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  • stumpynya12
    Free Member

    Jesus !!!! is this a SS race re-invented. You guys are all single speeders.

    Free Member

    Please explain ? how an mtb spd and a roadie cleat have differing ground clearance as in enough to effect ridding !! Sounds like bollocks to me.

    Free Member

    O my god !!!!! first it was SSUK09, now Keilder 100. IGM are you turning into a racer ? Will they have a beer stop ? :wink:

    Free Member

    32:16 its the law in SS land and mud is just a trainning aid, wahahar wahhahar…..

    Free Member


    Good morning, it would help if you read my earlier posts on this matter.

    I live and work in the countryside and during my limited spare time I ride and seek to promote responsible useage of trails and bridleways by mountain bikers both old and new as I passionately believe in mountain biking and cycling and the benefits it can bring to peoples fitness, attitudes and life styles. It allows us to play like kids again on bikes, talk mtb bollocks and have fun.

    I know it can be tuff being a moor land farmer and that they work hard. I have great sympathy and respect for all that they do as custodians of the country side.

    I have however no sympathy for his aggressive, nasty verbal and intimidating actions when we use the bridleway across his land. I assume he just does not like mtber’s but this fact alone doesn’t justify his continued aggressive actions.

    As I said in early posts, thanks for all the good advise and ROW people involved now.


    Free Member

    To keep you good people informed:

    No doubt this farmer and probably his son have a big gun each with the appropriate licences. I am not looking to cause a massive issue here and make these peoples life’s more difficult or to become vindictive , I just feel there must come a point where he is told by the relevant authority that his persistant abusive behaviour is unacceptable and he must allow groups to use this bridleway without feeling the need to cause confrontation.

    As I said ROW office is now looking into the matter and I would assume they will let me know the outcome in due course.

    If get my head blown off next week please give my cycle to charity .


    Free Member

    Blackflag; Yes I definetly keep to the bridleway and not the path, as the path goes straight to his farm and the bridleway intersection is clearly marked.

    Gruenermoench: He uses several expletives but seems to struggle with large words. On the funny side he seems to think we are on the whole a bunch of freaks how hang around the moors in large groups in the dark covered in copious amount of mud …… hang on a minute he may just be correct ? It takes all sorts to make a world.

    Free Member

    No probs Tangs, and if I need you evidence I will let you know.

    Still on a lighter note “epicyclo” there was a large truck delivering stuff marked hydroponics, barns all lit up like 4th of July, large thick black power cables running everywhere, windows boarded up with black bin liners, 1000 bags of compost stacked ready to grow something in and I felt slightly dizzy when I got nearer the farm so , no nothing to suggest something dodgy going on…

    Free Member

    Result….ROW man very interested to speak to me further, this chap was already under watch ??
    and on a lighter note…..Just an idea ? How about I get my lot, say about 20 riders, we then get 30 good folk of STW and do a night ride up this bridleway ? Probably meet the chap at the top of his lane and have a group hug

    Thanks for all the help (and the funny aggressive bits) cheers Nick.

    Free Member

    Mr p h the farm is marked on the map as Grays, to the left off highfield Lane heading NW out of Gillamoor, the bridleway is clearly marked and runs paralell to this lane from Faddell Rigg turning left 400mts before Grays where it changes to a footpath to Grays farm. It is a 100% clearley marked bridleway.

    Cap Tang : This man is a danger to other mtbers and I intend to do something about him, his behaviour and attitude is not acceptable.


    Free Member

    Thanks for the help and just to make things clear.

    This chap has over the last most recent 3 incidents driven up from his farm house to hurl abuse, swearing and general very aggressive manner, and then followed the group down the road to his farm turn off.

    When I was ridding during the day earlier this year, I spoke to the man politely, explained what we do, why we ride here and that we would be using bright lights across his land probably once a month. I know I didn’t need to do this however I have done my utmost to avoid confrontation. He was still very aggressive but at least I tried and he seemed to accept my right to use this bridleway during that conversation.

    I could just not use this trail but I have genuine worries for the safety of other mtb’ers.
    Spoke to police and they are not interested so going to try ROW people.

    Thanks folks and cheers Nick.

    Free Member

    I have no problem with farmers getting aggressive and have over many years realized you get good and nasty people in all walks of life, however some of the people I ride with are just getting into mtbing and they felt very threatened by this farmers behaviour. My concern is that when new riders go out and navigate for themselves as is the ultimate aim they may be off trail or just not sure of their rights. This farmer in my humble opinion would crucify anybody who was mistakenly on his land.

    The trail is below Gillamoor heading north towards Rudland Rigg on the North Yorkshire Moors. Anyone else on here had dealings with this chap.

    Cheers Nick.

    Free Member

    Dalby's been eating pads for years, I blame the local single speeders, you know who I mean, Gil,s crew. I heard they put blast furnace slag on the trails as they ride around in the dark on them freaky one gear rigs with rim brakes and ridge forks. Disc brakes and pad wear, bar humbug……


    Free Member

    Puppy advice !!!!! I thought this was going to be about breasts, Doh ! 8)

    Free Member

    Me to, after 25 years service but heh shit happens. Keep smiling and something will turn up. Good luck.

    Free Member

    I assume we are talking footpaths that join trails and bridleways here. Up North all footpath status is up graded to “fair game” if it joins nice trails/bridleways and singletrack. This status only applies from 20.00hrs to 00.01 week nights and definitely not on weekends……..simples…..

    Free Member

    Lets just pop down to Wales, meet the chap, discuss things like adults and ask him to take the cycles back to where he found them. That way everybody wins and no harm has been done. Just another day in la la land ………

    Free Member

    No shit Sherlock !!!! All these reasons for it being a genuine ebay seller and yes I see it now so clearly this chap is just so lucky to have four loyal friends who want to use his genuine ebay account to sell the bikes that they no longer require or perhaps he did purchase second hand stock from a cycle retailer…… My arse !!!

    Free Member

    Four mates who need bikes selling for cash ? white van in back ground ? and some numpty on here thinks they may not be stolen and actually be genuine items for sale. Oh look, I’ve just seen the tooth fairy cutting my grass to save me the job tonight……

    Free Member

    OneFgear guy, Whoops !!!! Please accept my most humble Yorkshire apologies as I remember you asking me about the prizes and guess what “you were not the guy I was told you were”. My honest mistake, no hard feelings and hope we can still share the SS love when we meet again. Love ya back.

    Free Member

    Bungi…Still cleared 2 hours for the course though.

    Oh dear me !!! Bungi rushes out to purchase full wiggle team lycra race suit me thinks. Bungi, life is a journey not a RACE,red mist still not cleared your system then obviously. :wink:

    Free Member

    OneFgear ? I met this guy as I was on car park meet and greet duty saturday. Couldn’t workout if he was just stressed out or just a “cock” . I suspect the latter but heh ho it takes all sorts to make a world. Whoops gone into hippy mode again.

    Free Member

    Dan ….. Glad to here your ok (kinda). Did you make the beer stop on your first lap ? if not I kept you a stella and I will bring it to SSUK10 for you. Hope you mend ok, cheers Stumps & the rest of the SSUK09 crew.

    Free Member

    Ermmmm…. bait hook and sit back to see what bites ? Me thinks.

    Free Member

    Wildrnes …….Near serious fall !!!!!
    The guys who’s life you saved was Bungi the bass guitar player and next day racer. He ow’s you big time muca.

    See ya in wales , Stumps the mouth of SSUK09 and beer stop Fury hat guy.

    Free Member

    See you there igm, we will be in “PINK” SSUK09 CREW T-shirts. Gona be a gud un 8)

    Free Member

    igm . Good evening, I wasn’t out but my crew told me about a bloke who tagged on with them and he had flat pedals. Im stumps one of the SSUK09 team aka Yoda . Lee is the lad on the flakey cove who moans alot. Lee and Mike will be there and if you come find us you can have a pint or 2.
    see you there.

    Free Member

    I can feel a suitably pissed up rendition of “she lost that loving feeling” coming on.
    Now get some work done and let the good SS folk come up with prize award suggestions.

    Person most unable to even walk to the start line after partying award.

    Free Member

    Blanket policy like school days, one person found dope free i.e guilty and the whole class (i.e all on the start line) sit down and have a splif before we ride out. It harsh I know but its gora be the fair way. “lets all feel the love in single speed world” Nick the Hippy.

    Free Member

    Excited, excited I’m practically moist matey and I just heard the band have enlisted an all girl backing group that perform in boob tubes and mini skirts !!!! This SSUK09 thing just gets better and it been so easy to arrange.

    Free Member

    Can we have a prize for the biggest “Cock” ? at the event this year ?
    We could line them up and then put it to a vote ? might be a long line.

    Free Member

    I am sure there will be plenty of wanabe racers but fear not us dope testers will spot them a mile off. Please feel free to nominate any dopes you would like testing before the big ride out, its not a race.

    Free Member

    orange bikes that are too small for a child ?
    Not an orange Cove by any chance ?

    Oh yes, and ridden by our very own MR Whinge,moan,smoke eh eh eh no no more hills, more hills -ucking Gil & Yoda !!!!!

    Free Member

    Sam60 aka BE top trail leader man. Gotcha 8)

    Free Member

    DFL sounds good and what about prizes for proper drinkers of SSUK09 official brew.Most pints drunk etc etc or even better drinking races ? the possibilities are endless ?

    Free Member

    Bungie….Lee might make the 6km mark just, but after 16pints, a BBQ and dancing all of the previous night with Charlie the B M ,he will go no further. Trust me I know these things. Besides the party at the beer stop is “The main event” and he will throw the bike away and get the tabs out !!!! beer, fags and sunshine bring it on.

    Please note racing is not allowed, its a group ride out :wink:

    Free Member

    Stop press news, Beer stop to supply carry outs. Race first 6km to beer stop, drink beer,race a further 14km lap back to beer stop, obtain carry out beer and off you go. 8)

    Free Member

    How about prizes for:
    The owner of the bike placed highest up a tree
    Everyone that actually makes it to the start line by 11.00 sunday a.m.
    The last man (or girl) still drinking Sat night/Sunday morning
    Nicest looking bloke in a man-kini
    Best bloke in a frock & strappy sandals with a beard.

    Whoops soz, gone a bit gay there , must be my female side.

    Free Member

    Most ginger bloke, playing bass and then ridding next day award.
    Most ginger bloke being sick after to much alcohol.
    Most ginger bloke with wobbling knees on start line.

    Captain tang, penny just dropped tim, see you there “bring on the binge drinking”

    Free Member

    The beer stop is at the 6km point on lap one so could all riders/racers pace themselves to manage 6km as it would be a shame not to get that far. We have beer,beer or beer and a range of sun loungers,deck chairs etc etc. i.e 6km, race done, party starts again.

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