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  • Nipple shufflers and new rubbers: products and prototypes spotted at Sea Otter
  • StuMcGroo
    Free Member

    6'4", 19" hardtail, i saw some photos of myself riding it and it looks like a kids bike 😐

    Free Member

    joolsburger – in the middle of the bloody trail???

    I don't get it at all.

    in the middle as in "blocking the way" = because they are selfish

    or "somewhere between the start and finish" = because they are not selfish

    Free Member

    my quick search found it for £18, dot mtb or something like that. anyway, you're right, it all works and i can ride tomorrow now so wtf.

    mtbmaff reckons it'll last 6 weeks, so that's my target 😯

    Free Member

    the descent is the reward for the climb. the last ride out i had with the lycra boys we did technical climbs followed by tarmac descents… wtf… that was dull.

    Free Member

    unlikely +1, a bit of a treck but i'd be up for it. however, obviously you need someone else looking to buy, for the price to increase but from my experience of property auctions they'll start at or close to the guide price!

    Free Member

    i stopped wearing a watch years ago (pre mobile phone days) whilst on holiday in cornwall, decided i would get up when i wake up, eat when i was hungry etc. 1st night, got a bit peckish, decided to go into town for something to eat, trouble was it was 11 o'clock at night and everywhere was closing!

    next day, caught the sun and the skin that had been living under my watch for the last 20 years swells up like a football!

    great start but i persevered and haven't had a watch since.

    Free Member

    i was only 4 but i remember getting excited everytime my dad filled up the morris oxford 'cos me and my bro (he was 7) were collecting these.

    Esso 1970 World Cup Collection

    Free Member

    talkemada. you go from "if these allegations are true" to stating that "They're all sneaky, conniving, duplicitous scum!" in a matter of a dozen lines.

    i sincerely hope that if you are ever in trouble the judge doesn't take a similar line.

    but not as much as i hope that if i am ever in trouble then you are not on my jury.

    thinking on it, your new (or is that 500 year old) approach to justice would save a hell of a lot of taxpayers money, why not bring back hanging, drowning and burning at the stake to save on prison costs too.

    Free Member

    might as well give my two penneth. as much as i sympathise with captainflashheart and talkemada the bottom line is that any defendant in a criminal case is entitled to legal aid, you can't go changing the rules just because there's been a lot of media attention/public opinion.

    Free Member

    'kin hell, 3 chains and a seat post… that's hardcore 😯

    you won't be able to carry enough spares for a full lap 😉

    Free Member

    _tom_, did you get to cannock, there were a lot of diversions, hope you weren't to disappointed. i've been 4 times now and have yet to be able to ride the whole course, still think it's a fantastic place though and can't wait for it all to be open.

    Free Member

    i shall watch it but 17 runners in a world championship is a poor show, coupled with the rule that prohibits rookies from riding for works teams and satellite teams not getting the best kit means it's a 3 or at best 4 horse race before it's even started.

    I also think that dorna has had to peg back the power of moto 2 to avoid scoring an own goal!

    Free Member

    _tom_, 0900? we would have to get up at stupid o'clock 😉

    we'll keep a look out, i'll be the tall bloke making his orange hardtail look like a bmx bike and sweating like a pig and mboy will be giving it large on his stupidly wide barred, alfine hubbed, 29er on-one wierdo bike 😀

    Free Member

    yeah, you're a wierdo too… hub gears and 29's! will you be using flats? i wouldn't mind trying that alfine out off road

    Free Member

    tazzymtb… you wierdo, i bet you're running 29's too 😉 just kidding, thanks for the offer, will take it up another time if that's ok, cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    kids 🙄 … alarm call booked.

    the grand national…. you're having a larf!

    Free Member

    malverns + sunshine = walkers. i really want my trail centre fix and i'm away next weekend. meet at bromsgrove? i want a lie in so won't be stupid o'clock, your call.

    Free Member

    fackit, last time i looked it was going to open on the 17th

    Free Member

    mboy, what time?

    Free Member

    psychle, this is serious 5hit, the last thing i would do is ask about serious 5hit on here! you get every answer possible and all from unqualified people making decisions based on the 3 paragraphs you supplied.

    me personally, i would talk to my gp (after much badgering from mrs mcgroo) then i would talk to a specialist and i would probably talk to 5 different specialists before i found one that could help me.

    as for getting signed off etc, i've got opinions but like i said, this is serious 5hit, we're not talking about "what colour pedals for my orange 5" here, so i'm not qualified to comment.

    this can be sorted, good luck 😉

    Free Member

    bushwacked, how you doin? i can finally post again, meant to contribute the day after our session with jedi but got into a little bother with the mods!

    i didn't know i was going on the course until the night before, didn't know what to expect and was a little sceptical. as it happens it was brilliant and money well spent. went with maverickboy (now mboy) to cannock the following week and what a difference…. not concerned with little roots, ruts and trees that would have grabbed my attention before, looked further down the trail, made a mental note of what's approaching and almost instinctively tackled them while continuing looking forward.

    went faster and in more control than ever before and had a whacking great smile to boot.

    and that, to answer your question, is what is going to make my riding better this year 😉

    Free Member

    mudshark – now he lives.

    yeah but i wanted to come back as a dog or cat (no work, 2 meals a day etc) but i came back as myself!

    coffeeking, the time thing was strange, the last thing i remembered was that the monitor gave a constant beep (as oposed to the short beeps). mrs mcgroo said it didn't do that it just stopped beeping, so i'm assuming that the lights went out mid beep and my brain never heard the end of it.

    Free Member

    me too, sitting up with heart monitor on, felt a bit funny and noticed monitor slowing down…. next thing, i'm lay on my back, my vision comes back and i notice someone looking in to my eyes. at first it was like looking through really thick obscured glass that then got clearer and clearer, at which point i noticed half a dozen hospital staff around me and mrs mcgroo in tears.

    when i asked what was wrong she told me i died, from sitting up i slumped back on the bed eyes wide open no heart beat. the alarm on the machine went off, a nurse came in just thinking it had become disconnected but when she saw me it was action stations, i was out for 2 minutes or so.

    as for after life… nowt (not that i would have expected anything as it's all bollocks). what i will say is that i didn't notice a time lapse between leaving and returning (obviously as i was dead), it's not like sleeping, to me i just went from sitting on my own to lying down with loads of people around me in like a nano second. it was ok but i've avoided doing it since 😉

    Free Member

    newswipe is ace, shows the news up for scare mongering sensationalist shite that it really is.

    Free Member

    I want to compile a list of every form of tax

    i wouldn't if i was you, sometimes it's just better not to know!

    Free Member

    personally i think the "life begins at 40" saying relates to a situation rather than actually being 40. i suspect that at age 40(ish), mr & mrs average's kids have flown the nest and they've paid off their mortgage, therefore mr & mrs average have suddenly got extra time and money on their hands and start doing more with said time and money and hence… life begins at 40!

    it's only a theory but i think it's feasable.

    as for being 40? it doesn't matter, it's just a number.

    as for wondering what people are thinking about you? it doesn't matter, they can think what they want, if they've got a problem then that's exactly what it is… their problem. you should do exactly what you want.

    Free Member

    the obvious question of "haven't you got any real criminals to catch?" springs to mind.

    Free Member

    while i'm ranting. £995 (giant) buys 2.5 stars, £1800 (lapirre) buys 3.5 stars, that's a lot of wonga for the extra star.


    if the lapierre is the control bike why didn't it get 5 stars? or was that being judged against another control bike? do you think they actually went to the alps?

    Free Member

    no i didn't read the introduction, looking at the contenders i didn't bother wasting my time reading the test, a test for £1000-£1200 bikes should be exactly that, if there is a control bike involved it doesn't need to be commented on but in this case it is included in the test and is given their star rating.

    people just browsing the magazine, like me this morning, will see the lapierre come out on top. this might have something to do with the full page ad on page 25 for the "new for 2010" lapierre spicy 216!

    like rkk01 said, wmb class the anthem x1 as their bike of the year so why isn't that the control bike to which all others are compared?

    maybe i'm taking it to seriously and should just use wmb to look at the airbrushed and artificially lighted action shots whilst i'm sitting on the bog!

    Free Member

    he said "no time wasters please"

    don't think he'll have a problem in that department!

    EDIT; and you've got to contract him for further information, what? he wants us to have him killed?

    Free Member

    bummer, looks like stu mcgroo is dead though, has the option to change our forum name been removed?

    Free Member

    i think it's all bollocks. i've seen snippets of it, he'll be on some vertical rock face commenting on how it's a struggle…. but who is holding the camera ffs.

    did you see that top gear amazon thingy they did? on one of the in-car shots, if you were quick enough you could see the crew in the background before they cut away, on freeze frame i counted 10 crew members and loads of recording equipment but when they do the final edit it looks like the presenters are all alone in the wilderness. that's only one example but i now tend to treat all television with contempt and scepticism.

    Free Member

    barnsleybitch – If aid doesnt get directed correctly due to political corruption, I for one wont turn my back and stop donating

    mitch, what are you saying? as a registered nurse i have respect for your profession, hard work, long hours, wages squeezed by the government but you'll happily give your hard earned away knowing it is funding political corruption, you must be getting paid too much.

    oh, miserable **** maybe but at least i'm not suffering with pmt like you 😉

    EDIT: **** hell, now ourmaninthenorth agrees with supporting political corruption too, i think we need to put more money into education and start in your neck of the woods!

    Free Member

    nonk – through the mrs's work i have been blown away by the amount of kids that are born into the world addicts from day one.

    nonk, it's going off topic but mrs mcgoo worked with 16-25 years olds at a local (international) charity. some (not all) couldn't even be bothered to get out of bed to go to town and collect their benefits, these kids are 2nd generation non-workers, there parents never worked so working is just alien to them. if you're born into that environment what are your chances? slim to non! anyway, back on topic,mrs mcgroo now works in same field but in local government, trying to spread (the lack of) funds very thinly indeed, so yes supertackysteve that £16,200,000 could be well spent at home.

    Free Member

    £300 million in aid from UK to India, who spent £500 million on their space program last year

    thanks woody, i rest my case.

    miserable **** or not i happily give to charity and there are countless charities struggling to raise funds as they don't get the boost from a whole night of promotion courtesy of our national broadcasting corporation. so if you lot want to sit back and rub your hands because you've done a good deed by doing what the bbc has told you to do then you can't see past the end of your noses. get your heads out of your tabloid trash and look at the bigger picture.

    Free Member

    yeah still watching and now moyles is in tears… pass me the bucket!

    rather be a miserable c*nt than a sheep… bah.

    unfortunately it won't be a year because the bbc will subject us to children in **** need and not so **** comic relief.

    Free Member

    Zedsdead – Good. she was truly rubbish!


    Free Member

    rs – 6/10

    that's a bit harsh, your kids'll grow up to hate you 😯

    i'll give it 9/10, would have been 10 except that credit in the bottom left corner ruins my screensaver 😉

    Free Member

    like spooky said, he is so dedicated to his cause that he'll go out of his way to show you who's the daddy!

    Free Member

    i'm with m6ttf, load of consumer bollocks, don't get sucked in by it!

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