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  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    Yup, solo by choice as I don’t want to do the ‘family christmas’ of arguing, suppressed resentment, and expectations of tradition (see the ‘vent about your in-laws’ thread for numerous examples …)

    So first Christmas alone this year, had a lovely day so far – out with friends and a pack of dogs for a wild and windy hike over the mountains this morning, suitably fortified by mulled wine. Followed by a chilled afternoon on the beach watching the sunset. Now curled up on the sofa with the dog :)

    Have been touched by all the loving messages of support and festive wishes from friends, so don’t actually feel ‘alone’!

    Free Member

    Getting together the ingredients for my special mulled wine recipe, then heading out to friends for a smorgasborg of eating, drinking and laughing.

    Will try my hardest not to post on here later in an inebriated state and embarrass myself :oops:

    Have a good one folks!

    Free Member

    Went for a spin round the Great Orme … felt like will’o the wisp and nearly got blown out to sea! Passed a few cheery roadies – lots of smiles at this time of year.

    CFH – cycling in That London on the last shopping day before Christmas 8O I don’t think I would have survived.

    Free Member

    Ton – that sounds like a fantastic Xmas riding session! Memories to treasure.

    I’m guessing that any kind of biking is still off the agenda? Is the option of an electric bike still a possibility?

    Unfortunately I don’t have a magic wand to wave and solve the difficulties in either your life or mine. But what I have learnt over the last 18 months is to try to value and appreciate what I do have, and accept the hand that life deals us – even when that’s not our choice.

    From some of your posts, you have a fantastic partner and kids, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas together. I guess, in the way that you would give anything to be able to ride again, I would have given anything to spend Christmas with the person I loved again. But I can’t change that, so am now working on having a ‘positive mental attitude’ about spending Christmas alone, and trying to make the most of being able to curl up with my dog, spend time with friends, and go biking.

    I really hope that you find a way to return to biking at some point in your life, or find an equally rewarding activity. But in the meantime, really enjoy all those other great things that you do have, and have a wonderful Christmas :)

    *Sorry, slight hijack of my own thread* :oops:

    Free Member

    Elfin – the chances of you (or anyone else) getting my Titus off me are about zero :) That bike and I have a lot of shared history.

    (no postie didn’t come today – suspect they’re a bit busy at the moment)

    Free Member

    Bike stuff:

    Love – my tiny Titus: will always be all the bike I’ll ever need.
    Moots bikes: ti loveliness for the best collection of girls biking stuff that actually looks good
    (Plus I have a t-shirt with ‘minx’ written across the *ahem* chest!)

    Hate – all the products which are available for ‘average sized guys’ which means if you’re a petite girl you’ve got really limited options

    Free Member

    Career-wise – yes. Got as senior as I wish to be in order to still be a specialist and therefore find my work interesting and stimulating (more important to me than continuing to climb the ladder of management …)

    Friend-wise – yes. I’m lucky enough to know lots of lovely, wonderful people.

    Relationship-wise – erm, no, bit of a disaster zone.

    As a person – up to others to decide! I continue to try to see the best in people, to care about others, made the most of all the positives in life, and to be there for anyone who needs support.

    Free Member

    Yey – my Christmas holiday starts as of now! Heading out for a wet afternoon on the beach with the dog.

    Looking forward to time with friends, curling up on the sofa with my dog, scrambling and hiking in the mountains, and lots of biking in the mud :)

    Oh, and being asked out for dinner with the guy that I didn’t manage to put off by spending the a cold December day in the mountains as our ‘first date’ :oops:

    Nadolig Llawen / Happy Christmas to all of you x

    Christmas song: Pogues ‘Fairytale of New York’

    Free Member

    Some do, some don’t. I just wanted to say thanks to them, as I think an unmoderated forum would be a worse place to be.

    So, to return to being a bit more positive :wink:

    Philc – big thanks to you, as (underneath the p*ss taking!) you’ve done loads: organised rides and been really supportive to some people who’ve been having a hard time …

    So stop being an argumentative grumbleweed and tell us who (if anyone) you’d like to say thanks to :)

    Free Member

    Northwind – add away!

    Should have said that at the end … who / what would your STW thanks go to?

    Free Member

    For info on woodland management, traditional woodland uses, and improving woods for wildlife – contact BTCV, or start with their ‘practical handbook’ on woodlands:

    (they’ll also be able to help with guidance on creating natural looking paths / steps etc)

    Looks like a beautiful spot – I’m sure you and your bikes will be very happy there :)

    Free Member

    For me, it’s not a Christian festival, so no religious connotations or symbols.

    I celebrate it as a time of light in the dark point of the year, a time of sharing and giving with friends and family, and remembering to reflect and be thankful for all the good things in my life. So I happily deck the house with lights, candles and greenery; and a smogasborg of food and drink to share.

    I don’t think it matters why you celibrate, whether you have Christian symbols or not, or that it means different things to different people(and I don’t think it’s a problem in non-Christians have Christian symbols in their decorations as for many people these are cultural / traditional rather than religious).

    I just think it’s good to make the most of opportunities for happiness in our lives :)

    Free Member

    *Ahem* … well, I can now conclude that it was 6hrs in the mountains + waterproof trousers + mud + rain and wind FTW :)

    Somewhat unconventional, but despite me having a distictly bad hair day, he said he had a great time …

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice (and entertaining comments)

    After all this fuss, he’ll probably not be interested anyway!

    andrewh – thanks for the invite, but I’m in enough of a flap about meeting one guy, any more would probably finish me off! (But bonus points for suggesting a lesser known mountain!)

    Right, off to wash the worst of the mud off my waterproof trousers – got to make a bit of an effort … :)

    Free Member

    Double huh? ^^

    Free Member

    Just for you CFH:

    (Surely you weren’t implying that I meant anything else???)

    Free Member

    CFH :-)

    (tries really hard not to mention that I refer to the couple of hills behind my house as the ‘twin peaks’ aka the DD boobs …)

    Free Member

    On the menu this week …

    Spinach and aubergine curry

    Broad bean, pea, feta and mint risotto

    Caramalised red onion and goats cheese filo tarts with rosemary roasted new potatoes

    Damn, now I feel hungry!

    Free Member

    Yup, he’s an outdoors type person and appears to know his way round the hills.

    I think I might have prompted a bit of the difficulty by saying that I found it frustrating when guys said they were into the outdoors when what they really meant was a stroll across the park to the pub to watch the footie (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not for me!) But, I am coming round to the idea that a 6 hour hike in the snow / gales / rain might not be best ‘first date’ idea – it would be good to be able to talk to him!

    andrewh – cheeky wave back at you :wink:

    Free Member

    North Face Down Booties (uber snuggly)

    Say ‘rugged outdoor type who normally spends most of their time in the alps’ … leastways, that’s my excuse :)

    Free Member

    esmz: tea over keyboard moment – direct comment hitting the spot as ever!

    I guess that’s a yes … :lol:

    Free Member

    Thanks guys and girls for your pearly words of wisdom …

    Have had a bit of reflect based on some of the above (not the monkey business – far too cold and I’ll probably be dirty enough already cos it’s quite muddy out now :) )

    In the end, I can never really pretend to be anyone other than myself (whether on the forum or in ‘real life’!), so I’m happy to arrange to do something reasonably active outdoors because that’s a big part of who I am. I’ll re-think the ‘head up the mountains for the day’ option (as yes, he might be a boring psycho), and maybe suggest a shorter / slightly lower level option in the hills, followed by a panad if we’re getting on.

    Don’t think having a pint of Pete’s tea before setting off would be a wise idea … mountain loo’s being not that readily available and it takes me ages to wiggle out of my waterproofs!

    I’m trying to get my head round seeing it as a ‘potential friend with possible future options’ (no sniggering in the back please …) so emsz will wait and see if there is any spark!

    And will promise not to flounce on the first date :)

    Ah yes, I forgot the real test ‘required number of bikes = n+1 (and yes it’s perfectly acceptable for them to live in the dining room …)

    Free Member

    c_g +1

    It’s Christmas, let’s just think of the positives about people.

    Free Member

    Damn … wrong forum as per usual. Sorry!

    Free Member

    Congratulations to the Bullheart family :D

    And well done Mrs Bullheart!

    Glad all are happy and well

    Free Member

    Nadolig llawen to all the emergency services in Cymru / Wales

    Donations from our mince pie tasting session on Wednesday will be going to the local mountain rescue team

    Free Member

    erm … no prizes for guessing mine :oops:

    Although, officially it’s Susan (but the only person who ever calls me that is my mum when she’s cross), or a very select few people can get away with calling me Susi …

    Free Member

    My first 100 mile ride (solo, with full panniers, and a bottle of wine for the final 20 miles – after all, it’s just not on to turn up empty handed …)

    Taking a friend mountain biking up on the Carneddi for the first time – all the more special as she is in her early 60’s, not many women start mountain biking at that stage in life, and seeing the looks on a few people’s faces as this tiny grey haired lady went blasting past them through the mud was classic :)

    Free Member

    Damn, can’t make it :( Can’t get a lift from my sister’s to the station in Bedford, and don’t have a bike to cycle there.

    Was looking forward to meeting folks, maybe another time.

    Have fun!

    Free Member

    *thread hijack …

    CFH – no, a lovely little b&b who’ve let me use their computer for a bit. That big city of London tomorrow … Physio is helping, but he did warn me it would hurt for a couple of days!

    *end of thread hijack*

    Free Member

    I love books, for me they are imbued with emotion and a connection with the past. I have books handed down from my grandmother, others from my mother, some inscribed with messages from friends and lovers. I have books that have an association with key moments in my life, times of change, where the content of the book resonated with how I was feeling or what I was thinking.

    I love the smell and feel of books – the soft pages of old ones and the fresh crisp feel as you turn the page of a brand new book which has never been opened before. I have different books scattered round the house, in the bedroom, bathroom and lounge, and bookshelves groaning with my collective reading past.

    A world without books would be a sad place for me

    Free Member

    Pops head round thread door … realises it’s going to end in arguing … hurting too much from post-physio prodding to want to engage … goes back to thread on books (much more enjoyable way to spend my allotted 30 min of t’internet time in deepest Shrewsbury)

    Free Member

    Think I’m going to have to bow out of this one. My family need a definite answer about what I’m doing on Saturday, and this pootle is somewhat short on any firm plans and seems a bit dead in the water! (must be all that pollution in the Thames :) )

    Hopefully it’ll happen another time, and I’ll get to meet up with you folks then.

    Free Member

    Yes, up here in the wilds of Wales

    Will be with my dog, heading for a day in the mountains and gazing out to sea.

    I’m not anti-social, but would prefer to spend the day being happy on my own in the hills, than unhappy with family or trying to fit in with being an ‘addition’ to friend’s families.

    Sharki – sounds like we have the same idea :) Would happily join you, but you’re a wee way from Wales!

    Karinofnine, buttercup etc – Will raise a glass of something warming in your direction.

    Free Member

    Great stuff!

    Coastkid – love your beach riding photo’s and videos :)

    Free Member

    Kev – 57kg is quite heavy, it’s over 8 stone! How much cake do you have to eat to weigh that much :)

    I vote for time-trialing unicycling (not that I’d ever manage to do it …)

    Free Member

    singletrackmind – I remember the first time I encountered wet chalk on a bike. I did a great impression of bambi on ice (just far less cute!). Went back home to Wales realising that biking down south wasn’t always as easy as I’d assumed …

    Free Member

    Next niche already exists – Bike Friday Petite Folding Bikes – only for people who are shorter than 5’4″ and weigh less than 57kg

    Actually, they’d fail as the next niche wouldn’t they? Most folks would be too large to jump on the bandwagon :)

    Free Member

    From the title, I thought you’d be referring to a far more interesting offer :wink:

    Free Member

    Ah! Well, I was asking for suggestions of pubs etc as I’m meeting an old friend from uni that evening. Much as I appreciate everyone’s input, I think it’s up to me where I end up meeting her!

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