it must have been the dungarees :oops:

    Free Member

    Is always a good source of inspiration for mtb presents for girls (the merino buff and yoga for cyclists have already made it into my Xmas list!)

    Alternatively, Bunnyhop’s suggestion is a great one.

    Free Member

    Yey! Perfect timing – the latest copy of Cycle magazine (CTC) has just dropped through my letterbox. Special features on Adventure Cycling, touring ideas for 2012. Perfect reading and future trip planning for poorly cyclists :)

    Free Member

    Oxtail and Lard 8O

    Free Member

    Thanks all. AVC in Bath do seem to be one of the best stockists for Bike Friday and Airnimal (not exactly easy for me to get to though!)

    Lady G – I hear what you’re saying, and a lot of the time I’ve had no problems on the train with my bike (especially locally). BUT (and its a pretty big but!), it has gone pretty badly wrong several times – not being able to travel when I need to cos there are no bike reservations left, trying to get on trains without a reservation and not being able to, and worst of all having a reservation, bike spaces all full, not being able to get on train, non-refundable ticket so had to pay an extra £50 for a new ticket!

    I guess in the end, even though it only happens occassionally, the difficulty of trying to get my bike on a train has seriously disrupted my travelling. Add to that, the restrictions on getting into or out of London (often somewhere I have go to for work or to pass through to visit family) etc.

    So for me getting a folding bike seems like a good solution, especially as it appears to be that you can get one’s that are as good as ‘normal’ bikes. Plus I’m trying to be a bit more envionmentally responsible, and get the train for travel in the UK and Europe (rather than drive / fly).

    But justifications aside .. hell yes, it gives me the perfect excuse (ahem sorry ‘need’) to get a new bike :)

    Free Member

    “Birdflu” :lol: (I like it – think I might put that on my sick form for work …)

    Ton – thank you!

    Ming the Merciless – Am in danger of purchasing a GWS present too (think it’s a symptom of having to much time to spend on t’internet looking at bike things). I don’t really have the justification of being poorly for that long, and it would be a whole new bike! But its part of my ‘more bike touring plan’ so bonus eco-points.

    Now, hardest decision of the day for sickies – which soup??? Got a choice between tomato and lentil, or spicy sweet potato?

    Free Member

    Ton and RichPenny – sorry to sound like such a winge’er, compared to what you guys are going through. I’ve had longterm illness before that has stopped me being able to do pretty much anything, so know that it must be incredibly tough both mentally and physically for you. Hope that there is a way forward for both of you.

    Will attempt a bit of WTFU, but maybe not for couple of days when I have a bit more energy …

    Free Member

    chugg08 – ouch! Am wincing at the thought of trapping then dislocating fingers.

    And double ‘sympathy points’ for those of you who have coughs / colds / man flu AND injuries!

    Anyone else got a very sore nose from too much blowing? Was tempted to start a ‘what tissue for …’ thread, but I feel it might go somewhat astray :)

    Free Member

    SB – seen some of your photos of Rex and he looks like a fantastic dog.

    If there is no hope of him improving, and he is suffering, then desperately hard though it is, you need to make that decision. Use the medication to buy a little time for all to have together, and then let him go as peacefully as possible. It is the final act of love that you will give to him, even though it is uttterly heartbreaking.

    I still miss my wonderful old dog (like Rex a rescued German Shepherd), they really are the best friends we have.

    Take care, and give Rex all the cuddles and love that he needs.

    Free Member

    Esmz – Thatcher was personally utterly homophobic. Thanks Junkyard for bringing up section 28, it’s often overlooked amongst all the other appalling things that were introduced during the Thatcher / Conservative years.

    I was living in inner city Leeds with my girlfriend at the time, and I still have a taped copy of one of Thatchers speeches where she said:

    “The trouble with the youth of today is that they think they have an unalienable right to be gay”

    Too damn right we do! (Actually we sampled it, and mixed it with a Kylie song which started ‘We should be so lucky …” :-) )

    Personally, dancing shoes at the ready, singing along to the witch is dead.

    Free Member

    Not a contractor, but work away from home a lot (usually cities – Cardiff, London or Edinburgh)

    Have tried taking my bike a few times, but far too much hassle re booking on trains, finding safe storage when I’m in a meeting, etc. Am now considering getting a folding bike – not one of the Brompton clown bikes, but a proper alternative to a ‘normal’ bike.

    Have used STW occassionally to see if anyone fancies meeting up, but I think that would be easier if I had a ‘gender-neutral’ forum name! I seem to get somewhat mis-interpretated …

    Free Member

    Done some more researching – unfortunately the airnimal joey only fits folks who are over 5’3″. That leaves the chameleon (suitable for 5’+), weighs in at around 10 – 11kg depending on spec.

    But currently getting very excited (sorry, yes, sad I know :oops: ) by Bike Friday who do a special “petite” model called the Petite Crusoe for us tiny folks under 5’4″. It’s the equivalent of the New World Tourer, but lighter guage tubing etc, so comes in at a minisucular 6kg! Wow! And it looks great too :)

    Something that “niche” is going to hurt my bank balance though, isn’t it?

    I think the Moulton will be off my list, but will go check out Dahon as well.

    Am getting my anorak and flask at the ready :)

    Free Member

    Ooh! Just had a ride on a Moulton – TSR 27. Absolutely lovely looking bike and incredibly well made (couldn’t do that much stroking cos the bikeshop chap was watching!) Really comfortable to ride – just had a few minutes at the start when it felt quite skippy, but after that it just spun along and was really nippy. Fit was great – in fact at 5′ I think I’m a perfect size for folding bikes, don’t look half as silly as some massive chap perched on a long seatpost above tiny wheels :)

    But – it was much heavier than I expected, about 13kg. And although it splits in 2, it doesn’t do anything else to make it easier to carry. The thought of trying to manhandle 13kg of rather unweildly bike along with 2 panniers when shifting between trains doesn’t fill me with joy.

    So, does anyone know if the BikeFriday and the Airnimal area bit lighter and easier to move around with when they’re in their ‘folded’ state?

    djaustin – many thanks! Will e-mail you. Are you likely to be apperaring at the Festive London Pootle thing, maybe with your lovely folding bike :wink:

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – yes, it is an average and it won’t affect more affluent demographic groups as much as lower income families. The impact that seems to be hardest in the increase in child poverty by 100,000 – certainly puts the ability to buy a new bike into perspective.

    Other life changes can have a greater impact – for me going from a household with two reasonable incomes and no kids, to a single person (and therefore single income) household has been significant (and greater than the changes bought in by the government).

    But, the response to biking is an intereting one. For me, it can be an activity that I’d increase as my bikes are as much a form of (very low cost!) transport as they are a leisure pursuit. Maybe the biking industry will alter to focus on the ‘money saving’ aspects of cycling, rather than it just being seen as a rich man’s plaything?

    Free Member

    That is incredible, what an amazing guy. It sounds as though he continued to give his all to cycling even after the war -total respect and admiration.

    Free Member

    Ah … potential nice clothing for girls … scurries off to rose bikes website.

    To continue the nice theme – I’m indulging in ‘possible new bike planning’ and have loads of good advice and recommendations from folks on the forum today :)

    Free Member

    Many thanks everyone – great advice, links and recommendations. (STW is great!)

    Tried to narrow it down to a couple to try and test ride first – and for what I want at the moment that seems to be the Airnimal Chameleon and the Bike Friday New World Tourer (that link to Darren Alft’s travels is inspirational …) and a moulton (probably the tsr30)

    Next thing is to find somewhere that stocks them, which I can also get to reasonably easily. I’m based in North wales, but going to be in London in December and Edinburgh in January, so if anyone has any suggestions as to bike shops there that might have them, please let me know.

    Bencooper – not sure where you’re based?

    djaustin – many thanks for the kind offer of having a go on yours. Not sure how close you are to London?

    Oh, possible new bike excitement :) (sorry bank manager, but needs must …)

    Free Member

    Argh! this makes my blood boil! We are supposed to be reducing carbon emissions and trying to reduce road congestion, and yet they make it verging on the impossible to take bikes on trains. I’ve been trying to do so for years, and have found that although local services in less populated areas are usually OK, Virgin and many South / SE TOC are the terrible.

    I’ve had Virgin trying to stop me getting on the train despite having a bike reservation as the bike space was full of large suitcases. I’ve just tried to take my bike with me for a 5 day trip for work / family visiting to London and then Bedford – but faced 3 different bike booking systems – one of which meant downloading a form, filling it in, and posting it off at least 48 hrs before travel! I gave up, and now will have to be picked up from the stations by car instead of cycling, which just adds to polution.

    There is a real need to be able to book bikes online at the same time as booking your passenger train ticket. There is no reason why this can’t be done, and the reason it isn’t? Train companies CBA with bikes, and in fact actively discourage it. I would happily pay an extra couple of quid for a ‘bike ticket’ if it meant I could ALWAYS guarantee getting my bike on the train.

    Instead, I think it’s time for a folding bike …

    Free Member

    Ko9 – that’s really useful. Thanks. Especially as my main touring bike at the moment is a tricross, so interesting to hear how they compare. Might pester you with more questions later!

    It does seem as though there are a few options amongst the “off the self” models. Shops up here in Wales don’t really do folding bikes, but I’m down in London in a few weeks – is there a recommended bike shop down there that would stock a few different makes for comparison?

    mugsys_m8 and CFH – not sure what is meant by S+S couplings? Is it the same as what’s on the surly traveller check? (ie splits a frame in two). And this can be done by any framebuilder? But obviously opens up a custom build option? (tries really hard not to think of a lovely ti tourer built exactly to fit …)

    Would it then just split in two? (rather than fold)

    Free Member

    And where is binners right now?

    Is he diligently scribbling down our orders and arranging (international) delivery?

    No! The selfish bugger is down the chippy and will soon be back online going nom, nom, nom; having put the though of chips in the mind of the rest of us and then leaving us to dribble into our soup.

    Binners – there’s a name for people like you: “chip-tease” :)

    Free Member

    @ CFH – I was going to say welcome back, but it sounds as if you’re off again!

    PS – Binners, hurry up, I’m getting hungry now …

    Free Member

    Damn you for mentioning chips!

    Somehow a bowl of spicy tomato and pepper soup doesn’t seem so appealing now :(

    So can I gave small portition of chips and battered mackerel please? Delivered to north Wales if you don’t mind …

    Free Member

    bigthunder – never any harm in looking, is there :wink: (worries about being a failure of a girl as I’m spending my morning looking at bikes … oh, and I need to buy a new, shorter stem as well. But at least it’s better than thinking about handbags!)

    honourablegeorge – get well soon, and hope you make it to your weekend in Wales. It’s quite nice here this morning, hope it’s good on Sunday cos I’m meant to be riding some new “off piste” trails in gwydyr forest.

    Healing vibes to all the sick and injured, and wishing budget increases to all the bike buying fantasists … the rest of you, enjoy your ride :)

    Free Member

    Thanks guys.

    Love surly bikes, but I struggle with sizing as I’m only 5′. The Airnimal chameleon looks like a good practical option – really like the hard case that converts into a bike trailer. I do think it looks a bit fugly though, but they seem to do it in orange which might be sufficient to redeem it :)

    Elfin – do you know how tall Karinofnine is? Does the chameleon fit her well?

    Free Member

    Wish I could, but too poorly for biking today. Am planning next possible bike purchase instead :)

    Free Member

    Quick adding up – so far:

    no = 38

    yes = 48

    yes and no = 5

    So on balance, there is more support for the strike

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Researcher / Government advisor (not that they listen mind …)

    Trying to stop some people needing the services of the likes of Stoatsbrother!

    Oh, and obviously another layabout that’s draining the public purse and bringing the country to it’s knees :wink:

    Free Member

    Pigface – feeling the love already :) Maybe we should have a special STW’ers handshake for when we become as one …

    Elfin – I’m far too small to be important, and I much prefer it that way! And no, you can’t extend that city card over the border, you need your passport first.

    Free Member

    Kuco – It has, I’ve been working on parts of it for a while.

    Decision was finally made by the Minister today, so it’s the definite confirmation that it’ll be going ahead.

    There will be some changes, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all pans out. Obviously some concerns amongst existing staff, and as yet a degree of uncertainly as to the role and functions of the new body (personally I’m keen to see recreation – biking, climbing etc – still having a strong remit!)

    Will also be interesting to see what impact it has in England, given that it will affect both the Forestry Commission and the Environment Agency over the border. Might also bring in some changes in Scotland with regards to the Forestry Commission.

    Free Member

    Binners – whilst I agree that there is a lot of posturing on all sides which is not useful or productive in finding a solution, the importance of attitudianl differences is not to be underestimated. A central tenet in conservative political ideology is a focus on the role of the private sector and a belief in the reduction of the public sector. Although it is interesting to debate contrasting political philosophies (and I can usually do so for hours …), when those ideaologies are backed by a position of power, they become more challenging. It is therefore very difficult to find a ‘solution’ (via discussion or other means) when you have people approaching the same situation from different, but strongly held, ideological attitudes. Attitudinal differences will rarely respond to dispassionate discussion based purely on rational evidence, as all ‘facts’ are interpreted through an ideological filter. So unfortunately, based on an understanding of human attitudes and their impact on behaviours, I don’t think a consensus will be achieved.

    I’m on strike on Wednesday for a few reasons. Mostly importantly to me is that it is the only opportunity to get my voice heard. And I think that is the case with many people. And it is in protest against a cumulative situation – 20% reduction in staff with no reduction in workload (resulting in working unpaid in the evening and weekends); cuts in services to the most vulnerable in society (and that hits home very personally as it has substantially reduced my brother’s quality of life, which was pitiful enough at the best of times), while pay freezes and pension issues are effectly a significant salary cut.

    Is going on strike the ‘answer’? No. But then I don’t think we will achieve an answer via any other means, so this is a way for me to express what I feel about the situation. I would prefer not to strike, I can’t really afford to lose a days pay, and I have far too much work to do, but I joined a Union to provide a collective voice on my behalf, so I will support this action.

    Free Member

    Last Saturday you couldn’t even stand due to the strength of the gales on one of the southwest ridges on the way up to Snowdon (Moel Eilio ridge). Got to 700m and decided to descend.

    I certainly wouldn’t recommend you do Crib Goch or Tryfan in those conditions. Keep an eye on the forecast, and if strong winds are likely consider what escape / quick descent options you would have if you go out.

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