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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • StuMcGroo
    Free Member

    It’s also worth noting the arrogance of individuals who write stuff off as subjective and rubbish the process. They’re often ignorant of their own ignorance, and don’t recognise the quality and integrity of the knowledgeable judges…

    or that all people who have a differing opinion always generalise :wink:

    anyway, i'm just sitting here having a sunday morning cup of tea, minding my own business, texting my mate about going for a ride, fa cup hightlight on in the background and thinking how shit subjective sports, i don't feel particularly arrogant or ignorant.

    hold on…..

    just checked with mrs mcgroo, she sais i'm talking out my arse and that all sport is shit… bit arrogant i thought.

    Free Member

    can you imagine the summer olympics longjump, you've just jumped the furthest but didn't win cos you didn't look so good. or shooting, you hit all your targets but your jacket is so last year!

    darts and snooker are more worthy of being tagged sports than ski jumping, gymnastics, ice skating, skateboarding, etc etc.

    anyone old enough to remember the 1984 winter olympics will know that as long as torvill and dean stayed on their feet then they'd got gold, total bollocks.

    Free Member

    sorry ade ward no disrespect.

    anyway that kona A looks nice and clean with rear suspension to boot, looking at their current line up it would seem the bass has a similar design but alas in a jump bike, not sure if there are anymore.

    Free Member

    jesus christ, i'm sure it's effective but the "clean lines" have gone awol!

    Free Member

    where can i find those ssstu?

    Free Member

    well, would you look at that!

    Free Member

    but if using rear suspension you'd still need a springloaded tensioner… come to think of it, has anyone fitted hub gears to a full susser?

    Free Member

    ssstu, is that springloaded?

    Free Member

    don't talk to me about LL, i proper f'cked up there! (ref; mtbmaff)

    anyway it'll come from whoever offers the best dodgy invoice allround deal and yes you can.

    Free Member

    well my accountant emailed me back as follows;

    Dear Mr McGroo,

    It's all about justification. If there is a way in which you feel you could argue that you sometimes use the bike for work then you could claim…

    Hope this helps.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mr Accountant.

    he goes into more detail but that doesn't matter. so there you go, not a loophole, fiddle, con, lie, re-distribution, false claim or piss take in sight. :lol:

    Free Member

    because of the

    Free Member

    i was late booking, all they had left was some singular 29 inch wheel thingie!

    Free Member

    to be fair it's still got rims, normally in liverpool you'd expect it to be on bricks 8O

    Free Member

    i don't know if he's an mp anymore but years ago… dave nellist (i think he was ousted by labour for being to honest and wanting to represent his constituants, don't want any of that in the house of commons!)

    Free Member

    the blogger dude suggested the creation of a new footpath, and suggested that 10 people could create it by walking along the route half-a-dozen times.

    shot himself in the foot there then!

    Free Member

    like i said tj, whatever my accountant tells me to pay… that's what i pay him for… to know all the loopholes legal tax breaks :wink:

    Free Member

    ziggy, i'm staggered that you're so naive, neither this government nor any successive government gives a flying **** about your carbon footprint. after paye the car is the next biggest earner in taxes, not to mention a massive employer, fuelling more paye, followed by fags and booze. this is just a token gesture to look good in the eyes of the world, the last thing any western government wants is for people to stop using their cars.

    Free Member

    IIRC the "majority" of the use of the bike has to be for trips to work.

    but difficult to prove without a mileometer.

    lets face it, for people who have never cycled to work, this scheme is a genuine incentive to do so. for all of us on this forum, and all the cyclists not on forums, it's a way of getting your next bike at a discount.

    anyway, i've just emailed my accountant.

    Free Member

    PeterPoddy –
    So, everytime I ride MrsPPs C2W Trek to the shops it's fraud is it?

    yes and the implication would also be that everytime mrspp uses her c2w trek for anything other than cycling to work would also be fraud.

    anyway, the fraud, tax evasion and taking the piss comments are all bollocks. i worked for 22 years on paye, i've worked the last 7 years self employed, i've paid all the taxes my accountant said i had to pay, i've never claimed job seekers allowance, working tax credits, child benefit, child tax credit, incapacity benefit, income support, dissability living allowance, attendence allowancs, carers allow etc, i think you get the picture.

    but being self employed i am discriminated against by not being allowed the same incentives as paye employees.

    i think i'll phone my accountant, see if i can buy my bike through my business, won't have to pay rrp, get it from anywhere, get the vat back and get it for net (pre tax) and won't have to pay the £60 or so for transfer of ownership in 18 months time!

    Free Member

    taking the piss? wouldn't dream of it!

    now, where did i put that orange brochure?

    Free Member

    Bregante –
    what cookeaa said

    ahem, what barney mcgrew said, nudge nudge :wink:

    Free Member

    ok barney mcgrew, 10-4, you ain't seen me… right?

    end of thread.

    Free Member

    i reckon it'll be ok, if questioned why she bought a 20" frame when she's only 5'3", mrs mcgroo can say she though she had trouble touching the floor the shop assured her it was the right size!

    Free Member

    fraud? hmm, ok i'll rephrase. anyone borrowed someone else's c2w scheme bike?

    Free Member

    hmmm, cannock and night… did you see stan?

    Free Member

    10pmix – I haven't seen my sister in 20 years… Its a complete mystery why she is like this.

    10pmix, you can't see it from her point of view but she will have her reasons. they might be small to you but they're probably massive to her and if she's not looking for resolution then there would be little point in her trying to explain.

    myself, i'm estranged from my mother. miss her? no… it's a relief.

    Free Member

    so there you go, much a do about nothing, trouble is this chap will keep banging on and on at this meeting and that meeting and eventually he'll get something changed through shear persistence rather than any scientific reasoning, then he'll die happy having achieved something!

    this chap highlights erosion, but he's talking about erosion of his footpath, one small strip amongst acres of untouched land, when scientists talk about erosion, they're talking on a grand scale, 18" of cliffs falling away on the south coast every year etc, this is nature at work, that's erosion, not a few individuals on foot or bike.

    as for puddling in footprints, i disagree, a couple of minutes of torrential rain will have those puddled footprints overflowing and the water will run off anyway. and is it not better if the tyre tracks promote running off, surely the paths will drain quicker!

    Free Member

    NW Alps Jeyer aka Boz – Good to see you didnt give away Worcs's secret riding hotspot there rocketdog….

    only a select few are allowed to ride gaz's back passage 8O

    Free Member

    transporter surf bus

    Free Member

    just pratting about wwjr, heckler with green frame and yellow swinger looks nice (if you live in brazil) but they ain't got a matching fork!

    Free Member

    all the tv news broadcasts (now including the bbc) have become an extension of the tabloid press, on the odd occasion i see tv news rarely is there anything that i would consider news worthy.

    i've started watching a programme on bbc4 called news wipe, that puts all the news into proper perspective, much better viewing.

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Why cant they just do it properly? Define a new BB size

    +1 (i'd be at the front of the queue)

    Free Member

    as a newbie, yesterdays ride was the first in real filthy conditions, several times the rear mech (xt) didn't change when i asked it to so i had to click again, then a minute later it changes on it's own. front mech (lx) wouldn't change up once it had got clogged in middle or granny. when i came to a halt on steep accents i couldn't rotate the pedals backwards for a good starting position because the jockey wheels were clogged. on top of that i was probably carrying the extra weight equivalent to 4 rohloffs on each wheel in mud. it was a good day for thinking about hub gears.

    Free Member

    they still manage to go out most nights of the week!


    I don't even watch the TV

    … so get rid of the tv then!

    Free Member

    paulrockliffe – A lot of walkers are complete miserable bastards

    to be fair, we came accross probably 30 walkers yesterday, all greeted us with good morning, one advised on a less sticky route to the next gate and two held gates open. clearly we all saw things from the "wider perspective"

    Free Member

    oh dear, he think he's touched a raw nerve, i think in general, our community (if we must be pigeon holed) is a bit to laid back to be comcerned with raw nerves, yesterday one of ours went over the bars downhill, covered in mud and sheep shit, once we'd determined that nothing was broken we all pissed ourselves laughing, not a raw nerve in sight.

    as for

    certain groups gather together virtually via the internet to reinforce their beliefs and shut themselves off from a wider perspective

    this guy is exhibiting one of the most narrow minded attitudes i've ever witnessed, basically you agree with him or you are wrong.

    Free Member

    age is irrelevant, carry on until you either don't want to or physically can't, whichever comes first.

    Free Member


    after several experiments problem is solved and it's pretty simple.

    cleaned calipers and rotors with brake cleaning spray, new pads, align calipers to rotor everytime wheels are put back in (might be overkill but it's easy and works), after dirty ride clean bike with soap and water and wash down with hot water hose, spraying plenty around brakes.

    don't bother with copper grease on back of pads and make sure no oil or grease (wd40) gets on rotors or calipers.

    no squeal and plenty of bite.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy –
    Contaminated or badly set up


    i had badly sqeeling brakes (new 2nd hand bike), replaced pads, i always re-align my calipers every time the wheel is put back in, clean calipers with hot water hose after every (dirty) ride and if you like to apply wd40 after washing your bike then shield the rotors and calipers.

    squeel has stopped and brakes bite good and proper.

    Free Member

    if you can get 11 ratios in an alfine at 1.6kg it would seem that suntour need to try harder, it looks a bit of a monster too, i was thinking more alfine/rohloff size and built into the bb.

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