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  • Scottish Stag-Do – A YT Izzo UK Adventure
  • suburbanreuben
    Free Member

    Original Op here…

    to answer some questions…

    How old – 50 on the 25th of this month
    Budget – £3k give or take.
    Riding – mainly longer sportive type rides I guess.
    Do I race – no and do not attend to.
    Roukes? – but I live in the south east so…

    …So get in here

    and have a chat!

    Free Member

    And you’ll be paying VAT and duty on the shipping costs which are much higher than from the US.

    Free Member

    If you have flippers for feet then Lakes are for you! They do a wide fitting which is just that. They were the only boots wide enough for me.
    I have the MX 145s which are warm but not aswaterproof as the 303s. I had Lake MXZ300s before which were very waterproof, having a neoprene cuff that was snug even on my skinny ankles.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    Seems that rescue centres dont agree as many will not rehome to places with young kids

    That’s true, but many won’t rehome to old folk either. But many will,to both.
    I can understand them not rehoming to families with kids.It isn’t necessarily mistrust of all their dogs; it’s more about giving their inmates a stable new home.
    Dog rescue isn’t all about rescue “centres”. There are many more rescued dogs with foster families who know their charges intimately. If they’re not suitable for children they say so. A breeder might not be so scrupulous.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    Hardly a myth the vast majority of dogs needing rehoming are adult dogs.


    But as Redwood said, NOT ALL rescues are adult dogs.
    Not allrescue dogs are mongrels either, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Many are cast offs that didn’t fit with the owners’ lifestyles because they didn’t take the time to find out more/believed what the breeder told them. Labradoodles or working spaniels that are too energetic or bouncy, for example.
    Give me a mongrel/rescue dog any day of the week,even with kids!

    Free Member

    screamingtree – Member
    I’ll pop down the LBS and see what they’ve got……

    Good luck with that…
    I can second Lakes! I have the new 145s and the beauty is if you have wide feet they have wide fittings, and I mean W I D E ! Northwave are supposed to be good for wide feet but there’s just no comparison!
    Wide = room for more socks and still room to wiggle toes = cosy toes!
    The 145s aren’t as weatherproof as the 302s but they are much lighter!

    Free Member

    If you have a few quid to spend on wheels then DT240s get my vote. I couldn’t get on with the Hope trials hubs- they’re far too noisey! DTs are silent, totally silent. I prefer the sound of the birdies to that infernal Yorkshire racket!
    Middleburn RS7 (the old taper fit)cranksare perfect for SS. The new HT2 jobbies are ugly as sin! Chainrings like soup dishes…

    Free Member

    Louis the fell terrier. A little bit bigger than a Border but very, very similar in attitude. Scared of nothing, inqisitive as the nosiest nosey neighbour, thinks children are the most sacred beings on earth, doesn’t moult, often comes on 10mile SS rides with me but would do more if I let him, ALWAYS up for a laff, never gets ill, and how can anyone be nervous of a dog that looks like a teddy bear?
    Bestest dog I’ve ever had!

    Free Member

    That’s a mighty fine film there,but you never seen The Big Country?

    This is the way to put on trousers!

    Free Member

    Depends how busy I am.
    My normal routine involves sleeping from midnight to 7am with a half hour kip after lunch (works wonders!).
    This last fortnight I’ve had a deadline to meet (yesterday, missed it) so have been sleeping from 1 ish to 6am with no pm kip. I can’t say I feel any more tired TBH.
    Long term though, I know it would kill me (literally).

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Preferable to driving to Edgeware Road though?


    Oh God ,Yes! Getting into LOndon from anywhere on the Edgware RD is just a bus ride away. Croydon is in it’s own dreary Gulag the size on Manchester.
    And you won’t get top class Lebanese nosh in Croydon!

    Free Member

    Julia gillard, ex PM of Australia.
    Or most Australian women TBH…

    Free Member

    You have to be mad to even consider driving to Croydon from the West.
    It’s like Reading,but with trams and ten times bigger.

    Free Member

    Love this pic!

    Free Member

    Yup, no mucking about or unnecessary cruelty involved with terriers.
    Though we had a rat for a few weeks recently which occupied Flo, my Jack Russell’s every waking hour. The ginger Tom from next door left it on the doorstep last week.
    Flo now has bigger fish to fry…

    Free Member

    They helped get my cholesterol level down from 9.6 to a steady 4 ish

    They made me better. (reduced cholesterol from 7.odd to 4.8)
    Massive assumption that 9.6 & 7 values are bad for you. The accepted norm of a cholesterol value of 5 is based on what exactly?
    Given that I was suffering from Angina at the time and subsequently had 5 stents and a double bypass to fix clogged up plumbing I think we can assume I wasn’t the healthiest,despite being 185cm and only 75kg…

    Free Member

    I was on statins for a while when I first started suffering from Angina.
    They helped get my cholesterol level down from 9.6 to a steady 4 ish, but also gave me intense joint pain to an extent that I walked like Oddbod from Carry on screaming. I tried them all but the only solution was to come off them.
    Healthy eating and exercise has maintained my level at 4 ish ever since.
    My 88 year old father is on Simvastatin. He suffers pains in his ankles and knees. His GP refuses to believe there may be a connection. Unfortunately my father is of a generation who trust doctors implicitly and he refuses to stop taking the statins even for a month or so to see if the pains diminish…

    Free Member

    If you do something nice for me, I’d be obliged (to do something in return.)

    i.e.I owe you one.
    It implies a duty.

    If I have to do something for you, I’m obligated/obliged

    Still implies a duty.
    Obligated is a pretty ugly word though from the same vocabulary as words such as “competency”

    Free Member

    Read the (not so) small print in the returns advice.
    I did the same thing last week. My fault; no-one else’s.
    With Evans,always pay by card. That way you can return themto the store for an instant refund.
    On the bright side, they do refund your money the day they recieve the returns. It doesn’t take nigh on a week like CRC does.

    Free Member

    And don’t mention you drove it and noticed the heating was acting up after he had payed for it…
    When did you offer tosee himright if anything went wrong? before orafter he agreed to buy it?
    Did the garage get the impression you were assisting with the repair cost
    Still withdraw the offer if he continues to demand more. 50/50isstillover generous.
    Bollocks,myspace barhasgone…

    Free Member

    Blimey,he’s ‘avin a larf!
    Tell him your 50% offer is withdrawn, pronto!

    Free Member

    He collected the car nine days after I had checked the coolant level and three days after viewing, I had been driving it daily in the interim. Not sure if the car has a low coolant level warning or not. I had noticed the car heating seemed to taking longer to warm up but didn’t really think anything of it.

    You drove around in his car for three days before he picked it up?

    Free Member

    Given that newish Lynskey repair-free ones seem to go for about £750,

    Do they? Seems a tad optimistic….

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If you’re intent on this meat replacement stuff try the Kosher sossies from health food stores. Can’t remember who make them but they’re Ace!
    Also look out for Wicken Fen goodies.

    Free Member

    Yes I’m open to pad suggestions


    Formula’s own?

    Free Member

    Some decent pads might help…

    Free Member

    Is Saturday night, at STW, more than any other night, Steak night then?
    A quick minute or so of sizzling then a minute or so claiming your reward from the missus?

    Free Member

    Rump here too! I’m not paying extra for gristle!

    Free Member

    Grub screw EBBs are the Devil’s own work, but I’ve never had a problem with Bushnells.

    Free Member

    Another one here:

    My “go to” bike, used and abused, but loved like Emily loves Bagpuss…

    Free Member

    Light ochre/terracotta; something warm. People love to follow a nautical theme, hence blues and greens, but this only makes the room seem cold.

    Free Member

    The Labrador’s in for a shock…

    Free Member

    They’re roughly the same sort of price aren’t they?
    But yes, they’re better than Hope, if just for the ratchet drive alone. No more pawls lost under the fridge!
    And they’re quieter!

    Free Member

    I bought a box of clems from LIDL this morning; they’re half gone already.

    Free Member

    Never Again!
    The last time was Portsmouth-Bilbao about 8 years ago and that took 36 hours (2 nights).
    I suppose it all depends on how good a sailor you are and your tolerance for bladdered up northern women looking for a shag on their £20 “mini cruise”.
    The last time we drove to Spain it was an overnight ferry from Portsmouth- St Malo and a leisurely 10 hours drive to well inside Spain.

    Free Member

    “I responded “You need some help if you have anger like this. I did not think I cut you up as you had stopped to let that lady cross the road.””

    He sounds like a complete ***t…

    Free Member

    Pics of the Lakie too please….

    Free Member

    Top tube looks curved to me. May be an optical illusion, but only in the flesh will you know. It would have to be seriously cheap though, even if straight.

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