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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Stuey01
    Free Member

    I’ve signed up to O2 – free broadband for 6 months as I am an existing mobile customer.
    Phone is £7.50 a month.

    So I’m paying £7.50 for 6 months, then £20 thereafter, 12 month contract. That is for phone and broadband, unlimited downloads.
    Got money off a mobile internet dongle too, so I have something to bridge the 1 week gap til they can get in to install it.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Free Member


    The following services are available in your location:

    BT Wholesale ADSL
    BT Wholesale ADSL Max
    BT Wholesale WBC (21CN)
    BT Wholesale SDSL
    O2 / Be LLU
    Bulldog LLU
    TalkTalk (CPW) LLU
    Sky Broadband / Easynet LLU
    Tiscali LLU
    Tiscali TV (via Tiscali LLU)

    Cheers for that link.

    Free Member

    Natalie Imbruglia FTW.

    Free Member

    Cav’s new bike will be a Pinarello.

    Free Member

    Sigma Sport in Hampton is awesome for roadie stuff.

    Free Member

    12 so I’m out. And I guessed most of them. That test is ridiculous.

    Free Member

    To be fair, Specialized’s pro-team roster is looking a bit lightweight for next season with Highroad folding so they may make a mega bucks bid to sponsor Sky. Don’t know the length of the Sky Pina deal.

    Free Member

    In pro road cycling bike manufacturers don’t sponsor individuals, they sponsor teams. He will ride what his team tell him to ride, same as every other pro road cyclist.

    Free Member

    Which “last year”? 2011 he’s been on the Spec Mclaren Venge

    Last year being 2010, i.e. last year, not THIS year.

    Cav’s Scott Addict from LAST year

    Free Member

    Loaded with a double round of monmouth coffee for a work day.

    Free Member

    not sure if you are aware, but ‘London’ is quite a big spread out place…

    He does say in the centre… which isn’t that big or spread out really.

    Evans on Waterloo road probably has a fair bit of Fox stuff as it is a MTB specialist one.

    Free Member

    Specialized I bet,he says he will only ride them.

    Since when? He was on a Scott Addict last year.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If I were buying a boardman for a commute it would be the new CX one with drops and cable discs and tabs for mudguards.

    Free Member

    This is STW. They are all wrong. The answer is:

    Skoda Octavia Estate.


    Free Member

    They had Austin “I’m the greatest” Healey presenting. No word on the coat and scarf combo as I didn’t have access to the webcam of the studio.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Why isn’t the latest post showing? Is this the glitch thing people keep mentioning?

    Free Member

    I was listening to the 5live phone in show in the car on Sunday, they were on the topic of the RWC.
    A bloke from Cardiff phones up on the pretext of talking about Wales – the presenters get him on the air and say words to the effect of “Wales in the Semi’s, isn’t it great! let’s talk about Wales”
    Bloke from Cardiff: “I want to talk about England and the failures of Martin Johnson”

    They tried to steer him onto Wales and he just wanted to stick the knife in to England.

    Wales best performance in a RWC for many years, a genuine chance of reaching the final and daring to dream of winning it, excellent young team who could be the dawn of a new era of Welsh rugby… And all he wanted to talk about was England.
    It was so terribly terribly sad.

    Free Member

    It wouldn’t be that bad for Oz if they had to play Berrick Barnes at 10, he is also an exceptional player.

    Free Member

    Wales v Oz final I reckon.

    Oz to triumph in the end.

    My aussie mates to never, ever shut up about it. Especially after the ribbing we gave them in 2007 in Marseille.

    Free Member

    You patronising sod.

    The rule does not reference the direction of travel of the ball, only the direction of the throw. You are inferring that this is the same as the travel of the ball. There is room for interpretation of the law. This is why it is debated on forums and in pubs the world over. This is why people have gone to the trouble to produce videos about it.

    Free Member

    However it is clearly not allowed for in the rules which define the movement of the ball in relation to the dead ball line.

    But they don’t. They define the direction of the throw in relation to the dead ball line.

    Free Member

    The IRB have published that forward pass video on their own youtube channel, so I think it’s clear where the game’s rulemakers stand on this issue.

    Free Member

    Villa Borghese and the Borghese gardens is great for a half a day or so. You have to book in advance to get in the Villa, it is an immense private art collection amassed by the scheming Borghese family, and now displayed in their former residence and open to the public. It’s very good. The park it is set in is great too. Sculptures round every corner.
    We hired a two person pedal buggy and hooned around in the park for a couple of hours finding the sculptures, it was great!

    I’d give the spanish steps a swerve if you are pushed for time. We were unimpressed. The area they are in is lovely for a wander round the shops and a leisurely lunch in one of the restaurants, pricey round there though.

    The stuff listed above is all great too. Also take some time to just wander around, it is an amazing city to just spend time in, so much history just right there around every corner, beautiful courtyards and cafes everywhere.

    Loved it, great great city.

    Free Member

    I know what the law says, I’ve read it too.
    It says that if the ball is thrown forward then it is a forward pass. It doesn’t say anything about the ball travelling forward.
    The video demonstrates that it is possible to throw a ball backwards, that actually travels forwards. That is why there is room for interpretation in the law, and the allowing of the “momentum pass” by the referees.

    Free Member

    Not impossible. Throw a ball on a backward diagonal out of the window of a car doing 30mph or so, see where it ends up relative to the point of release.
    Same principle.
    You can throw a ball backwards, relative to the moving thrower, that travels forward relative to the ground.

    Free Member

    You have no proof that his helmet did anything to protect him :wink: :? :wink:

    Free Member

    So they are just chinos then, but with a slimmer cut?

    Nowt wrong with that.

    Free Member

    Are these those things with that look like chinos but with an elasticated cuff round the ankle?
    Usually worn with espadrilles?

    If so then you look like a douche, but you knew that anyway right?

    Free Member

    Surfer, I guess I feel a bit sorry for Toure for a few reasons.
    1) He has always seemed to be a decent guy, as footballers go.
    2) I believe that he was stupid rather than an knowing cheat.
    3) I am an Arsenal fan and he was a quality player for us. (I accept that this may colour my judgement in this case somewhat)

    Free Member

    Not sure I understand this surely his training would keep at an apropraite weight?

    Apparently not, as he was taking his wifes slimming pills to lose weight. He can get a bit chunky for a footballer so maybe this is something he struggles with. I don’t know about the masking agent, it wasn’t reported as such in the press and you;d think they would be all over a scandal like that if it were.

    If I understand you, a professional athlete took a performance enhancing drug and was caught. How is that not in the same category as Chambers who is a professional athlete, took performanc enhancing drugs and was caught?
    Chambers was a cynical cheat and Toure was “a bit stupid” double standards

    Have I called Chambers a cynical cheat? No, didn’t think so.
    But back to your question… Toure was caught and banned, rightly in my opinion. Do I think his offence was as serious as Chambers? No, I don’t, and neither do the panel handing out the punishment, evidenced by his shorter ban.

    My main point was, and still is, that increased likelihood of being caught is a better deterent than a tougher sentence.

    Free Member

    Err what? Is being leaner not a performance advantage for a footballer then?
    I feel a bit sorry for Toure, because basically he was being a bit stupid, but really, he is a professional athlete who took drugs to lose weight – of course it was performance enhancing. It’s hardly in the same category as being caught taking steroids, but then he only recieved a 6 month sentence so that is reflected in the punishment.

    FLandis got caught at the TdF that he won, so I don’t see how him having a 2 year ban or a lifetime ban makes a blind bit of difference to Oscar standing on the top step of the podium. A 2 year ban pretty much finished his career anyway so the length of the ban wasn’t important, he cheated because he thought he could get away with it.

    The main point I came in here to make is that the harshness of the sentence is not the main deterent – it is the likelihood of getting caught.
    If the harshness of the sentence was the key factor in deciding whether to break the rules then we would see a significant difference in the murder rate in US states that have the death penalty compared to those that don’t… but there isn’t.
    Tougher penalties are a red herring, the key is increasing the likelihood of being caught. The authorities seem to be onto this, at least in cycling anyway, with the testing regimen they have.

    Free Member

    If you fall hard enough to break your wrist, but are wearing guards, the chances are you’ll end up with a break further up your arm.

    This is such crap. There are a couple of my cousins friend’s brother’s uncle’s vicar’s daughter had this happen to her stories out there and now it is repeated as fact all over the internet.
    How many people fall with wristguards on and don’t break their wrist or arm? We don’t know because it is a non event and not reported. You can bet that it is a significant number given how many beginners wear wristguards and fall over, a lot. If this was a genuine problem it would be much more publicised and have stats to support it.

    I’ve got no axe to grind here, I don’t wear wristguards nor do I work for a wristguard manufacturer, I just hate to see this rubbish repeated as fact.

    Free Member

    Oh, and in answer to your question – learning is extremely taxing physically.
    I wouldn’t recommend an intense course unless you are fit and strong-willed. If she is just going along with it because it is your idea and doesn’t REALLY want it, then tantrums are likely.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t learn on a dry slope personally. You fall over A LOT when learning to snowboard. Can you get to a snowdome?

    When (not if) you fall, don’t put your hands down! Land on your butt, your wrists will thank you for it.

    Free Member

    Sounds like they’ve banned you to prevent you doing this lad a mischief on their property.

    Is that what you intend to do? Is it obvious that this is what you intend to do? Are you known as being a bit of a hardcase?

    If yes to any of the above then I can see why they’ve done it. They should refund your membership fees though, imo.

    Free Member

    100 (mph)

    Free Member

    If it was my wife and I thought we’d get away with it then yes I’d take the points because, well, she’s my wife.

    I’d be asking for the photos, if there is a full frontal picture (ooh-er) that has her bang to rights then obviously not worth the risk. If she’d been done from behind by a gatso (double ooh-er) then I’d take one for the team.

    The moral outrage of whiny stw’ers would not be a factor in the decision making process.

    Free Member

    If someone just uses their own accent a la Costner in Prince of Thieves, Gerard Butler in 300, or Connery in, well, anything – then I don’t think it really ranks in the same category as a poorly executed faked accent, a la Statham in The Transporter.

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