Crikey, I know what its like to lose someone in a car crash my Dad died in a crash when I was 17.
I simply don’t believe that by having a lower speed limit or a speed camera on the road where he crashed that he’d be here now.
Speed cameras are a tax on he stupid true, but they penalise the majority because of a minority,
I drive 30-40k a year and have done for the last 15 years, I haven’t been stopped by the police ever, I’ve never got any points. I’ve tried to improve my skills and am prepared to take responsibility for my actions when I sit behind the wheel. I do not speed as a rule but there have been times when I’ve exceeded the NSL. I don’t believe that reducing the NSL on single carriage-way roads will have a dramatic impact on road safety. This can only come from better training and a change in attitudes towards other forms of transport.
There are many other large numbers of deaths each year from groups that could be saved for more easily and for less money, stats for 2007 – 15k from Mental & behavioral disorders…
Improving the health of the nation, by getting people out of their cars to walk or cycle will benefit more people and RTA stats then a mandatory 50 limit.