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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
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    Free Member

    So stop buying chinese stuff.  The bottom line is something they appear to understand.

    A bit tricky, given that so much is made there, but not impossible.

    The general consensus on here seem s to be ” There’s no point in me doing anything while governments do nothing”…

    Show them that is what is wanted!

    Free Member

    It’s a brand new wheel? Shouldn’t you be asking Hunt to sort it?

    Or whoever sold it to you…

    Free Member

    I posted the same query a year ago and ended up getting a Bosch for about £70 i think. It’s not bad at all. Light – Alu and bamboo and pretty sturdy if you plonk your foot on the lower rail. It also folds pretty flat very quickly!

    I could only be happier if it folded up small enough to go on my panniers….

    Free Member

    Let’s face it; Gaia offered us an opportunity to thin the population a couple of years back, and we blew it…

    Free Member

    “, this is a thread about how climate change will play out for people that accept the consensus on climate change, hence the title”

    Is it going to play out any differently for those of us who don’t accept the consensus?

    Free Member

    No, not Capitalism – Human greed – that feeds capitalism. The desire to have new shiny stuff every year that’s better than that of the neighbours.

    And also the unwillingness to do anything “trivial” yet because the neighbours haven’t.

    Nice one TJ! I applaud you, I really do!

    Free Member

    Oooh, Daz  is getting shirty!

    “munrobikerFree Member
    Temperature monitoring shows that the Twentieth Century was not a cold century. Generally 1c below the 1971-2000 average, but on average above temperatures observed in the Nineteenth Century.”

    So global warming started over 100 years ago?

    Free Member

    The fact that They joined yesterday is neither here nor there. I doubt they are a Troll trawling the internet for stuff to invade; more likely a regular contributor who knows their opinion will be derided by the brainwashed…

    Free Member

    Another “idiot”with an open mind here…

    “Nope, and why would I when all the reliable evidence from history (not modelling) points to climate change being driven by natural phenomena. Man thinking that they can change the climate by reducing CO2 production (CO2 that makes up just 0.04% of our atmosphere) is a bit like King Canute thinking he can turn back the tide. Very much a case of ‘God complex’.”

    The 20th century was a cold century. Growth rings on trees show this. It stopped short of matching the 17th century, when the Thames regularly froze over and cloggies skated around Amsterdam for fun, but was, apparently pretty damn parky. It was also when reliable meteorological records were begun.

    It is interesting to note the formation of “group think” on this forum , as elsewhere, where any dissenting voices are  swiftly shouted down, as during COVID. Dissent can not be tolerated. We may decide to party into oblivion…

    However, the belief that “nothing can be done” , is no reason not to try and do something.

    Free Member

    Another recommendation for the Rab downpour. I’ve had mine for about ten years and it’s still waterproof, the zips still work, and the hood gripper strap is in a different league!

    Free Member

    How did I miss this?

    Free Member

    Whether you claim or not, if you report a written off car it’s going to get expensive. Were plod involved? Any cameras or witnesses around?    What happened?

    Free Member

    Or the OP doesn’t understand what the solicitor is telling him…

    Free Member

    “Flax mudguards??      but how?”

    Flax is a very fibrous plant, and gives us linen. It’s easy enough to use the fibres instead of carbon to make a mudguard. I would imagine the green credentials are severely compromised by the resin agent…

    unless it’s made from rabbit fur, or fish or something, in the same way glue has been made for hundreds of years, although , if so, they wouldn’t exactly be water resistant…

    Free Member

    If you’re after a frame bag make sure it is well supported on the top tube. I’ve had a Revelate for over ten years, and it’s features have kinda spoilt me.   The restrap medium I bought to fit a shorter top tube only had 2 top tube straps and tended to get a bit saggy in thge middle…

    Free Member

    I think he wants to go and buy a left hand drive , 12 year old Corsa for £16000…

    Free Member

    A little of what you fancy…

    Is what my doc told me 15 years ago after my heart attack. 12 years later I’m still here, despite not having the healthiest of lifestiles, now reformed due to a TRA or two and the possible onset of diabetes.

    High Cholesterol runs in my family, and I possibly have a high chance of having anoither Heart Attack, but it ain’t a bad way to go… Could be much worse…

    Free Member

    It’s not just Specsavers. Over the last dozen years I’ve tried 3 or 4 opticians and each has supplied me with glasses that gave me a headache. I’ve given up on shelling out for £500+ glasses and use the £5.99 +1.5 options from wherever. I can see far better than any Optical charlatan allows me…

    Free Member

    Don’t blame the chain. It’s just old and knackered!

    This “syncing with narrow/wide ” is a new one on me! Are you sure it’s not just bollox?

    Free Member

    At 0.75mm stretch isn’t the chain a bit old and knackered? I note you say this has only been breaking “recently”… Has it been OK up until recently.

    And what’s all this “Out of sync” malarkey?

    Free Member

    On Betas?

    Free Member

    “I don’t remember, I didn’t pay much attention. Everyone has to die someday, I’d rather have a heart attack than suffer from dementia for years.”

    +1  . A dodgy ticker is a bonus. Rather go suddenly from overindulging than suffer slowly from the joys of cancer et al…

    Free Member

    or the Japan centre in Kensington. The staff are pretty knowledgeable about Japanese Arts and Crafts.

    Free Member


    Or their inner soles in other shoes. They feel funny to start with but your feet will thank you!

    Free Member

    3M 77  is what I use to stick templates to wood. They’re pretty thin but with just a light spray they don’t wrinkle. Japanese paper may be on a different level though.

    Whatever, 3M probably has the answer…

    Free Member

    I  gave up Caffeine at the beginning of April. I also gave up  Alcohol, Wheat, salt and sugar, and bacon. 3 months later, I now partake of them all again , in moderation, except foe sugar and caffeine.

    I replaced my morning cuppas with tea of chopped ginger and a slice of lemon. It’s tasty, and apparently does one good.

    Feeling very lively, but I wouldn’t credit the caffeine abstinence alone for that. Dropping 12 kilos may have something to do with it…

    Free Member

    Why not compromise on level 6?

    Free Member

    It is possible you have a shit allen key…

    Free Member

    G’night Granpappy.

    Or maybe the Sullivans…

    Free Member

    jaffa cakes

    Free Member

    Soiunds like you have a good crew working there…  Keep ’em sweet!

    Free Member

    “Where can you get good hardwood slats without spending a fortune?”

    A reclamation yard.

    Free Member

    Make sure that NOTHING can move in the box. If it can and it rubs against something else it will make one helluva mess!

    Free Member

    ” Haven’t sold me on the single speed thing tho, I like riding up hills.”

    So do I. They’re even hillier on a singlespeed…

    Free Member

    “It’s much more complicated than that. The car is doing what it CAN to augment the driver, but there’s a massive gap between braking when it detects you’re going to hit something and doing “everything”. Not least because liability shifts from the driver to the manufacturer, and manufacturers REALLY don’t want to take that on until they are absolutely sure it’s going to work. And it’s not, not for a long time, except on motorways.

    The huge leap will be when the driver doesn’t have to watch what they are doing, and we’re a long way from that especially in the UK.”

    I rest my case…

    Free Member

    Except we’re drifting , Quite contentedly, to having the car do everything for us. The idiot behind the wheel just has to point…

    Free Member

    I’m in!   It’s a lot more fun driving a slow car quickly than a quick car slowly…

    Free Member

    I’ve always used Stans “normal”. It’s always worked. Never seen the need to try anything else.

    Other than when its a few years old…

    Free Member

    Use Stans jizz, not Muc Off!

    Have you rotated the wheel a few times , turning it through upright to flat, very slowly, to allow the sealant to coat the entire inside of the tyre? just had this problem, for the first time in about 10 years, because I forgot to spin the wheel of fortune…

    Free Member

    stay away from the heathen sandpaper!  Use a “card scraper” – vids available on youtube, and if necessary, wire wool – though that is probably overkill…

    Oh, and oil –

    once an hour for a day

    once a day for a week

    once a week for a month

    once a month for a year

    once a year for ever more….

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