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  • The Calder Divide Trail Challenge – new bikepacking route
  • suburbanreuben
    Free Member

    They all seem to have a great sense of humour.
    Particularly fond of farty jokes.

    Free Member

    Maybe she’s young and has little experience of 20th century payment systems?
    And Zippy is just trying to be helpful?
    or he fancies her?
    or something…

    Free Member

    Lily’s Kitchen wet and dry for my two terriers. The Jack russell will, and does, eat any old crap, but the Fell Terrier is more choosy. He loves this stuff though, and they both got a lot hairier when we started feeding it.
    Scramblec eggs in the mornings with a few bikkies.
    Happy dogs.

    Free Member

    Farmer Duck.

    Free Member

    Never having had one in 53 years I’ve had 3 in the last two weeks, including one on me nipple.
    Anyone not feeling like things are crawling on them?

    Free Member

    why Melksham?

    Free Member

    Take it to an auction house for a valuation. They’re usually free.
    If you decide to sell through them though, bear in mind you’ll be paying 15-25% (+VAT) commission and the buyer will be paying the same, so you won’t end up with much.
    Makes EBay look good value!

    Free Member

    Barbecue flavouring.

    Free Member

    It rains all the time

    Not quite everyday. Some days it’s foggy.

    Free Member

    If the beneficiaries are among the named executors then they have to be contacted.

    That’s a very big “If”…

    Free Member

    contacting beneficiaries is the responsibility of the executor and essential to being granted probate.

    Beneficiaries do not have to be contacted before Probate. They don’t even have to be told about the contents of the will. If they are due a bequest they should get it eventually, but once probate has been granted the will is a public document and can be checked as Mrs Fry noted.

    There is someone on here you really knows his arse from his elbow regarding wills and stuff. He may turn up …

    Free Member

    I would never buy new as you take the biggest depreciation hit. 2-3 year old is my sweet spot so you can have any work resolved under warranty whilst benefitting from other people taking the price drop of the depreciation.

    I can’t understand why anyone would spend their own money on a new car that’ll lose a large chunk of it’s value as soon as it leaves the forecourt.
    It ain’t going to stay pretty for long…

    Free Member

    Why would this person leave me anything or mention me (they are/were blooming evil to me)

    Maybe they were evil to everyone..?
    But family is family!

    Free Member

    Pondering liquidising the lot just before the EU vote even though that would leave me an ISA problem

    Why? You can keep cash balances in most S&S Isas. If you’re tied up in, say, a Fundsmith ISA it should be possible to transfer to an ISA platform provider.

    Free Member

    Henry VIII & the general Tudor period is perennially popular as many tv programmes show, yet other historical periods in our history that have had far more impact on us today are generally unknown by many.

    Such as..?

    Free Member

    all tea-bagging the same Air Blade

    ooh! You got skin in the game?

    Free Member

    Do nose clips help?

    Free Member

    I couldn’t be bothered to read that. It made my eyes go funny.
    Good luck with finding your bikes.

    Free Member

    I do have a gout diet but its 10 yrs old now, so thinking may have changed Gout diet

    ‘kin ‘ell! Stick to that diet and life ain’t worth living!
    It is worth finding out what specific food(s) cause it, and then just avoid them as best you can. I see no point in avoiding wine and steak when it is legumes that caused my gout.

    Free Member

    I used to get it when I was on Beta Blockers. They messed with my kidneys enough to help give me gout and kidney stones, amongst other things…

    You have my sympathy. It was the most pain I’ve ever experienced but it is a cause of mirth for most. The old jokes about too much port ang good living.
    The triggers for mine were lentils and nuts- good healthy stuff! My Bro in law’s is caused by strawberries.
    Find out what causes it and go from there. keep a food diary, noting every mouthful.

    Drink plenty of water . Colcichine sometimes help; double dose when you feel it coming on.

    Free Member

    I think there have been quite a few studies showing that the pollution is worse in a car than on a bike. I think its a combination of the distribution of pollution across a road and the “closed in” nature of a car.

    Does that take cyclists’ heavy/deep breathing into account?
    I used to cycle across London every day, and also drove a similar journey. I don’t recall getting black bogies in the car…

    Free Member

    Cheapest in the area is probably Aldershot. Right on the edge of the surrey hills but some good riding to be had, and it ain’t that bad, really. A slow commute though.

    Free Member

    Try a different food. Apparently it’s the artificial flavourings they use in some dog fud.

    Free Member

    Haslemere, although further out, may be worth a look. Still only about 50 mins from Waterloo, and some properly steep hills right on your doorstep.

    Free Member

    …and I still feel flat, little energy or motivation and generally a bit ‘brain-dead’.

    High Blood pressure remains the same (I’m on 3 pills a day to keep it lowish (bit still high)), but it’s no lower than before new regime.

    Beta blockers by any chance? They may explain the dead brain, lethargy and flatness. They did with me. Have a chat with your doc to discuss the alternatives.

    Free Member

    Don’t send that. It makes you sound like a nob. It’s the sort of thing I would do.

    Free Member

    Also demographically STW’s users may overall be younger than the mean voting age, and both leave and the Conservatives appear to be more popular with the old than the young.

    Very true. While walking the dogs I meet mainly “older” people. I have yet to meet one who wants to stay.

    Free Member

    though I believe we will vote to leave.

    Free Member

    Bill, how do you think you are going to out-research the people who do this professionally full time?

    You won’t, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do any research. Blindly investing in a fund without being aware of what you’re buying is just daft.

    Free Member

    I’m not hugely concerned about the cost of replacing the cam belt and water pump but the clutch does slightly concern me as no where on the internet can I find a solution or examples of it being fixed.

    Did it click before the clutch was changed?

    Free Member

    Chicks dig scars!

    Free Member

    My post op care was excellent. I was told exactly what I should and shouldn’t be doing at weekly stages, gym sessions were arranged (I believe some health authorities offer free gym membership and personal trainer sessions!), and nutrition and health education courses offered. Some of the info was a bit basic and obvious but some was fascinating. The best bit was meeting up with others in the same boat and sharing encouragement and progress. Physically and mentally it’s a life changing event and hearing others’ experiences and plans was a real boost.

    Free Member

    I had a double bypass 6 years ago at the age of 47. Had 4 or 5 stents fitted but still not right, so had another angiogram and was told I needed a bypass. Quite scary!
    I think then they had to perform the op within 13 weeks, which they did, just, at St Georges, Tooting.
    I went in on the Tuesday, had the op on wednesday, moved out of intensive care on thursday and back home on friday.
    I had to sleep semi upright in a deckchair for two weeks as it was too painful to lie down and get up again.
    They gave me two boxes of Co-codamol painkillers just in case, but I didn’t get halfway through the first box. The worst pain was having hiccups the day after the op!

    I was told recovery would take 6 months but it took nearly a year before I was back at work (Joiner) during which I lost about a stone in muscle mass from my upper body.
    I was kept on meds (Bisoprolol, Ramipril) for a while afterwards so still felt like shit and could only mince around on a bike, but by coincidence, on the third anniversary of the op found myself at the foot of a 700 foot climb. It took me over an hour, with a couple of dozen stops, but it was a turning point. I packed in the meds and within 6 months I did feel 21 again and have been OK ever since. The climb now takes me 15 mins.

    As with all surgery there were risks of pegging out but if needed I’d have another in a, er, heartbeat. Compared to the experiences of some other patients it sounds like a simple procedure.
    If you don’t have an angiogram, how do they know what they’re looking for? They are incredibly detailed and revealing even to an untrained eye.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Ecco do some nice comfy old man shoes. Some look like walking shoes. Some don’t.
    They are really comfy though.

    Free Member

    Citroen C1. Great little car, quite nippy and a lot of fun to drive. Tiny boot but loads of legroom in the back. The missus averages 65mpg.
    We also have a panda 4×4. Much slower, also a tiny boot but not so much legroom front or rear.

    Free Member

    Last shed erection I did we used broken concrete fence posts to sit the joists upon. They were only cosmetically broken, eg 6″ chip, and were, er, cheap as chips. They were only going to be skipped if no-one took them.

    Free Member

    Try something ethical. Might not offer returns in line with tobacco companies, but seriously – are you all happy propping that industry up?

    No-ones propping up the fags trade apart from the smokers…

    Free Member

    Normally 3 years living costs in cash, premium bonds, “high” interest accounts etc, and of the rest, 20% in bonds, 80% ish in S&S ISAs and funds. I like to keep things liquid so no BTL or pensions.
    Nothing fancy, but it’s worked so far

    Free Member

    A mate of mine was discussing it last night, on about getting some for his kids rather than a savings plan.

    It’s a daft idea. Open them a stocks and shares junior ISA each and make some diverse investments, including gold mines, ETFs, etc if you must.

    Shed Brewed is on the money though. Classic cars have outperformed just about every other investment class. You will need a nice gaff with heated garage to keep it in though, and you’ll need to hide the keys for 17 years…

    …and then it’ll get wrapped round a lamp post first drive…

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