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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Sue_W
    Free Member

    – Climb at least one 4000m peak in the alps

    – Cycle across France from the channel to the med

    – Get better at bouldering and go to Font to shred my fingertips to pieces

    – Do my first audax and sportive

    – Invite more people round for dinner (I love the cooking / eating / drinking / talking combo)

    – Volunteer more to encourage more people to start cycling and mountaineering

    – Meet a great guy – know any in their 40’s who aren’t too bitter or twisted / mad? :wink:

    Free Member

    Been pissing it down and windy here in north Wales. Have managed a somewhat hungover little hike round my local hill, but have failed to do the New Year’s Day ride that I promised myself that I’d do :(

    Free Member

    ask1974 – fair enough, I suspect we’ve all had our written / Internet comments misinterpreted before! And it’s nice to see you and your wife caring about her so much.

    I suspect (if she’s anything like me and my girl friends) she’ll have discussed the ‘how to / whether to meet a guy’ question with her single friends, and between them they’ll probably have quite a few suggestions themselves! I think this is one area of her life which you’ll have to let her work out herself.

    Free Member

    Ask1974, although I can understand that you and your wife probably are just trying to be helpful, you might want to have a think about your comment:

    “I simply cannot believe she would prefer to be single and my wife agrees”

    Personally I would rather be single than be with just ‘anyone’. Yes, meeting someone who I click with would be great, but I also enjoy my life as it is now, and it would take a lot (ie very much the ‘right’ person), for me to give that up. It doesn’t mean I’m high maintenance or picky, just that I’m not prepared to settle for just being with someone due to some misguided idea that that is better than being single.

    As for your more specific question, how you meet that ‘right’ person is far more complicated. There’s lots of dating websites now, although people react very differently to them – some people see them as a practical and open way to meet someone who appears similar to them, other people view them with a degree of ‘no way’ (I fall into that bracket!). There are many clubs etc, but personally I join them because they do activities that I’m interested in rather than to meet single guys, and I wouldn’t want to mess up my friendships within those groups. There’s work connections, or friends of friends as well.

    For me, I’m happy to leave it to chance. I’m lucky to have a fun life with loads of great friends. If I meet someone on my path through life and it works out, then great. If not, I’m still going to have a good, rewarding, and enjoyable life. Could I suggest that maybe you consider leaving things to a similar approach?

    Free Member

    Happy New Year!

    Have just got down from seeing in the start of 2012 from the top of a wild and windy Conwy mountain with a group of friends, drinking champagne and watching the fireworks over the bay :)

    Am now somewhat drunk and very happy – think it’s going to be a good year!

    Free Member

    And the other side of Ton’s 2011

    – been an all round good guy : success
    – supported others who’ve needed a helping hand or kind word : success
    – faced up to adversity and proactively considered alternatives : success

    Ton – you are not a failure!

    As for my 2011:

    – deal with the end of my previous relationship : mainly a success (but occassionally still a work in progress!)

    – have some positive adventures and try new things : success (went climbing in Spain and mountaineering in the Alps)

    Free Member

    Seriously cute :)

    Great way to start the New Year!

    Free Member

    Happy New Year everyone! You are a fantastic virtual community :)

    Has been a year of absolute downs but also some real ups for me this year. Can’t believe how totally at rock bottom I was both physically and mentally earlier this year, but though it’s been a bit of a bumpy road since then, there’s a general upwards trend.

    So here’s to 2012 – a year for looking forward and embracing all that the future has to offer. No idea what it will bring, but will be glad to share the ride with all you lovely people.

    Free Member

    Definately a better road rider – fitter, faster, and developing some semblance of technique.

    Mountainbiking – fitter, but still not a ‘technical’ rider. TBH, I’m now happy to accept that I prefer low tech, scenic xc riding, and have stopped beating myself up about not being a rad / gnarl rider.

    Still need to summon up the confidence to be able to face riding with other people I don’t know / groups / clubs though :(

    Free Member

    There is, the Orme is a little world of fun cheek :wink:

    Free Member

    Vortexracing – no, not up the mountain. Along the estuary, skipped through the junction, skirted round Penrhyn Bay, and through Llandudno, and then up and round the Great Orme – love that part of the ride, and the descent from the Rest and Be Thankful cafe is a blast :)

    Will be heading up the mountain for midnight tonight, but will be on foot.

    Enjoy your ride!

    Free Member

    That was an ace final ride of the year … my favourite coastal road route, stunning scenery out to sea, virtually no traffic, and best of all blue skies, sunshine and riding in just a t-shirt!

    I’d just like to say that again – biking … in a t-shirt … on the 31st of December – Fan-bleedin-tastic :)

    I feel so lucky to be me!

    Free Member

    chakaping – just peddle very hard and very fast, and try not to be sick :)

    chubby_monk – that’s a really special way to start the last day of the year

    Right – bike is calling so I’m off. Enjoy your end of year rides folks

    Free Member

    Filthy kit is always better than pristine and clean – at least it means you’re out there using it!

    Anyway, you’re talking to the kind of girl who prepares for a date by washing the worse of the mud of my waterproofs :oops:

    (Paramo BTW – only the best for dating …)

    Free Member

    Wash In (and that’s a recommendation from Wales – we know about waterproofing here …)

    Oh, and clean them first … not that I’m implying that someone as dapper as you would be wandering around in grubby gear :wink:

    Free Member

    Party at a friend’s house, and then a group of us are hiking up onto the top of Conwy Mountain for midnight to see in the New Year. Really looking forward to it!

    Anyone else in the area we might see you up there. We’ll be the one’s with the mulled wine :)

    Free Member

    atlaz – I’m the personification of cowardly when it comes to this! Discussions with government ministers – fine, talking to guys about dating – zero confidence!

    Free Member

    *thread hijack*

    Emsz – we went up the mountain, went out for another windy day in the mountains, asked me out for dinner … and he’s now had to head back down south for work. Not sure what it all means – I always completely fail to know whether someone likes me or not – obviously explains my pestering limitations!

    *end of thread hijack*

    As you were – back to resolutions (think I might have to add ‘learn to interpret boy behaviour’ to

    Oh – and will make a resolution to go on at least one STW ride next year

    Free Member


    “Stop being a sex pest …”

    Proper LOL :lol:

    I think I’ll settle for maybe just meeting someone to pester!

    Free Member

    Elfin – my comments aren’t a judgement on anyone else, just my personal thoughts on the topic. It’s not my place to comment on or judge the behaviour of others – we are all subject to different pressures which affect our decisions and behaviour, and what might be right for me might not be right for someone else.

    Free Member

    Sorry – double post

    Free Member

    There is a place for online retailers, chain shops, and small independents, and I use all three at different times.

    But, I don’t agree with using ‘on the ground’ shops to try things on / check them out, and then deliberately go and buy then online cos they’re cheaper. Neither do I agree with expecting shops to match online prices. On the ground shops have higher costs (rates / products more widely spaced for viewing rather than piled high etc), and they do already provide an ‘additional service’ which is the ability to try / see / test products.

    Sure, it’s not ‘illegal’ to try stuff in a shop, expect then to price match, and if they don’t, go and buy it online. But I don’t rely on the law to tell me what I consider to be right / wrong, and I prefer to act on a way that I personally consider to be ethical. I don’t have money to waste, and I will buy online, but I don’t exploit the ‘try on’ service that shops provide.

    Free Member

    To be a better person by:

    – giving more to friends, community, and society (more volunteering etc)

    – be more supportive / understanding / have more empathy towards those that need it

    – focus on the positives in my life and worry less about the negatives

    – be more open and trusting to friendship, love and support from others (which I find particularly hard)

    And if I can do all that and ride my bike / play in the mountains more, then that would be great :)

    Free Member

    High fives to all of you who are heading for the hills – will wave generally from Snowdonia

    ceildh’s are definately the indoor choice though – great fun!

    Free Member

    Having a New Year’s Eve party with mountaineering friends – meeting up at mine for lots of eating / drinking etc, then packing up headtorches, flasks of mulled wine, and extra warm clothing and heading up the mountains to see in the new year from one of the peaks, before trundling back down in the wee small hours.

    No strangers or grotty pubs involved, just good friends and a bit of an adventure!

    Really looking forward to :)

    (and yes, we’ll be safe! We are all pretty experienced in the mountains)

    Free Member

    There will be less arguing on STW

    It’ll be a long hot summer and I’ll fall hopelessly in love (OK pigs might fly, but you never know!)

    We’ll remember to think about the positives in our lives (health, family, biking etc) and less about the negatives

    And the lefty happy-ist’s will keep smiling :wink:

    Free Member

    Vortexracing – thanks for the invite. I’d definately be up for that (seem to be becoming more of a road rider / tourer nowadays!) Drop me a line when you’re thinking of going.

    Free Member


    More exploring of Conwy mtn, Drum, the Carneddi
    The Berwyns
    Long Mynd
    Return visit to the Quantocks
    Pennine Bridleway

    Tour of Anglesey
    The ‘cols’ of Snowdonia
    Circumferance of Wales
    West to East Coast to Coast across the widest point
    CTC tour across France (channel to the med)
    Audax rides
    Outer Hebrides (South to North)

    Free Member

    c_g : you’re definately not a ‘miserable cah’, but someone who’s been dealing with some tough times and health problems. You’re a strong, caring and generous person, and I’m really sorry to hear it’s been such a tough year for you. Things will get better with time (not a platitude – I hit rock-bottom earlier this year, and although things aren’t always great now, life has definately improved), and you have invite to the wilds of Wales at any time (regardless of biking fitness!)

    Take care, and stay positive for next year

    Free Member




    CFH +1

    Free Member

    Awww – ernie’s baby hedgehog wins!

    Free Member

    Reads it … fails to cry … wonders if I’m a proper woman (suspect not due to having more bikes than handbags)

    Mind you, I’m a sucker for a soppy dog story …

    Free Member

    Fantabulous day for a ride!

    Just back from 4 hours on the road bike – was meant to be only 2 hrs but I was enjoying myself too much to want to go home so just kept on riding.

    Blue skies, sunshine, and rather windy! A ride of castles and country lanes, sea cliffs and buzzards … and getting blown off my bike as I rounded the headland of the Great Orme.

    Feels good to be alive :)

    Free Member

    Cheers mboy :)

    Give me a shout if you’re ever up this way. Oh, and have a fantastic new year – hope the music course continues to go well.

    Free Member

    Dry of course! No fuddling around with all that ‘in between’ …

    Free Member

    Mulled wine finished (started this morning, so distinctly tipsy now)

    No spirits or sex available in the house, so will have to crack open a bottle of white :)

    Free Member

    “7 item veggie main course” + cheese board + port and mince pies!

    … wonders if it would be cheeky to invite myself round to Jujuuk68’s for Christmas next year …

    Sounds fab! Good to hear of folks making the most of their Christmas whether alone or with company :)

    Free Member

    That’s my plan for Christmas next year :)

    (Just need to learn how to ski first – but that’s what Jan / Feb / March this year is for …)

    Free Member

    mboy – Girl’s never tell!

    Although I did at my work Christmas party when exceedingly inebriated …

    Free Member

    Ooh … just done present unwrapping …

    Am exceedingly chuffed with getting the Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook – here’s to spending winter’s evenings planning a lifetime of trips! Plus a box of specialities coffees … mmmm

    Got some lovely jewelry as well … but suspect it might be somewhat different from mboy’s :wink:

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