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    Free Member

    Tbh of you keep breaking pets you’re probably best with something that does QI charging.
    Seems to be disappearng from newer phones though.

    Free Member

    Well, I was going to do 2 laps of Cannock to see how 8 weeks of training had helped, but doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

    Any tips for good places to ride solo within an hour or so of Stratford that might actually be not covered in trees tomorrow?

    Free Member

    Everlong must be in with a shout, surely?
    Kate Nash is a really good left field suggestion actually. Imho that whole album is hugely overrated. Some brilliantly written melodies, with clever, funny lyrics and grey hooks. I’m off for another listen.

    Free Member

    I’m the least alpha you could imagine, but I’m at 921…
    Lawnmower 3

    Free Member

    Ah, I missed that it was commercial. In that case, dismiss my redneckery!

    Free Member

    I’m not sure why it should be a no no for cat 5e tbh. It’s not even for POE. Granted it’s not the’right’solution, but I had some spare and it worked out a fair chunk cheaper than ‘proper’ stuff, and is still very tough.
    It’s obviously a completely different kettle of fish to hiding 230v multi core in a water pipe, that would be idiotic!
    Plus most of the proper stuff I found was corrugated, which is, IME, a right pain in the arse to pull cable through on long runs.

    Is a home install, not a commercial grade one.

    Free Member

    This one?

    From going through a few, it seems common consensus that Rise Against are perfect riding and training music, excellent!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 100m run outside to my garage, and a 50m one to the summer house. All done using cat5e exterior grade, but buried 3ft deep in a 25mm MDPE. It’s cheap, gives some protection, and easy to work with :)

    Think I managed to get 5 runs in, but it’s a squeeze, and a bit tricky! I wouldn’t fancy pulling them through again, but I’ve left a pull cord in, and 1 of each pair is there for redundancy anyway. (The other is for phone)

    Free Member

    The UnReal soundtrack is brilliantly judged. Semenuk’s segment was the first thing that sprang to mind, but Tom Van Steenbergen’s bit works really well as well. Perfectly fits the trail riding vibe. It’s also phenomenally good.

    Free Member

    That’s very much the sort of deal I’m thinking. Except the balcony bit would be covered and enclosed, otherwise it’s a ‘raised platform’. :)

    Free Member

    I’ve already checked that out, and planning isn’t an issue :)
    Did you know that, technically, you need planning permission for a garden slide?!

    Free Member

    The ‘roof’ was one of my other questions. I was thinking a sheet of OSB underneath, then the supports for the decking on top of that. The store section would be covered by a pitched roof on the housefort.

    Free Member

    It’ll be a bit higher than the bikes – more of a ‘how high is danger zone for a 4 year old’ high. It’s still less of a pain in the arse than having it in the dining room. :D Plus I plan on having most of the back wall as an opening.

    Good plan with the Asguard, but the stores alone come in at around £600. I’m hoping to come in a fair bit under that budget for this build.
    We had a fort similar to that before, but it had got a bit skanky so I razed it to the ground in an impressive seige. This is fort 2.0.

    Free Member

    Excellent. That’s what I want to hear. And my wife doesn’t.
    Rustic is fine as I plan on cladding it in something like T&G or feather edge. I figure there can’t be much scope for wrong as rudimentary calcs put it at about 5 courses high.

    Good point about the ground anchors as well. What sort of thickness should I be heading for with the base? I’ll stick a DPM under it.

    Any recommednations on good internal dimensions? I’m obviously a marketers dream, as I have a 160mm long, low and slack enduro bike with 800mm bars amongst others. I’m thinking 2m long by, err, something?

    Free Member

    It does need to be hidden as my house backs on to open space and a children’s play area. It’s not super secure.

    I’d thought about a volcano, but to be honest I’m toying with the idea of a platform out to a crow’s nest.

    In all seriousness the wooden side of things is no issue to me at all, I’ve done more complex things before. It’s the brick/mortar I’m concerned about.

    Free Member

    Right, I admit to not having read every single post on here, but I’m about to invest in a trainer and the frequent Flow issues are concerning me.
    Are the Vortexes any more reliable? And if I end up spending that much, is there a better alternative? Fwiw I can get 10% of at Halfords.

    Free Member

    Sounds very familiar, and I’m only 5’10…
    Always been around the weight I am now, very slim. Can’t eat loads as I just haven’t got the stomach for it. Went through years of trying to figure out if anything was wrong with my digestive system and had a diagnosis of mild colitis and IBS. If I eat a lot it makes me physically ill. It’s not a mental thing, it’s very much physical (I’ve explored that avenue).

    The only way that I’ve found to put on weight is muscle. When I first went to uni I was nearly 2 stone heavier than I was 5 years later. Coincidentally I stopped constant MTBing when I went to uni. Looking at photos of me then compared to now(I’m 35) It’s very obvious how much more muscular I was, especially round my neck.

    Kind of rambling, but in a nutshell – some people just have very fast metabolisms, it seems. If he’s anything like me, pretty much the only way to put on weight is through muscle! I’ve started getting bigger as a response to training for riding this this year, but it’s a slow process – the weight is actually dropping off at the moment, even though I’m definitely starting to get bigger.

    FWIW my other half is the same – She spent her whole life trying to put weight on (and having to put up with people destroying her mentally by telling her how thin she was, and asking if she had an eating disorder – she didn’t, but it certainly didn’t help her other mental health issues…)

    Free Member

    PlusGas. If it can free suspension bolts on a 23 year old Mazda, it can free anything.

    Free Member

    Yeah. except I’ve got a spare Pi that I’ve already got Kodi on in the shed my wife’s summerhouse, a free telly, and rollers/my road bike.

    If I’m locked into YT and GCN then that’s OK I guess, it’s just sometimes wouldn’t mind watching some zombies getting skewered while I’m sweating like a pig.

    Free Member

    At the risk of diverting this thread into something useful, rather than endless repetitive loops – I have Kodi Running on a Pi, and I also have a Prime account. Are there any plugins that aren’t going to harvest my credentials, and allow me to watch my Prime service that I have paid for? Everything I find seems to be old and have reports of no longer working.

    Free Member

    Really like the RSCs that came on my bike. I was prepared to take them straight off to sell in new condition to find Hopes, but a previous ride on the standard Guide R piqued my interest.
    Powerful, and really nice modulation.
    However, they’ve proven a right shit to bleed. I can’t get the bit point anywhere near where it was before I had to separate the hose, and from googling, this isn’t uncommon. It’s actually enough to change my mind and want to sell them, which is a real shame as they were great on the factory bleed.

    Free Member

    Troy Lee A1 was super comfy but everyone I’ve spoken to about then says how hot they run.
    I ended up with an ICS Trail RS and I love it. Perfect shape for my head and runs really cool.

    Free Member

    Buy the Capra Pro, ride it for a few months, affirm your belief that it’s just too short, sell the frame for a grand, then buy the frame you actually wanted in the first place and transfer the bits over, and you’ll get a hell of a bike for your 4k.
    Worked for me :)

    Free Member

    No issues whatsoever with my capra for 9 months, my mate’s Jeffsy is all good as well.
    In fact when a minor thing that shouldn’t have been warranty happened, they happily sent me a replacement FOC in a few days. Wouldn’t hesitate to buy another YT(if they came out with a model with geo that fits me)

    Free Member

    Doesn’t quite fit the film bill(because no mention of pregnancy…), but soundtrack description says Juno. A lot of the soundtrack written and performed by Kimya Dawson (Moldy Peaches).

    Free Member

    I know, it’s just that 9 times out of ten when you rad ‘cracked ISCG’ it’s on a carbon YT!

    Free Member

    Is it a carbon YT? If so, then chances are it’s just a cosmetic crack that’s caused by the paint not having enough of the flexible additive errr, added.

    If you’re the original owner, I’d be sending a picture to YT.

    Free Member

    Broadribbs in Leamington do Whyte but have a limited stock. Worth a ring though.

    Free Member

    It’s kind of rationalisation. Ish.
    But I’d be splitting it into another table.

    Free Member

    Another voice you don’t want to hear I’m afraid – stay off the bike. I tore an intercostal on a riding weekend last May. As I wasn’t going to miss the next day, I rode through it. It bloody hurt. It then took about 2 months to get to the point where it was comfortable, and 8/9 months later I’m still getting twinges from time to time. IANAD, but I can’t help but think that if I hadn’t thrown a load of painkillers down my neck and carried on ‘into the gnar’ then it would have got better a lot more quickly.

    I had a hard fall on my right shoulder the weekend before last and it bloody hurt, I’ve learnt from my previous escapade and am completely laying off the MTB until it’s alot better.

    On another note,

    Plus, don’t even THINK about getting food poisoning while those ribs are healing

    …and don’t go out for a ‘bit of a drink’ either. hangover vom with rib injuries is not in the remotest way enjoyable :/

    Free Member

    Wazzock. Never bettered.

    Free Member

    I feel your pain, it’s a bloody nightmare. I’ve sold a number of cars that are desirable to a certain demographic and every time was a total pita. I was very clear about the ‘no insurance, no ID, no drive’ status but I still had stand offs with a few people.
    In fairness I’d never buy a car without test driving, but I wouldn’t (and frequently haven’t) bothered with that unless the rest of the car checks out first. But it’s hard to be accommodating and not come across as an awkward wazzock.

    Selling a 172 cup was pretty bad, but the worst was my other half’s DC2 integra. There was some serious vetting of the prospective ‘buyers’, but I still made a poor call and ended up passenger to one of the most terrifying drivers I’ve ever had the misfortune of sharing a vehicle with.

    Its one of the many reasons I’ll never sell my RX7 as a whole car, and will go through the ballache of breaking it instead.

    Free Member

    What HRM are you using? Would quite like one as a training tool, but can’t really run to a Fenix…

    Free Member

    Don’t belt sand old ledge doors, you’ll ruin them! Unless you want to remove all the character, in which case you’re best buying some new ones.
    Chemical stripping is the best way, I’ve got one to do myself. It takes a fair few goes, especially if it’s old lead based stuff (which it’s also not a very good idea to sand because of the dust)

    Having said that, if you ignore all the above and do want a belt sander, Screwfixes ‘titan’ ones are actually quite good for the money. Mine was about 50 quid and did a sterling job of renovating a ruined stair case. I reckon at least 50 hrs work. It’s also helped in loads of other stuff like building a wardrobe, sanding small bits of floor etc.

    Free Member

    You’ve described a Patrol.

    Brilliant things. I had a Capra before mine, very different bikes. The Capra was nowhere near as fun, just felt like it wanted to follow the lines and plough through stuff. The Patrol just wanted to take off everything. A Scout would be even more so, but I wanted more in reserve, and a slacker HA.

    Free Member

    Another vote for clove oil (they sell it in bigger Boots) and the staggered paracetamol/ibuprofen.

    Fwiw, I’ve had a couple of root canals due to trauma, and they were both fine, just like a normal filling. Don’t believe the horror stories. And don’t read about what it involves.

    Free Member

    Cheers, already tried all the Leam ones and none do. Looks like Swinners another weekend then, at least I know theyve always got good stock of then.

    Free Member

    Afaik Heists are ARC rims with a lower spoke count, making rim replacement a pain in the balls.
    No idea about the hubs, but the above is enough to put me off.

    Free Member

    I’m running ARC30s on Pro4s, brass nipples and DB spokes. from CR, came in at about £420 IIRC.
    A year in and they’re still running perfectly. I think they came in around 1800g or so when I weighed them, so not the lightest, but they’ve put up with a lot of abuse. I do only weigh 10st though.

    TBH I would have got the Flow MK3s if they were available when I bought the wheels, but they weren’t, and I have no regrets. Regularly running around 18PSI over rough and rooty stuff and there’s no damage at all. However, I haven’t pushed them on much rocky stuff.

    They’re just the right level of stiff for me as well – really nice in the corners but seem to have a smidge of lateral compliancy as well.

    Free Member

    Based on the service I received when my X2 went in for warranty (which presumably they make little, if any money on at all) I wouldn’t hesitate for one second to use Mojo, and will for my 36s.

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