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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • Stuey01
    Free Member

    What is the point of punishing someone unless they know that what they did was wrong?

    How do they get to know it was wrong?
    I suppose it depends on how you define punishment. A good telling off I would have thought would be enough in this case.

    Free Member

    Serious question – is any ‘punishment’ right for a 4 yr old? Are they old enough to know what they were doing was wrong?

    (Being serious – I don’t have any at that age, but I would have thought they were a little too young to understand it was wrong in the first place).

    How will they learn if not punished?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I went to uni with her, she was a heptathlete now a fitness model. She would whup most blokes in the weight room. Also models for those powerplate vibration things.

    Free Member

    Hudson’s – Really really nice for dinner, phenomenal steak and wine. Pricey though.

    Free Member

    the bank staff take off all their clothes at lunchtime and roll about in the money. It takes a while for it to dry.

    Who told you?

    Free Member

    Payments services are highly regulated and protected. Your money isn’t at risk.

    Faster Payments scheme has been implemented in a number of banks but it is not yet mandatory, so all banks aren’t in on it. Also if there is a service outage on the either bank’s Faster Payments infrastructure then the payment will queue then revert to a slower route.

    If a Bank loses the ability to process payments it is in deep doo doo from a regulatory perspective (in extreme cases banking license is under threat). It also can be made to pay large fines or interest payments to recipients. Banks do not muck about when ensuring the integrity of their payments systems.

    Free Member

    Se, in the OP’s case, he’s not supposed to know the content of the letters, as he’s not sposed to open them, as they’re not addressed to him. Therefore he is protected by Law from any action by the DCs.

    Of course what you are saying is true, but back in the real world why not nip it in the bud and avoid the lump of wood scenario?

    Free Member

    I can see I’m in the minority here but I quite like Gatwick Airport. Getting there at 4:30am to check in for one of the first flights to Geneva for a snowboarding holiday is great. Cooked brekkie in Spoons with 15 mates, anticipating the snowboarding to come, quality.

    Gatwick is my favourite airport, excellent facilities.

    Free Member

    Whereas those who borrow money and don’t pay it back, they’re just lovely aren’t they. If people weren’t c*nts there’d be no need for bailiffs.

    Free Member

    Jeff Buckley is dead. He made one album, generally that is not enough for a record collection. Besides most Muse sounds f*ck all like Jeff Buckley.

    Free Member

    I would also refuse to carry any more than £10 float on the grounds that it would increase the likelyhood of being robbed as I travel to and from work.

    Not the customers problem, not your fault either really, better system needed.

    Free Member

    Buy her a new bike, but in your size.

    Free Member

    I’m holding out for the Gilette Decade 10 blade.

    What? oh you were talking about gears.

    Free Member

    Everyone else seems to leave it on all the time and select the least bad channel.

    I’m ashamed to say that this is exactly what I do.
    I have every sky channel, inc sport and movies, and it is simply staggering how frequently I can’t find anything to watch so just put shite on.

    Seriously considering going back to freeview only. Won’t go without one altogether though.

    Free Member

    Go see a lawyer. They are demanding money with menaces. Get the lawyer to threaten to sue them for this. They will back off. Then get the lawyer to sue them for his fee and maybe your inconvenience.

    Not just speculation. I have a solicitor friend who did this.

    I seriously doubt that this is necessary at this point.

    Free Member

    I had this same scenario. Muppet who moved out had a string of parking offences unpaid, they had escalated to thousands of pounds.

    I spoke to them on the phone loads of times, eventually a guy came knocking, I explained the situation and that I did not have a forwarding address. Showed him a utility bill with mine and my Mrs name on it, and my photo drivers licence registered to the address. He apologised for the inconvenience and left, never been contacted since.

    It is just in their process, form letters, threats of court etc… You prove that you live there not the previous tenant and it will stop.

    Free Member

    Anybody ever seen the Bloodsport sequels? Not starring JCVD, they had the american wrestler from the first one and some other main character.

    They were so crap.

    Free Member

    My parents have cats, as they have gotten older (a bit older than your cat) they have taken to peeing in shoes – never used to do it.

    Could be your cat.

    Free Member

    Universal Soldier

    Are all worth a watch.

    Universal Soldier is probably the best.

    Free Member

    Do big calves = more power (for cycling at least)?

    They probably contribute, but in a minor way compared to quads, glutes and hamstrings.

    Free Member


    Courtesy of years of lifting weights, cycling and also genetically big calves (inherited from my Dad)

    Edit: measured by highly accurate headphone cable and ruler method :wink:

    Free Member

    I’ve never been to Manchester. Why would I want to go there? There’s nowt there for me

    Well it’s got loads of good riding just outside it for a start.

    So go to just outside it then.

    Free Member

    Thermal tights over the top will be warmer (this would be my choice from now through til early spring).
    You get colder on a roadie than you do on a MTB in my experience, moving faster through the cold air for longer I guess.

    Free Member

    Your SLA must describe specifically the service that is being offered.

    Key points with SLA’s is that they are:

    a) supportive of the customer requirements
    b) achievable
    c) measurable

    It must be possible to define KPIs within your SLAs that you can measure to drive performance. It is imperative that by improving these KPIs you are improving the experience for the customer – this is the most difficult part as customer experience is pretty much a perception of service rather than cold hard facts that you can measure. You need to really understand how the customer uses the service to get good alignment of KPIs to customer experience.

    Look for alignment of Service Hours to intended usage times. Recovery times in line with a business impact assessment of loss of service.

    An SLA could combine factual KPIs (number of widgets processed, availability, time to recover etc) with a perception based customer rating, and your reporting would (hopefully) demonstrate a link between the two.

    Free Member

    He’s a brave lad.

    Free Member

    That is just ridiculously brilliant. Loved the riding, the camera work and the music.

    Thanks for posting it.

    Free Member

    Maybe they announced it today so that no one would notice the country paying out millions to people who they colluded in the torture of.

    The Royals did that did they? What a load of bollix.
    I thought we had a Government running the joint and a Monarchy without any real power.

    Anyway, Kate Middleton is hot.

    Free Member

    Attach his mobile phone to the desk using one of these

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