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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • StuMcGroo
    Free Member

    I’ve had a Rush thing going for about 12 months now. I’d start with Exit Stage Left, play it ’til you know every word, note and drum beat then start your collection of studio albums based on what you like from the live album. Just remember that they ain’t no one-level pop band, the more you play ’em the more you notice new things.

    Free Member

    Got mine today, I was gonna email them last night but they beat me to it with a dispatch confirmation email yesterday morning, 7 1/2 weeks in total from when I posted it :-)

    Free Member

    I use a fiamma on my t5 but was disappointed when I removed it after a 4 month spell on the van to find it had rubbed a 20p patch of paint through to the metal at the top of the tailgate.

    Free Member

    I’m a bereaver :roll:

    Free Member

    Like Bregante said… Squires, Braunton or the Frying Scotsman at Paighton. Tried Rick Steins chippy in Padstow, mediocre at best, Mrs McGroo said shite! Also tried a pub he’s got between Padstow and St.Merryn, didn’t know it was his but thought it must be good judging by how full the car park was… again disappointingly mediocre!

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Do you have an idea how mental that sounds?

    Only to the easily led.

    GrahamS – Are you suggesting that everyone in the NHS is party to some secret cross-party government conspiracy

    Er… no, I’m simply suggesting that the woman who stood up in the lecture was put up to it.

    GrahamS – to trick us into thinking that eating fat is bad??


    GrahamS – To what end? What is their evil plan?

    To line their own pockets and keep the big conglomerates in business.

    GrahamS – I must have missed the day they dragged off the missus to brainwash her.

    Now you’re just being silly.

    GrahamS – Unless… maybe they brainwashed me too?


    BTW, did you like the lecture?

    Free Member

    Stop believing what you see on the TV or read in the gutter press. If you’re serious, watch and learn. I was dragged along to this lecture and found it fascinating. I don’t know if it will be on here but there was a definate plant from the NHS who tried to put a spanner in the works, the last thing the government want is their plan to be sabotaged by someone who knows what they’re on about!!!


    Free Member

    In 1973 obesity in both the USA and UK was running at 2% of the population. By 1998, when both governments stopped publishing stats it had risen to 25%. To summarise it took 50 million years to get to 2% but only 25 years to increase another 23%.

    From that we can conclude that it is not the amount we eat which most likely hasn’t changed that much but is in fact the amount of processed crap we eat that is the problem.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    In the right place now Ringo :wink:

    Free Member

    RIP9 for me, I’d offer a test ride but it’s an XL :roll:

    Free Member

    Got me a UK Gravity Enduro entry today and shall be rolling out a 29er :wink:

    Free Member

    Tesco, fit ok, come with all the pockets that you don’t need, a proper button (unlike the crappy Endura press stud) and at £14 you don’t get pissed off when you rip ’em on a branch!

    Free Member

    mustard – Will they be in Fox kit? – No longer with Animal, Beaumont is/was sponsored by them last year and the head on his shirt is the only clear logo in those shots – am i reading too much into it? Does anyone really care?

    Yes you are reading too much into it and no one cares but the One Industries branding on Gee’s and Rachel’s shirts isn’t exactly subtle!

    Free Member

    Jamie – There has always been shite on TV. Just don’t watch it.

    Doh! Why didn’t I think of that… Thanks for the advice

    Free Member

    I don’t care much for the diluted drivel on tv these days but I watched every episode of Boardwalk Empire. Oh, and the Sopranos, just to give you a yardstick to go by.

    Free Member

    1.Glentress/Innerleithen – 3 days is not enough
    2.Llandegla – short but close(ish)

    Free Member

    Blinds are closed and front door is blacked out and locked and that’s the way it’s gonna stay… load of American bollocks! :evil:

    Free Member

    Pet insurance is only available because the insurance company, after covering the vets fees, admin costs and overheads can still make a profit. Which basically means on average customers will pay a lot more in than they get out.

    I’ve got 2 Jack Russells without insurance. The 14 year old is very ill, had a night in the vets last week along with scans and blood tests for £389 plus on going treatment on the other hand the 7 year old has cost £18 in those seven years. I’m happy to take my chances rather than paying for yet another policy that I might never use.

    To answer the OPs question, start underwriting now. Set up a standing order to transfer the insurance premium into another account and dip in when you need it, if it builds up to an excessive amount take a payment holiday… not an option with insurance!

    I don’t mean to get on my high horse here but for me the question of “worth it” will never be a financial one, it will be based on what is best for my dog(s).

    Free Member

    Fell asleep last night reading all the “going off on a tanget, you don’t need to do that bullsh1t”

    I’m awake now and intending to try these

    Free Member

    I tried what you’re doing stormtrooper but I thought it looked messy. In the end I used standard washers, taped the cable to rear brake hose every six inches down the downtube with black insulation tape then under the BB and along the underside of the chain stay inside a lizard skins protector. The result is much neater and unless you look really closely the only bit of cable you see is from the shifter to the head tube.

    Free Member

    I bought a 12 month old L200 with 80,000 miles on it, did another 40,000 in the next three years and apart from two M.O.T. fees I never spent a penny on it and it never let me down. Not as practical for biking as the VW Transporter that replaced it though.

    Free Member

    Penmach and Marin on day 1, nip over to cyb for day 2 :-)

    Free Member

    I decided to get back into trials in 2009 (before I discovered mountain bikes) bought/won a 1999 Montesa 315R off ebay for £850. Obviously it was well used but everything worked and I entered a Trial 3 days later. Didn’t get roped into all the colourful kit, just had (my old) boots and bought a new lid, apart from that it was jeans and sweatshirt. Did a dozen or so trials and practice sessions, bike was 100% reliable but it didn’t really grab me. Ebayed the bike 12 months later having spent nothing on it for £865. Give it a go, you’ve got nothing to lose!

    EDIT:just found an old pic, bought and sold in this 10 year old condition!

    Free Member

    z1ppy – Stu M, what can I say, there have been post about the £30 units saying there even cheaper feeling than the orignal £50 P7’s.. I’m only repeating what I’ve read.

    You welcome to refute it, and a honestly appreciate it as I’ve not seen one.. but then have you seen a smudge light or an more expensive XM-L to compare?
    I’m only trying to put down as honest an report as I can, so as not to mislead anyone.

    Understood Zippy, I don’t come on very often so don’t see all the threads just happened to catch this one.

    Only direct experience is with Light & Motion and can’t see where the extra £££’s are going. The guys I ride with have various different brands but it’s dark and they light up the path in front and that’s all I know.

    Free Member

    z1ppy – Dealextreme do sell them cheaper (though report suggest they’re a very very cheap build)


    I run 2 DX T6’s, one on my head, one on the bars with a ring of white duct tape on the lens to diffuse a rather concentrated beam. More light than I need plus as there is two, should any part of one system die, I’m not left in the dark and at £28 each I’m not breaking the bank!!

    Build quality is fine and easily on par with the Light & Motions that I’d been using at 10 times the price!!

    I’m all for good quality stuff and get swayed by the odd brand name* or ten but when it comes to lights I can’t get excited and can’t see the point in paying inflated prices over something that does what it needs to do. All IMO of course.

    *Not suggesting for one minute that a brand name automatically equates to good quality!

    Free Member

    The general rule is; strong, light, cheap…. pick any two!

    I’m a firm believer that the whole package (rider + bike) has to be lugged around so if you’ve got a 20lb bike but you’re 28lb over weight then you are indeed flogging a dead horse and have probably been reading too many MTB magazines!

    My bike weighs 33lbs, I can get a 20lb bike from the same manufacturer but I’d have to lose my front and rear suspension, gears and the fooking mahoosive grin on my face after a bit of downwards singletrack!

    Free Member

    what boblo said.

    worth paying the extra for quality and reliability. if it’s just for domestic stuff it’ll last longer than you and your kids will argue over who gets it!

    Free Member

    Great for braking power though mine continually emit high pitched whistle, no noticable drag but obviously something is making contact.

    Pads are p155 easy to change, fronts were squealing like a pig on heat at Glentress a couple of months ago (must have got some WD on ’em), back to the van, disc wiped with degreaser, new pads fitted and back on the trail less than half the time it takes Danny Hart to win a world championship.

    Free Member

    was nodding off in the first half so didn’t bother with second!

    Free Member

    ahwiles – but the gears will be sequential – yes?

    if you’re in 14th, and suddenly want 5th (a realistic scenario), you’ll have to click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click your way there.

    deraillerurrers, we all hate them, but with a front mech you’re only 1 click away from a much easier gear.

    or have i got something wrong?

    You’re slightly wrong, a click on your front mech and you’ll only go down 3 ratios, so with your scenario (requiring a 9 ratio change) you’ll still be pressing away with your right hand and trying to spin the cranks to get the gears to switch so you will most likely grind (literally) to a halt. The one thing I really liked with Alfine (and Rohloff and presumably Pinion) as ir_banditois has pointed out, is stationary shifting. It’s surprising how much you make use of that function.

    Free Member

    Tried Alfine 8 (documented elsewhere) but don’t like the large (r than derailleur) and inconsistent jump in ratios, considered an 11 but there seems far too many failures, now looking at dropping a Rohloff in the back of my RIP9, like the 14 gears and even jumps.

    But this, this is a step up and a step in the right direction. Less un-sprung weight, better C of G, loads of gears (you don’t have to use all 18, just use what you want) and therefore flexibility, compact and dare I say better looking when the crank and chain ring run on the same axle. Only problem is the small wheels :wink:

    Free Member

    Another vote for Woolacombe here and stay on North Morte Farm. It can get a bit blowey but if the weather stays nice you wake to stunning sea views. Ride from the site and hire boards and Kayaks in the town.

    Free Member

    This was my little experiment!


    Free Member

    You ain’t seen nothing yet Charlie!

    Free Member

    Well I’ve been pondering nothing for a while now and wanted to disprove an age old theory. Although the results weren’t overwhelming, I think with 14 posts it proves that the STW Massive can make something out of nothing 8O

    So, my next challenge will be to make mountains out of mole hills :wink:

    Free Member

    My smile-inducing RIP9

    Free Member

    highclimber – the were fat because they ate too much!

    Ha, eat that and weep you fatties!

    I bet it was fun being at school with you!

    Free Member

    My T5 has stupid low profile tyres on stupid 20″ rims and a flat-as-a-fart 85ps engine. It will happily do 70 mph all day and it’s fitted with cruise control to save my right ankle.

    Spent 5 hours driving it to Kirroughtree last Wednesday, rode the bike for 3 hours then drove a further 2 1/2 hours to our digs at Innerleithen, got out fresh as a daisy!

    I think it’s ace and choose to drive it in preference to our car, maybe it just depends what you are used too!

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