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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    Elf? Have I missed something? If I have, sorry!

    Free Member

    Pigface – not made it to London yet, that’s next week.

    DezB – great trailhound! My happy, happy face is not dissimilar – lots of running around grinning (my tongue doesn’t hang out as much though!)

    Tazzy – will aim for more pleasure regardless of whether it makes me beautiful or not :) Anyway, I’ve always someone with a shit-eating grin to be far more attractive than a perfect face!

    Free Member

    Ah yes, bike cleaning (or rather lack of …) The reason I road ride more than mtb in the winter, even though I love splashing in the puddles.

    Free Member

    Emsz – It’s my mountaineering club’s party tomorrow – suspect it will degenerate to a suitable level. (Work one next week …)

    Jamie – glad I’m not the only one who suffers from ‘ants in the pants’ :)

    Free Member

    Lucky that in winter I can choose routes that are mainly rocky / hardpacked ground so don’t get bogged down and left feeling like I’m riding through treacle.

    But love having enough big muddy puddles to splash in so that I can return home all dirty with a face splattered in mud (yes, childish I know, but I enjoy it :) )

    Free Member

    Cheers DD!

    Helped by being just about well enough to get out on my bike for a wind-buffeted ride round the Great Orme, finally speaking to some friends about some of the work stuff (who told me off for not talking to them earlier), and the support and corny jokes from the lovely folks on STW earlier this week :)

    Free Member

    Karin – much sympathy and a virtual hug coming your way. It is really hard suffering from long term pain – both mentally and physically (and if you’re anything like me you’ll be pushing it a bit as you’d prefer to be ‘doing’, but in the long run, that isn’t good). Have you got someone nearby that can help with practicalities?

    On a more practical note, can your dr / hospital refer you to a pain management clinic? And does your workplace offer access to an Occupational Health person (I used one before re recovery and managing returning to work and they were great).

    If you’re able to come out on Elf’s London Pootle next weekend, it would be lovely to meet you. I’ll definately only be up for pootling after dealing with work stuff all week, so if you fancy coming along for a saunter at the back it would be great to have some company :)

    Take care x

    Free Member

    … owes me cake :)

    Free Member

    Damn – just got back in and my evening is now descending into a bad ’80’s theme night …

    Culture Club Karma Chameleon

    Madonna’s Like a Virgin

    (Can’t believe that years later I went on and wrote my undergrad dissertation on Madonna videos!)

    OMG – I’ve just remember this! Surely the ’80’s didn’t get any worse!


    Free Member

    Easy road spin in North Wales tomorrow (post flu recovery ride)

    Mountaineering day in Snowdonia on Sunday – it’s rather white high up so time to break out the crampons and ice axe :)

    nbt – get well soon!

    Free Member

    Humph – CFH and Elfin taken off select list of proper Londonista’s due to piss taking, sobbing and failure to actually provide any useful information :wink:

    Everybody else – ta very much for the suggestions. Will check them out.

    Look Ma No Hands seems a great place – just maybe a bit off route for this visit, definately one for another time (ahem Mr Elfin London Pootle …)

    Free Member

    Ewan McGregor

    (as he has a lovely Scottish accent which makes me go all wibbly at the knees … in fact anyone with a soft Scottish voice would do, if I have to listen to my conscience I’d rather it sounded sexy …)

    Free Member

    That’s so is me in those cartoons :lol:

    (Firm believer in bikes = n+1, but running out of space in the dining room to accomodate them …)

    Free Member

    Zedsdead: erm, I wasn’t, and wouldn’t, claim that this situation is anywhere near as bad as what a lot of people endure, not just in other countries but in the UK and even amongst folk on the forum (where I know a lot of people have shown incredible strength in dealing with really difficult experiences).

    It’s been because I don’t feel that I have any justification, that I haven’t asked anyone for support, and think I should just get on a deal with it myself. Sorry, this morning it just all got on top of me a bit. I do know that there are far, far worse things that can happen, and I shouldn’t complain.

    Free Member

    wingnuts – ‘dress code’? Ah … I’m going to have chose from whatever I can cram into my case, which so far comprises of:

    – party frock and heels (coming straight down to London on Thursday night from a xmas party)
    – work suit and boots for meetings on Friday
    – wellies and waterproofs for a weekend in the Bedfordshire countryside with my sister’s pack of gundogs

    Somehow, I suspect none of the above will be entirely suitable!

    Free Member

    Wasn’t biking 10 years ago (but not due to being one of the young ‘uns!)

    Was a better mtb’er 4/5 years ago, but balls* seem to have transferred to road riding descents.

    *not sure what the girl equivalent is, but saying ‘breasts’ doesn’t seem to convey the appropriate association with gnarr …

    Free Member

    Ladies and Gents – thanks :)

    Have WTFU a bit, size 4 arse kicking boots back on, and attitude returned. Hell, if I can handle government ministers, one shonky work colleague isn’t going to get the better of me.

    ernie_lynch: you’ve obviously seen me out dancing on a Saturday night.

    CFH – it’ll never get that bad! Chin’s up and smile is back

    DarrenH – that’s tough. Really hope you’re OK and things improve

    Bullheart: That’s the last thing you need! Yup, planning on pootling in London. Just trying to get hold of a fixie to pee Elfin off :lol:

    Free Member

    TSY – ah, that explains a lot :wink:

    Free Member


    times of the month

    Plural? you have more than one per month? :lol:

    nickf – PMSL! Thank you

    Free Member

    DGOAB – thanks. (did you get your cx bike choice sorted?)

    molgrips – I don’t live in Cardiff – usually down there every couple of weeks, or alternatively heading for London or sometimes Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    TJ – Union involved already, situation rather complicated. Will e-mail you off-forum later, if that’s OK?

    Free Member

    “weeing in shoes” is a bit harder if you’re a girl – directional control issues and all that :)

    Statement drafted with a more rational, professional head on – one of the advantages of the type of work I do is that I’m at least well-used to putting forward a coherent, evidence based case. I have some concerns about having some input into what happens next – it would appear that decsions about my future position might be determined without consultation, which I’m not particularly happy with.

    And yes, in some ways I can see some of the reasons behind his behaviour – most bullying is driven by insecurity. If he had expressed it as that, rather than doing what he did, he would have had my full sympathy and support.

    As a few of you have said, it is partly timing – it been combined with illness, winter weather, the bombardment of OTT xmas ‘festivities’, and having one of those periodic ‘dealing with getting over seperation’ moments (usually fine, raises it’s head at Xmas / birthday times etc).

    But I have dealt with far, far worse than this and got through / over it, so i know that this situation will pass as well. And in the meantime, if it would just stop being so blooming windy!, I have a dog to walk and a bike to ride :)

    Once again everybody, many thanks. You are all absolutely AWESOME :)

    Free Member

    most of the one’s around Capel Curig stay open year round, but this one is rather nice:

    Next to a good pub and on the Moel Elio / Telegraph Valley mtb route

    Free Member

    Thank you guys (non-gender / sexuality specific reference before I get hoist on my own petard of misogymithingie :oops: )

    You’re all great – have made me laugh and cry at the same time. Thanks for the support, advice, pictures of cuddly mammels, and bad jokes :lol:

    Do folks as nice as you lot actually exist in ‘RL’ – or are you all just a figment of the virtual world?

    Right, time to ‘gird my loins’* and get that bl**dy statement written.

    *what does that actually mean???

    Free Member


    Can we go back to talking about chocolate please …

    One of my favourite chocolatiers:

    mmmmm … pure indulgence :)

    Free Member

    ahem …

    captain, when did you last give your gf some meat instead of chocolates!!

    emsz 8O


    ciderinsport … bad, very bad …

    Free Member

    emsz – care to join me in a far more appetising alternative of beefsteak fungi marinaded in a cep sauce?

    But if we’re talking chocolate …

    Free Member

    CFH – I’m sure a gentleman such as yourself would always take a lady’s word for it … :wink:

    Plus, I’m sure you saw enough on Bondi Beach :)

    Free Member

    Ahem …

    Its like having a bikini shop in Snowdonia.

    I have been know to wear a bikini here you know … (not now mind, it’s snowing!)

    … honestly bloomin’ southerners stereotypes, you’d think it was all mountains, sheep, and rain here – looks round … ah, well, maybe yes :oops:

    Free Member

    Uh-oh … I really like giving and receiving cards, especially when there’s been some thought behind it. Prefer small, handmade ones, or if not enough time to make them, then at least chosen with that person in mind. But mostly like them as it provides an opportunity to write something loving to someone you care about …

    B*gger – I’m in danger of displaying wimminly behaviour :oops:

    Free Member

    I can wiggle my ears :)

    (OK, I know, definately not awesome … just a bit quirky … sigh …)

    Free Member

    Trip to Brick Lane first Sue for a town runaround

    It will be cheap and good quality.

    erm … fails to understand the reference … suspects it might be some insider London thing and I’m going to look like a bit of a t*t for not getting it :-)

    Anyway, if I manage to get over being poorly and having ‘birdflu’, I’m there (well, will be when I know where ‘there’ is – Elf, at some point details of a specific place and a time to meet would be useful!)

    It’s in London isn’t it .. so that’s a fixie or a brompton and skinny jeans, yes?

    (If it was in Wales it’d be wellies, waterproofs, and lots of gears … but I hear you do things differently darn south in that there big city)

    Free Member

    CFH – thanks

    Free Member

    REM – Everybody Hurts

    Playing in the early ’90’s at the time when my boyfriend committed suicide – always now reminds me of the loss a wonderful, talented, inspirational person.

    Free Member

    If she has ‘female’ proportions (ie longer legs / shorter torso than a guy), then a women’s specific road bike might be wise. A women’s bike is also likely to have appropriately sized bars, brake reach, crank length etc.

    The entry level Specialized Dolce is a great bike, and bang on budget. This model has rack mounts so would make an excellent, lightweight bike for sportives and touring.

    Above all else, I’d suggest she tries any bike for fit before you buy one

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Seal Skinz women’s winter cycling gloves – positives: they’re a good fit for small hands; very warm; very waterproof; not overly bulky. Negatives – minor really, but I find them a bit too bulky for road cycling (perfect for mtb), if I take them off mid-ride my hands are quite sweaty and the liner makes a bit of a fiddle to get them back on again.

    Just bought some Gore women’s phantom windstopper softshell gloves for road riding – should be showerproof and keep the cold wind off, whilst being less bulky so hopefully better for road riding.

    BTW – Evans has got both the seal skinz and gore women’s gloves on sale at the moment!

    Free Member

    I’m 5′ and ride a tricross as my cx / tourer / winter road / commuter bike. Has everything you’ve listed, including pannier rack mounts, but not disc brakes. Have run it with 32c “off road” tyres and 25c road ones (not sure if the wheels would take 23?) TBH I’ve found it ok without disc brakes – only time I’ve struggled to stop in a hurry was on a ridiculously steep descent in Snowdonia with fully laden panniers.

    Not sure where you’re based, but if you wanted to try mine for fit etc, you’re more than welcome

    Free Member

    c_g: sorry to hear that. Do you know how long it will be before you are mended? (at least enough for gentle pootles)

    Rachel – it would be great if you could make it, look forward to meeting you if you do :)

    Free Member

    Maybe he’ll appear at Elf’s London Pootle? It would be a “boy” invite, rather than one from the girls :)

    (btw, are any of you going? I don’t really want to be the only girl!)

    Free Member

    I’m going to have to expand my list of 3!

    Definately like to meet the other STW girls – Ko9, c_g, bagpuss72, bunnyhop, Rachel, Lady G etc

    CFH for an insiders guide to London

    ernie_lynch to talk politics (and I already owe him a pint)

    all the STW ‘giving up smokers, cos you’re all ‘awesome’ :)

    TJ – if your UK tour happens, you and Ms/Mrs TJ are more than welcome at mine anytime

    highclimber – what part of Wales are you heading to? There’s a few of us in the north / Snowdonia.

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